8, 1935
4E.* 3R'aEC4 lema ' '1
Michigan Prep
Coaches Adopt
New Pivot Rulei
Long Debate Ensues Over !
Advisability Of Adopting
New Ruling
Varsity Letter At
Any Price For Jabby
Agitation over History Repeats Itself As Former Tank Western State
Footal aRules ldays Purdue
SStarsSplash Again n Intramural Pool Play.rdt
Crops Up Aoaim __-- ---__ Monday Night
John (Riegels) Jablonski wasn't
abashed about his break into the
Normal scoring column last
night, at least not much.
Coming off the floor he re-
marked, "I've tried for two years
to get an 'M' and haven't made
it so I thought I'd make a bid for
a 'Y'."
Legality of Jablonski's play re-
mained in doubt after the game.
Rulings provide that the ball may
be taken into the back court only
by a player who has intercepted a
Pass from out-of-bounds, as Her-
man Fishman had done, but by no
other. Observers were in doubt
as to Jablonski's exact position
when he took Fishman's pass to
score a basket.
Meeting here yesterday in their
12th annual rules interpretation ses-
sion, representatives of more than
150 Michigan high schools adopted
by an overwhelming vote the new
basketball rule concerning a player's
remaining in the free throw area
more than three seconds.
After considerable debate on the
advisability of adopting the new rule
it was finally put to a vote after a
motion to continue playing under the
1984-35 system had been defeated. As
adopted the rule reads: "a player
shall not remain in his free throw
area, with or without the ball, for
more than three seconds while the
baill is in play and in the possession
of hiis team." However, it was also
decided. to follow the Western Con-
ference's interpretation that the of-
ficial should act leniently in the
matter, using the so-called "long
Long Discussion On Change
A number of coaches, athletic di-
rectors and officials gave their views
of the situation. Outstanding were
those offered by Coaches Carty and
Beebe of Detroit Northwestern and
Battle Creek and those by officials
Miller and Spurgeon of Kalamazoo
An exhibition in the morning at
the Intramural Building by the De
troit Northwestern five and by St
Augustine of Kalamazoo was attended
by nearly 1,000 and although pri-
marily an exhibition in defensive and
offensive styles, it furnished an excel-
lent test for the new rule.
Other Rules Adopted
Other recommendations concerning
the new rules were quickly adopted,
of primary importance being the ad-
dition to the rule concerning putting
the ball in play following a success-
tul free throw.
It rastdecided that there should
be no time outs taken by the team
scoring on the free throw between the
time the point was made and the
time the ball it put in play; also that
the scoring team should not be al-
lowed to substitute during that time.
The additions do not apply to the
team putting the ball in play.
The interpretations meeting was
held in Hill auditorium in the after-
noon. All those attending tpe an-
nual conference were guests of the
athletic department at last night's
basketball game.
A.A *U Fails T1o
Mention Owens
On onor List
NEW YORK, Dec. 7. - (A) -- Ten
American athletic stars, including
four women, were named today as
"finalists" in the annual contest for
the Sullivan Memorial medal, award-
ed by the Amateur Athletic Union
to the individual contributing most
to the cause of sportsmanship.
The list was presented today to
the annual A.A.U. convention by Gus-
tavus T. Kirby, chairman of the Sul-
livan Memorial Award Committee, as
a result of preliminary country-wide
balloting. A final poll will be taken
to select the winner.
Conspicuously missing from the
list is the name of Jesse Owens, Ohio
State's sensational track and field
performer, four of whose world rec-
ord performances are slated for
A.A.U. approval. Eulace Peacock, of
Temple, rival Negro who beat Owens
twice in the National A.A.U. track
and field championships, is among
the candidates for the award.
Owens was eliminated from final
consideration for the award appar-
ently because of the controversial na-
ture of his service as an honorary
page boy in the Ohio Legislature
while performing with the track
team. Owens, who broke three world
records and equalled another in the
Big Ten meet at Ann Arbor, Mich.,
last May 25, finished among the first
five in the preliminary voting to se-
lect the final ten.
W. Lawson Little, Jr., world ama-
teur golf champion, whose omission
from the 1934 list caused criticism,
is among this year's finalists.
Delegates commented on the fact
the list includes Jack Medica, Seat-
tle's ace swimmer, but not Ralph
Flanagan, of Miami. who conquered
Medica in the National Outdoor
aquatic championships in Detroit this
year at 880 yards and one mile.
in trying to walk. on
icy streets itl/h run-
down heels.
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Mad iison Bell, Sends
S. M. U. To Fame
DALLAS, Tex., Dec. 7. -(P)-Mad-
ison A. Bell, new ringmaster of the
famous "aerial circus" at Southern
Methodist University of Dallas, Tex.,
moved into the head coaching job
behind Ray Morrison and made good
immediately. Morrison answered the
call back to his Alma Mater, Vander-
bilt, to succeed Uncle Dan McGugin,
and apparnently took none of the
circus props along.
Among the coaching assignments
prior to his present one were at
Texas Christian and Texas A. & M.
Dallas' present Public Hero No. 1 left
the Aggies to become Morrison's as-
sistant in 1934 and moved up to the
front office after last season, in which
the flying Mustangs won eight, tied
two and lost two.
-. --
Critics Want Revision Of Three tall shadows ,historical fig-
urs1 W n Reiin fores out of a glorious past, are hov-
Conversion Point And eying over the Intramural pool, pre-
Penalty Provisions paring to take to its waters once
I again and revive memories of the
Agi- days when they led Michigan to na-
NEW YORK, Dec. 7.-W)o th--a gi-ue tional swimming championships.
tation for revision of the football rules 1 Dr. Paul (Buck) Samson, John
has cropped up again. Schmieler, and Taylor Drysdale,
It seems to be based on (1) the characterized by Coach Matt Mann
time-worn idea of "doing some- as the three most outstanding swim-
thing about the point after touch- smers ever to perform as Wolverines,
are returning to take part in Olympic
down; (2) the notion, based on a few Preparation Gala to be held next
striking examples, that penalties Friday night.
should not be so severe upon the de- All three were Varsity captains in
fending team near the goalline, and their time, all gained All-American
(3) the belief that all possible steps honors, and each won at least two
theul belief tat all posle, sts National Collegiate titles.
should be taken, by regulation, to Schmeiler Was 'Iron Horse'
safeguard against injuries and Coach Mann rates Schmieler as the
deaths, the number of which has been standout swimmer of the three, be-
high this season. cause he was among the country's
Most of the agitators for changes, very best in three strokes while a
prompted by sudden or unusual do- member of th Varsity in the first
velopments, fail to take into account three years of the present decade.
that such things cannot be regulated, Dubbed by local observers "Iron
that the rules only can go so far to- Horse," the powerful Detroit product
ward bringing about the fairest pos- often sacrificed personal glory to
sible balance and that, finally, the bring Michigan much-needed points
game owes much of its tremendous in any event in which he was called
appeal to the very fact that anything upon to compete.
can happen. Despite the disadvantage of being
unable to specialize, however,
Schmieler was good enough to win
the 220-yard free-style in record
time in the Conference meet of 1932
after he had captured the 200-yard
breast-stroke race in the same meet.
He swam to victory in the breast-
stroke event in the National Collgiate
championships in 1931 and 1932, and
competed as a member of title-hold-
ing medley relay teams at free-style,1
breast and back-strokes.
Samson gets Coach Mann's nod as
the best captain ever to pilot a Wol-
verine tank squad. "Besides being
the leader of all college free-stylers
at any distance from 50 yards to a
mile, Buck was the best leader of
men I have ever coached," the veteran
mentor states.
Distance Star Of '26, '27
At present attached to the staff of
the University Hospital, the towering,
husky Samson was a double winner
in the distance events in the Big Ten
meets of 1926 and 1927, and won both
the 220 and 440 in the Nationals of
1927. In that year'he received first
All-American honors in the 100, 220,
and 400, and second position in the
"Drysdale, who was co-eaptain of
the Wolverine natators last year,
holds the unique distinction of never
having lost a race while officially rep-
resenting Michigan. Competing in
1931, 1933, and 1934, Drysdale won
three Conference and three National
championships in the 150-yard back-
stroke. He is at present holder of
the record in his favorite event in
both Big Ten and National Intercol-
legiate competition.
World's Best Backstroker
But the tall, slim Drysdale, whose
swimming is rhythm in perfection, is
by no means a specialist. Many have
called him Michigan's greatest all-
around swimmer. He is present hold-
er of the world's record for the 300-
yard individual medley, and was a
member of the national champion-
ship sprint relay team last spring. He
outdistanced Japan's best back-
strokers as a member of the United
States team in the Orient last sum-
KALAMAZOO, Dec. 7.-The West-
ern State Teachers court five which
met Purdue last year for the first
time, will invade Lafayette again
Monday night in one of two games
slated for the Readmen this week.
While Piggy Lambert, Purdue
coach, has lost some of his stars, he
always can be depended upon to. have
a team that is in the running for the
Western Conference title. Knowing
the material Lambert has at his com-
mand, the Hilltop cast is expecting
the Boilermakers to flash another
great team Monday night in their
opener before the home folks.
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