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December 10, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-10

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* n:,.'.->,.m .. .. .,,- m
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;
by mail. $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
brFred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Repo Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
EU~e . Pc~e, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Ecti'ur, Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.

Egypt Vs.
strations in Cairo, although not as
widespread and bloody as the recent outbreaks
in which British troops killed several Egyptian
students, make it clear that sentiment against
England among the vast majority of Egyptians is
powerful and very probably growing stronger.
The strong movement for independence in
Egypt, and the forcible suppression of that move-
ment by British arms, places Great Britain in
a somewhat embarrassing position. Those who
may have been inspired by Britain's idealistic pleas,
for peace in Ethiopia, have here a very concrete
example of British imperialism. It is of exactly'
the same brand as Italy's.
What the role of Egyptian nationalists will be
in coming world disturbances it is difficult to say.
Those who think the American Revolution was a.
good thing must sympathize with the rebellious
Egyptians. Yet it is not impossible that the Ital-
ian Fascists and Egyptian nationalists, with their
mutual antagonism toward England, should see
some practical value in an alliance. But Egypt,
so anxious for freedom from imperialist domina-
tion, would then find herself aiding in the sub-
jugation of another nation.
An honorable Egyptian nationalist could not
do this. Yet by itself Egypt can hardly hope to
become free of England. The Egyptian leader work-
ing for the independence of his country and the
establishment of a free peoples' government must
meet a problem that promises to become increas-
ingly difficult.




Telephone 2-1214


Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.
May We Suggest
A Better Way .. .

Daily only brings in $1, we still be-
lieve it will have accomplished a great deal.
There is something else involved in this issue
than a mere collection of money to help people
-students and local children who find the sled-
ding tough - and there is a point we'd like to
get over, before anything else. That point is this:
there is a charity which is bad, and leaves the
recipient poorer than he was before.
We all know about the "unco guid," Burn's
righteously good people who are so good, and so
patently good, and so patently good for gain, that
we think them inherently bad.
So too with charity. There are some ways of
giving that are wrong. Some fraternities, soror-
ities and dormitories have in the past invited chil-
dren of destitute families to parties, given them
clothes, a good meal and a vision of what is to them
heavenly luxury. From there the children go
home, to drab houses of famine and poverty, and
become objects of curious and envious gaze from
others, who are now doubly unfortunate. We
do them a double wrong: first by singling them
out as people with handicaps, which is insufferable
to sensitive young ones; and second we give what
we do unequally, giving clothes which are spectac-
ular in their surroundings and at the same time
not spreading our help wisely.
These efforts were in good faith and in the
most commendable spirit, but it is our hope that
the helping hand will be more intelligently guided
from this year on.
Thus we are putting out this edition, and thus
the money will be distributed by capable people,
wisely. So too, we are referring to the edition
not as a charity edition, which it is not, but as a
Goodfellow edition, which we hope will be a dif-
ferent thing.
No One
To Turn To...
T ODAY as never before in our mem-
ory neither of the major political
parties has a sizeable constituency, a following
which believes implicitly in its principles.
There are countless who today disagree violently
with the administration for its flagrant spending
and its radical regulation. But where do they
turn, where do they find what they seek?
It is natural that they turn toward the Re-
publicans-- and they find a pre-campaign plat-
form of "rugged individualism," and "back to the
horse and buggy era."
They must choose, then, between going ahead
in the wrong direction at too rapid a rate or
going backward. They listen to the titular head
of the Republican party, Herbert Hoover, and
find a policy of untrammeled and unabated finan-
cial activities -which would lead to the exploita-
tion which we enjoyed in the 1920's.
They look to Roosevelt and see the national
debt rising by leaps and bounds and industry being
bound by myriads of laws which antagonize every-
Senator William E. Borah of Idaho announced
his attitude in the coming campaign Saturday
night. He stood not for Roosevelt or the Repub-
licans. He had a middle course which took planks
from the platform of both parties. He was for less
spending and government control of business, not
as much control as the Democrats desire, but a
good deal more than the Republicans want.
If young Republican leaders would join Senator
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Lettersapublished in this column shuld not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
etters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
The Engineer's Ball . . .
To the Editor:
In the beginning I want to profess that I am
just an ordinary slipsticker - an engineer as it
were, of the class of '37.
Prior to the Engineers' Ball (formal) I spent
some odd moments trying to think of a good rea-
son for such an affair. Or a good reason why
I should go to it.
Seeing some of his students looking at one of
the posters, a professor of mine remarked that
there was a time when the announcement of a
formal Engineers' Ball would have called forth
more drastic ovations than our open-mouthed
stares of wonderment. And I can understand that
a formal ball is as integral to the existence of the
Lit school as whiskers on a Russian general. But
I just couldn't bring myself to pawn a K. & E.
log log duplex sliderule for three bucks to rent
one of those stiff-bosomed suit affairs.
On reading the article in which our reporter
so ably covered the event in Saturday's Daily,
at least one raison d'etre for an Engineer's Ball
becomes evident.
I acknowledge that my reasoning may be abso-
lescent or shortsighted. Therefore, won't one of
my suffering brethren lay aside his work long
enough to give me a better cause for Engineering
Balls than that a squib should appear in the
Michigan Daily stating that he "was seen with Miss
Hepatica Gooseberry in a pink tuffety dress of
Phoenician style with no back."
As Others See It
How Jimmy Gets That Way
(From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch)
IF WE SEEM to hang upon the words of Jimmy
(Little Caesar( Miller, it is because the boss of
the fourth ward is seldom in an expansive mood.
Jimmy's is a world of action. He would much
prefer Napoleon to Talleyrand and would go for
Henry of Navarre but not for Immanuel Kant.
Jimmy has it all arranged, thus: St. Louis will
vote for Roosevelt in 1936 by 25,000 votes; it will
also be for Stark. Dickmann may lose in 1937 if
Franklin Miller or John J. Cochran opposes him
in the primary. Barney has not been-playing ball
with Jimmy and the other boys and has jeopar-
dized his political future. If he plays dead from
now on, the boys may decide to forgive him. That
is a free translation of Jimmy's position.
For the information of the civics class, who may
wonder why a supposedly obscure Justice of the
Peace "rates' in municipal affairs, Jimmy Miller
has 4,000 or 5,000 votes in his vest pocket at
every election. In other words, in a close race, he
may hold the balance of power. Men who seek
public office in St. Louis find it expedient to "see"
Jimmy. With his O.K. a candidate may breathe
easily, for, in addition to the assurance of Fourth
Ward support, he may also count on the support
of Jimmy's friends in other wards. Once a can-
didate is elected, he is in Jimmy's political
debt and there are a great many such men now
in office.
So Jimmy is a power in St. Louis and what-
ever he says may well be pondered. It may be
distasteful to our readers that this is so, which
brings us to the final point: Such men as Jimmy
would be nonentities if there were such a thing as
an active and aggressive interest in public affairs
upon the part of the very ones who conider Jim-
my's dominance distasteful.f
Brown University has a woman candidate for a

The Conning Tower
Saturday, November 30
EARLY UP, and so to the railroad station, and
met there D. Farnham and Mateel, and her
niece from Amarillo, Texas; and so to New Haven,
I working on the train, and walked through the
town, and along Whitney Avenue, and saw a house
I remembered as Will Phelp's, and so rang the
bell, and it was Will's house, and I there a
while, mighty pleasant, and so to Selden Rose's1
for luncheon; and thence to the Bowl, and meti
Ellis Lardner there, she sitting next me; and
was delighted to see the Princetons trounce the
Yales; and R. Ives drove me to Weston, and he
and Emmy to supper, and they home thenafter
and I early to bed.
Sunday, December 1
the snowflakes, beautiful to see; and thought
of a title for Mrs. Pepy's Diary "Little Black;
Sambo Pepys." So up, and fell to working all
the morning; and after lunch by train to the
city, and to my office, where I find that many
persons had corrected my pronounciation of Pel-
ham Wodehouses name, it not rhyming with
roadhouse, but with good house. But I never
heard him correct anybody who called him as I
said it, but it may be that his theory is that the
customer is always right. So home, and thence
to Florence Heifetz's, and had a merry time
there, and Mr. Sterling tells me about gramo-
phone records; that the sale of symphonies and
of what is known as good musique, though that
is almost redundant, is largest not in Great Britain
nor in the United States, but in Japan. So played
a game with a pair of shears, amusing, and so
home, finishing my home work of doing the Cross-
Word Puzzle, easy and soporific.
Monday, December 2
AJIGHTY betimes up, and away to the office I
went, and was there all day, what with many
visitors coming to my office. So on the way home
I thought how Belle Hardwick, leaving her hus-
band in the Wayne house, where much interesting
matter was about to happen, left with regret,
saying "And to think that I've only got Tom to
describe it to me! I wish I'd married Graham
McNamee," and how my wife nudged me, saying
"I know just how she feels.' And that all wives
felt like that, their husbands being laconic, though
I think that non-volubility is a good fault. But
I told her that husbands had no such complaint
most of us being married to the feminine of
Graham McNamee. Yet Graham, for all I know,
is a taciturn fellow at home. But when I reached
home I said "Friends, I left the office of the New
York Herald Tribune, 230 West Forty-first Street,
New York, at 5:43, Perpetual Self-Winding Watch
time, taking the northermost elevator. I entered
the Interborough Rapid Transit Company's station
at Forty-first Street, occupying a seat in a car that
was second from the front. The car, not the seat.
Ha ha. There were thirty-seven persons in the
car, twenty women and seventeen men. The first
woman I noticed was about forty-one years of age;
she was wearing a black coat with black fur collar,
black half shoes, and beige stockings. Sorry, but
my time is up. Tomorrow evening at the same
time. You have been listening to the voice
of Papa." "Oh," said my wife, "I wouldn't be too
certain of that." So to dinner, and by nine o'clock
to bed.
Tuesday, December 3
10 THE OFFICE very zestful, and so home to a
birthday party for my three-year-old boy, no-
body being there but the family, but Lord! that is
enough to congest traffic in the dining room. So
to a cocktail party, as it was well called, at Estelle
Kirby's, and talked with Will Benet ,and a lovely
lady named Bessie Casey, and she tells me she is
an idolator of mine, and I said "An! You mean
the! Which was so graceful but as insincere as
anything ever I said. So home to dinner, and after
it to Ruth Flieshmann's, and talked with Bob
Sherwood and Mrs. Bingham, and we talked of
politics, and agreed that the President had done
mighty well, and Mrs. B. tells me that Herbert
Agar and Nelly are in Louisville, and that he is
writing a column on the Courier Journal. So Kay
Swift come in, and she tells us that she had been
that evening to see "First Lady," and that Mrs.

Eleanor Roosevelt was in the audience, and that.
it seemed to embarrass some of the actors, and
that many in the audience would laugh, at some-
thing in the play, and then look to see how Mrs.
Roosevelt was taking it, and that then they would
laugh again, she appearing to enjoy it greatly.
Wednesday, December 4
ALL THE DAY at the office, and A. Folwell said
"Now that Miss Le Gallienne is playing 'Ros-
mersholm' and Miss Nazimova is about to play
'Ghosts,' one might resurrect Bryant long enough
to say 'The melancholy plays are come, the saddest
of the year.'" So home to dinner, and thenafter
to the Public Library, to read t.he Evening Mail
for October, 1904, and I was treated with cour-
teous efficiency by everybody I requested anything
Thursday, December 5
VERY GAILY UP, and read Donald Robert Perry
Marquis's "archy does his part," very good
nor did I like anything in it better than the poem
on the navy being in town that was printed in
this journal. But what a deeply humorous man
Don is, and far closer to Mark Twain than any-
body I know and am likely ever to know. So to
the office and home at four, and in the evening
out to play at cards with some young cronies,
and lucky ones too, and so home at some godly
hour, and to bed.
Friday, December 6
LAY till past nine o'clock, and recalled having
read that the council, or some authoritative
body in Los Angeles had voted to change the
name of two streets to Will Rogers Highway, and
the Mayor of Los Angeles was in disfavor of it,
saying that it was poor stuff for realty speculators
to capitalize the death of so good a man; which

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. -Uncle
Sam's newest and intended-to-be
most-permanent agency in Washing-
ton, the national archives, is pre-
paring to make its own contribution
to the constitutional debate now rag-
ing on court and political fronts.
It is going to get out the first
official "history" of the constitu-
tion and amendments thereto, ever
compiled. That will be the first doc-
ument to be issued under the author-
ity of the act creating the archives
to compile and publish for general
information from time to time such
works as the publication commission
shall decide upon.
The commission has made the de-
cision, although it has yet to get
congress to provide the funds for the
intensive study of all government
records bearing on the birth and early
changes in the constitution that is
planned. It was not the present
row about the constitution that in-
spired the decision,-however, but the
fact the famous document will cele-
brate its 150th birthday in 1939.
The commissioners hope to have their
history ready then.
** *
INCIDENTALLY, about the only part
of the archives building - a vast
and somewhat somber structure on
Pennsylvania avenue which is to
house permanently the documentary
records of the government - ready
for occupancy, is the niche obviously
designed as the permanent resting
place of the constitution and the
declaration of independence. It is a
huge half circle of stone and steel,
with majestically vaulted roof, all
enclosed behind an ornamental iron
grill work. It is located just within
the portals of the front of the build-
ing, an entrance way so mighty that
it takes two 11-ton sliding bronze
doors; movable only by electric power,
to open and close it.
Within the vaulted niche directly
behind these doors is a raised stone
platform upon which, graced by a
carved stone work, rests a lilted top,
glass-covered case that from its di-
mensions must have been planned
to house those twin precious docu-
ments of the nation.
* * *
N THE MEANTIME, the constitu-
tion and declaration remain in the
custody of the Library of Congress,
the chief tourist lure of that huge
and ever-growing adjunct of the leg-
islative branch of government.
When a definite proposal to trans-
fer the documents to the archives
niche will be made remains to be
seen, as well as how a highly con-
stitution-conscioushCongress might
react to that move.
The Marx brothers are back, and
this time in a picture that is funnier
than anything they have ever done.
There are only three of the original
four mad men this time, but that's
plenty - one more like the rest and
we'd all be in an asylum. And that
brings us to the entire theme of the
picture, which is lunacy of assorted
types and degrees. If you can sit
through it without howling it's time
to start looking for the sense of hu-
mor that you lost.
Groucho is the principal of course,

and was never better. Harpo and
Chico aren't far behind in their cap-
ers, which bring the house down re-
peatedly. Kitty Carlisle sings and
acts in a manner that leaves nothing
to be desired, and Allan Jones, her
hero, has a fine voice and general
The story concerns the efforts of
Chico and Harpo to get Rosa (Kitty
Carlisle) and Ricardo (Jones) into
the New York Opera Company. They
are singing in Milan when Rosa is
signed, with the money of Mrs. Clay-
pool. Groucho is the business repre-
sentative of the latter, and is in love
with her and her eight million dol-
lars. When Rosa goes to New York
the others all stowaway on the boat
and after many adventures Rosa and
Ricardo sing II Trovatore together in
the opening performance of the New
York season.
For the three best scenes in the
show we pick the night of the pre-
miere in New York at the opera house,
the "convention" in Groucho's cabin,
and the bed shifting in Groucho's
hotel room.
About the most striking thing from
the mechanical side of the picture is
its excellent balance, which is shown
by the way the comedy is broken up
with more serious scenes, and vice
versa. Most of the people we've
talked to have already seen the pic-
ture more than once, which ought to
prove something.
The su~rroundin jf rxnruravnincludes1


Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

No. 59

President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to the students on Wednes-
day, Dec. 11, from 4 to 6 o'clock.I
Attention, Patrons of the Art Cin-
ema League: The Art Cinema leagues
wishes to apologize for the unfor-t
tunate mistake made in the opera-1
tion of the film "Maedchen In Uni-
form" on Friday evening in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. If the people1
who attended this showing will send1
their ticket stub or "private show-E
ing blank" together with their name1
and address to the Art Cinema League
in care of the Michigan League, they
will receive a complimentary ticket
for a future showing of another film.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information1
has received announcement of Unit-1
ed States Civil Service Examination
for Negative Cutter, Hydrographic
office, Navy Department, Washington,
D.C. Salary $1,800.
For further information call at 201
Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00l
and 2:00 to 4:00.
Choral Union Members: Members
whose records are clear will- please
call for their Boston Symphony Or-
chestra pass tickets Wednesday be-
tween the hours of 9 and 12, and 1,
and 4. After 4 o'clock no tickets will
be given out. Those whose records
are not clear will please turn their
Messiah copies at once, and receive
back their music deposit.
Intramural Basketball Games start
this week. Games will be played at
4:20 and 5:00 in Barbour Gymnasium
on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday. Come out and support
your house or zone. If you don't
know which zone you are in, come out
and we will tell you.
Sophomore Women: Sophomore
Cabaret dues of $1.00 must be paid
by Thursday, Dec. 12. They may be
paid to any of the members of the
Finance Committee or to Miss Mc-
Cormick in the League.
Contemporary: All those interested
in contributing manuscripts for the
second issue of Contemporary should
leave them in the English office as
soon as possible.
Phi Eta Sigma Initiates. Important
notice. Contrary to the previous no-
tice the initiation will be held at 5:30
p.m., at the Union. Be sure to bring
a large white handkerchief.
Academic Notices
English 122: I shall be unable to
meet my class in Keats today.
C. D. Thorpe.
German 86: Former members of
this class, including those now in the
Medical School, are cordially invited
to attend a presentation of the mov-
ing picture, "The Advent of Anes-
thesia," on Wednesday, Dec. 11, 5
p.m., in the University Hospital Audi-
torium. This film is the one enacted
by the internes of the Massachusetts
General Hospital and previously
shown to the Victor Vaughan Society.
Geology II: The make-up for the
last field trip will be given Friday,
Dec. 13, at 2:00 p.m.
Boston Symphony Orchestra: Dr.
Serge Koussevitzky will lead the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra of one hun-
dred and ten men in the fifth Choral
Union Concert, Wednesday evening,
Dec. 11, at 8:15 o'clock, in the follow-
ing program.
The sympathetic cooperation of the
public is invited, to the end that the
audience may be seated on time. The
first number is rather long, and the
doors will be closed during the per-
formance. The University Musical

Society and Dr. Koussevitzky and his
players, will appreciate sympathetic
cooperation in this respect.
Concerto for Strings and Wind Or-
chestras in F major. Handel.
A tempo ordinario
"Pohjola's Daughter," Symphonic
Fantasia, Op. 49, Sib~elius.
"La Balse," Choregraphic Poem,
"Ein Heldenleben," Tone Poem, Op.
40, Strauss.
The Hero
The Hero's Adversaries
The Hero's Companion
The Hero's Battlefield
The Hero's Mission of Peace
The Hero's Escape from the World
Events Of Today
Forestry: The Western Pine As-
sociation has prepared a talking mo-
tion picture entitled "Harvesting the

TUESDAY, DEC. 10, 1935

Helen Houghtaling, Dorothy Carpen-
ter, Lois Jotter and James Merry Dr.
C. D. LaRue in charge. Anyone in-
terested is welcome to attend.
American Chemical Society: The
December meeting will be held in
Room 303 of the Chemistry Building
at 4:15 p.m. Dr. H. R. Crane will
speak on "Methods of producing ar-
tifically radioactive substances," and
Dr. F. J. Hodges will speak on "Pos-
sible uses of shortlived radioactive
substances in medicine." The first
part of the meeting is open to the
public. At the conclusion of the pap-
ers the annual business meeting will
be held.
The Romance Journal Club meets
at 4:15, Room 108, Romance Lang-
uage Building. Professor Hugo P.
Thieme will talk on "Some recent
rare books" and Professor Charles A.
Knudson will read a paper on "Gane-
lon's Anger." Graduate students are
cordially invited.
Chi Gamma Phi: The fraternity
will hold its regular meeting in the
geography seminar room at 7:45 p.m.
Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, Director of Fish-
eries Research will speak
Adelphi House of Representatives,
men's forensic society, meetsnat 7:30
p.m. There will be a debate and open
discussion on the proposition: Re-
solved, that the United States should
apply the same sanctions against
Italy as the League of Nations does.
Everyone interested is cordially in-
vited to attend.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at eight o'clock in
the Chapel, League Building. Stu-
dents, alumni, and faculty members
are cordially invited to attend.
Hillel Foundation: Dr. Isaacs' class
on Hebrew Customs and Their Orig-
ins will meet at the Hillel Founda-
tion at 8 p.m.
Bridge Group of the Michigan
Dames will hold its regular meeting
at 8 o'clock, Michigan League. The
husband's party previously scheduled
for this date has been postponed.
Bookshelf and Stage Section of the
Faculty Women's Club meets at 2:45
p.m., at the home of Mrs. George Mc-
Conkey, Ann Arbor Hills.
Bibliophiles of the Faculty Women's
Club meets at the home of Mrs. James
F. Rettiger, 510 S. Forest, at 2:30.
Coming Events
Junior Mathematical Society will
meet Thursday, Room 3202 A. H., 8
p.m. Mr. E. G. Begle will talk about
"A Figure Congruent to a Part of It-
self" Refreshments will be served
Psychology Journal Club will meet
on Thursday, Dec 12, Room 3126 N.S.,
7:30 p.m. Recent research on dif-
ferential test scores between psy-
chotic, feeble-minded, and normal
subjects will be reviewed by Miss
Horr, Miss Ban de Vort, Miss Fiske,
and Mr. Alexander.
Alpha Nu Debating Society. On
Wednesday evening, Dec. 11, at 7:30
sharp, Alpha Nu will hold a special
demonstration meeting in the chapter
room on the fourth floor of Angell
Hall. New students on campus have
been invited to be the guests of the
evening; many distinguished Alumni
of Alpha Nu are expected to be pres-
ent. It is especially urged that all
old and new members of the society
attend this meeting.
Cercle Francais: After a short busi-
ness meeting, the Cercle will have it
annual Christmas party, Thursday, at
7:45 in the League.

Public Health and Hygiene Club
has been reorganized with Micheal
Kunzman as president. The club will
meet at the Michigan League Thurs-
day, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. to complete
plans for the Christmas party to be
held at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing, Dec. 18. All students of the
department are urged to attend.
Catholic Students: There will be
a Christmas dance for Catholic stu-
dents tomorrow night, in the church
hall. Bob Steinle's Union orchestra
will play from 8:00 to 10:00. All stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
invited. Admission will be 25c.
Garden Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will meet in the main
library at 3:00 p.m. Wednesday, Dec.
11. Mr O I Gregg, of Michigan State
College, will be the speaker
The Garden Section of the Wom-
ens' Club and the Ann Arbor Garden
Club are cordially invited.
Druids will hold a luncheon meet-
ing at 12:15 Wednesday in the Union.
Michigan Public Health Club: All
students working in any phase of

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