- PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DECEMBER K, 1935 PAGE FOUR SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1935 U THE MICHIGAN DAILY -.- Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50., Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elisie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies,Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. lI :I i 1 i but the number is being reduced daily. And in this regard, it is significant that the business spurt reported by Dunn & Bradstreet is absorbing many men. Federal public works projects are going forward rapidly, and Mr. Hopkins himself said here recently that by December he hoped to "substantially relieve" the unemployment situation here. If the claims of the administration are valid, the public works program will ring the final knell of the depression., It is also significant that as business becomes better, the opposition of business men to the New Deal increases. Certainly it would greatly aid recovery if the New Deal would drop its "attacks" on business. But on the other hand, the New Deal program has as its objective the cleaning up of some of the more unsavory aspects of our economic system, and as such it should proceed in its task uncom- promisingly. We do not think it should stop com- pletely and allow recovery before forcing reform, but neither do we feel that it should seek reform in a manner which jeopardizes recovery. It is not a dilemma, and the solution lies in a better and more efficient administration of the program we call the New Deal. THE FORUM BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY Take Liquor Control Out Of Politics ... THE STATE Liquor Control Com- mission since repeal has handled the liquor situation in Michigan in a way that has satisfied practically no one. This is as true of the Democratic as of the Republican adminis- tration. There have been many justifiable complaints against the commission's confused policies of ad- ministration, and more serious charges concern- ing particular acts of the commission. Certainly the liquor problem is not one that is insuperable. The administration of a thing like this will always find disfavor among indi- viduals, it is true, yet it is silly to believe that an intelligent and professional handling of the problem will not be recognized and appreciated by the great majority. But this intelligent and professional administra- tion will come only when liquor distribution is taken out of the hands of politicians. In none of our governmental departments is the need of a non-partisan, expert force under civil service reg- ulations so apparent as in the state liquor adminis- tration. Things That Fame Won't Do... FAMOUS in his way, the creator of Mickey Mouse knows the limita- tions of celebrity. Thirty-four years old this week, Walt Disney commented: "Many young people ask me how it feels to be a celebrity. All I can say is that it is a fine thing when it helps to get choice reservations for a football game. It doesn't feel so good when an autograph enthusiast picks you out of a crowd. Most of the time, I imagine, celebrated people just don't go around feeling that they are celeb- rities. As far as I can remember, whatever celeb- rity I have, has never helped me make a good picture, or a good shot in a polo game, or command the obedience of my daughter, or impress my wife." Despite a sudden rise to fame, on the crest of a wave of popularity in which Mickey Mouse became the best known ambassador of America in foreign lands and a popular favorite of children and adults alike in this country, Disney has no misconcep- tions about the power of such widespread recog- nition. Public greatness is fickle and transient; a man's own greatness endures after changes of taste, modes and fashions. America's great men are not to be found on our front pages. Note well those words: "whatever celebrity I have has never helped me make a good picture." We Are Outu Of The Woods ... B USINESS IS ENTERING the final month of 1935 in a fresh burst of activity, Dunn & Bradstreet's weekly review said Thursday. In itself the report means little or nothing. Always as the holiday period begins, business im- proves. But the review goes further to compare the present spurt with that of December 1934. Wholesale orders "bulked larger by 20 to 25 per cent" than a year ago," the review declared, and it gave retail trade at a 5 to 15 per cent increase. That statement is significant. It is a definite Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Oil And War To the Editor: To those Americans who are really sincere in their view that the United States should keep out of the present European difficulties, the an- nouncement of Secretary of Interior Ickes that the United States will not include oil in its list of em- bargo products should be a real encouragement. This fact should prove to The Daily editorial writer that the United States is neutral in its atti- tude. And rather than upbraid Secretary Ickes or the present policy, I can see definite advantages in such a stand. As far as can be seen, the only nations intrin- sically interested in stopping Italy's warfare are England and France, and especially England. If the United States would have said that she would have included oil in her list of embargo products it would definitely have placed her in accord with England, and that, most certainly, is not the act of a disentangled nation. The danger of a World war has come since England became actively antagonistic towards Italy's Ethiopian activity. We would indeed be dull if we could not see that it is against Britain's interest for Italy to succeed in her present efforts. It is a bit difficult then to understand the state- ment, "European nations making an effort to pre- vent war,' when the threatened "Oil Embargo" initiated by England has been the closest thing to bringing about a World war. Of course, even Italy admits that such an oil embargo would neces- sitate a cessation of activities in Ethiopia, but it would be no guarantee of a prevention of war against England and France in order to proceed with these - activities. Certainly the latter means a greater war and a greater evil. This so-called "support of the United States" in joining such an oil embargo would mean two things: an understood sympathy or alliance with Britain and France, and most assuredly an hos- tile and antagonistic attitude on the part of Italy against us. The writer admitted that "any effort to sell Italy oil - should meet with American boycott, not as a nation," but he goes further in stating that we should boycott as individuals, which seems that he is saying the same thing twice seeing as how we are American individuals. Everyone knows The Standard Oil Company is a selfish capitalistic concern which would sell to anybody to make money. It seems a late date to try to curb or change this policy. It also seems a late date to notice the "glorious old Dollar Dilo- macy of our country." It always has been here. The present European situation has just brought it to light once more is all. But the important thing is for Europe to "clean its own back yard," and for the United States to stay clear of the resent entanglement. Contrary to the belief expressed in the editorial, the Euro- pean nations do not need the support of the United States because, upon close observation, any fair person can see that every European nation is a selfish nation and that their needs are selfish needs. It seems a bit hard to be reconciled to Britain's bitterness toward Italy's policy of con- quest when every student of history knows that she amassed her own empire in just such a manner. Too many times has the United States been ex- pected to pull the "chestnuts out of the fire." If France and England or any other European nation insists upon placing themselves in an inextricable position, they will have to learn the lesson of pull- ing themselves out by their own bootstraps! -Miss Olympia La Marca. As Others See It Significant News Bits (From the Columbia Missourian); DESPITE INDICATIONS that only one cent of every $42 will be collected, the federal govern- ment prepares to inform debtor nations that a total of $965,414,177.54 falls due the middle of next] month. ; France finds the franc facing devaluation as' gold flows out of the Bank of France and intoI foreign vaults. Financiers claim the franc is still The Conning Tower Excursions on the Rim of a Cipher I Sober, I find The world a slow place; Drunk, that liquor Gets me no place. II When you're away, I'm less than gay; When you are near, I'm equally drear. III The world would be An O.K. place, But for most Of the human race. IV The child whose genius A parent will own up, Later becomes An average grown-up. V For words Father Coughlin Is never at a loss. (His stuff strikes me As chapelsauce.) VI Shakespeare's stuff The world still cherishes; I add my bit To the verse that perishes. FREDERIQUE Queen Elena -of Italy, for the benefit of the compiler of Hitherto Secret Things - has chucked in her wedding ring as a contribution to the gold fund. It is twenty years or so since Mr. Archie Coate's prophetic song appeared in The Con- ning Tower: "He Sold His Mother's Wedding Ring to Buy a Ukelele." If the Mdivani boys would give their wedding rings to some cause, that contribution might run into money. "I regret," said Italy's monogamous King, "that I have but one wedding ring to give my country." IT GOES LIKE THIS Sir: No banker ever told Mr. Roosevelt that America could stand a debt of fifty billions. Even if a banker did say that, he was just a teeny weeny little banker. And even if a little cross roads banker did say that, he did not mean it. Even if he did mean it, he meant it back there when America was still in the hands of Americans. And even then, he did not expect ever to be publicly quoted. Finally, even a banker could have been shell- shocked in '32 and '33, but things are different now F.A.S. Jr. If the Tammany atmosphere is wanted in that civic anthem the city should go to the author - is it Benjamin Hapgood Burt -of "When We Ran With the Old Machine." CASUAL AVERSION NO. 3 Bounce a brick off the oafish bean Of the ouphe who toots when the light turns green. JUNIUS COOPER This is a big country, its soft heart reaching from the rock-bound coast of Maine to the klieg- lighted studios of California. It will read col- umns of political dope, and skip all the stories about the Morro Castle trial. FROM COL. RUSSEL ("POKER-NOSE") CROUSE Suh: I am glad, suh, to see due tribute paid to my alertness on the draw. Who is this E. Philips Oppenheim? Has he ever heard of the night Honeychile Bamberger, a little bit of ole Phila- delphia white trash, drew four slices of rye bread to a kicker and caught a salami sandwich on white with mustard? If I recall the occasion cor- rectly, I shot it right out of his hands into the bread line, suh. COL. RUSSEL CROUSE, of the Kentucky, Georgia, and some parts of Mississippi Crouses. Miss Jehanne de Marea, senior in the Julia Richman High School, has written a poem - "Love" -that is included in "Anthology of Con- temporary American Women Poets." In yester- day's World-Telegram Mr. William Engle inter- viewed her. She is wise for seventeen when she says about free verse, "I think you ought to know all there is to know about form before you try to put feeling into free verse." She has her predilections and her contempts. She is no Kip- ling fan, but when she says "Those Princeton seniors calling 'If' the greatest poem in the Eng- lish language," we object. They didn't; the fresh- men, and now and then the seniors, vote "If" their favorite poem, but they usually go Keats and Shelley when they are voting for the greatest poem in the language. The interviewer didn't ask -or Miss de Mare didn't say - what her favorite poem was nor her selection for the greatest poem in the English language. For her sake we hope that she has none. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. -Back in the depression dark ages-only a year ago, to be precise, when New Dealers from the President down were avoiding carefully recovery claims and predictions - a voice arose out in the midlands loudly pro- claiming: "I suggest that not later than (next) June or July should be the commencement of the year of full business prosperity in the country." Thus General "Hell 'n Maria" Dawes spoke on Dec. 12, 1934. Against the immediate uproar of protest by professional economists against the Dawes "recovery formula" upon which his predictionwasbaseduthe general stoutly clung to it. And if ever a man had an opportunity to do a bit of "I-told-you-so" gloating the general is that man as he con- templates recovery headlines in the press just a year later. * * * ENERAL DAWES did not claim i to be the seventh son of a sev- enth son or that he was otherwise specially gifted for prophecy. He had observed, he said, that in the previous great depression and in 1873 and 1893, it had taken just five years and seven months for "mass confi- dence" to replace "mass, fear." Us- ing the heavy durable goods market index as his guide, he set the June or July date for the start of the up- ward trend. It was just a question of superimposing charts of previous de- pressions upon the present situation, he said. The college economists scoffed at the Dawes prophecy. Some "anti- New Deal groups wondered what was the matter with Dawes. They saw New Deal propaganda value in what he said. Senator Thomas, Utah Democrat, a college economist in private life, saw another angle to it. By Sep- tember, with Dawes repeating his thesis as an accomplished fact, Tho- mas had to admit that the general's dates had proved good but insisted that his prediction "is based on a fallacious reasoning." The Dawes formula was nothing more to the professorial senator than 'a new and attractive way of saying: 'Let nature take its course, time solves all things.' THE VALUE the Dawes remarks of a year ago might now have for political campaigning purposes crops up in this Thomas estimate of them. The Republican contention, as voiced by such party spokesmen as Repub- lican Chairman Fletcher to say nioth- ing of Herbert Hoover, Ogden Mills et al., is that recovery is coming de- spite, and not because of New Deal expenditures. They cannot well point to the Dawes formula to show that vast governmental expenditures had delayed it; but neither can the Demo- crats claim they expedited theup- swing. The thing still is strictly on the Dawes schedule. The '36 campaign outline suggested in President Roose- velt's Atlanta speech invites Repub- lican appeal to the Dawes formula to show that administration "emer- gency" measures merely piled up na- tional 4debt needlessly; that time would have done the job anyhow. THE SCREEN AT THE MAJESTIC "THE MELODY LINGERS ON" **plus. Featuring a splendid cast, excellent direction, and a good story, "The Melody Lingers On" is one of the better pictures of the season. Jose- phine Hutchinson is easily the stand- out of the picture ,duplicating the re- markable performance which we still remember in "Oil For The Lamps Of China." Her part in this picture re- quires a great deal of ability and in- terpretative power, and we doubt if there are many who could have done as well. George Houston is good though not exceptional in his part, which is really not big enough to give one a proper impression of him. John Halliday gives the steady performance that is typical of him. The story is laid in Italy in the days of the World War and at the begin- ning finds Anne Prescott (Josephine Hutchinson), an American, studying piano. She meets Houston, an Ital- ian captain who is an opera singer, while he is on leave and they fall in love. Marriage is prevented because of lack of time, and Houston goes back, where he is killed. Anne leaves her baby in a convent and after trying to steal him back a year later she goes away and becomes a renowned pian- ist. Years later she traces her son, Guido, and finds that he has been adopted by a wealthy Italian couple who want him to go into the diplo- matic service. Anne nersuades them to allow him (Continued from Page 3)] Allegro] "Polijola's Daughter," Symphonic Fantasia, Op. 49, Sibelius. "La Balse," Choregraphic Poem, Ravel. "Ein Heldenleben," Tone Poem, Op. 40, Strauss. The Hero The Hero's Adversaries The Hero's Companion The Hero's Battlefield The Hero's Mission of Peace The Hero's Escape from the World -Conclusion. Events Of Today Stalker Hall: Class on "The Social Responsibility of a Christian" led by Prof. Lowell J. Carr, at 12 o'clock noon. Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday. Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak on "Literature." Fellow- ship Hour at 7 p.m. All Methodist students and their friends are in- vited. First Methodist Church: Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "The Book of Books" at 10:45 a.m. First Presbyterian Church. At 9:45 Dr. Lemon will lead the dis- cussion in the Westminster Forum on the subject, "The Essence of Reli- gion." 10:45, Morning worship service. Dr. Lemon preaches the second in a series of Advent sermons upon the theme "The Making of God's Gentle- man." 5:30, The Westminster Guild Fel- lowship Hour with cost supper. 6:30, Dr. W. D. Henderson of the Extension Division will speak to the Westminster Guild upon the theme, "Human Nature in the Bible." 6:00, The Tuxis Society will hear Dr. Lemon speaking on the subject, "The Meaning of Life Found in Great Stories." The Young Married Peoples Group of the Church will hold its Christmas party on Tuesday night, Dec. 10. Young married couples of the faculty or among the graduate students con- nected with any Presbyterian church are invited. Each person is asked to bring a ten cent toy. The party will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Kunkel, 1417 South Uni- versity Avenue. Harris Hall: The regular student meeting will be held in Harris Hall Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Mr. Harold Gray will be the speaker for the evening. His topic is, "An Ex- periment in Community Farming." All Episcopal students and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Church: Services of worship Sunday are: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. Church School; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Ser- mon by the Reverend Henry Lewis. First Baptist Church. 10:45 Mr. Sayles speaks on "The Martyr Prophet." 8:00 p.m., Dr. Charles L. Pannabecker, '24Med., and Mrs. Pannabecker, who have spent eight years in Kai Chow, Hopi, China, will be guests of the congregation and will recount some of their experinces. Friends are cordially invited. Roger Williams Guild, 12:00 noon class today. 6:00 p.m. Summing up discussions of the past four Sundays, Miss Margaret Lada and Wesley Pur- kiss will present some problems of the home as the background of youth delinquency and of Christian social action. Refreshments and a social hour will follow the program. Congregational Church: 10:30: President Joseph Brewer of Olivet College, guest speaker. Sub- ject, "Quality versus Quantity in Ed- ucation." Professor Preston Slosson will give the second address in the monthly series on "Great Protes- tants," speaking on "Fox and Penn, Prophets of the Inner Light." 6:00, Student Fellowship with sup- per. At seven o'clock President Brew- er will talk on "New Attitudes in College Education." Church of Christ (Disciples) 10:45 a.m. Morning worship with sermon by Rev. Fred Cowin. 12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class: Continuation of the discussion on the teachings of Jesus. Leader, H. L. Pickerill. 5:30 p.m., Social hour. 15c supper served. 6:30 p.m. Forum. Speaker: Assist- ant Dean W. R. Humphreys. At the speaker's request a number of ques- tions regarding the Bible were gath- ered from the members of the Guild and given to the speaker as a basis for his address. This program is in observance of Universal Bible Sun- day. Guests are welcome. Lutheran Student Club will meet at 5:30 o'clock in the parish hall of the Zion Lutheran Church on East Washington Street. The entertainment will he hv talent hymn service will be held at 6:30. All Lutheran Students are invited. Zion Lutheran Church: 9:00 a.m., Sunday school. 10:30 a.m. Service with sermon on "The Translated Bible." 5:30 p.m., meeting of the student club. 7:30 p.m., Holy communion service. The International Panel, in Room 316, Michigan Union, at 4 o'clock this afternoon, will be addressed by Dr. Kodanda Rao ,the distinguished Hindu leader, associate of Ghandi, and member of the Friends of India Society. He will speak on "Why the Division of Civilizations into Eastern and Western?" His talk will be fol- lowed by a general discussion. Foreign students of all groups and American students as well as all others interest- ed in international affairs are urged to be present. Hillel Independents: Regular short business meeting at the Foundation 7:45 p.m., followed by dramatic and musical entertainment. All mem- bers are urgently requested to attend as some very important matters are to be discussed. Scalp and Blade will hold its form- al initiation at the Union, 4:30 p.m. All members and pledges are request- ed to attend. Room to be posted. Phi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary fraternity, will have a supper this evening at 6:30. Members are requested to sign at the Union desk as usual. An initiation, to be held Dec. 10, will be discussed at the meet- ing, and the Ensian picture question will be taken up. There will be no speaker. Supper is 35c. The Singing Chorus of the Sopho- more Cabaret will meet at the League today at 2:30 p.m., and on Monday at 5:00 p.m. Room will be posted. Genesee Club meets at 4:30, at the Union. All Rochesterians are invited to attend. Varsity Glee:Club Rehearsal, this afternoon at 4:30. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. Unitarian Church. Candlelight service, 5:30 Mr. Marley will speak on "Will the Liberals Lead?" discussion, 7:30 p.m. Open House at 9:00 p.m. welcome. p.m. the topic Student All are Coming Events American Chemical Society: The December meeting will be held in Room 303 of the Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 10. Dr. H. R. Crane will speak on "Methods of producing artificially radioactive substances," and Dr. F. J. Hodges will speak on "Possible uses of short- lived radioactive substances in medi- cine." The first part of the meeting is open to the public. At the con- clusion of the papers the annual business meeting will be held. Mathematical Club will meet on Monday, Dec. 9, 8:00 p.m., 3201 An- gell Hall. Professor W. S. Kimball, of Michigan State College, will speak on "A new approach to the Calculus of Variations." Acolytes will meet Monday, Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m. 202 South Wing. Professor Roy Wood Sellars will read a paper on "Social Attitudes and Social The- ories." Study Tour for Foreign Students: Foreign students who join the study tour next Monday, Dec. 9, will be shown the Stearns Collection of Mu- sical Instruments and will be given a brief lecture on this including col- lection. Students will assemble promptly at 4 p.m. in Room 201, Uni- versity Hall. Scabbard and Blade: Special meet- ing Monday night, 7:30 p.m., in the Union, room posted. Corps Area In- spector H. L. Kibler will be present, ' Luncheon for graduate students on Wednesday, Dec. 11, at 12:00 o'clock, Russian Tea Room, Michigan League Building. Cafeteria service. Profes- sor Arthur E. Wood, Director of Cur- riculum in Social Work, will speak informally on "The College Graduate in Public Service." Michigan Dames Tour Group will meet Monday, Dec. 9, at the Uni- versity Hospital, second floor iaiting room. All Dames are cordially in- vited to attend this meeting. Bridge Group of the Michigan Dames will hold its regular meeting at 8 o'clock Tuesday, December 10, Michigan League. The husband's party previously scheduled for this date has been postponed. Michigan Dames Book Group: To avoid conflict with the Boston Sym- phony concert, Wednesday evening, Dec. 11, the Michigan Dames Book groun is nostnoning its regular meet- Speaking of poets netted by the recent are going to benefit and poetry, how much was Poetry Ball, and what poets financially by the receipts? From Vienna Mr. Robert Haven Schauffler writes that he has been seeing the result of Max Reinhardt's recent labors at Hollywood. "He appears,"' he says, "to have confused two classics: "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Puck's Bad Boy."