The Weather Fair and colder today, with moderate to fresh westerly winds. L Sir igtazi ~aitp Editorials May We Suggest A Better Way ... No One To Turn To... VOL. XLVI. No. 61. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS liar' Cry ID-0 isrupts NICPlan Furniture Manufacturer Hurls Charge At Berry, Industrial Coordinator Hint Break-Up Was Plotted By Industry 'I'll Make You Eat It, Eat It, Eat It' Is Reply To Accusation Of 'Liar' WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. - () - In the tumultuous aftermath of a shout- ed "You're a liar," Maj. George L. Berry today firmly resisted an effort to scuttle his plans for forming a Na- tional Industrial Council intended to help government hasten recovery. Delegates to his Conference of In- dustry milled about in noisy confu- sion as Berry refused to permit a speech by John W. O'Leary, former president of the Chamber of Com- merce of the United States and squelched a motion that O'Leary be made the chairman of a committee of business men to survey the situation. How deeply the "breakup" effort was rooted in organized big business was a matter of conjecture, but it was generally known beforehand that such an attempt would be made. Lat- er several sub-groups of the confer- ence turned down the National Coun- cil idea. Formation Of Body Doubtful Since these groups included such essential sectors of industry as ma- chinery and equipment, makers of mill products, structural materials and the like, some thought the for- mation of the Council problematical, to say the least. But Berry, as National industrial co-ordinator, the director of what is left of the old NRA, renewed his ap- peal for the creation of such an or- ganization when the day was over, with a radio address asserting that co-operation between business and the government was essential if the depression was to be conquered. The more than 2,000 delegates met en masse this morning to hear a statement of purposes from Berry. The plan was that they should then split up into small round-table groups composed of representatives of related units of industry. Demands Recognition But before this could be done, O'Leary was on his feet demanding recognition. With the delegates startig to disperse, one proposed that O'Leary be made the head of a committee to look into the situation. It was lost in confusion and loud shouts of "no." "Very sorry," Berry roared, cup- ping his hands, "but it doesn't go over." A. P. Haake, of Chicago, represent- ing the National Furniture Manufac- turers Association, demanded recog- nition. It was denied. He asked the "right of an American citizen" to talk immediately. "You know you were sent here to dynamite this meeting and I'm not going to let you do it," Berry said. "You're an unqualified liar," shout- ed Haake. "You're another, and if you come up here I'll make you eat it, eat it, eat it," Berry responded. There was an uproar. Members of the labor delgation shouted "sit down, sit down." Berry stayed on the platform, Haake on the floor. Tri-Delts' Visitor Skips Before Police Arrive It was in the wee small hours at the police department Monday morn- ing when the usually silent switch- board buzzed. The desk sergeant an- swered the call. "This is the Tri-Delt sorority at 718 Tappan Ave. calling," complained a sweet young voice. "There's a man in the house!" "I'll take care of that right away," answered the police sergeant, and countered by sending Officer Gains- ley, Smith, Michelson and Goken- bach to visit the girls. The first call- er, however, had left by the time they appeared. ~, 91 Students Seek Jobs, Homes As Graduate School Moves In Several Will Lose Jobs At Freeman's, Perry's, At Close Of Semester By RICHARD G. HERSHEY Ninety-one students will either be forced to find a new place to live or a new place to work because the University has acquired an additional block for the new building of the Rackham School of Graduate Studies, a survey conducted by The Daily shows. Of the total, 49 must find dif- ferent living quarters and 42 must locate new jobs. Most of the num- ber who have to find rooms have already moved out of their first quar- ters while most of those who had jobs in the eating places in the block will keep their same positions until the close of the first semester. Seventeen girls who lived in two League Houses, most of whom have already vacated, also had to move because the University bought the new property. Two Eating Houses In Blok There was a total of 35 housing units in the block, this including the apartments, eating places, and vacant properties. There were two eating houses where students worked. One was Free- man's Boarding House, which em- ployed 40 students, and the other was Perry's cafe, which formerly em- ployed 11 students. The proprietor of the cafe stated that as a result of the acquisition of the first block early in the fall, his business fell off badly because so many students moved to other parts of the district. He employed at first 11 students, but at the present time employs only five. Both the cafe and Freeman's will remain open until the close of the first semester, unless both pay rent to the University by the month to stay open until June. 17 Good Apartments In contrast to the first block, where there was but a small num- ber of apartments, there are 17 in the second block. All are in good condi- tion and of the number 12 were lo- cated1 in a structure built within the last three or four years. Most of the property owners in the block grumbled very little about having to move. The proprietor of one of the apartment houses stated that he was "perfectly satisfied with the agreement with the University." "Besides," he added, "what couldi we do but go along with the state? Some of the people around here were yelling about the offers they got for their property but these were cer-1 6,000 Chinese g Students Riot Against Japan PEIPING, China, Dec. 9.-((P)- Six thousand students angrily dem- onstrated against the North China autonomy movement today and de- manded mobilization of the Army and Navy for war on Japan. Their demonstration, finally sup- pressed, immediately brought a for- mal Japanese protest. Lieut. Col. Tan Takahashi, Japan- ese military attache here, made strong representations in a call on Mayor Chin Teh Chun, declaring] that the demonstrations were insti- gated by American-educated Chinese. The students demonstration was' the first such event in years. Thirty of them were arrested and many were hurt in a clash with police. tainly in the minority. The number who'got gypped is comparatively small," No special notices have been issued to the owners, it was found, but the agreement reads that all properties, except the two eating places will be vacated by the first of January. The Ann Arbor Trust Company ne- gotiated with the property owners after an appraiser had been sent to every individual. The company set- tled with the property owners sep- arately and then the company dealt directly with the Rackham Fund committee. The work on the second block will start the first of the new year, but the exact time the University ad- ministration expects to be able to have work start on the building con- struction is highly conjectural. The labor of razing to the ground the buildings in the first block acquired in the fall is progressing fast, two houses having been demolished and all but one having been vacated and partially worked on. $1,357 In New Pledges Added To Fund Drive $43,682 Total Reached; University Group Nears Sum Given Last Year Additional pledges of $1,357.92 were announced yesterday by auditors for the Ann Arbor Community Fund in their drive for $55,000 to finance so- cial and welfare work during the coming year. The total amount pledged is now $43,682.92. The Junior Chamber of Commerce, meeting last night at the Commerce Building, completed plans for secur- ing pledges from those whose cards had been returned because they had not been contacted by regular work- ers in the formal drive. The special committee, organized to secure further subscriptions from those who probably do not under- stand the purpose of the campaign and are able to give larger sums, has already started its work. Announce- ment of a pledge from this group is expected the latter part of the week. Contributions from the special, in- dustrial, general and University di- visions comprised the pledges report- ed yesterday, the latter group giving over $200. A total of $16,740.59 has been reported by all the units of the University to date. This is less than $300 short of the sum contributed last year, and all reports are not yet in. NYA Checks Ready For Students Today Thirteen hundred National Youth Administration checks for work done in November, totaling more than $17,700, will be issued, starting at 8 a.m. today. NYA workers may receive their checks at the Buildings and Grounds Department in the Storehouse and are urged to call for them immediate- ly, according to Harold S. Anderson, cost accountant of the Buildings and Grounds Department. LUNCHEON CLUB DATE CHANGED There will be a joint meeting of the two freshman luncheon clubs on Thursday of this week instead of the usual date, it was announced last night by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of students. Court Denies Bruno' s Plea For Review Carpenter's Chances Of Escaping Chair Narrow After One-Word Verdict Defense Considers New Trial Demand New Execution Date For Hauptmann Will Be Set By Judge Within Week WASHINGTON, Dec. 9. - (IP) - Bruno Richard Hauptmann's chances of escaping the electric chair were definitely narrowed today when the1 Supreme Court, in a one-word ver- dict, refused to review his convic- tion for the kidnap-murder of tiny Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr. The one word was "Denied." Only two avenues remained open to the former Bronx carpenter and one-time German army machine gun- ner. One is an appeal for clemency to the New Jersey Board of Pardons. The second is a petition for a new trial if fresh evidence can be found. IHauptmann Quiet Hauptmann's counsel promptly as- serted at Trenton, N. J., that the de- fense was considering asking for a new trial on the basis of "evidence" not yet disclosed. In the death cell there the German himself received the news quietly. Still asserting his innocence, he was described as smil- ing when he said: "Well, sorry you couldn't bring me any better news." "I do know that despite everything he will come home again," was the verbal reaction of Hauptmann's wife, Anna. Supreme Court Justice Thomas W. Trenchard, who presided at Haupt- mann's trial, will set a new execution date within the next week, legal au- thorities at Trenton believe. The law requires that the date shall not be earlier than four weeks nor more than eight weeks after the day a new death warrant is signed. May Apply To Board Once a new date has been fixed, Hauptmann's attorneys may make application to the Board of Pardons for clemency. The drama that many sought in the Supreme Court's action here was lacking. Most of the crowd that packed the sumptuous court room of the new and shining marble building, in fact, had no knowledge whatever :f the high tribunal's refusal to aid the convicted kidnaper. They might as well have been a thousand miles distant. The decision was announced at the top of the first of three sheets of mimeographed "orders" handed to newspapermen by court attaches. It merely gave the title of the case "Hduptmann vs. New Jersey"-- and then said: "Denied." Farm Bureau Hails Speech By Roosevelt Applauds His Claim Of Victories In Restoring Rural Buying Power CHICAGO, Dec. 9. -(IP) - Presi- dent Roosevelt and the American Farm Bureau Federation shook hands today on the New Deal's agricultural program. His recital of triumphs claimed for measures to restore rural purchasing power - frequently interrupted by cheers from the estimated 19,000 per- sons attracted to the opening session of the Federation's 17th annual con- vention - was capped by pledges of support for Roosevelt farm policies1 from the organization's president, Ed- ward A. O'Neal. In International Amphitheatre at the stockyards, capitol of the corn belt which has been looked on as one of the, chief battlefields of the 1936 campaign, the President delivered what many observers regarded as his opening bid for farm ballots. Then from Chicago, accompaniedI by Postmaster General James A. Far- ley, he went to South Bend where hec nointed to America's traditional re- Supported By Faculty Goodfellow Daily Sale And Student Leaders Will You Cooperate? "The plan of The Michigan Daily to publish a Goodfellow number for the purpose of raising money to assist the needy I con- sider a very worthy one. Most of us know of cases of real distress, and this method should commend itself to all of those who would like to lend assistance.. -President Alexander G. Ruthven. "Christmas comes to us as a test of our thought for others, especially the needy. Sometimes we fail in this test by not recogniz- ing the opportunity, and it is forever lost. The Daily gives us a gentle reminder." -Junius E. Beal, Regent of the University. "I am in hearty accord with the proposed plan for raising funds to be used for the benefit of needy students and of the under. privileged children of Ann Arbor. Anything which the student body through its fraternities, sororities and unorganized members can do, will be greatly appreciated by the beneficiaries. "The plan, as outlined in The Daily seems to meet the situation in a most satisfactory manner and to avoid the disadvantages of in- dividual efforts in this field. I sincerely hope that the project will meet with the support and success which it warrants." -J. A. Bursey, Dean of Students. "I believe that as an example of the good social service and of good citizenship the project which The Daily is sponsoring is admir- able and deserves the whole-hearted support of students and their friends."' -Alice C. Lloyd, Dean of Women. "The proposal to issue a special Christmas edition of The Michigan Daily, thetproceeds of which are to be used to render assistance to needy students and destitute families, will, I am con- fident, meet with enthusiastic approval. With the generous support of the various campus organizations, of the student body as a whole, and of the faculty, the Goodfellow Edition should provide a fund that will permit many, through giving and receiving, to enjoy more fully the spirit of the Christmas season." --Edward H. Kraus, Dean of the Literary College. "The Daily Goodfellow Fund is going to make possible real family Christmas celebrations in many Ann Arbor homes. Children will be able to hang up their stockings and receive the gifts which you have formerly given them two weeks before Christmas, just as if Santa Claus had left them there. "Your money will in this way reach more children than it has ever done before, will give them more lasting pleasure and will serve the double purpose of making it possible for parents to seem to give these gifts to their children." -Maybelle H. Whitney, President Family Welfare Bureau. * * * * * "From the review of many family problems I am convinced of the harm that comes from misdirected charity. The care of family social problems which involve children requires information and judgment. These child problems are likely to be badly handled when the chief consideration is the emotional satisfaction of a giver. "As a member of the Family Welfare Board I shall be much pleased to see students make their donations to the responsible agent for proper sharing among under-privileged children of Ann Arbor." -Dr. Warren Forsythe, Director Univ. Health Service. Member of Board, Family Welfare Bureau. * * * * * "The Christmas parties given by many fraternities and sororities have been important events in the lives of needy children. No one could criticize the spirit that has inspired them. But as a method of meeting the very great need that continues to exist among many poor families they are clearly ineffective. The Family Welfare Bureau exists for the purpose of organizing the limited resources available in the community for caring for numbers of families that are still on the margin of subsistence. If cash gifts to the Family Welfare Bureau can take the place of entertainment for a few se- lected children, there can be no doubt that real needs will be cared for in a far more systematic and effective way. The program of The Daily deserves the support of all members of the University com- munity." -Prof. J. P. Dawson, Law School, Member of Board, Family Welfare Bureau. * * * * * "The very fact that thousands of heads of families are being transferred from direct relief to WPA in this county means that many of those families will between now and Christmas receive only about $28 in actual cash. From this they must pay rent, fuel, grocery and clothing bills. This will be the first cash many of these families will have seen in two years. It is quite evident that this small wage will soon be expended for the bare necessities of living. Therefore The Daily Goodfellow Fund will make possible gifts and clothing and real cheer for the children in these families." -Mildred A. Valentine, Supervisor of Field Work, Sociology Dept. Letters Are Sent To All Fraternities, Sororities And Dormitories Messages Signed By Prominent People Money Raised By Sale Of Paper To Be Used In Aid Of NeedyStudents Michigan's student and faculty leaders yesterday announced a staunch and unanimous support of the specialhChristmas Goodfellow edition of The Daily to be sold on Monday, Dec. 16, the money from which is toassist needy students, local children, and destitute families. President Ruthven, Regent Junius Beal, Deans Joseph A. Bursley, Alice C. Lloyd, and Edward H. Kraus, as well as University and local sociol- ogical authorities agreed in urging campus support of the project. Fraternity, sorority and dormitory presidents are receiving letters today announcing the plan and asking co- operation. The letters are signed by the following student leaders, in ad- dition to Deans Lloyd and Bursley: Jane Arnold, president of Panhellen- ic Association, Jean A. Seeley, presi- dent of the Women's League, George R. Williams, president of the Inter- fraternity Council, William R. Dix- on, president of the Men's Council, John C. McCarthy, secretary of the Union, John A. Cawley, president of Michigamua, William R. Reed, presi- dent of Druids, Frank Denison, Jr., president of Vulcans, and Thomas H. Kleene, managing editor of The Daily. Daily To Give Award The letter appeals to heads of stu- dent groups to select one or two stu- dents to handle distribution within the group. An award will be given by The Daily to the organization or student group which shows the great- est cooperative spirit in the campaign. Senior honor societies are meeting this week to organize crews for street. sale of the issue. The money which is gained through the sale of the papers and from the advertising which is carried in the issue will form a special Goodfellow Fund which will assist needy stu- dents through the office of the Dean of Students, and will give aid to chil- dren in need and destitute families through the agency of the Family Welfare Bureau. Through these means, the Goodfellow Fund leaders hope to eliminate duplication and embarrassment to recipients of aid. The letter announcing the plan reads as follows: Assistance Solicited "Many fraternities, sororities, and dormitories have traditionally ob- served the Christmas season with parties for unfortunate children and with direct assistance to destitute families. Highly commendable though this effort is, the results have too frequently been unfortunate: first, because direct relief is often embar- rassing to the recipient, and second, because some children were getting four sweaters and others none. "This year, to remedy these diffi- culties and to include the entire stu- dent body in these humane efforts, The Daily is issuing a special Christ- mas Goodfellow Edition on Monday, Dec. 16, to be sold to students, fac- ulty, alumni, and townspeople. The proceeds from the sale of this edi- tion will be used to aid needy under- graduates, through the office of the Dean of Students, as well as children and worthy families, through the local Family Welfare Bureau. "We earnestly solicit your assist- ance in planning this project. In addition, we ask that you assist in arranging for the distribution of these special Goodfellow Dailies to mem- bers of your group. The fraternity, sorority, or dormitory showing the most cooperative spirit will be recog- nized by an award to be presented by The Daily." Hundreds Slain In Italian Air Attack I Z10- rrn- X Boston Symphony To Appear Tomorrow In Concert Series Making its only appearance in the state, the Boston Symphony Orches- tra will play before an Ann Arbor audience for the eleventh time tomor- row night in Hill Auditorium. The organization, one of the best-known in American musical ciwrcles, will bring 110 pieces to the city for the fifth concert of the Choral Union series. In the 55 years of its existence the orchestra has established an en- viable reputation among music-lov- ers of the country and tomorrow's concert is certain to draw many pa- trons from all parts of the state. The idea for an orchestra of this type came to the late Maj. Henry A. ductors have led the group in the half-century of its existence. The first of these was George Henschel, and he was followed by Wilhelm Ger- ricke, Arthur Nikisch, Emil Paur, Max Fielder, Karl Muck, Henri Ra- baud, and Pierre Monteux. Serge Koussevitzky, the present conductor, has been at the head of the orchestra since 1924. Symphony Hall in Boston, the pres- ent home of the orchestra, was built in 1900 when Gericke was at the head. Koussevitzky, who will lead the orchestra tomorrow night, has been described as "the great Russian con- ductor who brought new beauties to No Word In Rome On War 'Shutdown' (By The Associated Press) A screen of silence in Rome sur- rounded the expected "shutdown" Monday on the Italo-Ethiopian war. Premier Mussolini, in a brief ad- dress to the Senate, did not mention directly a new Anglo-French pro- Japan Blocks Cut In World Navies LONDON, Dec. 9. - (P) - A quick Japanese "no" stood out sharply to- night against a background of sur- prisingly favorable naval conference reaction from other quarters to Amer- ica's proposal that the world's sea nowers cut their navie s r y90 n