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December 07, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-07

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E. G. Johnston,

Prof. Maddy Broadcasts By

Country Enters

the 1934 comparative averaging 5 Co15prcn o h onr sa
to 5 pr ent orte counrynas a
whole,' it stated.
"Wholesale orders for Christmas

:rator Is Present
At Illinois Meeting

L' High Head,
Wins High Post
Principals' Association Is;
Addressed By Purdom At
Annual Meeting
LANSING, Dec. 6. -(P) - The
Michigan High School Principals as-
sociation, closing its annual conven-
tion, elected Ray Bechtold, Flint, as
president to succeed Forrest G. Aver-
ill of East Grand Rapids. It chose
Edgar G. Johnston of Ann Arbor as
vice president and E. E. Johnson, Ish-
peming, secretary and treasurer.
Mr. Johnson is principal of the
University High School in Ann Arbor.
T. Luther Purdom, in charge of
placement for the University of Mich-
igan, told the assembled principals
yesterday that it is up to the teacher
to discover youthful misfits, because
doting parents are slow to realize
their childrens' backwardness in
He recommended a diagnosis of
each child to determine for what he;
is best equipped mentally and phys-
ically. The information, he said,
should guide the child into study
courses that will help his later life.
Purdom asserted one third of all
college students who flunk are above
the average in intelligence. He said
generally these failures are due to
the fact the student has enrolled in
acourse for which he has no natural
(Continued from Page 4)
Mrs. Pannabecker, who have spent
eight years in Kai Chow, Hopi, China,
will be guests of the congregation and
will recount some of their experinces.
Friends are cordially invited.
Roger Williams Guild, 12:00 noon
class today. 6:00 p.m. Summing up
discussions of the past four Sundays,
Miss Margaret Lada and Wesley Pur-
kiss will present some problems of
the home as the background of youth
delinquency and of Christian social
action. Refreshments and a social
hour will follow the program.

Radio,_Uses Recording Set-Up December With
'Phonographs Perfectly applause, horses' hoofs, and the shuf- Business Spurt
Synchronized For ,W fling of feet. Uleman stated used to
be imitated in the studio whenever Cold W ah '
Program,' Says Abbot necessary. Now, however, records ofColW ather, Snow Cause
the noises are made, thus providing Retail Increase, Says Dunn
Prof. Joseph Maddy of the school a convenient source of sounds. And Bradstreet
of music, has "put one over" on WJR, the Detroit station over

merchandise in several divisions have
Milton B. Trautman, assistant cur-
2 ator of fishes of the Museum of Zoo-
than a year ago," it added. logy is attending the first meeting
"Wholesalers had another good of the North Central States Fish and
week, orders for holiday wares con-
tinuing to mount and mail requests
for heavy clothing and winter mner-
chandise gaining abruptly, as stocks
at retail dwindled under the pressure
of insistent consumer buying.
"Shipments were more frequent
and in larger bulk than during the'
week preceding, and orders from
salesmen in rural areas revealed ar:
urgent need of goods.

Game Conference at Urbana, Ill., this
Mr. Trautman will present a paper
on the organization of the proposed
field of activity of the conference
and will report on the work in Mich-
igan toward stream and lake im-

Amos and Andy, who went hunting -ihich the University broadcasts, re-
and failed to broadcast. the latest cently took advantage of the facilities

reports from the University Broad-j
casting System indicate.
Having given music lessons every
Monday morning over WJR from
Morris Hall, Professor Maddy recent-
ly was almost stumped when he was
called out of town and feared he
would be unable to give his customary
radio talk. Prof. Waldo Abbot, who
is in charge of the University sta-
tion, came to Professor Maddy's aid,
however, suggesting that the latter
take advantage of the recently in-
stalled recording apparatus.
A record of the lesson was made'
by Prof. Maddy before leaving Ann
Arbor. His speeches were timed ex-
actly, so that Professor Abbot, who
also appears on the same program,
could speak when his cue came. When
Monday came, the program went off
without a "hitch." According to Tur-
rel Uleman, assistant director of the
station, WJR commented favorably
upon the broadcast.
The recording equipment has found
many other uses since it has been
installed, Uleman said. Many alumni
clubs and other organizations desired
to have President Ruthven and other
notables speak to them, but because
of their inability to -attend, the re-I
carding equipment was employed.
The words of the speaker, as he
talked at the studio at his leisure,
were transmitted upon records, which
were played at the alumni meetings,
Uleman explained.j
The radio sound effects, such as
For Christmas Baking
Best Quality, New Crop
Nut Meats at Attractive Prices
MacDonalds, next to Stadium

of this apparatus, Uleman said. The
mechanism was taken to its studio,
and as a University extension class in
radio broadcasting produced the ac-
tual noises, recordings were taken.
Four or five different kinds of ap-
plause were taken, Uleman said, be-
ginning with the spontaneous and
united applause and ending with the
scattered, but gradually crescendo
Many of the students in speech
classes also have recordings taken
before and after they have taken
1hese classes, in order to see what
improvement has been made in their
vocalization. Seldom, said Uleman,
do any of the students recognize
their voice.
Dean James B. Edmonson, of the
School of Education, returned yester-
day from Louisville, Ky., where he
has been attending the Convention
'of the Association of College ancd
Secondary Schools. He addressed
the convention Thursday and spoke
on "Needed Changes in Secondary
1 Education."

NEW YORK, Dec. 6. -(P) - Bus-
iness entered the final month of the
year with a fresh burst of speed, Dun
& Bradstreet, Ipc., said in its weekly
review issued today.
Cold weather and snow brought in-
creases in retail sales in all parts
of the country, the survey said. "The
advance from the previous week's
level was one of the widest in nearly
six months and ranged from 8 to 20
per cent, with the estimated gain over

"In a number of lines difficulty was
experienced in obtaining shipments
on dates specified, and shortages to-
gether with the heavier demand
pushed prices more definitely up -
ward," the review concluded.

... -ter ,. _ "" - ma y ?... ,
q+uNb rp _ '
. k .
yk it ."

Bri fgs
_lesii I s

Saturday Special
2 doz. for 25c
We Deliver
Baking Company
210 N. 4th Ave. Ph. 6564






Join Our
SE aa~aS

Fores:,t Avenue Market


727 North University
Phone 9797
50c - $2.50



530 Forest Avenue
FISH ........

Phone 4251
15c Ib. to 30c lb'.

Ann Arbor Savings Bank

SHORT RIB BEEF............13c lb.
CHOPPED BEEF.............20c Ib.
OUR SPECIAL COFFEE.......19c lb.
CREAMERY BUTTER.........37c lb.



Church of Christ (Disciples) Sun-
10:45 a,m. Morning worship with
sermon by Rev. Fred Cowin. ~
12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class:
Continuation of the discussion on the
teachings of Jesus. Leader, H. L.
5:30 p.m., Social hour. 15c supper
6:30 p.m. Forum. Speaker: Assist-
ant Dean W. R. Humphreys. At the
speaker's request a number of ques-
tions regarding the Bible were gath-
ered from the members of the Guild
and given to the speaker as a basis
for his address. This program is in
observance of Universal Bible Sun-
day. Guests are welcome.
Zion Lutheran Church, Sunday.
9:00 a.m., Sunday school.
10:30 a.m. Service with sermon on
"The Translated Bible."
5:30 p.m., meeting of the student
7:30 p.m., Holy communion service.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Sunday.
Chief worship service will be held
at 10:30 with sermon by the pastor
on "Our Bible." This service will be
in observance of the 400th annivers-
ary of the English Translation of the
Bible' 5:30, Lutheran Student Club
in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. A
hymn service will be held at 6:30. All
Lutheran Students are invited.
Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
9:30 a.m., Church School Session.
10:30 a.m., Morning worship. Ser-
mon topic: "The Peacemakers." This
is the seventh sermon in a series on
the Beatitudes.
7:00 p.m., Young People's League.
Hillel Independents: Regular short
business meeting at the Foundation
Sunday, 7:45 p.m., followed by dra-
matic and musical entertainment. All
members are urgently requested to
attend as some very important mat-
ters are to be discussed.
Mixed Swimming, badminton, and
volley ball at the Intramural Build-
ing, 7-10 p.m. For students, faculty
members. Every Saturday evening.
Price 15c per person.


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