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December 03, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-12-03

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of the new vigor of a drama which belongs to the
Big remnants of the dying era in the theate
remain of course. The struggle to emerge from
the slough is a new one. Yet the trend is appar-
ent. Eugene O'Neill, most important representa-
tive of the '20s, is not the O'Neill we once knew.
Noel Coward may amuse Park Avenue for several
seasons more. Girls still have pretty legs which,
people like to see, and so Carroll and White do
not face immediate bankruptcy. But the destiny
of the theater is no longer in their hands.
The heralds of the new theater - Clifford Odets,
,sidney Kingsley, et al -may be few in numbers,
yet the power of the social drama which they
are creating is self-perpetuating. The challenge
it offers can hardly go unanswered.
n The "new" playwrights may or may not tell
the truth, but at least they have something to
say. The greatest majority of the intelligent
r portion of the population would rather hear a
f man with something to say than to listen to Noel
s Coward's jingles and view infinite pairs of legs.

A'"7S'L .dL twSt1K+L~~monwndm wra,........e ..
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it o:
not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights o:
republication of all other matter herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan a
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00
by mail, $4.50.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 42(
Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Ill.



Telephone 49251

Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed
Publication Department: Thomas H. Kleene, Chairman;
Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W.
Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman.
Reportorial Department: Thomas E. Groehn, Chairman;
Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
Edtorial Department: John J. Flaherty, Chairman; Robert
A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman.
Sports Department: William R. Reed, Chairman; George
Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good-
Women's Department: Josephine T. McLean, Chairman;
Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H.
Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W.


Telephone 2-1214

Local Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department,
Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts,
Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver-
tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica-
tions, Lyman Bittman.


Buy A
Galens' Tag...
come recreation for hundreds of
handicapped children in the University Hospital
depends on yor generosity today and tomorrow.
Once more the Galens are asking for your
support in helping them maintain their workshop
for the children in the hospital and their an-
nual yuletide party.
Throughout the year, a year which might be
monotonous and pitiful for the afflicted children
were it not for you and the Galens, a work-
shop on the ninth floor of the hospital is
supervised for their pleasure and amusement.
Hobby horses, dolls, toy animals of every species,
and games are fashioned out of orange crates
and paint by the little workers.
They come up to the shop in beds, wheel-
chairs, on crutches, some with their arms in
slings, others swathed in bandages, but all are
smiling and gay.
Forgotten are long corridors, doctors, white
walls, and beds when the children enter their
workshop. Eagerly they set to work, and their
little heads are bent low over a piece of wood,
tool, and a can of bright paint as they begin
constructing a toy or game for their own pleasure
and for the enjoyment of others more unfortu-
nately crippled who cannot leave their beds
to pass away the day in work and play.
The party preceding Christmas is quite the
most cheerful event in the year for these hos-
pitalized kiddies, many of whom have been under
the care of doctors for many years. The Galens
need your help to brighten the lives of these
children who otherwise might be overlooked by
Santa Claus.
The society is devoting a lot of time and effort
in this work, the value of which cannot be fully
estimated. Surely you can contribute something
to help them.
Remember a crippled childs life is made a
little brighter when you buy your tag today.
Rehirth Of
The Theater.
cent article treats "The Theater's
Rebirth" jubilantly.
"It must be obvious even to the Grand Exalted
Pashas of the various Orders of Hollywood Native
Sons that the legitimate theater after its late
attack of measles, is again rapidly getting back
to the rosy glow of health and is once more be-
ginning to kick up its heels in the high, gay-old-
time manner," he says.
Nathan tells of the huge sums various plays
are making and of the "curiosity seekers, the
autograph fiends, the glamour hunters and other
such innocent souls, who until now, haven't been
hanging around the theaters for years."1
Yes, says Nathan, "there is something about the
theater that all the moving pictures, radios, phon-
ographs, automobiles, restaurants-with-entertain-
ment, dance halls, free band concerts and seasonal
al fresco amorous impulses in the world can't kill
. . . The public may at times desert it for other
and newer amusement loves, but give the public
a little time and always it will return to it."
In these troublous times, exhiliration such as
that of Nathan is a good thing, but we would
have been warmed more if he had been a bit less
superficially aroused. After all, reports of big
box office takes and "autograph fiends" form
A_ivm ho far a n article nn th thatr' rhirth

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject+
etters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Olympic Boycott
To the Editor:
Professor Levi overlooked a fact of interest
in his facetious list of extraordinary events in
Nazi Germany. He should have mentioned that
Hitler has dissolved all fraternities and student
organizations except the Hitler Youth. Recently
the members of an ancient Heidelberg Society
were found to have indulged in a boisterous din-
ner while they should have been listening to one
of "Der Fuehrer's" equally . boisterous radio ad-
dresses. They even gave an exhibition of how
Herr Hitler, their beloved leader, eats spaghetti.
This subversive activity was the last straw and
the last act of an illustrious, aristocratic society.
I take it that Professor Levi heartily favors the
boycott of the Olympics, but to my surprise there
are some who fail to see the two simple moral
questions involved in such action.
(1) The ideals of sportsmanship and fair play
are debauched by granting the Olympic games
to any community which flagrantly denies ath-
letic opportunities to everyone who does not
belong to a certain political party's sports clubs,
especially when membership in those clubs is
denied on grounds of political belief and race.
I am aware that such an attitude would disqualify
as hosts to the Olympics many American coin-
munities where Negroes are not receiving athletic
opportunities. In Germany the issue is not whe-
ther one or two Jews shall be granted places
on their Olympic team; it is a question of the
everyday sports policy of the government. All
non-Nazi sports clubs, such as those of the Cath-
olics and trade unions, are forbidden.
(2) Those who would like to keep sports clear
of pol.itics have been thwarted by the Nazis who
have crushed the sports clubs of their political
opponents and who are just now engaged in
exploiting the International Olympics for their
own political purposes in Germany. If anyone
doesn't believe that, let him look at some of the
German newspapers .in the periodical room. In
Germany an "Olympics" calendar, issued by the
government, is being hung in millions of homes.
On the front stands a large picture of "Der
Fuehrer" in uniform with a swastika on his
Great numbers of Americans, especially or-
ganized religious and trade union groups, are en-
gaged in a boycott of German goods. The eco-
nomic boycott is a costly weapon for both sides,
but those who boycott the Berlin Olympics do
not have to have the decision of harming the
German people. While Hitler's news censorship
makes it difficult for the German people to learn
the attitude of the outside world, the absence
of America from the Olympics will be too much
for him to explain away. They will understand
this moral slap.
-Der Sweite Goebbels.
As Others See It
The Bargain With Canada
(From the New York Herald-Tribune)
A BRIEF STUDY of the Canadian tariff agree-
ment, which is all that is possible at this
writing, encourages the impression that it em-
bodies a fair exchange of concessions. Specific
items, no doubt, will raise howls from the inter-
ests affected. No agreement of the kind has
ever yet been free from the imposition of hard-
ships which need correction. But if one ap-
proaches the document in full sympathy with its
broad objectives - the strengthening of our tradi-
tional ties of friendship with Canada and the
restoration of the very large trade which flour-
ished between the two countries before the de-

pression - one must concede that it puts the
burden of proof on those who would quarrel
with its provisions.
Very likely the main controversy to be expected
on this side of the border will center about our
reduction of the duties on cattle, calves, dairy
cows, cream and seed potatoes in the agricultural
list, and on Douglas fir and Western hemlock
among forest products. But in each case the
new lower rate applies only to specific quantities,
any larger imports continuing to pay the old du-
ties.. This relatively new device in tariff making
reflects the anxiety of the administration, while
nrnmotinQr internatinnal tradeo tn nreserve it nn-

The Conning Tower
Saturday, November 23
O THE OFFICE this morning early, and home
by noon for luncheon and home all the after-r
noon working and listening to the football gameI
broadcast from a town across the Charles fromt
Cambridge, and glad enough to hear that thet
Connecticut Yales beat the Massachusetts Har-
vards. So home till near six, and thence toi
Carlyle Burrow's, and met there Bertha Dele-r
hanty and we had a talk about pedagogy and shet
tells me she is writing a book about some oft
her experiences in that noble field. So I read:r
I could read a book by Bertha Delehanty,
But I never could read the Inferno by Dante.
Sunday, November 24a
AY till ten o'clock, and so up and to the officeF
for a space, at many businesses, and homec
for luncheon, and there till six, at this and thatt
work, but getting mighty little done that my
best friends might call immortal. So to H. Lind-_
say's, and Dot importuned me to stay for supper,
and I assented quickly lest she change her mind.t
So had a mighty merry time with Ruth Hammondf
and R. Crouse, and for the matter of that, with,t
of all people, Alison Smith, who asked whetherI
there were truth in the rumour that the Worldf
is to be revived, so that she might again go to
work. So there till after ten, and thence home,1
and read George Seldes's "Sawdust Caesar," aI
passionate assailment of Mussolini, all of whicht
seemed highly credible to me.
Monday, November 25
VERY EARLY up, and to the office before nine
o'clock, and at work till four, and suddenlyt
had a notion to Flee Town, so by train to the
country, where it was the quietest I have had it
for a year, where, as Keats would say, no chil-t
dren sing. So this evening read Wechsler's "Re-t
volt on the Campus' and a bitter and factual report
of conditions in American universities and colleges,t
of the lack of freedom of speech by students andi
the shackling of teachers, instructors, and pro-k
fessors. And a mighty good introduction, wrote
by Robert Morss Lovett, a professor in the Univer-
sity of Chicago. The more I read and hear of
American institutions, and what freedom of in-
dependence there is in them, the more I am dis-I
posed to believe that, all things considered, there
is not anything to be compared with the Amer-t
ican newspaper for freedom. It seems to mel
"Revolt on the Campus" might be called the "Itl
Can't Happen Here" of the American University.
Save that it is a report not of what may happen,
but what hath happened.
Tuesday, November 26t
THIS MORNING I did not wake till near nine1
o'clock, and so up and to the village to get the
newspapers, and so back and all the day at work
until four, and so by train to the city for dinner,e
and in the evening to see "First Lady," and
thought it the merriest play, half satire and half
burlesque, I had seen this season, and mightyt
well played, save for a few seconds when I thoughtr
that Miss Helen Brooks and Miss Lily Cahillt
used too many italics. And there was a time when
Miss Cahill and Miss Cowl were exchanging repar-
tee that I thought their talk savoured too much
of the comick valentine school of retort. But the
ointment was virtually flyless. So to an inn, to see
my old Ann Arbor roommate Rich Frank, and
there were so many others there that he and I1
withdrew and went over the last eighty yearst
or so in ten minutes. So my cozen Florencei
Strauss comes in, and tells me that she is a
literary agent, and that it is time I knew it. So
home, after one, and to bed, reading Ed Bell's
"Fish on the Steeple"; mighty good.
Wednesday, November 27
UP AT SEVEN to get the newspaper, and was
well rewarded by the story in my own paper
about Mike Mesko, of Rahway, who last Saturday,
though only a spectator, dashed on the football

field at Princeton, and for one play entered the
Dartmouth line-up. And I hold this is a model
for identification of an obscure person, the sen-
tence ending the first paragraph, a model that
all schools of journalism might study. This
is it: "He is Mike Mesko, twenty-nine years old,
the day counterman who works in the middle
of the Pioneer Diner, 4 Farrell Place, Rahway, for
$23 a week." So to the office after leaving my
boys and my girl at school, and there I went
mighty hard at work, and musing upon the Young
Republicans, thought of "How big was Alexander,
Pa, that people call him great?" and wondered
how young a Republican must be that people
do call him young. But I doubt that, slang being
what it is, the Republican ever will be called
the Grand Young Party. So finished my stint
by four, and so to the train Jas. Green is con-
ductor of, and to the farm, where every prospect
pleases, and only one room is vacant, what with
children singing, oblivious of the morrow's signifi-
cance, "Turkey in the Straw."
Thursday, November 28
E ARLY UP, and of a warm Thanksgiving morn-
ing to the village to get the newspapers, and read
Mr. Hoover's address, made yesterday in San
Francisco. "The woof of our form of society," he
said, "was woven into the warp of liberty at the
Revolution." Now I think that that is a technical,
if not a highbrow expression; forasmuch as I asked
many non-weavers what the woof was, and a
warp; and nobody knew, and without looking it
up I can not remember which is the lengthwise
thread and which the crosswise; but I think the,
warp is the lengthwise, because in the usual form
it comes first. And Lord! what difference there
is between the Revolution and the revolution;
narha~ngalifference nnt nnlv in nnitalization.nb ut

WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 -Repub- VOL. XLVI No. 53
lican campaign bosses probably
1ead with some horror Edward F. Notices
Hutton's "Let's gang up" war cry to
business. Hutton hastened to explain Presidtoent aend Mrs. Ruthven
that "gang up meant simply "get at home to the students on V
together" and added that he has more day. Dec. 3, from 4 to 6 o'clo
confidence in the administration's Faculty Bibliography: The
intentions than he had last sum- sent to the members of the
mer when he wrote the article. And some time ago for recording
General Foods corporation was quick cations for the last two ye,
to disown the remarks of the chair- now due and should be retu
man of its board as anything but the Graduate School office as
his own notion. possible. All blanks should
Nevertheless, Hutton made the sug- turned whether or not there
gestion, and the fact that he later had thing to report.
a change of heart does not alter ap- C. S. Yoakun
p1 eciably its political significance. The

will be
ars, are
rned to
soon as
be re-
is any-


A Washington

practical policians around Republi-
can headquarters easily could imagine I
what might happen.I
Mr. Hutton called cheerily andk
under auspices of beleaguered pub-i
ic utilities for a businees and in-
dustr y "lobby which will overshadow)
them all." And just up the street
from Republican national headquar-t
ters is the office of young Senator
Black of Alabama, head of the still
functioning senatorial lobby investi-
gation committee. Would Black over-
look such an opportunity? Could the
Hutton remarks fail to prove grist
to the Democratic publicity mill?
Pr'oposal Shushed
-WHEN the bankers convened int
vy New Orleans, a proposal for a
banking boycott on government bonds
to curb administration spending and
other activities was voiced. It was7
very hastily shushed and found no
takers around Republican headquar-
There is general agreement that
the west, the midwest in particular,1
is to be the main political battle
ground next year. Giut in the farmI
belt there is an especial sensitivenesst
of ear to detect the voice of Wall
street in public affairs. If the voice
of Hutton, or of the banker who sug-
gested the bond boycott does not
become the voice of Wall street to1
Democratic midlands campaigners,
the business of politics must have
undergone some strange and still1
undisclosed change.
An A. F. Of Business
W HAT Hutton envisaged was an
American Federation of Busi-
ness on the A. F. of L. model and
patterned in political strategy also
after the labor federation's methods.
It would go gunning for its legisla-
tive friends and against its foes at
election time, "and fight with all the1
resources at its command." As an
immediate objective under the Hut-
ton all-for-one-and-one-for-all busi-
ness rallying cry, it presumably would
march, horse, foot anddwar chest,
next year on senators andrepresent-
atives who supported the "death'
sentence" utility control bill of last
If the Hutton conception of enlist-
ing "the business men . . . the owners
of stocks and bonds or any other
property, the holders of insurance
policies and the depositors in banks"
in the "Let's gang up" army could
be realized, undoubtedly a massed
voting power of terriffic strength
could be wielded. Yet, officials of the
Federaion of Labor, f'om which the
HuttIon pattern is taken, could tell
a. sad story about their inability over
tie years to organize effectively for
labor legislation the much more close-
ly knit ranks of labor.
A Paramount picture starring Mar-
garet Sunlavan, with Waiter Connolly,
Randolph Scott, Janet Beecher. Eliza-r
beth Patterson, Dickie Moore, etc.
We're just a little bit disappointed
in this picture, possibly because it
was ballyhooed so much before we
saw it that we expected it to be the
greatest picture of the year, and in-
stead it turned out to be merely one
of the really good pictures. There
isn't much that separates it from
greatness, but the inspired perform-
ances of a few of the principals hap-
nen to be more outstanding than the
show itself.
Among those who fill their roles in
incomparable fashion --in fact fore-
most among them - is Margaret Sul-
lavan, as Volette, the daughter of a
plantation owner, Malcolm Bedford
(Walter Connolly). Miss Sullavan

personifies all our ideals of the true
flower of the old South, and her
performance is truly remarkable, pos-
sessing a delicacy and sincerity that
is all too rare. As the father, Walterj
Connolly contributes the other ex-
ample of inspired acting in a role
that would be spoiled by any other
than the finest of talent.
In supporting roles, we singled out
William, the faithful plantation
servant, and Pendleton, the gentle-
man from Texas, as two characters
who were far above the average.
The storv is wnon ahnt the davI

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

TUESDAY, DEC. 3, 1935

Campus Parking Permits: Campus4
Parking Permit plates for 1936 aren
now ready for distribution and cank
be obtained at the Information Desk i
in the Business Office.1
Please remember to have in mindZ
your 1936 license number, manufac-S
turer's name, and style, i.e., coupe,t
touring, sedan.
Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant
Apparatus Exchange: The Regents
at their meeting in March, 1927, au-
thorized an arrangement for the saleA
of sceintific apparatus by one depart-L
ment to another, the proceeds of the
sale to be credited to the budget a-
count of the department from whichd
the apparatus is transferred.
Departments having apparatus
which is not in active use are advised
to send descriptions thereof to the
University Chemistry Store, of which
Prof. R. J. Carney is director. TheC
Chemistry Store headquarters are in
Room 223, Chemistry Building. An
effort will be made to sell the appara-
tus to other departments which are
likely to be able to use it. In someI
instances the apparatus may be sent
to the University Chemistry Store on
consignment, and, if it is not sold
within a reasonable time, it will beI
returned to the department from
which it was received.
The object of this arrangement is%
to promote economy by reducing the
amount of unused aparatus. It is
hoped that departments having such
apparatus will realize the advantage
to themselves and to the University
in availing themselves of this oppor-
tunity. Shirley W. Smith.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
(value about $50.00) - open to all
undergraduate students in German of
American birth and training. Will be
awarded mainly on the results of ag
three-hour essay competition to be
held under departmental supervision
late in March (exact date to be an-
nounced two weeks in advance.) TheX
essay may be written in English or
German. Each contestant will be1
free to choose his own subject from
a list of ten offered. The list will
cover five chapters in the develop-
ment of German literature from 1750
to 1900, each of which will be repre-
sented by two subjects. Students who
wish to compete should register and
obtain a reading list as soon as pos-
sible at the office of the German de-1
partment, 204 University Hall. 1
Phillips Scholarships: The com-1
petetive examinations for these1
scholarships will be held today, Dec-
3, at 4:00 p.m., 2014 Angell Hall.
Freshmen who are carrying four
hours of Latin 1' Greek this semester
are eligible. Candidates, if they haver
not already done so, should registert
before the examinations with Dr.
Copley, 2026 Angell, or Professor
Blake, 2024 Angell Hall.
Community Fund: Today, Tuesday,
Dec. 3, is the CommunityFundfinal
reporting date. Will all members of
the University Community who havel
not already done so, please return
pledge cards to solicitors at once. All
cards should be returned even though
no contribution be made, since solici-
tors are held responsible for these
Charles B. Gordy, Chairman
University Committee.
Choral Union Members: Pass tick-
ets for the Fritz Kreisler concert will'
be given out to such members of the
University Choral Union as have
clear records, on Tuesday, Dec. 3,
from 9 to 12, and 1 to 4 o'clock. After
4 o'clock no tickets will be given out.!
Also, those whose records are not
clear, will please return their Messiah
copies at once, and receive back their'
music deposits. Unless such books
are returned promptly, no refunds
will be made to members who have
been dropped from the Choral Union.

Academic Notices
Sociology 147 (Social Psych) Writ-
ten Wednesday will cover chapter 7
and 8 in text.
Anthropology 105: There will be no
meeting of the class Tuesday, Dec. 3.
C.E. Guthe.
UniversityLecture: Commemorat-
ing the centennial of the birth of
Samuel L. Clemens ("Mark Twain"),
1835-1910, Professor Oscar James

4ge." Wednesday, Dec. 4, 4:15 p.m.,
loom 103, Romance Language Build-
Tickets for the series of lectures
nay be procured at the door.
Public Lecture: "Islamic Textiles of
he Middle Ages" by Adele C. Weibel,
Curator of Textiles of the Detroit In-
titute of Arts. Illustrated. Spon-
ored by the Research Seminary in
slamic Art. Monday, Dec. 9, 4:15,
Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Free
Father Hubbard Lecture: The Mo-
tion Picture Lecture, "A Voyage into
the Ice Inferno," will be delivered in
Hill Auditorium on Wednesday, Dec.
4, 8:15 p.m., by the Reverend Ber-
nard R. Hubbard, S. J., popularly
known as "the glacier priest." This
s the fourth number of the 1935-
1936 Oratorical Association series.
Tickets are available at Wahr's State
Street Book Store. Patrons are urged
to procure reservations early.
Fritz Kreisler, violinist, has built
the following program for the fourth
Choral Union Concert, at which he
will be a performer Tuesday evening,
Dec. 3, at 8:15 o'clock in Hill Audi-
torium. The public is respectfully
urged to be seated on time, since the
doors will be closed during numbers.
Sonata in D major........ Haendel
Concerto in C major .......Kreisler
In antique style (Vivaldi)
Allegro energico ma non troppo
Andante doloroso
Allegro molto
Partita in E major (Violin alone) . h
Prelude, Loure, Gavotte en Rondeau
Menuetto I and II, Bouree, Gigue
Poeme ................... Chausson
Shepherd's Madrigal (Old German)
................... ...... K reisler
Vocalise ............. Rachmaninoff
Three Caprices ............ Paganini
B flat major
B minor
A minor
Three Spanish Dances:
1. Malaguena .... Albeniz-Kreisler
2. Jota ................de Falla
3. Spanish, Dance de Falla-Kreisler
Events Of Today
Mathematics Staff: Meeting at
4:15, 3201 Angell Hall.
Junior Research Club of the Ui-
versity of Michigan meets at 7:30
p.m., Room 2082, N.S. Bldg.
"Effect of a Generous Unfortifled
Diet on Rachitic Rats" by Doctors C.
A. Lilly and C. B. Pierce.
"Notes on Metal Cutting," by Prof.
C. A. Kraus.
There will be an election of new
Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neers: The regular luncheon for grad-
uate students in Chemical and Metal-
lurgical Engineering will be held this
noon in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg.
Professor Max Handman of the De-
partment of Economics will talk on
the subject, "War and Economics."
Engineering Council: Important
but brief meeting in M.E. computing
room at 4:30 p.m. Be sure to bring
ticket money and ticket stubs.
Adelphi House of Representatives
meets at 7:30 p.m. All members
should be present.
Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting in the
Union at 6:15 p.m.
Michiganensian: Any sophomore or
junior who is interested in working on
the photographic staff report at the
Michiganensian office this afternoon
at 4:00. Applicants must be ex-

perienced and capable of taking good
interior pictures.
Contemporary: Business meeting
at 5 p.m., Student Publications Build-
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at eight o'clock in
the Chapel, League Building. Stu-
dents, alumni, and faculty members
are cordially invited to attend.
Tuesday Play Reading Section of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at 2:15 p.m., Alumnae Room, Michi-
gan League.
Michigan Dames will have an iden-
tification meeting at the League this
evening and all members are asked
to bring pencils. All those intending
to attend the husbands bridge party
on Dec. 10 are asked to notify Mrs.
Broadcore at this meeting.
Coming Events
Chemistry Colloquium meeting
Wednesday, Dec. 4, 4:00 p.m., Room
303 Chemistry Building. Mr. W. G.
Fredrick will speak on "The Re-
covery and Analysis of Dissolved
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