TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1935 PAGE ELEVEN New Plans Are Announced For StanleyChorus Tryouts Will Be Held In League This Week; 150 Voices To Be Chosen A complete re-organization of the Stanley Chorus which was incorpor- ated as the Women's Glee Club into the League last year was announced by Ruth Rich, '36, president of the group. Achilles Taliaferro will direct the club. Tryouts are to be held from 3 to 5:30 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday in the Garden Room of the League. From this group 150 voices will be -selected to form the chorus, doubling the number of voices in last. year's group. The Stanley Chorus will devote its time to presenting every type of musi- cal program ranging from the typical- ly classical to the very modern, in- cluding a few popular arrangements. Plans have been made for the chorus to present weekly concerts at the League Sunday night musicals. In addition, the group will appear at the regular League teas, dormitory "sings," and local as well as out-of- town club programs. The first semes- ter's concerts will be climaxed with a formal Christmas program to be pre- sented in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Plans are being made now for the chorus to take an active part in the Sophomore Cabaret and the Junior Girls' Play. The Freshman Glee Club has been abolished, and will be incorporated in the Stanley Chorus. Officers of the club include-Ruth Rich, '36, president; Eileen Lay, '37, vice-president; Mary Baxter, '37, secretary; Billie Trebil- cock, '36, treasurer; and Mary Thompson, '37, social chairman. League Of Voters Hears State Chairman Speak An open meeting was held Friday afternoon in the Alumnae room of the League by the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters. Mrs. Edward Bryant, of Birmigham, state chairman of the.division of gov- ernment and education, spoke on the methods of study and of planning and work. She noted particularly the changing spirit of public thought in regard to woman's place in the social and economic scheme and insisted that government is taking part in the direction of business and in the con- trol of production and distribution. Mrs. Bryant also spoke of the state convention to be held in Detroit on Oct. 13, 14, and 15. a 2 4a.. / 9 1.95 in the Fashion Annex The blouse and skirt outfit - the unbeatable for that "style security" that does things for every woman's ego. And these can't fail you- especially when the blouses are in satin and crepe laces or velveteens and the skirts are in wools of popular fall shades and plaids. others To Initiate Series Activities Fill Program For New Students (Continued from Page 9) men and women with whom the new students will be associating. Among the members of the faculty who were introduced to the new stu- dents were: Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Miss Jeanette Perry, Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Miss Marie Hartwig, Mrs. Joseph Bursley, Miss Ethel McCor- mick, Prof. Philip Bursley, Mrs. Philip Bursley, Miss Elizabeth Lawrie, and Mrs. S. Beach Conger. The treasure hunt was held imme- diately after the conclusion of the dinner in order to acquaint the new women with the entire building. The group working with Ruth Rich, '36, and Mary Jane Pardee, '36, was the first to finish the course. Each mem- ber of this group was awarded a col- ored pictorial map of Ann Arbor. The League continued its social ac- tivities Saturday when a capacity crowd filled the ballroom for the opening of the Silver Grill. An inno- nation this year is a complete re- dccoiions of the room. Al Cowan's orchestra, eated on the newly erected platform in front of a silver and olack drape, furnished the music for the dance. The balcony was likewise robed in black and silver with spot- lights focused to bring out the mod- ernistic design. STANLEY CHORUS Anyone interested in playing the piano for the Stanley Chorus is to, call Ruth Rich, '36 for information at 23203. State Chibwomen To Hold Join Annual Session Here The State Federation of Women's Clubs and the fourth annual Adult Education Institute, sponsored by the University of Michigan Extension Division will meet in joint annual session on the campus October 14 to 18. A series of varied educational lec- tures will be given each day. Eve- nings will be devoted to business meetings of the federation. BELLE SHARMEER /' ,/ - Dean Alice B. Lloyd will open the series of lectures for freshman women in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre to- morrow. [Accessori~e : ?.": i:w ": i}i}: iii .: ?. {"i r' I N 7 .t t 5 { n4 i O D U CE S .n :: ,. ; ,;' -as advertised in Vogue & Harper's GLOVES Invisible Check Camels Hair Kid..... Fabric.. Black, Brown Green; White 1 195 up , , a hint of . 1.00 up Far East in Introducing Jacobson's own par- ticular bright star in sport coats: "the invisible check" - jaunty little swagger in a special camel's hair,, deliciously soft. Popularly priced plaid backs in half-belted NEW 9- PAJAMAS Crepe.... Satin.-. .1.95 up FALL COL and full swaggers ar naturals, browns and 19.95 to 39.75 SLIPS Famous. 'Ba rbazon' 3.95 and up in the Hot Shop ... Nothing simple and girl- ish about the Fall 1935 1 .95 up edited in greens. MAIN ) STORE -- ROBES Flannels. 5.95 up SCARFS Sets... .1.00 uP Jacobson's Read The Want Ads The Foot Size Has a Number The LEG SIZE Has a NAME Brev . . . . . for shorts Modite . . for mediums bow hat. I t's a wicked velvet for your best moments-ideal for rush- ing teas. Others in felt. Duchess . Classic . . . . . for tails . for plumps ® Indra, Simoon and Deva ... new Belle- Sharmeer colors as unusual and as lovely as their names. Pick Indra ... a new, rich brown ...for yourdark browns and greens. Simoon is one of the dark-bright brown tones, for ginger brown, rust and green. And, for your oxblood shoes and copper rust wools, you must have Deva. It's the lively beige that's so hard to find and so fine to wear. All in Belle- Sharmeer's made-to-fit proportions for shorts, mediums, talls and plumps. Sheer and service weights ... exclusive here SO MAIN Q STOR'E 1.00 -1.35 5.095 in the Fashion Annex ;ii-i? >:' "' cr a w of sc A F Campus parisiennes are all rossed and barred and plaided nd pleated in rabbit hair wools 'ith buttons plink down the front r wool plaids with cashmere ; carfs and a swishy little girl skirt. Iso in marvella and velveteen. ootball shades and combinations )thers 7.95 Thumbs-up Crepe Suave newcomer to informal afternoon fashions - a nice, new nubbly stuff in black and warm autumn shades - the style is young and casual- suited beauti- fully to informal teas and dinners. Pre- sented in Camel Suedes and Friendship Crepes in one- and two-piece frocks with accessories modeled in strictly renais- sance styles. Cocktail dresses in ham- mered satins, crepes and velvets have the renaissance influence-and can't fail the fall rushee - colored in autumn green, dubonnet, mist blue and, of course, black. 4 1 2.95 to t45.00