DECEMBER 5, 1935 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE -. . .... Rathven Tea Is Mid-week Event For 240 Guests, Delta Gamma, Hermitagc, Lawyers' Club Especially Well Represented The third Ruthven tea, held from 4 to 6 p.m. yesterday, was enthusias- tically received by the student body. Over 240 students and guests attend- ed, according to Alice Slingluff, '36, who was in charge of the tea. Delta Gamma, Chi Omega, Betsy Barbour House, Phi Gamma Delta, Hermitage, Kappa Sigma, the Law- yers' Club and Banash, Carney, Clark and Coon League houses were es- pecially well represented. Mary La- van, who wore a tan suit with a green sweater, and Betsy Baxter, in a black dress with a white net collar, were two of the Delta Gammas who were there. Barbara Leidy, in blue wool, and Helen McRae, in a brown print dress, came from Chi Omega. Among the Betsy Barbour guests were Sara Clancy, in a brown dress with a rust scarf, and her twin sister, Mary Louise, wearing green. The dining room, where tea and cake was served, looked very effective. The tea table was covered with a white linen tablecloth, upon which was placed a mirrored centerpiece. On this centerpiece was placed a large silver bowl filled with pink roses and lavender lilacs. Four yellow candles surrounded the centerpiece and fur- nished the attractive lighting effect. President and Mrs. Ruthven re- ceived their guests in the living room. Mrs. Ruthven looked very charming in a black afternoon dress. Those presiding at the tea table likewise looked very attractive. Miss Jeanette Perry wore a light green wool dress; Miss Inez V. Bozorth, a black silk dress; Yachi Akagi, Grac., a black velvet dress; Rosanna Manchester, '36. Jane Arnold, '36, and Janet Peabody, '36, also poured during the afternoon. Members of the social committee served at hostesses at the tea. Miss Slingluff announces that the next regular tea will be held next week, Dec. 11. Women Voters To Hold Bridge Saturday, Dec. 7 The Michigan League of Women Voters will hold a benefit bridge at 2 p.m. Saturday; Dec. 7, at the home of Mrs. James Inglis, Harland Road. Auction and contract will be played with individual table prizes. Tickets may be obtanied from Miss Cora Haas, Mrs. M. G. Siegel, Mrs. Julia del Torro and Mrs. L. M. Ritter- shoMer. Arrangements for the bridge are in charge of Mrs. Rittershomer. There are many guests coming out from Detroit for the occasion; among these are: Mrs. Orville K. Bond, president of the Detroit League of Women Voters; Mrs. Fred Johnston, state chairman of government; Mrs. Paul Hart; Mrs. Robert Kerr; Mrs. Warren E. Forsythe, president of the League of Women's Voters; Mrs. Har- old D. Smith and Mrs. John Sundwall. Collection Of Paintings To Be Shown Tomorrow An exhibition of paintings by Prof. Jean Paul Slusser of the fine arts department will open at 2 p.m. to- morrow. in Alumni Memorial Hall. Prof. Bruce Donaldson of the same department has also arranged to have copies of contemporary Euro- pean paintings from the University collection on display. The exhibition will be open every day from 2 to 5 p.m. until Dec. 18. SWIMMING CLUB TO MEET Mary Montgomery, '37, president of the Women's Swimming Club an- ndunces a meet with Wayne Uni- versity, Michigan State and Michigan State Normal at 8:30 tonight at the Union Pool. An invitation is extend- ed to anyone interested. SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON Sigma Alpha Epsilon is holding a formal dinner-dance Friday, Dec. 6, in honor of their pledges. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Reed are to be the chaperones, and Clare Wigell's orchestra will play for danc- ing. The house is to be decorated in the fraternity colors. III - ill --- Chrstmas Morning Glories-- Accessories From Jacobsonsi She may be feminine through and through ... and inclined toward We extend a Special Invitation the more refined "hobbies" . .. or she may get a thrill in ziping to Men Shoppers -We'll be down the hill on skis ... a little of that "Tomboy" you know .,. pleased to help you surprise 'Her' It doesn't matter though, when Christmas comes . . . She'll love that Jacobsons gift. OSTESSy' LoungiGg Pajam as that come out for dinner and stay for every home function. Very pleasin to look at and equally de- in velvet, crepe, satin lightful to wear. They come in all . . black, peach, rose, the colors listed by Fashion. blue and combination $10.95 and of colors. Pajamas that M ore make loafing a pleas- u re. N EGLIGEES Sophisticated satins, langour- ous velvets, crepes, for lovely and more leisure. A most welcome gift for Her and at a price to you of only $5.95 and More COSTUME JEWELRY to complete the ensemble SkLKN E L Rto don while lolling around the house or while scurrying around, only scantily dressed, getting ready for the "evening out." $3.95 and more SS PANELLED. "Askot Ties" and "3 Cornered" in velvets, y. To wear now crepes, wools and lame . . . all the popular shades and combinations. The prices are: 59c - $1.00, and more. Belle-Skarmeer Stockings that' fit 9 every leh"4eo yourtC $ist! to match any outfit . .. and beieve us, this 41HPNESt wa tem is extremely important. Theyre use-WT AEL owarca ful and cost only $1 .00 -$1 .95 and more. SPECIAL TOMORROW c~ Buy all you can, tomorrow, of thes ' beautiful slips, because silks are o. b9 M UFF A C' ing up and these will certainly cost should of course harmonize with the coat. more soon. They're made of pure dye, We have all the colors. If she wears a muff all ure silk Crepe Gartre, trimmed t she needs a b6g. The prices range from $1.00 and $1.95 with fine French laces and perfectly tailored throughout. Beautiful for gifts. o a zSay c dBlush or white Sizes 32 to 44 NO matter whether you give one select because each leg size has aen pair or half a dozen, Belle-Shar- name. Very grand colors, done up ,y Medium or long meet Stockings will get plenty of in very gay Christmas wrappings. attention, Christmas morning. The Gift chiffons. .. exclusive here. 'VEL O UR-S UED most fitting, flattering gift imag- finable! Perfect for smalls, talls, to $195 thepairEABRIC L,. plumps and in-betweens because BUhehoig. Belle-Sharmeer Knee-Length Stockings.,.7 they're personally proportioned. another bright thoughtfor Christmas giving. Exactly right i width and length Made-to-fit, gartered in Lastex Lace, per. as well as foot size. And so easy to fect for dancing evenings. G LOVE S The Foot Size Has a Number ... The LEG SIZE Has a NAME "Wear Rights" come in fabric, pigskin, kid Brev....... if she's short Duchess.....if she's tall and capeskin They're modestly priced at Modite.. if she's medium Classic . ., if she's plump $1 .00 and more. PANELLED To wear under - A ~ .. c OBSERVATORY BEAUTY PARLOR and'Barber Shop " Don't let formal occasions catch you unprepared! WE SPECIALIZE IN 111 lil