_TIE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVI eX rr o- ound STEP'HANVIE This past weekend's activities were certainly long and drawn out . commencing last Wednesday night with the Theta Xi pledge dance at the League . . . and one of the regular membership dances at the Union. Thanksgiving Day found the town rather deserted .. . and we are willing to bet most of you went home and proceeded to eat too much turkey and pumpkin pie . . . but then Thanksgiving only comes once a year . . and so does Panhellenic Balls....o we will start there. The League was packed Friday night with girls donned in dazzling evening dresses and men in "white ties and tails" .. . For as everyone knows this was the occasion of the famous annual Pan-Hell Ball which every sorority girl makes an effort to attend. But that's not all . . . After the strains of Emerson Gill's orchestra ceased at one o'clock most of the houses served breakfast for their respective members and their guests. Since everyone proclaimed this party the best ever these breakfasts proved to be fetes of gaiety. At The Sorority reakfasts ... Let's go over to the Gamma Phi house first. There in a dining room lighted by candles and harboring a bouquet of pink carnations on each table sat a hoard of enthusiastic people . . . . At the head of the table sat the president . . . Marg Spencer . . . dressed in white satin. Her guest was a certain Ted St. Clair who hails from Detroit. And we couldn't help but notice Mary Lambie . . . who was with Bob McKeever .m.t. wearing a black formal. Yes . , . she's the one who was a committee member. Dotty Webb . . . who had as her guest Bill Fredericks . . . Mary Potter and "Mike" Sharpe . . . Louise Sprague and Russ Coward . . . Elsie Moore with friend Jack Bishop . . . And Jean Shaw accompanied by Bruce Kelly . . . were a few of the other guests who added to the merriment. The Thetas likewise defied the idea of an end to activity when one o'clock came. As the guests trouped into the dining room they were impressed by the gourds which sat on each table . . . It seems they were a California gift of some kind. A few of the guests whom we noticed were . . . Betty Ronal with Fred Buesser . . . Betty Barth and Chuck Van Winkle . . . Betty Shaffer sitting next to Steve Mason . . . Rod Craighead as Adeline Singleton's guest . . . Mary Gies and Jim Ritter . . . and Mary Johnson with Bob Burns. We might mention that the house president . . . Jean Laitner . . . looked very charming in her blue velvet formal. An Hilarious Evening..., In looking in at the Pi Phi house we met with no let-down in spirits . . . singing songs and inviting people like Phil Ordway always were a sure way to a hilarious evening. The party sat around tables which were decorated with yellow baby mums and rust colored chrysanthemums. The dim light offered by the candles also added atmosphere. Betty Scherling in a pretty white formal sat at the head of the center table. She had as her guest Harold Love . . . Barbara Bates sat at the other end of the table with Jim Wildes. And we couldn't help but notice Barb Hanna ... the one who was leading all the songs. Duck Norman's the man she was with . . . Bob Weeks and Jennie Peterson . . . Edith Zerbe and Bud Doerr . . . and Mary Margaret Barnes with Don Sweeney were a few of the other guests who were present. Upon walking in on the Delta Gammas the first thing we noticed were the table decorations : . . colorful bouquets . . . Jean Hatfield . . . who was in charge of the breakfast . . . was dressed in a cut velvet formal of plum shade ... Her guest was Willis Tomlinson. . . Sue Thomas with George Lawton was there too. They occupied the center of the stage as they well deserved . . . "Swell Ball" say we all . . . Harriet Hath- away and Tom Sullivan . . . and Mary Louise Willoughby and John Mann . . . were a few of the other couples present. Elaborate Table Decorations ... And the Chi Omegas really did their breakfast up in grand style . . . strong on the decorations . . . Every table was covered with black oil cloth and three silver Chi Omega crests served as striking contrasts for the black . . . On each table was also a bouquet of snapdragons. June Arnold the president of the house . . . wore a white satin formal. Philip Mit-' chell was her guest. Barbara Spencer sat beside Bing Cary . . . and Sallys Brown seemed to be enjoying herself with Phil Warner . . The breakfast at the Tri-Delt house certainly drew a large crowd .. . Adele McDonald was there with Walker Graham and Marion Bell with Earl Morrill . . . we noticed Louise Florez talking to Joe Smith, and Mary Ellen McCord, Bob Taylor, Mary Beth Tarbell and Bob Ward also seemed to be having a grand time . . . Dorothy Sprau and Bob Langford were seen admiring the centerpiece of white snapdragons, while several couples were grouped around the fireplace . . , A round The Mantle . . The Sorosae all seemed to have enjoyed themselves at the breakfast which was held at the house following the dance . . . Jane O'Farrell was noticed talking to John Rockwell, and Betty Ann Beebe with John Patterson . . around the mantlepiece which was decorated with yellow chrysanthe-' mums were Jacqueline Kolle and Brad Carpenter . . . also among thoset present were Marion Edgerton and Pierson Beebe . . The dining room of the Alpha Chi Omega house was filled with guests at the breakfast after the ball. Dorothy Shutt's green orchid was nice and fresh for the breakfast for it did not arrive until 10:45 p.m. . . . long after Dorothy was at the dance. Her guest was Rush Bowman. Betty Rich . president of the sorority was there with Frank Rennell . . . and Grace Lamb was with Bob McQueen who came out from Detroit for the ball. Marjorie Kess's guest was Jack Wilson . . . incidentally . . . Marg is wearing Jack's pin. . Heads League Fair Maryanna Chockley, '37, was se- lected to head this year's League Fair to be given Dec. 13 and 14 by the Undergraduate Council of the League last night. Suptterficiality tI: Learning fHit By Dean Lloyd Better Use Of Leisure Is Urged As Necessary To Good Education (Continued from Page 1) tan paper. "If you are afraid of a metropolitan paper," he stated, "don't attempt to work for it, and don't be afraid to learn the ABC's of journalisms on a small town paper." Professor Haines expressed the be- lief that knowledge of stenography and typing is the "open sesame" to work in a publishing house. "In fiction writing," he continued, "woman's chance is perhaps better than the man's, for women are prac- tical and imaginatively daring." It was his belief that it is not so much of a shock for women as for men to realize that they must think of the product of their inspring moments as a commodity to sell. After the speeches, Senior Society, honor society for independent senior women, inaugurated the new custom Df tapping theirbnew members at the banquet. Led by Betty Greve, '36, president, the nine old members tap- ped the following women: Ellen Brown, Gertrude Veneklasen, Myra Schwan, Betty Simonds, and Ruth LeRoux. The scholarships awards were an- nounced by Registrar Ira Smith, and the book "Seven Pillars of Wisdom," by T. E. Lawrence, was presented to Alumnae House by Miss Lloyd. Jean Seeley, '36, president of the League Council, presented the individual awards, "Living Authors," to Nina Jane Knutson, '36, Betty Goldstein, '37, and Mary Louise Biercamp, '38, who had the highest grades in their rspective classes. The banquet was presided over by Maureen avanagh, '36, president of the Assembly, and Audrey Talsma, '36, vice-president of the Assembly, who was chairman of the banquet. A song festival, led by Ruth Clark, '36A, featured Michigan songs by the entire audience as well as group singing. Members of the central committee for the banquet were Betty Green, '36, chairman of the finance commit- tee, Olga Shartess, '36, and Helen Louise Arner, '38, publicity, Angeline Maliszewki, '38, Virginia Snell, '38, and Jean Jackson, '38, decorations. Council Names Chairman For League Fair Project Plans Announced By Maryanna Chockley; To Be Held Dec. 13, 14 Maryanna Chockley, '37, was named chairman of the League Fair to be given Dec. 13 and 14 in con- junction with the Sophomore Cab- aret, by the Undergraduate Council of the League last night. The Fair will carry on the central theme of this year's Cabaret-the Grand Central Station with the catch word, "All Aboard," Miss Chockley announced. The Fair is to be in the form of a "train smoker," and will be held in the Grand Rapids Room of the League, she added. Senior Society has announced its intention to present an old fashioned melodrama as a part of the Fair, ard it will be held in the Ethel Foun- tain Hussey Room. The proceeds from this play are to be used to further the scholarship fund started by the organization this year. These scholarships are to be given to sopho- more women. Other women's honorary societies including Mortarboard and Wyvern will be in charge of booths. Addi- tional entertainments will feature target games with three chances to knock off the "kewpee" and win the doll; professional fortune telling; old fashioned tin-types; and cartoon drawings, Miss Chockley stated. Ruthvens Hold Monthly Tea; Honor Faculty President and Mrs. Ruthven en- tertained more than 50 faculty mem- bers at a reception which was held from 4 to 6 p.m., Sunday. These teas are held once each month and are of an informal nature. The refreshments, cake and tea, were served all afternoon. Mrs. Mehmet Aga-Oglu, wife of Professor Aga-Oglu of the Oriental religions department, was chosen to pour. The flowers throughout the house brightened the congenial atmosphere which prevailed. On the dining room table was a bouquet of red roses, while bouquets of large yellow mums were seen in the living room. There will be another tea in a month which will also honor faculty members, Mrs. Ruthven announced. CO-EDS TREAT YOURSELF to our Personality Fingerwave *Color Rinse Shampoo for 50c Special This Week! PUBLIX__ BEAUTY SHOPPE 201 East Liberty Phone 2-3414 Soph Cabaret Is Continuation Of Annual University Custom Originated As A Circus out in the Gypsy motif and trans- When Michigan Became formed the auditorium of Sarah Cas- Coeducational School By ROBERTA J. MELIN, There may be those of you who think that the Sophomore Cabaret as it has been presented in the past' few years is a comparatively new ac- tivity in the social life of the Univer- sity; but those who might think so are very badly mistaken, for the custom began early in the days when Michigan became a co-educational school and the Sophomore women originated the traditional Sophomore Circus. This affair continued to be an an- nual event until six years ago when the central committee of the Soph- omore project decided to try some- thing new and different and con- ceived the idea of changing the cir- cus into a cabaret, a custom which is still in existence today and which will be observed by the Sophomore women this year Friday and Satur- day. Dec. 13 and 14, in the ballroom of the League. The first caaaret was presented in 1929 in Barbour Gymnasium, with Emily Bates, '32, acting as general chairman and Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, assistant dean of women, serving as the advisor for the central com- mittee. Like any new innovation, this first cabaret was a dubious ven- ture and was held on a much less pretentious scale than it is today. Nevertheless, in spite of the uncer- tainty with which the central com- mittee proceeded in its plans, the final financial report showed a total profit of almost $200, a very sub- stantial increase over the proceeds [of the previous circuses. Decora- tions for this cabaret were carried The PPEL Beauty Shoppe gives you its SPECIAL PERMANENTS Shelton Tulip Eugene and Frederick Prices for Permanents $2.75 up 625 East Liberty - Over Kroger's TELEPHONE 5861 1 wt tugennan uoa LIILJ eno .LUw - VV n.Iu' courtyard with red tiled roofs and1 openings giving a glimpse here and there of bright blue sky. Balconies draped with Spanish shawls and iron grilled doors and windows further added to the vivid gypsyr etIct. Barbara Bates, 33, was in chIMr of the 1930 sophomore cabaret which was again held in Sarah Cas- well Angell Hall. The decorations that year consisted of a Toyland de- (Continued on Page 6) 1 { I {t 1 I A C 3 "Iii Reduced For Clearance! FELTS - VELVETS - VELOURS BYRON HATS EXCEPTED Athletic Committee Of Club Sponsors Program The Michigan Dames will hold a short business meeting tonight at the League which will be followed by an evening of entertainment spon- sored by the athletic committee. Members are asked by the, chair- man to bring their own pencils as they will be playing games which call br identifying ads. 60 le OCabI' 7U~t00 "al W.N. The McKinsyE Hat Shop 227 SOUTH STATE STREET fit ( D D E ( U ti l , fi . } ' 'Q 2 R 3 7. n"".+. . (~f T 1 I I of soft A new extreme in patent leather to -K sandals ... a e . .. then nothing but your sheer stocking ... then a broad patent leather strap which holds the sandal on! Wear it with your loveliest frock to your gayest parties) Sold Exclusively at JACOB N' Advertised in Vogue and Harper's Bazaar COLLEGIATE SSHOE SHOW _. _ ____ __ ._ .- - ___ _ _ _______.______ IF. I _ __.. . A The 136 11 I MICHIGAN ENSIAN is D~ifferent You will certainly want your Copy of the Yearbook. CAMPUS SALE Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday i1 on 051. m sk m0 I PRE-HOLIDfY II of IiBE SSE S For the Junior Miss ... The Shorter Woman ... The Taller Woman... Sizes 12 to 46 - 16 to 26%2. 2 Groups,$8.95 and $12.95 Values from $ 8.9 5 to $ 2 5.00 Velvets, Matelasses, Crepes, Wools, and Knits Sizes 12 to 46 - 162 to 26%2. One Group at $5.00 Two-piece Knits, Wools, Jerseys, and Crepes Values to $10.95 Blouses at $1.39 and $2.00 We've warming ideas on Smart Ski Tog's For those who really enjoy this snowy weather . . . and get a genuine kick out of climbing frosted hills, skiing, skating, and all other winter outdoor sports . . . we have everything that is correct and comfortable to wear. Minimum bulkiness and weight - providing maximum smartness and individuality. SKI SUITS in bright, warm shades... $12.95 and $13.95 Separate SKI PANTS ..$5.95 pair KNITTED MITTENS, multi-colored stripes $1.25 to $1.95 pair SNOW CAPS, knitted of pure wool with real fur pom5..................59c each MUFFLERS, all wool in attractive colors $1.00 each WOOL SWEATERS, classic pull-ons with high necks and long sleeves........ $3.00 to $5.95 I 11 I I III IMMM~k 1 1