The Weather Cloudy today and tomorrow; colder in north portions today. I ~oo2mmo A6F AftY if[ t 4:IaiI~ Editorials Too Much Applause ... Oil Will Trouble The Waters . New Low In Censorship .. VOL. XLVI. No. 57 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Auto Plani Picketing Prohibited Police Guards Are Placed After Strike Violence Injures 25 Workers' Meeting Provokes Quarrel Two Officers Injured In Second Clash Yesterday Morning DETROIT, Dec. 4. - (J') - Patrol- ling police guards enforced a "no picketing" order tonight at the plant of the Motor Products Corp. After strike violence had brought injury to 25 persons there last night and to- day. Officers of the Automotive Indus- trial Workers' Association, sponsoring the strike, withdrew their forces af- ter a sharp clash today as a new shift went on duty in.the plant, and an- nounced they planned to seek a court injunction to establish their rights to picket. Leaders Address Meeting A strike has been in progress almost a month, but no disturbances de- veloped until last night, when lead- ers addressing a mass meeting of 2,- 000 workers near the plant, urged them to march on the gates. Police estimated that more than 500 men' participated in the brief but bitter clash after guards tossed tear gas bombs into the strikers' ranks. Eight- een strikers, two policemen and a woman were injured, and 11 strikers were killed. A second clash between pickets and police was precipitated early today when a new shift went on duty, and police guarding the gates ordered the picket to retreat across the street to avoid an encounter with the work- ers. It was estimated 75 pickets participated in the clash today. Two policemen were struck by fly- ing bricks and- :two strikers .-were bruised when the officers swung their sticks to drive them back to the union headquarters a block away from the main gates. Production Continued A Motor Products Corp. official, asserting that the strike ended last week, said the plant force was at full strength. The plant continued at normal production today. Members of the Motor Products local of the United Auto Workers' Union, American Federation of Lab- or affiliate, returned to work last week. They said the Automotive In- dustrial Workers and the Mechanics Educational Society of America, an- other independent union of steel, tool and die men, had called the strike without consulting them. Today, however, Francis J. Dillon, president of the A. F. of L. union, said members of the Motor Products Local would vote Sunday on joining in the strike. He criticized "the policy and tactics now being pursued" by the company. Mrs. Roosevelt Holds Criticism Of NYA Healthy WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. - (P) - Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt prophe- sied tonight the Youth Administra- tion would meet with a great deal of criticism, which she pronounced "understandable and very healthy." One reason-"there are all types of young people scattered around. They range from younger commu- nistS to younger D.A.R.'s. You can't expect them to agree on just what the national government should of- fer to them." She was speaking -at a meeting of the research club composed of school teachers and other educators of the capital city. "However," her argument con- tinued, "Just as the fact that the government is taking an interest in them gives them something to shoot at." China Clipper Ends Hop Across Pacific MIDWAY ISLANDS, Dec. 4. - (/P) - The trans-Pacific flight of the I Robert Frost Is Just A Plain American;' He Says So Himself Poet Puzzled At Modern [ Poetry, But He Takes No Side On Subject By FRED WARNER NEAL Robert Frost, the New England poet, is "just a plain American." He said so himself. The white-haired writer, who ad- mits that he looks like a prosperous farmer, leaned back in an easy chair in Dean Bursley's study yesterday and chatted about modern trends of poetry and American literature. Although Mr. Frost is neither for L nor against so-called new or modern- istic poetry-of the T. S. Eliot and Hart Crane school - you can tell he does not think so very much of it. "All this new talk of free rhythm -I have thought a great deal about it - and I am still puzzled about what it means," he said. Two-Day Drive Of Galens Nets Total Of $1,400 Fund Will Go For Helping Convalescing Children In Hospital More than $1,400 has already been collected by Galens, honorary medical society for juniors and seniors, in their two-day annual Christmas drive. The year's drive has provided the third highest fund since the Galens began their collections in 1928. There is a possibility that the money col- lected might surpass the peak year of 1930, when the additional con- tributions from sororities and frater- nities are turned in. At a meeting of the organization held last night, the possibility of presenting a scholarship to some boy who has shown particularly good work in the manual training shop the Galens finance in the hospital was seriouslyconsidered. sp Dr. Reed M. Nesbit, professor of surgery in the medical school, at- tended the meeting and approved the idea. If the idea goes through, Doc- tor Nesbit will be one of the com- mittee who will select the boy for the scholarship. Part of the money has already been turned over to Miss Dorothy Ket- cham, director of social service in the University Hospital, and with it she plans to start purchasing books and periodicals for the library to be in- stalled in conjunction with the work- shop. Also part of the old equipment in the shop will be replaced with new machinery, according to John B. Wood, president of Galens. The annual Christmas party for the children either convelescing or under treatment at the hospital will be given before Christmas, which in- cludes a dinner and the giving out of toys and candy. New Maximum Of Sun Spots Reached LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4.- Old Soll had his worst epidemic in years to- day, breaking out with a flock of spots big enough to spatter five earths from pole to pole. Visible to the naked eye through a smoked glass, the spots form a cluster 160,000 miles long, near the center of the sun's disc. They will remain two or three days, according to Dr. Har- ry E. Crull, assistant director of Grif- fith observatory. "It looks to me," he said, "as if poetry has made a digression into free verse. But it is going back now to rhyme and meter. You can't get what I mean by music of poetry," I he continued, "unless you throw rhyme on meter to measure it." Mr. Frost, when he was first asked what he thought about modern (trends in poetry, returned with the question: "Do you want me to say s that people should be unintelligible Ion purpose?" He viewed types of poetry as being - on "different planes of logic. As for me, I like different planes of * logic," he said. "Eliot seems easy enough to fol- - low," Mr. Frost declared, "But Crane is on a still different plane of logic. - There are glimpses of intelligence in Hart Crane," in the opinion of the New England poet, "but they are mainly in the logic of emotion. They are all right, but you don't know much what it's all about." Mr. Frost is firm in his belief that "American literature has come into its own." America "definitely has something to offer" to the world of culture, he declared, and then smiled: "Americans talk continually about British literature. The British talk - about French and Russian literature. And God only knows what the French and Russians do talk about." That remark led directly to Mr., Frost's greatest interest aside from his work --politics. Taking a sly dig at the New Deal, he mentioned "un- American tendencies in the govern-1 ment. "Our government officials can't seem to realize," he pointed out, "that in regard to foreign troubles,E (Continued on Page 3) Ickes Charges t Opponents With 'Do-N1Ibothingism' Assailants Are 'Negative,'t Secretary Of Interior Says In Detroitt DETROIT, Dec. 4. - ()- Harold L. Ickes, secretary of the interior, charged in an address here today that opponents of the administra- tion are "modern exponents of do- nothingism." p "These critics are purely negative. They would meet a political crisist with a slogan, a serious argumentC with a shibboleth," he declared.t "Whatever they may say to thec contrary, these self-appointed cham-1 pions of our liberties would returnt to the old order," Ickes said. "Eitherr they possess great wealth themselvese or they are men who, 'little broth-l ers of the rich,' will abuse them- selves before wealth in the posses- I sion of others. But I warn them that they are putting a lighted matcht to a keg of powder when they in- sist on returning to the old order.r That way means inevitable disaster for us all." Ickes said the nation is at the1 crossroads, and will see either anj increasing concentration of wealth and power in the hands of "an in- significant minority of the people at the expense of us all, or we will hap- pily turn our faces again toward the original ideas of America." "The issue," he declared, "is Fas- cism or the America of the founding fathers." Ickes said he regarded Fascism as a more imminent menace to democracy than communism. Washtenaw Victorious In '39 Elections Vogt Defeats Farnsworth For Class Presidency Of LiteraryCollege State Street Fails To Get One Office Gene Cook Becomes Head Of Freshmen Engineers; Hurd, Schuh Elected By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. The Washtenaw political machine topped off the election season yester- day afternoon with a decisive win over its State Street opponent in the freshman literary college elections, thereby solidly establishing itself as vote-luring king of the year. All Washtenaw candidates were swept through with a two-to-one plurality. Fred Vogt, Phi Delta Theta, defeated William Farnsworth, Phi Kappa Psi, for president. 200 to 107. The other tallies were as follows: Betsy Guild Wins Betsy Guild, Mosher-Jordan, won over Jenny Petersen, Pi Beta Phi, for vice-president, 199 to 109; Elean- or French, Kappa Kappa Gamma, was victorious over Nancy Stoning- ton, Alpha Phi, for the post of sec- retary, 200 to 108; and William Wre- ford trounced Karl Hepp for treasur- er, 205 to 104. State Street was able to cut into the Washtenaw hegemony but once this year. The well-organized State Class of '37 lost only three posts-of treasurer and two committee posi- tions-in winning the junior election by the narrowest of margins. Oth- erwise it was a Washtenaw year any way you look at it. The extreme affability of the en- gineers was demonstrated in the elec- tions this year when in more than one case a ticket was unopposed and merely went through the formality of being "elected." Voting Machines Loaned Those elected in yesterday's engi- neering college balloting include Gene Cook, president; Tim Hurd, vice- president; Charles Schuh, secretary; and Fred Luebke, treasurer. This fall's voting was run off flaw- lessly, it was reported yesterday by William R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's Council, which had charge of the bulk of elections supervision. Machines loaned to the Council by the Automatic Voting Machine Corp., of Jamestown, N.Y., were used in the literary college elections and in cer- tain other schools and colleges with no complaints, Dixon said. In the junior literary college class election, the machines were re-opened late at night for re-tabulation in the disputed victory of Fred DeLano over Louis Goldberg for the post of treas- urer. It was found that DeLano had, beyond doubt, been the victor, the machines banishing any thought of subterfuge or "dirty politics." Hyde HeadslNew Fund Campaign For Community Special Committee Makes Plans To Raise $5,000; Gordy, Hall To Aid In a meeting last night of a special committee of the Ann Arbor Com- munity Fund, plans were made to obtain an additional $5,000, which, it is estimated, will put the cam- paign for $55,000, "over the top." Emory J. Hyde, president of 'the University Alumni Association, will head the commitee which was formed Tuesday by the board of directors of the fund. Included in the 15 members are Prof. Charles Gordy of the engineer- ing college and Dr. Louis P. Hall, pro- fessor emeritus of the dental school. The special jobs committee will spend today and tomorrow analyzing what has been missed, Everett Hames, executive secretary, stated. An ef- fort will be made by this group to obtain subscriptions from those who have not yet been contacted. Inten- sive work will begin tomorrow night, and it is expected that a good show- ing will be made. Members of the Junior Chamber Businessmen Condemn New Deal Policies Swear Unequivocal Stand Against Administration Of Roosevelt Business Asks For Economic Progress Industry Wants Protection Of Constitution, Scores High Taxation NEW YORK, Dec. 4.--(3) - For- mal parting of the ways between American business and the New Deal impended tonight over the social and economic policies of the Fed- eral government. Forthcoming action to this effect was learned as the 1935 Congress of American Industry and the 40th annual meeting of the National Man- ufacturers' Association opened here today. Authoritative quarers forecast the adoption of a 1935 "platform of business" affirming support of the American system of capitalist expan- sion, economic progress, freedom of competitive enterprise and unequivo- cal opposition to procedure and methods evident in New Deal poli- cies. Such a stand would be in direct reversal of the platform ratified last year, in which co-operative method was the friendly theme. Beliefs Voiced It was expected that business lead- ers, would voice belief in: 1-Maintenance of constitutional guarantees and protection of the American Constitution. 2-Preservation of individual en- terprise. 3-Elimination of undue regulation of private business. 4-Opposition to excessive taxa- tion, unsound government financing, and excessive Federal expenditures beyond the normal operating ex- penses of government. 5-Establishment of a national currency upon a dollar of fixed gold content. 6--Adherence to the natural theory of "economic progress" as the best means of social security. . 7-Adherence to the "American - system." The foregoing items, it was learned, are all of tentative nature, but any ' changes were expected to be of in- consequential nature. Adoption of the platform is the last item of bus- iness late tomorrow. Social Security Act Scored Discussion of New Deal social se- curity measures came up late today in an executive committee session presided over by W. B. Bell, presi- dent of the American Cyanamid Co. Pending formal announcement on1 adoption of a resolution offered by the Social Security Committee of the Manufacturers Association, it was understood that the committee un- equivocally condemned Federal so-i cial security proposals.I They were censured as economic-i ally and financially unsound, and sharp criticism was directed against the creation of an approxi-annuity reserve. It was also understood that the Federal Government was accused of seeking by control of the statei social security methods, to achieve by indirection what was not specified directly. This theme was piublicly men- tioned in an address by James A.I Emery, general counsel of the Man-] ufacturers Association.' Seek Terms England, France For Italy Peace With -0* Queen Gives Ring To Il Duce's War Chest .ROME, Dec. 4. - (P) - Italy's monarchs showed the people today that they stand with Premier Mus- solini in his fight against the 52 na-' tions applying sanctions. Queen Elena wrote Il Duce prom- ising that the two royal wedding rings would be turned over to the govern- ment Dec. 18, the date set by Italy's women for a collection of wedding rings throughout the country. The Queen's letter was understood to have read: "I desire you to know that among the many wedding rings the women of Italy will offer for the glory of our dear and great country will be the wedding ring of the King, a sym- bol of affection and loyalty, together with my ring, which I give the coun-* try joyously." Films Of North Are ShownBY Rev. Hubbard Manatuska 'Good Enough For People, If People Are Good Enough' A cinematic review of his most re- cent voyage to the "Ice Inferno" of Alaska - featuring seven roly-poly puppies - was presented last night by the Rev. Bernard Hubbard in Hill Auditorium. Although camera trouble cut the film short by one reel, Father Hub- bard showed pictures of icebergs, for- ests, gardens, "ghost cities," and fox farms in this far north outpost of the United States. Father Hubbard, attired in the staid manner of the priesthood, told of the geological explorations he car- ried on last summer with three young assistants from the University of Santa Clara, where he is a professor in his spare time. The speaker was introduced by Prof. Ralph Belknap of the geology department. Showing some photographs of the Manatuska Balley colonization proj- ect, Father Hubbard declared that there are more dairying possibilities in this valley than in New England. He said that most of the persons who had written about the Mana- tuska settlement had never been there, that opinions about it varied directly with political affiliations, and that "if the people are good enough for the land, the land is good enough for them." The explorations were carried on chiefly by means of a stainless steel fishing vessel, which successfully weathered the hazard of storms, ice floes ,and crumbling glaciers. Father Hubbard's plans for the near future call for a stay of a year- and-a-half on King's Island. Examples of glacial grooves and scratches formed recently by receding ice were shown by Father Hubbard. INSURES VOICE CHICAGO, Dec. 4.-(VP)-A $100,- 000 insurance policy against loss of his British accent was sought from Lloyds of London today by Lester Tremayne, radio dramatist. League Plans Agreement With Mussolini Before AdoptingOilEmbargo Laval, Hoare Will Meet On Saturday Prime Minister Of France Talks With Ambassador Of Italy OnQuestion PARIS, Dec. 4.-(5P)-A joint An- glo-French request to Premier Mus- solini to submit his peace plans be- fore the League of Nations is forced to vote an oil embargo was reported as a possibility tonight in informed circles. This move might be drafted when 8Ji, Sam-iel Hoare, British Foreign Secretary, confers with Premier La- val here Saturday on the war situa- tion. Late today M. Laval received Vit- torio Cirutti, the Italian ambassador, presumably to discuss the French de- sire that Il Duce take some steps to- ward a settlement. Only stony silence thus far has met Laval's efforts to have Rome indicate on what basis it will negotiate or even whether Italy is ready to negotiate at all. Laval is said to favor a joint note with the British minister in the be- lief a further sign of Franco-British solidarity would make Il Duce more willing to disclose his desires. Although it was suggested in some quarters that Laval might ask for a week's delay in application of the oil embargo, an informed source said "the embargo undoubtedly will be imposed." Differences of opinion existed be- tween French officials and certain diplomats as to the possibility of a territorial concession to Italy to end the war. Officials said the League could grant it nothing but economic ad- vantages under an international agreement. Two strong columns of well-armed Ethiopians clashed again with Italy's invaders on the northern African War Front Wednesday in brisk skirmishes. The battles strengthened Italian be- lief that a major engagement was imminent. Four Italian white soldiers were slain at an outpost battle at Debri, southwest of Makale. Farther to the west, the enemies clashed again, with unstated casualties. Fascist military strategists said the foe included both the Ethiopian Northern Army and European- equip- ped regulars from Addis Ababa. These forces, they declared, were in- tent on turning the Italian flank. Italian headquarters said that Europeans had equipped a munitions factory at Addis Ababa to manufac- ture hand grenades, airplane bombs, cannon, anti-aircraft projectiles and other war materials. Laval Cabinet Threatened By Fascism Issue PARIS, Dec. 4.- (I') - Premier Pierre Laval's government faced a new threat of overthrow on the tense "Fascist" league issue tonight. Edouard Herriot, former premier, told his Radical Socialist colleagues that he would withdraw from the cabinet unless a majority of his party is satisfied with the Premier's action against semi-military leagues such as Col. Francois de la Rocque's "Croix de Feu." Herriot's declaration was, believed an indication that M. Laval must ac- tually satisfy the Radical Socialists on the rightist league question, in- stead of seeking a vote of confidence by a narrow majority. The Chamber of Deputies will re- sume its discussion tomorrow. Many believed that M. Laval would make the strongest promises possible to keep a majority of the Radical So- cialists in line. The latter, prepon- derant in the Chamber, are demand- ing "disarming and dissolution" of organizations such as the Veterans of Graduate School Will Rest On Former Cemetery, Circus Lot Expert At Three Professions, Hubbard Says He's Unromantic By F. CLAYTON HEPLER Some peculiar facts concerning the history of Ann Arbor, perhaps pro- phetic in a way, have come to light with the razing of the two blocks bounded by Huron, Twelfth, Wash- ington and Thayer Streets on which the new Graduate School will be con- structed. Few people know that at one time the block directly behind the League was once rented to passing circuses for a place to give their performances. The grounds were at that time a suf- ficient distance from the city so that the gay throngs would not disturb any of the worthy burghers. At a later date University tennis been occupying the dwelling until lately when the University acquired it. William Groves bought the block from E. W. Morgan, a pioneer realtor in this section. The only Jewish cemetery in Ann Arbor was established on the Groves land about 1900 by the Fantell and Sondiehn families, prominent Jew- ish residents at that time. The en- trance to the burial grounds was placed adjacent to the Groves home. Only 10 or 12 internments were made in the grounds surrounded by a wood- picketed fence, and the coffins were later transferred to another local cemetery by Mr. Groves and his brother. A. D. Groves, execntors of By JOSEPHINE CAVANAUGH Bernard R. Hubbard - priest, ex- plorer, college professor -is not a romantic figure. Or so he says. Father Hubbard denied that he is a more romantic character because of the combination of priest and ex- plorer. "I won't admit that," he said. "I am merely doing some mod- est research along the line of ge- ology." But it is hard to agree with him considering certain features in his personality and experiences. Since childhood he had determined to be- come a priest, he said, but his col- lege education had led him to be- come intensely interested in geology. ferent denominations are a bad in- fluence on the Alaskan people, he replied. "I refuse to dispute any man's statement." He laughingly added thathe was at the very min- ute of the interview wearing Sir Wilfred's coat. The statement that he is "definite~- ly not a missionary," seemed a sur- prising one to hear Father Hubbard make. But he explained that his purpose was not to convert non-be- lievers, but to do some "modest ge- ological research." If one were asked to describe the character and personality of Father Hubbard, he could well sum it up in three adjectives - technical, alert, and human. Technical, because he