I I The Weather Cloudy, local snow flurries today, rising temperatures- morrow partly cloudy. I Y -.999L LAL. A16P t 9 an ilatio Editorials Build A New Laboratory Theatre . . . Giants Of Industry . . Graft Vs. Industrial Unions . VOL. XLVI. No. 62 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Women To Spe Help With Edi Rackh Expi DailySaleOf G By F Women's Honor Societies How do 000,000 a Will Assist Street Sale Of ask Dr. Goodfellow Edition the Rack Dr. Kn Theta Delta Chi Is long ago position. m education First To Contribute tducayo. tell you. smile, "A Collective Contributions yeast oD Urged; Daily To Award does not .and diffi Prize For Cooperation culean tai millions e Two women's senior honor societiessr Mortarboard and Senior Society, last Mo night announced that their members When t would assist with the street sale of ation und the Goodfellow edition of The Daily Knapp, a to be sold on Monday, Dec. 16 for the not so eas benefit of needy students, under- so much privilegd children and destitute fam- of the wil ilies. ace H. ] Theta Delta Chi became the first within wh fraternity to announce a contribu- very broa tion to The Daily for the Goodfellow explained, fund last night with a contribution needs oft of $25. to choose Jean Seeley, '36, president of the Because Michigan League, offered last night ment and the full cooperation of her organiza- pointed o tion in the distribution of Goodfellow ham gran Daily's to sororities, dormitories and only $527, League houses. cies for c Six women yesterday became lead- he contin ing feminine Goodfellows when they, purpose o as members of Mortarboard senior more cons honor society, arranged to sell the would ber edition. They are: Grace Bartling, we transfe Margaret Hiscock, Jean Seeley, Wini- tional fiel fred Bell, Dorothy Gies, and Julie G Kane. But the Urge Group Contribution in that t Leaders of the Goodfellows are grants for urging fraternity, sorority, and dor- Knapp sa mitory presidents to arrange for a projects h collective contribution by the group period." to the fund, rather than through in- terrific," dividual sale. To the student group finally de cooperating most fully with the move- Graduate ment which. aims to give Christmas grant to t to those who would otherwise go the Found without any, The Daily will present tion and an award. $6,918,950 House presidents are urged to in- tions mad form the Daily Goodfellow editor Factors whom they have appointed as the naming t Goodfellow for their group, and to cipient of what extent they will contribute to upon it, h the fund. Papers to groups who have "to provid contributed collectively will be de- it possible livered by members of the League a period o Council, for the women, and by mem- memorial bers of the Interfraternity Council, wonderful to the men. C Street sale for the Goodfellow edi- tiqn will be managed entirely by the Because five senior honor societies: Mich- friend of igamua, Druids, Vulcans, Mortar- man of th board and Senior Society. ees, and b For the convenience of out of town w called readers of The Daily, faculty, alumni, in Flint t and students not directly contacted, Fund. "mr The Daily prints in this issue a cou- vised mov pon which may be returned to the where we Goodfellow Editor of The Daily with best expe their contributions. cerning t To Aid Needy problems Money from the sale of this edition themselve will be used to give assistance to And Dr. needy students on the campus since the: through the office of the Dean of has funct Students, assistance in supplying the advisor. F necessities of life which are causing en the titl hardships not widely realized. Other. has from money will be used to help under- privileged children who need food, shelter and clothing, medical atten- -R tion through the Family Welfare Bu- reau and with the assistance of trained social workers. Destitute families receiving little or nothing from the welfare or WPA will also be Byl given a helping hand through the Back i same agency. The idea of a Goodfellow edition Roentgen arose in response to a plea by soci- oratory in ology and welfare authorities that the burg,con accepted means of Christmas neigh- with a Cr( borliness often resulted in embarrass- one of the ment and duplication. Handling of Liam Croo the distribution of the funds through ing high-v trained sociological authorities in in a parti conjunction with the local welfare At the groups, the leaders of the Goodfellow througho movement plan to extend the helping out simila hand this Christmas more wisely, and explaining with as high a regard for the feelings within the of those who need a bit of assistance by whichc as is possible. - the gap ir To The Goodfellow Editor: I wish to lend a helping I pin ( nding 15 Millions Is Pleasantj utcation, Declares Dr. Knapp am Fund Director ains That Allocation rants Is Problem FRED WARNER NEAL es it feel to be handed $15,- nd told to spend it? Just Mark S. Knapp, director of ham Foundation. app knows, because not so he found himself in that And the answer? "It'san in itself," Dr. Knapp will "And," he'll add with a pleasure." r. Knapp, modest with 30 nedical practice behind him, tell you all the hard work cult decision that the Her- sk of spending the Rackham ntails. ney Hard To Spendi he Foundation began oper- [er its trustees in 1934, Dr. s director, found that it was y as it might seem to spend money. Under the terms l of its donor, the late Hor- Rackham, the restrictions ich the Fund should go were d and general, the doctor , and out of all the crying the time, the problem was wisely. of the great unemploy- poverty in 1934, Dr. Knapp ut, 68 per cent of the Rack- ts that year - amounting to 110 -went to public agen- harities. "But this year," ued, "it was felt that as the f the fund was to buildtup tructive fields - those that iefit society for all time - erred them to the educa- rants Made Yearly trustees were handicapped hey were allowed to make only one year at a time, Dr. id, whereas most research hardly get started in that The demands upon us were he pointed out, "and so we cided on the University's School." The $6,500,000 he Graduate School brings lation's total gifts to educa- educational purposes up to , or 98 per cent of all alloca- e," he said. which led immediately to he Graduate School as re- the huge sums bestowed e said, were the opportunity e a fund which would make to carry on research over if years, and erect a fitting to Mr. Rackham for his philanthropy."1 tlled From Practice1 Dr. Knapp is a long-time Bryson D. Horton, chair- e Rackham board of trust- rother of Mrs. Rackham, he 1 from his medical practice direct the spending of the mediately," he said, "I ad- ing our office to Ann Arbor, could have at first hand the rt advice in the work con- he many almost unsolvable which I knew would present s to us." Knapp indicated that ever' Fund began, the University ioned as a sort of unofficial President Ruthven was giv- e of "research advisor," and time to time, according to DR. MARK S. KNAPP Dr. Knapp, given advice himself or appointed University experts to give advice to the Fund and its trustees. And now that the $6,500,000 has been given for a new Graduate School, Dr. Knapp indicated, the re- lations of the University and the Rackham Foundation will be closer than ever. The future of the foundation has not been decided upon, Dr. Knapp stated. Whether the remaining funds will be invested and grants made (Continued on Page 6) Major Football Colleges Called Commercialists President Of Notre Dame Demands Retraction Or Proof OfCharges CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Dec. 10. - (/P) -George Owen, Sr., a college profes- sor and father of the former Harvard star halfback, declared today "every college in the country that has a major football team is indulging in commercialism." Owen, a professor at Massachusetts- Institute of Technology, made his charges before the Cambridge In- dustrial Association. Professor Owen branded Ohio State and Notre Dame as the "greatest of- fenders" and included Harvard in the list of colleges he asserted "hired" players. He said the ordinary "pay" of a promising athlelete hired for football was $1,000 or a "soft job" which he termed "the merest sham to cover the real transaction." Professor Owen asserted: "I advocate hiring college athletics just as you would hire ordinary lab- orers. It would be honest and the public doesn't care who the players are or where they come from." SOUTH BEND, Ind., Dec. 10. U-03) - The Rev. Father John F. O'Hara, president of the University of Notre Dame, in a telegram today called up- on Prof. George Owen, Sr., of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, to either disavow a statement that Notre Dame football players are hired, reported to have been made in an address today, or prove the charges. Report Battle On Northern China Front Police D)ef ending Province Are Driven Back With Loss Of Life New EncrarOacclIne On China Apparent Students Strike As Protest Against Detention Of 20 Other Demonstrators PEIPING, Dec. 10. -- () - A Man- chukuan army was reported by Chin- ese sources today' to have invaded southeastern Chahar province and fought a battle with special police in which many persons were killed. Unable to check the tanks and air- planes which the invaders were said to have used, the defending police withdrew into the city of Kuyuan, the reports from Kalgan stated. The area was said to be in a virtual state of siege, with the ever-expand- ing Manchukuan empire holding a new piece of North China territory. Hostilities were reported to have halt- ed. Lieut.-Col. Tan Takahashi, Jap- anese military attache at Peiping, was understood to have urged the head of the Japanese Kwantung army to request Manchukuo to cease the invasion. In reply to representations made by Chinese authorities here, Taka- hashi was reported to have stated that the troop movement was due to a faulty distribution of police in the demilitarized zone in North China. Students of several North China universities, including the American- supported Yen Chiang and Tsiang Hua institutions, refused to attend classes as a protest again detention of more than a score of students who demonstrated against Japan yester- day. The Yen Chiang men students sub- stituted military training for their- regular classwork, while the women students studied nursing and first ,id. This protest followed an angry demonstration in Peiping Monday by 6,000 students, who shouted against the autonomy movement in North China and demanded mobilization of the Army and Navy for war on Japan. Takahashi made strong represen- tations in a call on Mayor Chin Teh Chun, declaring that the demonstra- tions were instigated by the Amer- ican-educated Chinese. Work On New. Junior tLith Is To Start Soon Funds Marked For High School Addition Diverted Jo Project Construction of the city's proposed new junior high school for the west side, to be located in Waterworks Park, will begin within 10 days, Su- perintencient of Schools Otto W. Haisley announced yesterday. The announcement was made after the receipt of a telegram from Dean- Emeritus Mortimer W. Cooley, now State PWA administrator, informing Superintendent Haisley that Federal authorities had approved the request of the board of education here to di- vert the funds earmarked for a high school addition to build the new jun- ior high school. Contracts for the junior high school, which must, under PWA rul- ing, be let by Dec. 15, may, accord- ing to Mr. Haisley, be let at the board of education meeting at 7:30 tonight. Three bids for the general construction were submitted to a committee of the board yesterday by contractors. The school is expected to cost about $325,000, of which the Federal gov- ernment will contribute $130,000. Fourteen class rooms, a gymnasium, and an auditorium are planned for the school building. Mr. Haisley, however, said that if as with similar PWA projects in the past, costs exceed the original esti- mates because of rising construction prices, changes may have to be made in the plans to eliminate some part of the construction now contemplat- Peace Plan Is Dropped ByEngland' British Popular Rebellion Forces Withdrawal Of Approval To Settlement Modified Proposal Is Quickly Drafted Eden Asks For Latitude In Discharging Duties At League Meetings LONDON, Dec. 10. -(P)--Sharp rebellion in the Commons forced the British government today to with- draw approval of the Italo-Ethiopian peace plan drafted by Britain and France last week-end. A modified proposal was prepared late today and dispatched to Rome and Addis Ababa. British opposition, resting on a broad popular base, extended into Conservative ranks in the Commons and into the Cabinet. It was based on the contention that Britain was betraying the League and allowing Il Duce to dictate his own terms of peace. Small Nations Against Duce The sentiment among the smaller nations was that Italy, as the ag- gressor, should be forced to make greater concessions for peace. Other- wise, they felt that large power would be encouraged to prey upor weaker countries with virtual assur- ance that other large powers would pave the way for their escaping with- out heavy penalties. In defending the modified peace proposal, Anthony Eden, minister for League affairs, outlined its general terms before the Commons tonight. Although he refused to divulge de- tails, he said that the plan embraced a mutually advantageous exchange of Italo-Ethiopian territory, League assistance to Ethiopia and establish- ment of a zone of colonization foi an Italian-chartered company. Laval Supports Plan In Paris, Premier Pierre Laval said that France and Britain were in ac- cord on the new peace proposal and indicated that it also would allow Ethiopia an outlet to the sea through Assab, Eritrea, return of the Holy City of Aksum in Tigre Province, the re- mainder of which would go to Italy, and the ceding of Ethiopian territory to Italy in the South. Eden begged the Commons not to bind him at forthcoming Geneva meetings on sanctions "to any par- ticular forms of procedure." "I ask for latitude and for confi- dence of the House of Commons in the discharge of my duties," he said, declaring that the Government's pol- icy remains based "on its member- ship in the League of Nations." Escaped Inmates Sought In County Washtenaw County sheriff's offic- ers last night were seeking three in- mates who escaped from the State Prison at Jackson at 8 p.m. by scaling the wall. The three fugitives were Nelson Silvester, 27, Sam Lied, 25, and Leslie Mauer, 29. Mauer is a lifer. Authorities in Jackson expressed the opinion that the fleeing prisoners had headed toward Ann Arbor. Dep- uties Clyde Bennett and Alex Schlupe were searching for them on US 12 west of Ann Arbor, while State Police cars were concentrated in the area around the intersection of US 112 and US 23. Campus Views With Alarm MonopolyOf Magazine Vendors Monopoly is on the verge of rearing its ugly head on the campus. If pres- ent tendencies continue, it won't be long before you will have no choice -- either you buy your weekly maga- zine from the one vendor, or else you walk half the length of the diagonal if you want your magazine. Yesterday the Saturday Evening Post came out, and there was the us- ual rush of small boys to sell it. Most of them rushed to the circle in front of the library. Such a state of affairs soon became intolerable, as no one could dispose completely of his wares. About 4 p.m. one of the boys had an idea that has made a fortune for many an enterprising individual. He was heard to offer one of his most obstreperous competitors 25 cents for said competitor's retirement from the scene. And it seems that he succeed- ed. Only the approach of darkness (after this transaction had taken some half hour of old-fashioned dick- ering) prevented the ingenious busi- nessman from carrying his scheme to a logical conclusion. Choral Union Presents Fifth Concert Today Koussevitzky To Conduct Symphony Orchestra In 11th Local Appearance One of the largest crowds of the current season is expected to attend the fifth Choral Union concert, to be given by the Boston Symphony Or- chestra at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Serge Koussevitzky, re- nowned' Russian conductor, will lead the group for the fifth time before an Ann Arbor audience. The orchestra will be making its 11th local appearance tonight, hav- ing been one of the outstanding at- tractions of Choral Union Concert series for many years. Tickets Still Available Tickets for tonight's concert are still on sale at the offices of the School of Music on Maynard Street and President Charles A. Sink announced yesterday that there are still a few seats left in all locations. The ad- vance sale to date has been one of the heaviest for a concert this sea- son. President Sink also repeated his warning that all patrons should ar- ,ve at the auditorium in time to be in their seats by 8:15 p.m., as the doors will be closed at that time and there will be no further seating until the conclusion of the first number, which lasts about 20 minutes. Ticket stubs will be required for readmission if any persons leave the building dur- ing intermission. Out Of Town Group Expected In their concert tonight, the mem- bers of the Boston Symphony will be making their only appearance in the State during their present tour, and for this reason a large number of patrons from all parts of the state are expected to attend. The program for tonight's concert is as follows: Handel, Concerto for Strings and Wind Orchestras in F Major; Sibe- lius, "Pohjola's Daughter," Symph- onic Fantasia, Op. 49; Ravel, "La Valse," Choregraphic Poem; and Strauss, "Ein Heldenleben," Tone Poem, Op. 40. INSTALL TRAFFIC SCHOOL GRAND RAPIDS, Dec. 10. - (/P) - Beginning next week, motorists who are convicted of violating traffic laws will be sentenced to attend classes at a traffic school to be operated by the police department. File Motion To Dismiss Cohen Suit Lack Of Jurisdiction Is Given As Reason For QuashingPetition University's Stand Otltined By Burke Action Arose From Refusal To Admit Four Students This Fall A motion for the dismissal of the suit for readmission entered by Dan- iel Cohen, former engineering stu- dent, will be filed by the University this morning in the Federal District Court in Detroit, according to George Burke, attorney for the University. Answering for the Regents and President Ruthven, respondents in the suit, Burke, David H. Crowley, State attorney-general, and Herbert P. Orr, special assistant attorney- general, cited lack of jurisdiction in asking that the petition for a writ of mandamus against the University be dismissed. Cohen, with three others, William Fisch, Joseph Feldman, and Leon Ovsiew, were asked during the summer by President Ruthven not to return this fall because they were "interfering with the work of the Uni- versity and the work of other stu- dents." Jurisdiction Doubted Patrick H. O'Brien, former State attorney-general, and Nicholas V. Olds, counsel for Cohen retained by the American Civil Liberties Union, charged violation of constitutional rights and discrimination against Co- hen and the other three students, who were members of the National Stu- dent League. The motion for dismissal states that the jurisdiction of the Federal district court over original suits at common law or in equity does not ex- tend to original actions of manda- mus; that the real defendent in the case is the State of Michigan, and hence the trying of the case here is prohibited by the Eleventh Amend- ment; that there is no diverse citi- ,enship of the parties, since the State of Michigan is not a citizen; and that there is no real Federal ques- tion involving the Federal Constitu- tion. University Stand Given Regarding the last point, the mo- tion states that the privilege of at- tending the State University comes not from Federal sources but is given by the State; and that the refusal of the privilege in this case by the prop- er University officials does not con- stitute a taking of property without due process of law. The position of the University in the controversy was outlined last night by Mr. Burke, who said: "In this matter, as I view it, the question, if any, will be whether by court action, the University authori- ties may be compelled to accept as a student, one whose attitude toward the institution has been and is such as to cause the authorities to feel that his continued attendance would not be for the welfare of the Univer- sity and the student body as a whole. 'Freedom Not Involved' "It has been my thought that in matters of this kind, the opinion of the responsible officers of the Univer- sity must govern, and that the state, having placed in them the responsi- bility for the welfare of the institu- tion, gave them also the power to enforce such rules as would effec- tuate that purpose. The state not only charges them with the respon- sibility of maintaining the institution, but, also, the funds to that end. It is unlikely that the courts, Federal or State, will care to assume the added responsibility that would come with passing upon the eligibility of stu- dents. "The issue of freedom of speech or freedom of legitimate action is not involved, there having been no at- tempt to curtail either. However, membership in organizations, frater- nal, religious, social, athletic or po- litical, should give to no individual superior rights or privileges over any other student of the University. If such were the case, the thousands of earnest, sincere, and hard working men and women on the campus (Continued on Page 2) ay Invaluable In Diagnosis, Treatment, Study Of Diseases DONALD T. SMITHI n 1895 Wilhelm Konrad was at work in his lab- n the University of Wurz- ducting some experiments rookes tube. This tube was sort developed by Sir Wil- kes of England for study- voltage electrical discharges ial vacuum. same time many physicists ut the world were carrying .r experiments, intent upon g the play of colors set up e tube, and the mechanism currents were able to bridge n the rarified atmosphere. hand to students, ere would be no Many people not interested in phys-' ical problems were familiar with such tubes, for they were sometimes dis- played at evening lawn parties to de- light the guests with their beautiful iridescence. No one, however, even vaguely suspected that a revolution- ary discovery was in the offing as the result of studying these queer, glowing glass tubes. But Roentgen's interest in these phenomena led him to intensive in- vestigations, which at last yielded the discovery of a new and peculiar type of ray which he called the X- ray. These rays, he. found, were pro- duced in addition to the fascinating shades of visible light which many others had seen. This new form of radiation he then showed to be cap- able of penetrating substances opaque to ordinary light. Many uses have been found for this type of radiation, of which undoubt- edly the best known and most wide- spread is that of medical diagnosis. More recently this physical agent has found a valuable place in the treat- Half Of Freshmnen Have Parents Who Never Attended A College From figures released by the Uni- versity statistician, it is apparent that those who never had the opportunity to get a college education certainly want their children to have that ad- vantage. Out of a total enrollment of 1,492 freshmen in all colleges for the fall of 1935, 50.13 per cent, or 745, were sent by parents who had no college affiliations whatsoever. Approximately 46 per cent, there- fore, or 690 of the 1,492 cases, had parents who had at one time or an- other attended a college or a uni- versity. Fifty-four of the freshmen did not answer the question as it was from the University of Maine, to Stanford University in Palo Alto, Cal. Of the total 1,492 cases, 187, or 12.53 per cent of the freshmen had a father, mother, or two parents who attended Michigan. One hundred and sixty one, or 10.79 per cent of the total number, had parents who had graduated from the University. Those who attended Michigan, which in- cludes both those who graduated and those who attended one semester or longer, totaled 348. Of the 161 cases in which parents were graduates of the University, both parents were graduates in 28 cases. More of the fathers of the children and families for w hom th Christmas otherwise. Enclosed find my contribu- tion o~f ONLY9 M ,ore . I