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December 03, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-03

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Rackham Adds
$1,500,000 To
School ,Grant
Total For New Graduate
Institution Now Raised
To $6,500,000
(Continued from Page 1)
University Hopital and for other re-
search projects, but such projects had
been of necessity limited in scope be-
cause of the smallness and the time
limit of the grant.
According to Dr. Frank A. Robbins,
assistant to the President, this is one
of the greatest contributions ever
made to the University and is equal
in magnitude to the gift presented by
William A. Cook for the Law School.
Mr. Rackham was graduated from
the Leslie, Mich., High School and
was an original associate of the Ford
Motor Company. Sometime after his
graduation he went to Detroit and
read law in an office and was later
admitted to the bar. He first became
associated with the University in 1920
through the archaeology department.
He bought Greek manuscripts and
certain biblical and ancient oriental
manuscripts for the Library from
time to time and made his first gift in
1921 forwork of the Univesity ex-
peditions in Egypt and in the Philli-
The trustees of the Rackham fund
have contributed anonymously more
than $3,000,000 to the University
since Rackham's death. The govern-
ing board of trustees for the Rack-
ham foundation, which has offices in
the Nickel's Arcade, is composed of:
President Ruthven; Dean Clarence S.
Yoakum, graduate school; Dr. Mark
S. Knapp, director of the Rackham
fund; and Bryson D. Horton, mem-
ber of the Rackham Board.
The trustees of the fund are Mrs.
Rackham, Frederick G. Rolland, Mrs.
Myra H. Bussey, and Clarence E.
Valerio Wins Award
At Art Exhibition
Prof. Alexander Mastro Valerio of1
the fine arts department was award-
ed honorable ,mention at the twen-
tieth annual exhibition of the Society
of American Etchers now showing in
New York, it was learned here yes-
The award was made for his group
of three mezzotints entitled "Nude by
the Window," "Sea Shells," and "Twi-
light." The three prize-winners were
among the 263 etchings selected for
the exhibit out of mre than 1500 en-
tries by artists in 44 states.
Professor Valerio previously had
one of his etchings, entitled "Morn-
ing," included in "Fine Prints of the
Year," a collection published annual-
ly by Putnam.'
(Continued from Page 4)
of Michigan" discussed by Mr. Hard,
and "Fiord Lands of British Colum-
bia" discussed by Mr. Dow. Also brief
Luncheon for Graduate Students
on Wednesday, Dec. 4, Russian Tea
Room of the Michigan League Build-
ing. Cafeteria service. Professor
John L. Brumm, of the Journalism
Department, will speak informally
on "The Delights of Tragedy."
Alpha Nu Debating Society: Regu-
lar meeting of the members of Alpha

Nu will be held on Wednesday, Dec.
4, in the regular chapter room on the
fourth floor of Angell Hall. It is
urged that all members try to attend
this meeting. New students interest-
ed in debating and speech are cor-
dially invited to attend.
Deutscher Zirkel: Meeting Thurs-
day, Dec. 5, 7:30 p.m., Michigan
League. Professor A. 0. Lee will give
an illustrated talk on "Die Aerztliche
Tracht in Kulturgeschichtlicher Be-
deutung." Everyone interested is in-
vited to attend.
Mixed Badminton: The first prac-
tice will be held Wednesday, Dec. 4,
at Barbour Gymnasium from 7:15 to
9:15 p.m. Men and women students
are cordially invited to attend. A
medical card for 1935 is essential.
The Outdoor Club is sponsoring a
party at Sylvan Estates Country Club,
near Chelsea, on Saturday, Dec. 7.
There will be games in the afternoon
and dancing in the evening. The
group will leave from in front of the
Women's Athletic Building at 2:00
o'clock Saturday afternoon. The cost
for transportation, banquet, and
dancing will not exceed 80c. All stu-
dents invited, but reservations must
be phoned to 21025 or handed to a
cabinet member by Wednesday eve-
Junior A.A.U.W. Dietetics Group
will meet, 8 o'clock Wednesday eve-
ning, at Mrs. R. C. Schulte's, 2951
Kimberly Road.

Humble Keys Have Last Word
In Opening Gates Of Learning

campus where, for reasons which
suggest the part played by keys iny
those phases of University history
that now enliven memoirs of "old
grads," no master or pass keys are
in use. These places are the morgue
in the East Medical Building and
the, alcohol storage room in the
Chemistry Building.
Keys to University buildings, aside
from those two places, have turned

up in every corner of the globe, Mr.
Bruch declared. Prof. Lawrence
Gould, formerly of the geology de-
partment, accompanied Admiral
Byrd on his Antarctic expedition with
a University key which heshad inad-
vertently retained in his pockets.
South America, Asia and Australia
have been visited by keys the begin-
ning and end of whose usefulness
was occasioned in the University key

Angell Panel Dedicated
At Church Anniversary
An altar panel constructed by
Carleton W. Angell, University art-
ist, was dedicated Sunday at thej
108th anniversary of the founding of
the St. Andrews Episcopal Church of
Ann Arbor.
The panel is five feet long and four
feet high and is molded in modern,

William Bruch Has Real
Job Caring For Locks In
When the portals of learning swing
shut behind student or preceptor, it
is to the humble key that the keep-
ing of those portals is entrusted; and
when it again comes time for those
portals to swing open, it is to the
key that recourse is again had.
Jangling from a caretaker's ring
or dumped in a lockbox on the key
clerk's desk, the keys to the Univer-
sity give little hint of their capa-
bilities. Laboratories, theaters, li-
braries, all may open to two or three
unpretentious bits of metal. A hun-
dred locks may yield to one whose
difference from its more restricted
fellows is barely discernable.
To William C. Bruch, University
key clerk, that apparently insignifi-
cant bump or depression which ren-
ders one key unique in the world rep-a
resents many hours spent in care-
fully "loading" a University cylinder
Soph Cabaret Was
Begun 6 Years Ago
(Continued from page 5)
veloped along futuristic lines, and
the venture proved to be such a
success that its place as a permanent
institution was insured.
In 1931 the cabaret was for the
first time held in the ballroom of
the League, and Grace Mayer, '34,
was general chairman. A Mardi Gras
motif was carried out in the decora-
tions and that year emphasis was
also placed on the costuming and
A nautical theme was carried out
in 1932, and Hilda Kirby, '35, was
general chairman.
The next year the Sophomore
women chose as their catch word the
then newly popularized phrase,
"Come Up Sometime" and went back
to the Gay Nineties for their theme.
Margaret Hiscock, '36, was in charge
of the cabaret.
Last year the cabaret was called
"Pseudo Psilly Psymphony" and car-
ried out Walt Disney's animated car-
toon idea, with Maryanna Chockley,
'37, as general chairman.
The sophomore women this year
are planning a cabaret which shows
a marked development in variety and
elaborateness over that given in 1929.
The catch word this year is "All
Aboard," indicating the theme of the
project, which is to take place in a
Grand Central Station. Angel Malis-
zewski, '38, is in charge of the cab-
HARLINGEN, Tex., Dec. 2. - (P)
- Frank Downes borrowed a baby
and won a diaper derby last night,'
defeating 16 other entrants in 26
seconds. Downes' divorce decree will
become final next week.

lock for one of the 100,000 different
"loads" or combinations possible. Be-
sides that, it represents to him the
pre-ordained place held by that lock
in a keying system which spreads
over the entire campus.
As in a regiment of soldiers, for
every building on the campus there
is a grand master key with subor-
dinate master keys, submaster, pass,
departmental, inter-office, and other
lesser keys with descending powers
and increasing numbers to provide
the foundation of the organization.
Where a pass key may command all
the rooms on one floor, a master key
will receive the obedience of every
lock in the building.
Considerable precautions are taken
to keep track of these keys. When
one is obtained in the ordinary fash-
ion by a laboratory assistant, for
instance, Mr. Bruch estimated that
the applicant's name is written or
typed at least 10 times on different
records before the key returns to the
office. Because such changes in the
possession of University keys occur
some 20,000 times in a year, what
might be "red tape" with a few be-
comes highly necessary.
Likewise, on every key there is
stamped a seal denoting the Uni-
versity's interest in the key. This
seal identifies the origin of the
key to other locksmiths; and when
asked to duplicate one of the Uni-
versity keys, they immediately can
and do report the fact. Locksmiths
in Ann Arbor have gone even further
by agreeing not to duplicate any key
bearing the University seal.
However, keys are lost now and
then, especially by apparently ab-
sent-minded professors, who account
for five-sixths of the keys which
have to be replaced each year. The
cutting of new keys is all done in the
key office; and this, too, takes on
the proportions of a good-sized job
when it is noted that about 40,0001
cylinder locks are in use on the
campus, for all of which keys have
at some time been made here.
There are only two places on the
To Hold Third Weekly
Informal Forum Today
The third of the weekly informal!
open forums for men and women stu-
dents will be held at 4 p.m. today in.
Room 302 of Mason Hall, it was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. Richard
E. Hollister of the speech department,
who is chairman of the group.
This week's discussion will centerj
about ways and means by which the
student can gain more enjoyment and
benefit from the courses he is taking
in the University.
7-Piece Band - Girls Trio
Sound System
Phone - Ypsilanti 900-W

r ~pi

Are You a
Penny Pn7er


feeling from stucco and papier
mache. It shows children of differ-
ent nationalities coming from all di-
rections and bringing gifts of flow-
ers and fruit to Christ who is seated
in the center. The inscription under
the panel is "Suffer the little children
to come unto me."
The panel was completed by Mr.
Angell in less than three months of
part time work.

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