THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESD~AY, DECEMBER, 4, 1935 U EMMEMMM THE MICHIGAN DAILY Clean Up The Radio... - _ - - Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the usej for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper.sAll rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor. Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc:, 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 49251 BOARD) OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ................JOHN J. FLAHERTYI ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............. THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman; Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman; Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert A. Cumming, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Brisco, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotlte D. Rueger, Jewel W, WNuerife . BUSINESS IDEPARTMENT TeC1lphoneC 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER .............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER . . ..MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ...ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: RALPH W. HURD It's Time TO Turn On The Heat ... T HROUGHOUT the coming 12- month period the American voting public is going to hear a lot of words, and, to a great extent, on the basis of those words is going to choose a President of the United States. Many political orators have already started scat- tering their opinions at Homecoming dinners or Patrick Henry Day banquets, and a decidedly flat and by no means novel tenor has character- ized their speeches. Briefly, these orators have /said little which an intelligent voter would ponder in making the all-important decision. The ease of anticipating the strategy of the Democrats is -matched only by the ease in under- standing that of the Republicans. Beginning with President Roosevelt, and going down the line to the assistant postmaster at Wolf Creek, Wyo., every Democrat is waiting anxiously for his time to turn on the heat with florid hosannahs in wild and unmerited praise of the New Deal. On the other hand, Republicans can hardly abide the necessity of waiting even a moment to compare the New Deal and the Democrats to a serpent, a cancerous sore, or a rotten apple. The point is simple. If the Democrats will give serious consideration to the presentation of the program in which they believe; if they will recognize that the New Deal has not attained to supreme success but instead has accomplished relatively little; if they will tell soberly where and how they intend to go, they will have at least the satisfaction of knowing that the mature voter has not chosen the Republicans. If, on the other hand, the Republicans will realize that the New Deal came only after they themselves had failed; if they will abandon per- sonalities and hysterics, they should regain much of the voting strength which they lost because of poor tactics and an emaciated program. That both parties should choose the mature way is hardly conceivable, and so we will not discuss the results of that. The Blue Eagle Will Try Again.. .. T WILL BE interesting to note the reaction of business to announce- ment that a new NRA bill is ready for submission to Congress. Members of the administration claim that the measure will not be presented to the national legislature unless business itself expresses a desire for such legislation. What the attitude of industry will be after its "breathing spell" of half a year is problematical. The provisions of the measure, which is reported to have the approval of President Roosevelt, were not made public but several persons purportedly "in the know" said that they would: 1. Restate the powers of Congress to regulate interstate commerce and add activities which "substantially affect" interstate commerce; 2. Permit application of voluntary codes to businesses engaged in such commerce; 3. Forbid price fixing in codes except for na- tural resources and in restrain of monopolies. Obviously, in view of the Supreme Court's deci- sion on the NRA case, the first clause is necessary in order to permit any control of industry on the part of the government. It may be that the courts will again thwart the purpose of the second NRA. Then application of voluntary codes seem to be the only way in which the administration can get T HERE is a great difference between censorship of the press and censor- ship of radio. One is privately owned, while the other is a utilization of public property. Moreover, political censorship -- which nobody wants -is one thing, but objectionable programs and adver- tising is another." So said George Henry Payne, Federal Communications Commissioner, and so say we. Censorship of press and radio are two different things. Both are easily obtainable, a newspaper for three cents on the corner, and a radio pro- gram by a mere switch of the dial. But it is lots easier to sit and listen than it is to sit and read, especially if you do not agree with the author of the article. But you can sit and listen to almost anything, even a bedtime story if there is nothing else on the air. So as this generation is growing up, it listens to the radio much more than it reads newspapers. Tomorrow's adults are being educated by radio more than they are by newspapers. The stand- ards which they will in time have for their en- tertainment are being set by the radio. Thus radio can do a great deal more harm than newspapers because it can appeal to a youngster whose opinions and ideas are forming, while a newspaper, if it does any damage, will do it to a person who should be old enough to take what he likes and leave the rest. It is altogether fitting, we think, that the gov- ernment should step in and regulate radio pro- grams if the broadcasters do not do so very soon. The radio needs a "clean up" campaign similar, but more effective, than the one against movies. ITHE FORUM Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. 'Are The Lawyer Wrong?' To the Editor: It is right that a student of law should be also a student of the precise use and interpreta- tion of words. Every lawyer ought to wince when he uses such a phrase as ". .. that the school board be, and is hereby, empowered to borrow ... A jury can speak with one voice because it has 'a corporate existence and can appoint a foreman. The literati never had a corporate existence and have had no spokesman since Mencken married. May I suggest that '36L seek further enter- tainment by justifying his use of the clause "such as you and me" and of the word "anent." He might continue with this statement which is copied from a tablet in Hutchins Hall: " . .. by aiding the one from which I graduated . . ." His task in the latter case will be light because usage is now fairly evenly divided and it is scarcely con- ceivable that seven million dollars could be very wrong. If he goes far out of doors he will see on some professor's windshield a sticker issued by a local paper and bearing the warning DRIVE SAFE. I hope he advances to the Supreme Bench and is obliged to wrestle with words like "sanc- tion," "implement," "due process." -Dr. Syntax. Proletarian Novels To the Editor: The editorial writer who enquired "Where can we read proletarian novels?" (Daily, Nov. 30) is entitled to some sort of an answer. The condition, of which he complains with laudable sincerity, deserves the attention which he is striving to focus upon it. But whoever suggested that it is the function of the University Library to supply contemporary creative or critical literature for general student reading? Book store owners exist for that pur- pose. To be sure, Mr. Bishop would be only too glad to render that service if he had the funds, but his Library has many other functions, and in recent years his resources have been curtailed seriously by necessary economies. He cannot be expected to load his shelves with books whose validity has not been tested, for 50 copies of any of the titles suggested in the editorial might be a reflection on his judgment twenty years hence. To the statements that "the Michigan student is neither reading them (proletarian novels) nor responding to them" and that "he can't because they are not found near him," the obvious reply is that if any Michigan students are capable of such reading and response, they will be found near the books, not the books near them. Books are, after all, inanimate objects. Since it has been suggested that there are but 25 volumes in the Journalism library, as against 9,000 students in the University. that condition appears to be a reflection on the 9,000 students and no one else. It may be true that "if the Michigan man is to be proud of his culture he should feed it." But it by no means follows that his culture should be spoon fed to him. Sometimes one thinks that if there is any "paternalism" at Michigan, it is here because the students demand it - and de- serve it. Perhaps in the sentence quoted above the word "he" should be italicized. In this instance and in many other observable phenomena at Ann Arbor, it seems that the slogan "Youth must be served" is taken seriously by the students. There is also a saying, "The world owes every man a living." To both the world replies, "Oh, yeah-well try to get it." Oddly enough the youth or man who really tries to get it frequently succeeds, while he who waits to have it delivered not only may wait in vain, but also will miss the interesting experiences that make life absorbing. The Conning Tower 'LIKE UNTHRIFTS, HAVING SPENT' TOOSOON the green is turned to brown and bare, And the sweet scents stifled, by a common thief, Too late I grieve the things no longer there. Beguiled by summer and the autumn flare Of fires that were too beautiful and brief, I had not heard the winds of winter grief Trumpeting disaster, summoning despair. Beauty is vanished in the leaf and flower, And in the fruit ungarnered to the bins, Left frozen in the field of sorrow. Dark sinsI Lie black upon the earth to shame the sower.; How far away is spring? How fertile fear? I had not thought the winter was so near. G.A. When, last Thursday, we said that not a news- paper had said that Mike Mesko, the Twelfth Dartmouth player, came from Rah-rah-rahway, we reckoned without the New York American, which said just that on its very front page. Among the things that shouldn't happen here is tuberculosis. Buy Christmas Seals. All the money goes to fight tuberculosis. Too few per- sons know that, as they are used to thinking that the overhead eats up the profits. Your dollar is worth a dollar in this fight. His attack on members of the state Legislature who voted for the teachers oath bill as a "mental act of the lark ages" drew loud applause from his youthful audience.--Boston Herald. Hail to thee, blithe spirit! Historian's Peekly-Weekly By Electrical Transcription. Radio As You Like It (If you don't like 't, return the unhstened to portion to us in the original package and we'll pay you twice the price we receive for it - minus postage.) 6:45 A.M.-Good morning! Have you a hang- over? Next time, remember, (quote) Clear heads call for Pollyanna Rye, the Champagne of Vodkas. It's 'Aged-in-the-Quotes' (un- quote). 7:15 - Request from stratosphere: "Six-day bike race opening here tonight. Cyclists would appreciate it if you would play a six-day version of 'Red Sails in the Sunset.' " 7:30 - Early morning news flash from Ethiopia: The Lion of Judah has just had his first ride in a kiddie kar. Newsreels of this im- portant event are now being rushed by plane to Cairo, thence by scooter to Rome, from where they will be radioed back to Addis Ababa in time for the last show at the local Trans-Lux tonight. 10:00-Opening prices in Wall Street: Kiddie Kar common leaped eight points oi the strength of radio reports from Ethiopia. 10:30 -China Clipper arrives in South Seas with postage due. The next voice you hear will be that of a local cannibal humming "Red Sails in the Sunset." 11:15 - Alcatrez Prison Orchestra: "Red Sails in the Sunset," "Red Sails Behind Bars," "Red Sails in the Lower Mississippi," etc. 12:00 Noon - Time signals from Chicago: It is now exactly ten seconds before 7:44 P.M. on the Peiping-Hankow Railway, which has just been declared an autonomous state in Eastern Cuckoo Time. (Bong!) 12:15 P.M. -Braves lose'National League fran- chise to the tue of "Heap Red Sails in the Sunset, Ugh!" 1:45 --Monster Macy Day parade, broadcast direct from the Helium Room of the Balloon Donald Duck. Mr. Duck will describe the parade from the viewpoint of one who missed it completely: "Float No. 1. A huge replica of Tony Sarg direct from his appearance in the original cast of the Landing of the Pilgrims. (Qwock- qwock-qwock-qwock!) "Float No. 2. The First Thanksgiving Din- ner, with Harpo Marx as the First Turkey. Qwock-qwock-qwock-qwock!) "Float No. 3. Paul Whiteman and his Eight Tiny Reindeer: Dancer, Prancer, Sally Rand, Maniaci of Fordham, Meyer of West Point, Le Van of Princeton, Shakespeare of Notre Dame and Miss Typical Consumer. (Qwock-qwock-qwock-qwock!) "Float No. 4. Santa Claus, disguised as Etaoin Shrdlu, singing 'Red Sails in the Sun- set.' (Qwock-qwock-qwock-qwock!) 2:30- Army-Navy football game. Husing kicked off to Husing, who ran the ball back to the Columbia Broadcasting System. Husing then got off a 98-yard fumble. Recovered by Husing on the Army-Navy 10-yard line. Score at the end of the first half: Army-Navy, 44; Ted Tusing, 0. 3:30 -Daily cooking school lesson: Visit your baker at least twice a day. 4:13 -Sunset. Postponed on account of red sails. 4:45 - News. Moscow officials were reported to be vastly interested in the Red revolt in Rio De Janeiro. Commissar Cpiar Stalin- ovitch was quoted as saying, "It can't happen here!" . . . For further news, send six package to the Press Radio Bureau. 7:00 - Amos 'n' Andy invite you to try a new Pepsodent product, Beer-in-Tubes. 9:15 - Weather report. Snow, followed by red sails in the sunset. 11:55 - Goodnight, by authority of the Federal Radio Commission. YE OULDE AL GRAHAM From the Lyons Plain Road to the Wilton Road there is no joy, for a horse named Weston came in last in Saturday's event at Bowie. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIPR E SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. - The asto nis in - in g abou t th e Chamber of Commere of the United States' poli of s member organiza- Lions on" new deal" legislative trendsc is not that a 35-to- adverse majority was rolled up but that it was not unanimous. Is it possible that three local cham- bers in New York state, for instance, actually voted for the "extension ofr federal jurisdiction into matters oft state and local concern"? That was1 question No. 1. Yet some 45 localt chambers over the country votedt "aye" against 1,796 "no." Or by what possible conjecture can the fact that 36 votes were cast< for "government competition with private industry-for regulatory or other purposes" be explained? Thatr was question No. 3 and 1,825 votes, were on the "no" side. HE "new deal" answer was stated by Dr. Raymond Moley in his magazine even before the referendum figures were published. He assumed the result, analyzing the chamber'sr questions as designed not to elicit "an honest opinion about the 'new deal' but to produce an endorsement of1 its (the national chamber's) anti-1 administration position." From that angle, the referendum certainly was a success. The endorse- ment was overwhelming. Yet, theI cry of "loaded ' questions Moley raises is going to be picked up so generally; by "new dealers" that chamber spokesmen to appear before congres- sional committees next session are likely to have a tough time of it. It is even possible Senator Black's lobby investigation committee could become interested in the circum- stances of that moll. Its senate char- ter has almost no limits. The idea ofl hailing national chamber directors before him to explain just how and by whom the questions were framed, might appeal to Black. AT a guess, however, administration policy will prove to be against any such tactics. Moley dismisses the referendum result as of no im- portance as a test of "new deal" sen- timent. With Secretary Roper, Chair-i man Jones of RFC, even Governor Eccles of the reserve board, joining in a general campaign of stimulation of confidence that the "new deal" re- form design is about complete and with presidential budgetary labors to date also reflecting that mood, repris- al moves against the national cham- ber or any other business group do not seem likely. In any event, "new deal" legal tests of such a variety and scope are either before the supreme court or on their way there, that the political values of today can be completely up- set on any decision day. :: MUSIC :: Concert artists are not unlike those i'arely beautiful flowers which bloom for but a short while and then die, their soil being taken up by more hardy plants before they find cour- age to bloom again. Newer and more exciting virtuosi of the violin have come to our concert stages, have had their day of glory and, in the manner of the blossoms, lost it - all within the concertizing lifetime of Fritz Kreisler. Like an old friend, however, he has weathered all the storms of popularity brought about by the fickle public and is still drawing full auditoriums of friends who welcome him. Most outstanding in the first half of the Kreisler program last night was the Bach Partita in E Major for violin alone. The eternal beauty of simplicity present in these dances was aided bycthe single melodic line of the unaccompanied instrument. The Prelude was full of enthusiasm and action. The mood of certainty creat- ed in this first part was destroyed by the almost vague hopefulness of the Loure which, however, moved with- out pause into the most charming number of the group, the Gavotte. This delightful work is almost pro- grammatic in that it presents a clear picture of Eighteenth Century custom and manners - one which could never be disturbing or confusing. In both the Gavotte and the Minuets which followed powdered wigs were much in evidence. Following the intermission Mr. Kreisler played his own Shepherd's Madrigal, an extremely pastoral work which was played so skillfully that one almost thought a shepherd pipe was scoring in the work. The music seemed to suggest the sweet singing of the guardian of the flock inter- iupted by pipe calls to his herd. The peace of the shepherd's existence is told in part of the song, and in still another section appears a melody defying the more turbulent life of the city dwellers living in the yalley below. The work closes with a sort of folk-song and a warning note on the pipe to t he sheep who have stiayed from the flock. Three Spanish Dances concluded the program. They were, by their WEDNESDAY, DEC. 4, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 54 Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to the students on Wednes- day, Dec. 3, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Faculty Bibliography: The blanks sent to the members of the Faculty some time ago for recording publi- cations for the last two years, are now due and should be returned to the Gradlate School office as soon as possible. All blanks should be re- turned whether or not there is any- thing to report. C. S. Yoakum. Student Volunteer Convention: Students interested in the Indian- apolis Student Volunteer Convention during the holidays are invited to meet at the Kalamazoo room, Michi- gai League, at 7:30 Wednesday eve- ning. (December 4). E. W. Blakeman, Counselor in Religious Education. Pi Lambda Theta: Due to unavoid- able circumstances there will be no meeting this evening. "M~aedchen in Uniform" will be presented by the Art Cinema League Friday and Saturday, Dec. 6-7 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8:15. This picture has received the unani- mous aclaim of all critics as being the best German picture ever produced. All cialoeue is synchronised with English titles. Academic Notices DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. i t 1 1 C 1 T 7 1 Y and "Fiord Lands of British Colum- bia" discussed by Mr. Dow. Also brief reviews. Zoology Seminar: Mr. George A. Ammann will speak on "The Life History of the Yellowheaded Black- bird," on Thursday, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m. Room 2116 N. S. A.I.Ch.E. meets Thursday, 7:30 p. m., Room 1042. A. E. Kazmark will speak on "The Chemical Engineering in the Brewing Industry." Refresh- ments will be served. Dinner Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Association of University Professors at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 5, Michigan Union. Professor Louis A. Strauss, chairman of the Board in Control of Student Publications, will be the speaker. Non-members of the organization are cordially invited. Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting Thurs- day, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Professor A. O. Lee will give an illustrated talk on "Die Aerztliche Tracht in Kulturgeschichtlicher Be- deutung." Everyone interested is in- vited to attend. Weekly Reading Hour: Xhe prog- gram for tomorrow afternoon, Dec. 5, at 4 o'clock in Room 205 Mason Hall will consist of interpretations of poetry to be given by the following students: Mary Atlee, Donald Brackett, Elaine Cobo, Donald Dolan, William Anderson, Naida Goldstone, Esther Haughey, Katherine Kirwan, Rose McKay Ruth Moore, Dorothy Corson, Marion Reynolds Martin- Sookne, Grace Woodley, Jane Christy, Gret- chen Kanter, Marie Sawyer. The public is cordially invited to these weekly reading hours. The Outdoor Club is sponsoring a party at Sylvan Estates Country Club, near Chelsea, on Saturday, Dec. 7. There will be games in the afternoon and dancing in the evening. The group will leave from in front of the Women's Athletic Building at 2:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The cost for transportation, banquet, and dancing will not exceed 80c. All stu- dents invited, but reservations must be phoned to 21025 or handed to a cabinet member by Wednesday eve- ning. Class Meeting of '38 engineers in Room 348 W. Eng. at 4 p.m. Friday, to elect engineering council repre- sentative. Eligibility slips necessary for candidates. The Ann Arbor District Nurses As- sociation will meet at the St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital Auditorium on Dec. 5, 8:00 p.m. All registered graduate nurses are invited to attend. The Metropolitan Club, an organi- zation for students of Greater New York City and Northern New Jersey, announces a meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Michigan League. Room number posted on the bulletin board in the lobby. All members and those interested are urged to attend. Men and women invited. 11n m. English 35. I shall be unable meet my 2 o'clock class today. F. W. Peterson. to Geology 11: There will be a blue- book Friday at 9:00. Please go to the same rooms as before. Lectures French Lecture: Professor C. A. Knudson will give the second lecture on the Cercle Francais program: "Le Theatre Comique en France au Moyen Age," Wednesday, Dec. 4, 4:15 p.m., Room 103. Romance Language Build- ing. Tickets for the series of lectures may be procured at the door. Exhibitions Exhibition of paintings by Jean Paul Slusser in Memorial Hall, Dec. 3 to Dec. 18. Open 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, including Sundays. Events Of Today Chemistry Colloquium meeting at 4:00 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry Build- ing. Mr. W. G. Fredrick will speak on "The Recovery and Analysis of Dissolved Gases from Ether." Sphinx, Junior men's honorary so- ciety, will meet at 12:15 today in the Union. All members are urged to attend. Botanical Seminar meets at 4:30, Room 1139, N. S. Bldg. Paper by W. R. Taylor, "The New England Algal Flora." Aero Division of A.S.M.E. meeting I of interest for every Aero Engineer, in the Michigan Union at 7:30 p.m. A.S.M.E.: Mr. B. E. Tiffany, engi- neer of the Kelvinator Corporation of Detroit will speak on "Mechanical Refrigeration" at the meeting at 7:30 at the Union. Alpha Nu Debating Society: Regu- lar meeting of the members of Alpha Nu will be held today in the regular chapter room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall. It is urged that all members try to attend this meeting. New students interested in debating and speech are cordially invited to attend. Luncheon for Graduate Students: Russian Tea Rom of the Michigan League Building. Cafeteria service. Professor John L. Brumm, of the Journalism Department, will speak informally on "The Delights of Trag-~ edy." 'reshman Glee Club: Important re- hearsal 4:30.- Varsity Waiting List Club: All men in the Waiting List Club, and those who have had to drop the Varsity Club temporarily will please report hereafter at 5 p.m. Wednesdays in- stead of at 7:30 p.m. Combined re- hearsal with Varsity Club Sundays at 4:30. Publicity Committee of the League I meeting at 4:30 p.m. in the Under- graduate Office. All members must be present. Mixed Badminton: The first prac- tice will be held at Barbour Gym- nasium from 7:15 to 9:15 p.m. Men and women students are cordially in- vited to attend. A medical card for 1935 is essential. Newcomers Section, Faculty Wom- en 'nCluh will make a tour of the Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files Of Nov. 27, 1925 The 1925 all-Conference football team as selected by seven of the Big Ten coaches placed four Michigan men on the first team, with six of the seven coaches placing Friedman at quarterback and Oosterbaan at left end. Discussing the relation of the mod- ern newspaper to its readers, adver- tisers, and employes, WalterdLipp- mann of the New York World, lec- tured yesterday under the auspices of the Michigan School of Religion in the Natural Science Auditorium. Yesterday's balloting on the four proposals of America's entrance in- to the World Court resulted in a large majority for entrance under the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge plan. Oswald Garrison Villard, editor and owner of The Nation, has been se- cured by the Round Table Club to give an address here Monday. Coach Mann's Varsity swimming team came through last night in the initial meet of the season with the Detroit Athletic Club and the Detroit Yacht Club, garnering two first places, two seconds, a third and a fourth in three events in the A.A.U. meet. Engaging in its first contest of the year the women's Varsity debating team will meet a representative dele- gation from Ohio State University tonight in University Hall. Cecilia Hansen, the distinguished Russian-Danish violinist, will be heard in recital for the first time in Ann Arbor in Hill Auditorium, as the second number in the Extra Concert series offered by the University School of Music.