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December 04, 1935 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-04

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U 1


Team Of Missouri Students Wins 4-H Judging Honors

Library Exhibit Commemorates .400th
Anniversary Of Printed English Bible

Myles Coverdale Edition,
Published In 1535, Is
Featured In Display
Marking the national commemo-
raticn of the 400th anniversary of
the printing of the first complete
English Bible, the current General
Library exhibit in the cases of the
front hall is dedicated to Bibles. The
exhibit has been prepared by Miss

The earliest manuscript of the
Greek Orthodox Bible extant shown
in the display is the Codex of Epis-
ties of Paul. Part of this extremely
important document is owned by the
! University of Michigan and the re-,
imainder is in the possession of the
British Museum. The page shown
of this manuscript has turned brown
with age, and the outline of the sheet
is almost indiscernible, being torn
about the edges. Hovere, in spite
of the difficulty of reading this man-#

on wc
and su
the so

The University of Missouri team won the intercollegiate livestockj
livestock exposition in Chicago. Its members, shown abcve, are, left t
Thiemen, Vernon Jelley, Spencer Bakan, Robert Kaye, Claude Willett, a
More Talkative' Engineers Is
Aim Of Campus Organization

Society Evolved Six Years
Ago Under Direction Of
Professor Brackett
Intensive persuading, cajoling, or
threatening were once the only means
by which the taciturnity of the tech-
nical man was disturbed. Today the
time is in view when every engineer
or architect will be as publicly vocal
as are now the members of the legal
or journalistic professions.
And if that time ever does actually
arrive, it will be to an organization
founded on the campus six years'
ago that a considerable part of the
praise, or blame, if you prefer your
engineers silent - will have to be ac-
Began Six Years Ago
Six years ago there were in the
engineering and architectural col-
leges 10 students who decided that
something should be done to enable
the technical man to explain pub-
licly his methods, objects and ideals
in a clear, understandablenand in-
teresting fashion.
Taking their idea to Prof. Robert
D. Brackett of the engineering Eng-
Dates Announced
For Hillel Plays
The date for the presentation of
three one-act plays by the Hillel
Players was set yesterday for Dec. 17.
The plays will be given in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Casts for the three productions
were also selected. Ada Zolla will
direct Lawrence Langner's "Another
Way Out." The cast will include
Stella Blum, '38, Phyllis Diamond,
'38, Sylvia Guterman, '36, Leonard
Kasle, '38, and William Wolfner, '38E.
The satire "Sham" will be directed
by Louise Samek, '38, whose cast is
made up by Morley Baer, '37, Louis
Goldberg, '37, and Irene Jaskulik, '38.1
The third play, "The Finger of
God" by Wilde, will include Bob Fish-
grund, '37, Marguerite Merkel, '37,
Richard Rome, '36.
Frank Heyward Consults
Professors On Forestry
Frank Heyward, '29, of the United
States southern experimental branch
station located at Lakeville, Florida,
is visiting and consulting members in
the School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion today and tomorrow. He is in-
terviewing the faculty in regard to
some of the work being conducted by
the department£ in the South, Prof.
Dow V. Baxter of the forestry school
Heyward has done a great deal of
investigative work on the affect of
forest fire on long leaf pine forests
and is the author of the bulletin, "The
Effect of Forest Fires on Long Leaf
Pine Soils."

lish department, they evolved an
honorary speech society which they
called Stump Speakers' Society.
Later this name was freely trans-
lated into Greek, and from the initial
letters of the Greek words was de-
rived the name Sigma Rho Tau.
Constitution Set Up
When the preliminaries of setting,
up a constitution and officers had
been dispensed with, the new society
got down to the serious business of
talking. Other engineering students
found themselves talking in the so-
ciety, too. Before long, through the
efforts of Prof. F. N. Menefee of the
engineering mechanics department,
the Associated Technical Societies of
Detroit became actively interested in
the society's progress.
With the aid and sponsorship of
these technical societies, chapters of
the organization have been formed
at Detroit Institute of Technology,
Michigan State College, the College
of the City of Detroit, and Wayne
University. Meanwhile the original
10 in the University had grown to well
over 100 individuals desirous of learn-
ing through actual experience and
example the best means by which
to keep tongue and brain operating
Several Forms Used
This learning to speak was and is
accomplished in several different
manners. Debates are, of course, a
part of the speech program, but play
a comparatively minor role in the
society. Exposition of engineering
topics is carried on at length; com-
mendatory - or otherwise - discus-
sions of the accomplishments of fa-
mous engineers are encouraged; con-
ferences are held between the various
chapters; and the art of telling a
good story in a professional manner
is practiced.
In addition to the students, this
society numbers among its members
President Alexander G. Ruthven',
Dean-emeritus Mortimer E. Cooley,
Dean Herbert C. Sadler, Dean W. L.
Coffee of the College of the City
of Detroit, and Dean H. B. Dirkes of
Michigan State College.

Ella Hymans, curator of the Rare uscript Prof. Henry A. Sanders, chair- greatE
Book Room, man of the speech department of the a cop
The volumes and manuscripts are University, published in April . an was p
arranged to show the transmission important book on the Epistles of enber
of the Bible and the gradual devel- Paul, based on this specimen. books
opment of the English Bible, with Greek Bible Displayed know
Associated Press Photo descriptive notes about each. The Many of the volumes of the Greek Moi
judging cont(st at the international feature of the exhibit is the Myles Bible are huge and explain the steps ed in
o right: Coach H. C. Moffett, Homer Coverdale edition, the first English in the understanding of the Bible ster,
nd Jewett FulkersoenBible to appear in print, published by scholars and the people although the k
in 1535. It is possibly a revision of the the latter were not able to read, which
Tyndale edition and shows marked much less own a copy of the Bible matic
influence of the Latin and German until medieval times. Several of pugns
M ark Twain Is translations.these Greek texts are shown in fac- -
Tyndale Bible Featured simile and are beautifully illustrated i
Em bodim ent Of Of almost equal importance is the with clever designs hand set.
Tyndale Bible, a translation of the Two of these are the Codex Aber-
" New Testament into English, appear- andrinus, the first of the great Bible
ational Genius ing in 1525, which is thought to manuscripts to be made accessible
have contributed more to the famil- to scholars and presented to the king
iar form of the New Testament than of England by the patriarch of Con-
(continued from Page i) ___ all others combined, and was the stantinople and the Codex Vaticanus
uel Clemens' personal unhappiness, basis for many future translations. of fourth century which is considered
and are not examples of the best work This edition, however, was burned by the most valuable of all manuscripts
done by the artist Twain. It is for- the English bishops and Tyndale of the Greek Bible.
tunate, he said, that most of the was condemned for heresy and was The work of Robert Estienne is
anger and bitterness which experience burned. prominent in the exhibit and is im-
produced in Samuel Clemens did not The display features several English portant for it was Estienne who di-
bound off from the surface of the volumes for which it is indebted to vided the chapter divisions of the
man, but by passing through Mark William C. Hollands, who gave these Bible into the smaller units of ref Af
Twain's personality appeard trans- Bibles as a memorial to his son erence, verses, making a total of
figured as one of the most completely William Tinker Hollands, '13. The 7959 divisions. Although this was
satisfactory combinations of humour most valuable of these is the massive done for convenience and facility in
and satire that literature offers. This, King James Version, a revision of reading, it also broke up the contin- A
he added, was not the result of the the Bible, in which nine-tenths of uity of the Bible into independent
sale of his soul to his environment the New Testament had been written thoughts and truths. Ie
and his public, but the inevitable re- by Tyndale. Others are the Bishops' or
sult of his temperment. Bible which appeared in 1568 and the
"Mark Twain," said Prof. Camp- Douay edition which was the English p
bell, "distilled laughter from almost Roman Catholic translation from the
all of his experiences. Thus he looked Latin Vulgate, the official Bible of or
back upon his boyhood, or upon ex- the Catholic church.
periences traveling in Europe, and Wycliffe Translation Included
was able to laugh. The Wycliffe translation in English
"For Mark Twain is the most per- is also included in the exhibit. Wy- d
feet embodiment of one aspect of our cliffe was suposed to have translated
national genius which the west has the Vulgate into English as early NEW LOW PRICE on D
contributed to the fullness of Amer- as 1382. E ER -'TROASTER
ican life," stated Prof. Campbell. His Of equal importance and probably EVERHC ROASTER
spirit, he said, was that of the men greater interest are the volumes and ELECTRIC - Fully Automatic
who created the spectacle in which manuscripts in Greek, Latin and He- Prepare an entire meal at oneime. A perfect Christmas gift
he lived, and which he so colorfully brew which formed the basis and for the home
and accurately pictured. He ap- foundation for the later English fothhme
peared to regenerate American liter- Bibles.The Hebrew scrolls on calf Now $14.95
ature at a time when it was being skin and vellum especially command
smothered by the proprieties of the attention for their antiquity and
genteel tradition. value. Scholars of Biblical manu- SCH LEN KERSt
"His work," said Prof. Campbell, in scripts generally believe that many Hardware Company
closing, "has contributed a powerful of these manuscripts were written 213-215 W. Liberty Tel. 8575
antidote to the strong infection of on papyrus and sheepskin. -
conformity, cowardice and other
forms of spiritual weakness which
periodically threatens American let-
ters. Would that Samuel Clemen's
courage, independence, power of ut-
tering the liberating words with un-
mistakeable directness and good
humour -in short, would that his
western virility dominated all phases
of American life on this the 100th an-
niversary of his birth.

e volume contains the metrical
n of large portions of the Old
ment history and the life of
t. These religious poems were
rtant as the earliest Angio-Eax-
orks presenting scripture in any
and the poems were learned
rng by common people and were
ole source of their Bible know-
bably the most famous book
sented in the exhibit is the
nberg Bible, the earliest and
est book in the world, of which
y is shown. The first edition
printed at Mainz by Johann Gut-
rg in 1445. It is one of the rarest
extant, only 45 copies being
re recent Bibles are also includ-
the exhibit as the Noah Web-
of dictionary fame, revision of
King James Bible in 1833, in
he removed archaisms, gram-
al errors, and "expressions re-
ant to modern taste."

6 AN

Ve want to give the
alvotion Army 100
)iscorded- Suits and
)vercoots .. .
n allowance of $5.00 will
made for your old suit
overcoat toward the
urchase of any new suit
Make your purchase to-
ay as this offer expires
ecember 10.




tate Street on the Campus

# v




More Shopping ays
___ till School Closes-

-- .

Pancakes Always On Order.
OPEN 7 A.M. to 8:30 P.M.
Table and Counter Service
Aunt Het's
513 EastWilliam

"You can't eathe them
unless you use bait."

This year inasmuch as the students
do not leave Ann Arbor until the 20th
it will be necessary for them to do

their usual

Christmas shopping be-

Dial 2 -1214

t U> f

fore going home.


CALK INS-FLETCHER, realizing this,
have assembled the largest and wid-
est selection of Christmas merchan-
dise in their history, from Exquisite
imported perfumes to the latest in
Eastman's Cine Kodaks.

Y' i )

-- I
For Christmas We Are Offering An Excellent
Stock of LEATHER MERCHANDISE, including

BRIEF CASES which we have priced at $2.50,
$5.00, $7.50, $10.00.



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ZIPPER CASES at $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, and $7.50.
ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS at $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 and $7.00.




818 S. State

324 S. State

201 S. Fourth

Also Some Attractive

Values in: Leather Book Covers,




Bill Folds, etc.


J/ - AMIM ; F . 1




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