PAGE TOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRII AY, DECEMBER 6, 1935 PAGE FOUR FILWAY, DECEMBER 6, 1935 - m THE MICHIGAN DAILY invitation of the consul and then, because the consulate is comfortable, the food good, neglected to move out again when the scare passed. What really makes the British corresondents chew their moustache tips is that the Americans are beating them to the news and then informing them that the consul is not at home when they call. They were guilty of writing up a press con- ference before it happened, the Britishers charge, and then they gave the consul sleeping tablets so that he could not appear. "There were recriminations,' reports Harold Denny, Times correspondent, "and fist-fights were narrowly averted, which would have been the -The Conning Tower THREE MOUNTAIN SONNETS UP AND ACROSS... The blind hand gropes and searches For any hold on treacheries of stone Where loosened pebbles slip from perches To drop -and strike - and drop - till shown, Precisely as a clock, how far the fall. This is the foothold here, and there1 doubtful they have the crack Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. first actual had actually hostilities the corresondents here seen in Ethiopia." EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR .............. THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.................JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women'sDepartment: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-1214' BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER .. .. MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER .. ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising,William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park;Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: CLINTON B. CONGER Usefulness As Well As Honor. . IME WAS WHEN Michigan hon- orary societies were just that - honorary for the members of the group. After initiation and election of officers was over many of these groups dropped out of active existence until time for another selection of members. More recently these campus societies have been performing more useful functions than the mere' honoring of members. The leader, and in many' ways the best example, in this transition to use- fulness has been Senior Society, honorary society for senior non-affiliated women. Last year they were active in effecting the organization for inde- pendent women. The Assembly, voice of non- affiliated women on campus, was the result of this effort. This year the Society has continued its usefulness by offering a $50 scholarship for sophomore women. It would seem that at least one group has appreciated the fact that it is their duty to foster scholastic achievement as well as to recognize it. It might be well for the multitude of campus honor groups to heed this example of Senior So- ciety, examine themselves, and see if they are doing everything possible to justify their existence. Poor, Poor Benito-. . POOR, browbeaten Dictator Mus- solini is beginning to look less and less like a Caesar, and more and more like just Benito Mussolini. To add to the Duce's many burdens, Emperor Haile Selassie has stated that his country "will never give up a single foot of Ethiopia under any kind of plan," And that other conquering lion, Great Britain has decided that Mussolini is not in a receptive mood for peace overtures. It also appears that the fortunes of the Italian forces in Ethiopia are not prospering too well. There have been no reports of successful battles or important gains, even though it is pretty gen- erally known that almost all bulletins are given out to correspondents by the Italian government. Italian military officials appear very much pained by the fact that the Ethiopians are well armed, and blame this fact upon European na- tions. Surely Mussolini did not expect powers with wide interests in Ethiopia to stand by pas- sively while he conducted his campaign of ex- pansion. It appears that he has, as was widely predicted, bitten off more than he can chew. The Ethiopians are well protected from his tanks and bombers by the rugged nature of their country, and they are avoiding the main bodies of his army, leading them on,tprobably into a trap which will1 prove disastrous to Mussolini's dreams of empire. Mussolini has also discovered that he will need oil to make the great Mediterranean an Italian lake. His idol, Julius Caesar, never encountered this difficulty, nor was he ever faced with the problem of being cut off from all food supplies by the nations of Europe. Everyone but the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey will be very pleased if Mussolini's plans should fall through, and the prospects of their doing so are becoming pleasingly bright. Hostilities T._ E 1 ? _.:.. In Addis Ababa, correspondents have taken up knitting. The move is interpreted as a subtle slam at Haile Selassie, whom they call "Uncle Charlie" among themselves, who gives them news, as it were, through rose-coloured glasses. Highest ex- citement reigned in Addis Ababa on the day a; correspondent for a mid-western American paper was dealt a full house, it is reported. We must be not too harsh in judging our foreign press representatives. They must, after all, have] some excitement., As Others See It This Greedy Middle West (From The St. Louis Post-Dispatch) [RITING of the admirable efforts the nations of; the world, united under the aegis of the' League of Nations, are making to stop the slaugh- ter of Ethiopia, John M. Davidson, in last Sunday's Post-Dispatch, fears that the United States' fail-1 ure to cooperate may have unfortunate results.' He reminds the country feelingly of the lessons1 of the past and urges it not to stand apart and, alone from a movement unique in history. There is a stumbling block, however, which he recog- nizes, namely, the greed and provincialism of the Middle West. If the Middle West can rise above its inherent limitations, all will be well. Mr. Davidson puts it this way: The answer (to the question whether or not the American people can be aroused to the rea- lization of the Euroupean situation) lies largely in the hands of that great majority of our people in the Middle West, who see and hear less, and perhaps care less, about anything but local issues; who would snatch a tem- porary profit in war supplies-food, cotton, oil, manufactures - at the expense of the1 Covenant-supporting nations, not realizingf the harm they can do. Perhaps it is not for this newspaper, a journal set down in the blackest fastnesses of the afore- said Middle West, to reply to Mr. Davidson. How could we speak in other accents than those of the greed and provincialism which surround us here on the banks of the Mississippi? Untouched by the healing fire of enlightenment, caring little about the foaming currents of world affairs, what we say is of little moment. However, Mr. Davidson writes from Belfast, and Belfast is a long way from the mud flats of the Mississippi. It may be that he has missed some facts about the Middle West which would encour- age him to hope that it is not entirely beyond1 proper missionary influence. We are thinking, perhaps a little irrelevantly, about a Middle West- erner named Clarence Howard, who, on Dec. 31, 1914, declined to sell the Allies $2,000,000 worth' of shrapnel. Mr. Howard said: Why, our company would not accept orders for 15 billion dollars worth of shrapnel. Would it be a laudable thing to make these shells and then send them away so that men mighta kill one another with them? No, a thousand1 times, no. We have been thinking, too, of a Missouri Senator, William Joel Stone, who dared to speak and vote against the war in face of the incandes- cent feeling of April, 1917. Of Robert M. La- Follette, another Middle Westerner, who rose to oppose the war in the hushed and hostile Sen- ate chamber on the night of April 4, in the same fateful year. Of Henry Ford, whose zeal for peace caused him to finance the voyage of the Oscar II-that naive, yet, in the retrospect of 20 years, admirable effort to save human lives. But per- haps the behavior of these men can be accounted for by greed and provincialism. There are a lot of farmers in the Middle West who would like the chance of selling $2 wheat and $1.50 corn; a lot of manufacturers who would like to supply a warring Europe with the paraphernalia of war. Europe is a long way off. What matters a dead Ethiopian to a member of the Kiwanis Club of Salina, Kan.? And what, we ask, from the density of our Middle Western obtuseness, matters the same dead Ethiopian to a Pittsburgh steel mas- ter, a New York financier, a Maine potato grower, a Connecticut hatter, a New Jersey oil magnate or a shoe man from Boston? Or, is there a quick- ened moral sense in the East that differentiates these persons from our friend in Salina? Mr. Davidson is speaking again : It may be too much to expect the Middle West, accustomed to think of its own local interests and problems, to develop suddenly a deeper sense of our moral obligations .... Perhaps so. Yet does this not strike Mr. Da- vidson as a rather odd fact? As the last session of Congress was sweeping to a close, engulfed in a flood of legislation, two men arose to de- mand the passage of legislation to safeguard American neutrality by preventing greedy man- ufacturers from selling shrapnel and bullets and other munitions to warring nations. It was, to all appearances, a lost cause. Yet so persistent were these two men, and so ablaze with their con- victions, that Congress at the last moment passed their bill. If it had not been for them, no such law would be on the books today. Where fingers are secure; and that is all, ' The ledge surmounted, and the smoother trackj If I did not ascend until today, It was not fear that chose the safer trail, But too much longing for the difficult way 2 And too much hope that any hand may fail .. . Now --I am sure no rock-slide will invite7 My following footsteps to the end of night. t II Never has Spring discovered this design7 Of frost upon the fern, and on the spruces ] The delicate, the mathematic line; Of ice-rectangles that the day-wind looses To shatter on the stony trail . . . There was Only the silent form, only the green] Of moss and forest, and the yellowing grass ] Where trees surrender to a sky too keen For any leaf to endure. But in the dark, 1 Sudden across the peaks, the snow descended' To pattern twisted branches, and to mark The ridges with the sign of summer ended ... Seeing the silver here, one would not know That trees are colored like a flame, below. III Look down, look down! There is no upward way.] Balanced on stone above the misted deeps, Look down to the ravine, where sea and spray] Are counterfeit in cloud. An instant sweeps The surge to frosted foam along the rocks ... Now the dark cliffs are terrible and clear1 Where no sky is; only their circle blocks The nothingness above, from lands too near The dangerous deep abysses of the air. Look down - there are the safe, the pleasant trees, The smooth lakes sweetly forested; and there The path winds down to houses and to peace. Far beneath cloud the quiet valleys lie - Ah, do not turn your head toward the sky. THEODORA HILL On Monday the Saratoga County grand jury indicted eighty-six persons in the Attorney Gen- eral's investigation of racetrack tipster rack-' eteering. Book purchasers interested hereby are advised to read Damon Runyan's "Money From Home," which might have been subtitled "It Did Happen There." The Broad Jump and Hiss Event (From Traveling Light," by W. R. Burnett in Collier's) "There was a long silence, then Red gave a jump and hissed: "'Okay, George.' If you didn't read Mr. Lewis Gannett's piece about Kipling yesterday, get it before it is too late. It was a fine piece, especially for those who belittle Kipling as an outworn writer of prose and a journalistic poet, whatever that term of contempt may mean. "Kipling," said Mr. Gan- nett, "is a part of us all. He may never quite have grown up; neither has the human race." MUSIC BY SULLIVAN A MAIDEN FAIR TO SEE, WITH B. A. AND M. A. degree, expert in typing, stenography, would private secretary be. W 1293 N. Y. Times, Bronx. A maiden fair to see, Of magister degree And of exalted station; For whom big bosses sigh And with each other vie To give the gal dictation. Casual Aversion No. 2 Throw the man to hungry sharks Who explains everything in terms of Marx. JUNIUS COOPER Our Mr. Richards Vidmer speaks of Knox College, which, he says, was old Siwash to George Ade." It was old Siwash to the late George Fitch. Which reminds us of the Lush in Georg Ade's "Doc Horne." Somebody confused Bryant with Byron. "There are three or four poets alto- gether," said the Lush. There are three or four Georges, Dick. "They were all gathered around the table now. Sam Rubens was still confident, but not dis- posed to risk catastrophe. 'See you,' he decided. 'Four aces here.' 'I've got a run of those little chaps all in one suit,' Fordham announced, ap- parently scarcely able to speak for excitement., 'One, two, three, four, five of spades. How's that?' 'Straight flush,' Dassiter gasped. 'My God, he wins!' "-From "Gangsters' Glory," by E. Phil- lips Oppenheim. Why, suh, if Col. Russell Crouse was in that game and the pulled a deck like that, he'd draw his shootin' iron, egad! THOUGHT There are aozens 01 people I'd love to be rude to, But I am so shy that I'd have to be stewed, to. O.A. Columnists achieve comparatively nothing inso- far as their readers are concerned. I have said already the New Yorker is a mental blindspot in the annals of civilization. It would be too much, really too much, for him to do all the things he has to do and think constructively also. The A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 5. -The spec- tacle of Senator Borah preparing to launch his oratorical invasion of Republican old guard strongholds in the east under the auspices of Repre- sentative Hamilton Fish of New York is a fascinating one. It suggests that the real explanation of the Fish cam- paigning over the country the last few months has been in search of a '36 presidential nominee he could support with some assurance that the name of Fish might complete the ticket. "Borah and Fish," no doubt, looms to the New Yorker glamor- ously. Certainly, in the face of his public declaration after a conference with Mr. Borah that the Idahoan was the best bet to rally eastern liberal as well as a lot of Democratic support next year rather puts Fish out of the first place picture himself. It is his first utterance having an implication that his presidential boom might be ac-. tually a vice presidential drive. Some onlookers have suspected that-or that Fish was looking perhaps to- ward a nomination for governor next year-all along. THE most interesting thing Fish had to say in that statement, however, was his shot against a "back room" manipulation of the Re- publican presidential nomination. "Any attempt to produce numer- ous favorite sons and then permit a handful of old guard politicians to manipulate the situation in a back room and produce a candidate backed by big business will mean the over- whelming election of a socialistic 'new deal' administration," he said. If it were not for the belief held in some quarters that it is just that possibility, rather than any urgent desire to run himself, which is prompting Senator Borah's present '36 campaign activities, Washington onlookers would be unanimous in set- ting him down as a definite candi- date. The doubters are not going to be satisfied, even if Borah formally permits his name tobe entered in the Ohio primaries, where that is re- quired, that he actually is gunning for the nomination. ECRETARY DAN ROPER has picked up another convert to his business-"new deal" rapprochment methods. Major Berry of NRA has joined up. The major's post-NRA conference plans which caused such a stir as be- ing possibly aimed at revival of the Blue Eagle in constitutional form, now has dwindled to a plan for a permanent business and labor council to help Uncle Sam keep the peace in his industrial family. That, or some- thing very like it, has been the Roper notion all along, right back to pre- NRA times. Mr. Roper may not have included labor in his business ad- visory set-up to keep a watchful eye on NRA doings; but that no doubt was because labor is Miss Perkins' cabinet concern. The newest Berry plan, to be ad- vanced when his conference so much boycotted by big business meets, might serve to let the major out of a difficult situation. THE SCREEN FRIDAY, DEC. 6, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 561 Notices Procedure in Case of Articles Stol- en or Missing: Notice should be given at the Business office, Room 3, Uni- versity Hall, with the utmost prompt-1 ness whenever any articles, whetherl owned privately or by the institution, disappear under circumstances whicht indicate theft. Pre-Medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test sponsored by the Amer- ican Medical Association for all stu- dents planning to enter a Medical (ART *:AR] By ARNOLD S. DANIELS An exhibition of 23 water-color paintings by Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the department of drawing and painting of the College of Architec- ture has been placed on display in Alumni Memorial Hall. The paintings seem very clearly to maik the stages of development in Professor Slusser's skill and choice of subject matter. His "House by the Sea" is the least stereotyped of his subjects, and exhibits the great- est range of colors and tones. The various bold shades of blue are com- bined for a truly dramatic effect, which is heightened by the use of sombre shadows. This painting, the most mature of the group shown, is in strong contrast to "Springtime for Henry," and others similar to it. In these the colors are too weak, though their softness adds a subtle charm to the otherwise rather unimpressive paintings. In "Gloucester Street," Professor Slusser has used soft, musty greys and other low colors to attain the effect of ramshackle age. In this picture, the perspectivegisefaulty, but the general effect is, however, pleas- ing. Somewhat in contrast to "Glou- cester Street" is "Near Santa Fe." Here the perspective is accurate, and the effect of great distance is heigh- tened by the use of blues and purples. The intelligent use of shadows is no- ticeable in this painting, as it is in most of the others. The outstanding example of the use of shadows in the group is "The Green Cottage." Professor Slusser has here used many shades of green to obtain a summery, pleasant effect of warm sun and cool shadows. This is the second of the two paintings which seem to represent the more advanced and matured stage in Pro- fessor Slusser's art. None of the other paintings is as impressive as "House by the Sea" and "The Green Cottage." The "Two Trees," though graceful in form lack color value, and are poorly balanced within the frame. In "Petunias," Professor Slusser demonstrates his ability at painting details. The re- sult is pleasant, but in no way out of the ordinary. And in "Petunias" again the lack of color range is ob- vious. This would seem to be the greatest weakness in all of the paint- ings shown. The impression given by the en- tire exhibit is that Professor Slusser has matured greatly since his earlier paintings, and has become capable in the handling of colors and choice of subject matter, and is capable of impressive work, as in the case of "House by the Sea," which in itself would serve to make the exhibition worth-while. School by fall of 1936 will be given in Natural Science Auditorium on Fri- day, Dec. 6, at three o'clock. The test s given only once a year. Bring your igned receipts and be on time. C. S. Yoakum. To the Members of the University Council: The next meeting of the University Council will be held Mon- day, Dec. 9, 4:15 p.m., Room 1009 A.H. Student Loans: There will be a meeting of the Committee on Stu- dent Loans on Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2:00 p.m., Room 2, University Hall. Stu- dents who have already filed appli- cations with the Office of the Dean of Students should call there for an appointment with the Committee. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received announcements of United States Civil Service Examina- tions for Chief and Principal Engi- neering Draftsmen, (for work on ships), Optional Branches: Marine Engines and Boilers, and Electrical (Ship), salary, $2,300 to $2,600. For further information call at 201 Mason Hall, office hours, 9:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00. Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: Mid-semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West Engineering Building. "Maedchen in Uniform" will be presented by the Art Cinema League Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6-7 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:15. All dialogue is synchronised with English titles. Modern Dance Club Rehearsals: Week of Dec. 1: Friday, 1:00-2:30; Saturday, 10:00-11:00. Academic Notices German 1, Section 1 at 8:00 will have a bluebook on the first 10 les- sons of Evans and Roseler on Satur- day, Dec. 7. Lecture Emil Ludwig Lecture: Tickets for this lecture are now on sale at Wahr's State Street Bookstore. Events Of Today Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 7:30 to 10:00 this evening to observe the moon. Children must be accompanied by adults. Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the Michigan Union at 8 p.m., sharp. Im- portant meeting. Delegates for the National Convention will be chosen All members are urged to be prompt. Contemporary: Those who contrib- uted manuscripts for the first issue should call for them between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m., Contemporary's office in the Student Publications Building. The Inter-Guild Party will be held at Lane Hall, 8:30 p.m. The admis- sion is twenty-five cents a person, and the tickets can be procured from the Guild presidents or at Lane Hall. Roger Williams Guild: Meet at the Guild House at 8:30 to go to the In- terguild Party in a group. Hillel Foundation: Traditional Ser- vices will be held at the Foundation at 7:45. Dr. Heller will speak on "When Jew Met Greek," continuing his fourth chapter in the series "Dramatic Moments in the History of Judaism." Services will be conducted by Abe Goldman. Coming Events The Romance Journal Club will meet Tuesday, Dec. 10, 4:15, Room 108, Romance Language Building. Professor Hugo P. Thieme will talk on "Some recent rare books" and Pro- fessor Charles A. Knudson will read a paper on "Ganelon's Anger." Grad- uate students are cordially invited. All members of the Band report at Morris Hall at 11:46 Saturday. Drums and bass horns are to be packed so that they can be placed on top of busses. All other men responsible for their own instruments.' Uniforms should be pressed. Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall Saturday, Dec. 7, at 3:00 p.m. to go to the Wolverine Day Camp. Supper will be served for ap- proximately 35 cents. There will be games in the afternoon and a pro- gram indoors in the evening. All graduate students are cordially invit- ed to attend. Rifle Marksmanship: Any girl in- terested in rifle shooting should re- port for instruction at the range in the Women's Athletic Building on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .or Thursday between four and six DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. AT THE MICHIGAN "3 KIDS AND A QUEEN" PLUS * There is little about this picture that is out of the ordinary, with the exception of some sparkling bits of acting by May Robson, Henry Armetta, and Frankie Darro. May, as the wealthiest woman in the world, creates a plausible reason for her eccentricities when it is discov- ered that she is starving for human understanding and love. Armetta plays the part of a barber who has adopted all the homeless kids in the neighborhood and is trying to give them the best life he can provide. One of these chil- dren is Blackie (Frankie Darro) and he proves himself to be an actor of unlimited possibilities. The story opens to find Queenie (May Robson) getting a mental ex- amination which her relatives have instigated in the hope that she will be found insane and her wealth come to them. Shortly after, with her dog, on which she spends millions of dol- lars, she is thrown from her car- riage as the horses run away and picked up by the three kids. They take her to their home, and Ar- metta's, where she is cared for by Blackie, Armetta, Charlotte Henry, and Billy Burrud. And she likes it so well that she refuses to leave when she recovers, and the world thinks that she has been kidnaped. Added to this there is a real kid- naping when some crooks find out that she is at Armetta's: a bit of heart interest between Blackie and Charlotte; and a moral to the effect that those with a great deal of money Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Of Nov. 27, 1925 A momentous deadlock in the foot- ball schedule meeting of athletic di- rectors of the Western Conferencej was broken tonight when Michigan agreed to play Minnesota twice in the 1926 football season, in order to in- sure the required four Conference games for Minnesota. Such a return game arrangement has never before been experienced in the Big Ten. Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of the Nation, has been secured by the Round Table Club to speak in Na- tural Science Auditorium on "Recent Press Tendencies and Dangers." Marking the 20th annual produc- tion of Mimes, the ninth Union opera to be staged by E. Mortimer Shuter, and the culmination of the weeks of extensive preparation, "Tambou- rine" will make its debut at the Whitney theater. Deferred fraternity rushing, which has been under consideration for years and which a special sub-com- mittee of the Interfraternity Council has been investigating since Septem- ber, will be brought before the Coun- cil. One out of every three, or only 35