THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -'-. t- i-- - t r5 I.vrj 9 4-- ~~- Publirned everyt morning except Monday during the TUn T--erity year and Summer Session by the Board in Cotrol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; n mail, $4.50. Rre:entatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Mdi on Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR...............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.................JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Pniblication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-12141 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ... MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER . ..ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: ELSIE A. PIERCE Too Much Applause... SEVERAL YEARS of attending con- certs at Hill Auditorium has taught us that it is not the people who really appreciate the music who are responsible for the wild unrestrained and unlimited applause at the end of each performance. Why, after an artist has rendered a carefully, planned program of significant numbers, an audi- ence should clamor to hear a few musical trifles out of keeping with the high standard of the concert which do nothing but destroy the artistic response of the audience, is not understandable to us. Why, after Rosa Ponselle had finished her pro- gram of operatic and programmatic numbers, the audience howled unappeased until she had ren- dered "Carry Me Back to Old Virginia,' is equally puzzling. Our only conclusion is this: that it is not out of any gratitude to the artist that these unending applauders wax so enthusiastic, but rather from an economic sense of more for one's money. Of embarrassment to artists as well as unwise patrons its the unconscionable habit some have of applauding not only each number but each move- ment, not only each movement, but sometimes between movements. Such irresponsible apprecia- tion reveals either a wild ecstatic response to music or, more likely, an utter lack of understand- ing of it. We must learn to wait for the end of the number before we demonstrate that we really do enjoy it. Certain it is that those to whom the music is meaningful look with abhorrence upon the philistines who carry applause beyond its right- ful function and embarrass the artist and them- selves.: Lack of discrimination in applause renders it meaningless and demonstrates their own poor taste. Oil Will Trouble The Waters... New Low In Censorship".. A FEW WEEKS AGO we thought the closing of "Tobacco Road" in Chicago was a new low in stage censorship, but the nadir has been reached by the officials of St. Olaf's College, Minneapolis, who have announced that any student attending the play, "Anything Goes," will be expelled. This play, which is being presented in Minnea- polis as part of a dramatic festival, was recently chosen by dramatic critics as one of the best musical comedies produced in America. If the minds of St. Olaf's students will be warped by attending a play as harmless as "Any- thing Goes," they should be in an institution other than academic. THE FORUM] Letters published In this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Biometry To the Editor: In line with the recent comments in your edi- torial columns in relation to modernistic art, allow me to offer you these lines which appeared on the editorial page of House & Garden: Was Sheba the Queen, who made Solomon gape, A collection of parallel lines? Was Juliet just an elliptical shape With a few geometrical signs? Paint peonies green And you'll see what I mean, Paint eyes like an ostrich's eggs, But is it the case That the girls of our race Have such very triangular legs? -J.B. As Others See It Education (From the Seth Law Sap) rTHE PRESS OF TIME has long since made it imperative that the scholar cease trying to become a scholar in the old sense of the world, and specialize in some field. Hence in what fol- lows, we shall not be proposing anything new, but making a plea that this specialization begin earlier in the student's education. In the usual instance under the present system the student does not start to specialize until he is in professional school, or doing graduate work for an advanced degree. There should be no objection to this if the student really became more roundly educated through all general study- ing. But it is quite evident this is not the result. What really happens in most cases is that the student who intends to specialize later on, dabbles in all subjects in his early education to satisfy credit requirements. A test conducted at Princeton some time ago is only another proof that non-specialization in college education does not result in a broader education in all fields. With the avowed purpose of demonstrating the "inability" of most modern scholars to answer comparatively simple ques- tions outside their own fields," a questionaire of forty-one questions pertaining to varied fields of knowledge was distributed to members of the Princeton chapter of the American Association of University Professors. The report of the test said, "Some of Princeton's most distinguished teachers made lamentable scores." If it is true, then a general education does not result in a broad education for the person intend- ing to specialize later on, an early program of specialization could do no worse. But more than that, we believe a properly organized college cur- riculum patterned somewhat after the plan we suggest, will insure not only earlier and more thorough specialization, but also more interesting general instruction. Under the proposed plan every college stu- dent, no matter what his future field, will take the same courses in the first year. All of these courses, about eight in number, will be the survey type patterned after the successful Contemporary Civilization courses given here. Two more may deal with histories of the social sciences. Others will be histories of philosophy, music, mathe- matics, art, etc. After this year, the remaining curriculum for the net three years would be divided into the broad spheres of Physical Science and Social Science. The future lawyers and journalists will register for the Social Science program, and the future physicians and science instructors will follow the Physical Science program. Each will have had in his first year a survey and his- tory of the courses he is now to study in detail,' and in addition, a systematic, simplified knowledge of the other fields of study. This plan accepts the inevitability of specializa- tion and makes full use of it. The result is not only a better organized plan of study in line with this idea, but also a fuller, more interesting gen- eral instruction than the present system of jump- ing in and out of different fields for point credit. Instead of suffering a year of detailed work in physical science, the student with no special in- terest or talent for this study, will have instead a history of the principles and methods of physical science. Under the latter plan the student who is not going to major in physical science would be more likely to continue to have an interest in physical science after his formal education, than The Conning Tower A Review in Reverses I don't like faust nor marcel proust I can't get lost in robert frost I'd give no palms to bach or brahms And I'd never tarry with james m barrie I want no spiel by gene o'neill Nor a lackaday by edna millay I think it hell seeing katharine cornell I can't exhibit love for lawrence tibbett I don't think pons is worth her weight in bronze I couldn't stand bergner once I'd hergner And I'd rather hear a hen than legallienne I feel like king leer when I read shakespeare I've never read worse than tony adverse I'd rather see harry more than mr john barrymore And I'd like to make a facey at "obsean o'casey I most detest invitations by mae west I find life great with a dinner not at eight I'd never be party to an opera a la carte And by now you should surmise that my pleasure's telling lies. OFFICIAL UNOBSERVER *Swiped from a critic. It is said that the Republicans base their hopes of 1936 on the notion that any change would be an improvement. This is one of the emo- tions that causes hopeless and unemployed per- sons to become communists; they feel that nothing could be worse than the capitalistic sys- tem. This is the emotion that makes fascists of others, who feel that what they call diffusion of authority should be done away with. Then there is the biggest party of all - the anesthetic party, whose many, many members don't feel much of anything. Another variety of hot ice has been discovered, bringing the hots to two. Well: Some like it hot; Some like it cold; I like it in the shaker One minute old. Emelyne Detwiler tells about the eight-year- old poetess who sent an offering to Nelson Dou- bleday, the publisher. Ancient minnesingers have done worse and achieved immortality. Here it is: "Yesterday you were a beautiful thing run- ning across the road, little white hen. But that was then."- O. O.Mcdntyre in the Providence Evening Bulletin. Maybe Emelyne meant the ten-year-old June Knapp, of Saratoga Springs, N.Y., who sent the poem to The Conning Tower, which printed it. Mr. Charles D. Stewart, of Hartford, Wis., declined to accept an honorary appointment as consultant on a project to make work for unem- ployed writers. "Utterly foolish," he called it. "The question," he said, "is who is a writer and who is not?" We believe that there are many professional writers in this country who once made a decent living who find it impossible to sell anything now. We know that nothing is more depleting to the morale of a once-success- ful writer than suddenly to find his stuff unsal- able. He thinks that he is slipping; and whether he is or not, before long he has writers' paraly- sis. But there are may be many so-called unem- pleyed writers who at their high points never were any good, either as writers or as vendors of their writings. Mr. Stewart's essays appear here and there, and are good. But what most of us remember him for was his delightful "The Fugitive Black- smith." If the Washington Newspaper Guild refused to admit General Hugh Johnson to membership solely on the ground that he is not primarily a newspaper man, that is a tenable psition, though it is our feeling that he has had enough of his own suff in newspapers to qualify. But if the Guild rejected him because he has gone on record, in his non-newspaper days, as opposed to the Guild, we feel that that is unfair. The Guild should be able to convince the General that he was wrong. Many of the Guild's mem- bers do not agree with all of its policies; but the principle of it is sound; and in a year, or two years, newspaper writing, and conditions for newspaper writers, editors, and publishers will be better because of the Guild's existence. WINTER COMES EARLY SUMMER'S a legend, autumn warm lies dead; Children wear leggins; my mare, her unclipped fur; Dull browns and greys succeed to green and red, And birds fly south, and storms impose their blur, I make a jest of all I hate the most, The cold, the snow, the cruelty of ice, Prop up my courage with the fustian boast That what has hurt me once shan't hurt me twice; Say I prefer the nakedness of trees To lavish robes which hide their lines in June, Pretend to scorn springs warm, melodious ease For winter's dissonant and jangled tune, And grind my teeth for untold days, and bear Both winter's cold and thine indifference, dear. 172 According to the magazine Science, twenty- four stutterers have been helped, if not cured, by moving on all fours. We hope it is effective, and that stuttering vanishes. For then it will automatically disappear from fiction. It is con- servatively estimated that if Thomas Wolfe had made that character -no offense, we forget his name -in "Of Time and the River" a non- stutterer, that giant volume would have been about thirty pages shorter. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 - Unless American naval opinion has un- dergone quite an improbable change as to the relative value of big battle- ships, there is one circumstance in connection with the London confer- ence that British and Japanese ex- perts at London cannot well afford to overlook. That is the size, power andI speed of the last American battle- ships designed, the group authorized before this country entered the World War but never even laid down due to the naval limitations treaty. Those ships were to have been some- thing like 10,000 tones heavier than any battlecraft afloat today, to have carried 16-inch main batteries of a dozen guns each. They were designed for a higher speed than any previous American battleships. * *4 * W HEN the Washington treaty was negotiated, halting their construc- tion in the blueprint stage, the origi- nal plans were undergoing frequent revision to embody the naval lessons of the World War. The size of the proposed ships gave naval designers room for evolving protection against both under-sea and air attack not adaptable to lesser vessels. Since then, under the tonnage limitations of the Washington and London treaties, naval engineering has made great strides in weight-saving devices. The point that the other major naval powers must remember during the London conferences is that Amer- ican trend toward bigger warships with only the capacity of the locks of the Panama canal to check it, was still at work the last time the naval powers exchanged views. Then it applied to cruisers. If treaty limita- tions on the size of battleships now are to be scrapped completely, the same old A;nerican theory of ships big enough to be self-contained, inde- pendent of refueling bases for thou- sands of miles of cruising, still is like- ly to apply. WHEN the British launched the Dreadnaught, first all-big-gun battleship which gave her name to all subsequent line-of-battle capital craft as a class, every existing bat- tleship in any navy was at once made obsolete. They became "predread- naughts" and all now have vanished from the seas. Various classes of "super-dreadnaughts" followed. Aviation evolution has added an- other factor to urge the large capital craft. A 45,000-ton battleship would become virtually an airplane carrier. The significance of all this as bear- ing on the London conference is that other powers faced by the un- doubted economic ability of the United States to remake her battle fleet on such lines, will be under pres- sure to strive for continuation at least of battleship and gun-size limitations. ,That may be a powerful card in the hands of the American delegates. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. THURSDAY, DEC. 5, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 55 Notices Faculty Bibliography: The blanks sent to the members of the Faculty some time ago for recording publi- cations for the last two years, are now due and should be returned to the Graduate School office as soon as possible. All blanks should be re- turned whether or not there is any- thing to report. C. S. Yoakum. Campus Parking Permits: Campus Parking Permit plates for 1936 are now ready for distribution and can be obtained at the Information Desk in the Business Office. Please remember to have in mind your 1936 license number, manufac- turer's name, and style, i.e., coupe, touring, sedan. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary. To the Members of the University Council: The next meeting of the University Council will be held Mon- day, December 9, 4:15 p.m., Room 1009 A.H. Pre-Medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test sponsored by the Amer- icansMedical Association for all stu- dents planning to enter a Medical School by fall of 1936 will be given in Natural Sience Auditorium on Fri- day, December 6, at three o'clock. The test is given only once a year. Bring your signed receipts and be on time. C. S. Yoakum. There will be a meeting of Dr. Blakeman's class in "Religion and Social Change" at the Hillel Founda- tion tonight at 8 p.m. All students are invited to attend. Irving L. Sperling, '36. Seniors, College of Literature, Science and the Arts; College of Architecture; School of Education; School of Forestry and Conservation; and School of Music: The tentative lists of February and June graduates are now posted on the bulletin board in Room 4 U. H. Please examine these lists and report to the Counter Clerk any omissions or any misspelling of names. Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: Mid-semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West Engineering Building. Contemporary: All those interested in contributing manuscripts for the second issue of Contemporary should leave them in the English office as soon as possible. "Maedchen in Uniform" will be presented by the Art Cinema League Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6-7 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:15. All dialogue is synchronised with English titles. Modern Dance Club Rehearsals: Week of Dec. 1: Thursday, 7:15; Fri- day, 1:00-2:30; Saturday, 10:00- 11:00. Academic Notices Geology 11: There will be a blue- book Friday at 9:00. Please go to the same rooms as before. Graduate Students in Education: Professor Thomas H. Briggs of Co- lumbia University will give a lecture on the issues confronted by Secon- dary Education, Thursday, Dec. 5, at 2:30 in the Auditorium of the Uni- versity High School. This lecture, sponsored by the Schoolhof Educa- tion and the Ann Arbor Public Schools, is primarily for the staff of the public high schools of the city, but graduate students in Education are invited to attend. Lecture Public Lecture: "Islamic Textiles of the Middle Ages" by Adele C. Weib- el, Curator of Textiles, Detroit Insti- tute of Arts. Sponsored by the Re- search Seminary in Islamic Art. Mon- day, December 9, 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Admission free. Events Of Today Observatory Journal Club meets at 4:15 p.m. in the Observatory Lec- ture Room. Professor Norman An- ning, of the Department of Mathe- matics, will speak on "A Spiral Or- | bit." Tea will be served at 4 o'clock. i Zoology Seminar: Mr. George A. Ammann will speak on "The Life History of the Yellowheaded Black- bird," 7:30 p.m., Room 2116 N.S. A.I.E.E. Meeting at 7:30, Room 248 West Eng. Bldg. The program will consist of two student talks. "Syn- chronous Condenser" by Davey, and "Metal Vacuum Tubes" by Evans. Dinner Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Association talk on "Die Aerztliche Tracht in Kul- turgeschichtlicher Bedeutung." Ev- eryone interested is invited to attend. Contemporary. Those who con- tributed manuscripts for the first is- sue should call for them between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday at Contemporary's office in the Stu- dent Publications Building. Tea for graduate students in Math- ematics, 4 p.m., 3201 A.H. The Bocational Guidance Group will meet with Miss Muxen at 7:15 p.m., Room 205 Mason Hall. Hillel Foundation: Dr. Blakeman will conduct his class on "Religious and Social Change" at the Founda- tion at 8:00 p.m. Open House and Hillel Tea spon- sored by Pi Lambda Phi, from 4 to 6 this afternoon. The Ann Arbor District Nurses As- sociation will meet at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. All registered graduate nurses are invited to attend. Michigan Dames Art group meets this evening, at eight o'clock, Michi- gan League. The work of Cezanne and Van Gogh will be discussed. All Dames are cordially invited. The Metropolitan Club, an organi- zation for students of Greater New York City and Northern New Jersey announces a meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Room num- ber posted on the bulletin board in the lobby. All members and those interested are urged to attend. Men and women invited. Coming Events Angell Hall Observatory open to the public from 7:30 Friday evening, Dec. 6, to the moon. Children must companied by adults. will be to 10:00 observe be ac- 91 "4 111 I44 rTH SECRETARY of Interior Ickes, V announcement that the United States will not include oil in its list of embargo products coming simultaneously with an as yet unconfirmed report that Standard Oil has been granted a "spectacularly ironclad monopoly to furnish oil for Italy's civilian and military pur- poses for the next 30 years," we wonder if our glorious old "dollar diplomacy" isn't arising with as impudent an attitude to public opinion as any national policy could have. With European nations making an effort to prevent war and desperately needing the support of the United States, it would seem from all indi- cations that Americans wish to give it to them. Perhaps we do not want to join the League of Nations, but we do want to prevent war. In the face of this public opinion Secretary Ickes dares to make this announcement. Perhaps our State Department fears Italy? It is much more likely that they fear the pil industry with its wealth which goes good in any campaign. The news dispatch that carried the announce- ment of Standard Oil's monopoly also carried a denial of the company's president. There would be little direct shipping to Italy, the report said, but the bulk of the trade would be accomplished through nations such as Austria and Hungary, nnn 1-a.nrflnnic'fnniiVntrijS whn a ~'4-1friendl~ly to .;i :.ART*:.;j By ARNOLD S. DANIELS The current exhibit of batiks and block printed textiles in the College of Architecture admirably demon- strates the fine results which can be obtained when students are given an opportunity to put their theory into practice. The advanced decora- tive design classes have received training in special techniques to bring brain and hand into coordina- tion for the production of completed works of applied art. The well- chosen textiles on display are the re- sult of such training. The batik method of decorating textiles is an extremely difficult one, consisting primarily of the successive dyeing of cloth, and of creating a design by protecting parts of each color after it has been applied with hot melted beeswax, the latter being removed with a solvent after the work has been completed. Much practice in the use of dyes must be had before the artist can successful interpret the design which he_ has created in his mind. Applying the hot wax offers additional difficulties which have been brought under con- trol by the student-craftsmen whose work is on display. All of the batiks, which have been done on silk, show the special ef- fects due to the cracking and break- ing down of the protective wax dur- ing the dyeing processes, and each of the works is stamped clearly with the individuality of the artist who created it. The designs vary from elaborate, patterned square scarves in a few rich colors to the much more complicated pictorial wall hangings of varying sizes, some of them closely resembling old tapestries. All of the batiks were done in classes under the direction of Professor Gores. The block prints, done on coarsely textured stuffs, while simpler in method and color than the batiks, are stunning and dramatic in pat- Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the Michigan Union at 8 p.m., sharp. Im- portant meeting. Delegates for the National Convention will be chosen. All members are urged to be prompt. Rifle Marksmanship: Any girl in- terested in rifle shooting. should re- port for instruction at the range in the Women's Athletic Building on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between four and six o'clock. Graduate Outing Club will meet at Lane Hall Saturday, Dec. 7, at 3:00 . . to go to the Wolverine Day Camp. Supper will be served for ap-" proximately 35 cents. There will be games in the afternoon and a pro- gram indoors in the evening. All graduate students are cordially in- vited to attend. The Inter-Guild Party will be held at Lane Hall, 8:30 p.m., Friday, Dec. 6. The admission is twenty five cents a person, and the tickets can be procured from the Guild presi- dents or at Lane Hall. Wanderlust Seizes 'Brownie,' Prof. O'Roke's Pet Deer If "Brownie" were released today -and he could be, because the deer hunting season ended Saturday- it's a good bet that he would quickly find as fine a place to live in Wash- tenaw County as any deer could. It was only a month ago that "Brownie," a fawn with a dark brown coat, escaped with his cohort "Pale- face" and found one of the two or three places in this county where deer can live happily. And then an accidental fire spoiled the new-found freedom and happiness of "Brownie" and "Paleface." A year and a half ago these two fawns were romping about the Uni- versity's George Reserve near Pink- ney when they were captured by Prof. E. C. O'Roke of the forestry department. Affording an excellent opportunity for an experiment, Mr. O'Roke transported the fawn to the farm of Ben Stein, three miles west of Ann Arbor, to see if they would adapt themselves to new living con- ditions. There was plenty of food there- abouts and everything ran smoothly for a long time. But last month "Brownie" and "Paleface"sall of a sudden disappeared. Alarm was sounded, but search proved unsuc- cessful. Finally on the first day of last month, farmers about Manchester united to stop a swamp fire in that territory from spreading. A deer came running out, and "Brownie" was again captured. "Paleface" has not been found yet. Although the deer hunting season is never open in this part of Michi- gan - probably because there aren't any deer -it was decided to keep "Brownie" in George Jacob's barn, two miles north of Manchester, to guard against poachers.