1, ~ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Forum T o Hold Discussion On FutreVale Program Including Talks By Engineers, Faculty To Be GivenToday Discussion on the proposed Huron River Valley development at the Ann Arbor Community Forum at 4 p.m. today in Perry School will be directed by Prof. Edwin C. Goddard of the Law School, it was announced yes- terday. The first of nine speakers, Pro- fessor Goddard will give a brief summary of the work already com- pleted in the river valley program, the goal of which is to develop this areas int arypublic park and a wild Prof. Harlow 0. Whittemore of the landscape design department, \who with Professor Goddard is a member of the Ann Arbor committee formed to study the project, will pesent a pan for the beautification Sewage disposal as it will affect the proposed plan will be discussed by George Sandenburg, city engineer, and valley improvemenlt within the city limits will be treated by E. A. Gallup, city superintendent of parks. L. H. Hollway of the Ann Arbor High School faculty will talk on water sports and Ernest Allmen- dinger of the county road commis- .sion will discuss picnicking and camping in the valley. "Our Obsolete and Inadequate River Laws" will be the subject of Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School. Dr;. Frederick M. Gaige, director of the zoology museum, will describe the valley as a wild life sanctuary, and Dean Samuel T. Dana of the forestry school will explain re- forestation as it would be applied to the river valley. President Ruthven, in a letter to Pofesr Godd ad lannounced ta forum, but expressed himself as very both the University and Ann Arbor's public schools were foreseen by Pres- ident Ruthven in the areas which could be protected from destruction, according to his letter. Supplementary to these advan- tages, President Ruthben believes', will be the stimulation to the schools for more extensive nature study', which he believes to be unsatisfac- tory at the present time. Man Hunts Out Of Season; Results: 1 Squirrel,_$17 Fine Because he just couldn't resist tak- ing a shot at a teasing fox squir- rel, and because the open season on squirrels ended on Oct. 24, Frank Shingledecker, Kensington Drive, is a sadder but wiser hunter. Thanksgiving was a lovely day for eating. Accordingly Shingledecker ate. Finiding that the weight of the food hampered his well being, and feeling that a little fresh air would drive the grogginess from his system, he took the air, the air in Pittsfield township to be exact. Guarding him- self against any possible attack, or squirrel, he took his gun along. Reports do not state whether or not the little varmint actually went after Shingledecker, but when Wil- liam Corson, local conservation ofri- cer, came upon the culprit, he was defending himself vigorously, so vig- orously, in fact, that after the firing of only one shot, the squirrel came tumbling to his feet just as the arm of the law walked up. Shingledecker did not enter a plea of self defense yesterday when he was arraigned in justice court, and Judge Jay H. Payne was forced to find him guilty on circumstantial evidence. Shingledecker paid a fine and costs of $17.65 and lost his trusty de- fender, his gun. BAND TO PLAY AT PRO GAME The University of Michigan Var- sity-R.O.T.C. band will leave Ann Arbor at noon today for the Uni- versity of Detroit Stadium, where it will play at the Detroit Lions- Brooklyn Dodgers football game. The band will march between the halves, but will execute no forma-| tions. The trip will be made by bus. I China Clipper Will Carry Passengers On 9,000-Mile T rip T o C hina Jurors Impaneled For Current Terni Thirty jurors have been impaneled for service during the December term of the circuit court. They will appear at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Monday being used to determine the number of cases ready for trial. Atotal of 199 cases are scheduled on the new docket, 41 more than were listed at the beginning of the Oc- tober term. which was closed yester- day morning. Criminal cases for the new docket number 17 as compared with 23 which started the last term. There are 77 cases in which no pro- gress has been made during the last term and which are accordingly re- listed. This type of case usually forms the greater part of the local court docket, city officials stated. Grad Rapids Fetes PavngOf Main Drag GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 30.-(~P) - Dedicatory ceremonies Friday night marked the formal opening of Mon- roe Ave., principal business thor- oughfare, newly paved as a WPA Thousands of residents watched a parade in which several western Michigan cities entered floats and heard addresses by State Highway Commissioner Murray D. Van Wag- oner and Mayor William Timmers. -Associated Press Photo- The route of the regular trans-Pacific mail and passenger air service now operated by the China Clipper (shewn in the lower part of the picture) and projected sister ships under Pan-American Airways is char ted above the Clipper in flight. Upper left is a view of the control room anid at the right is an interior ,picture of the ship's cabin. Aero Graduate Points Out Laborious I~ Preliminaries To Trans-Pacific Flight % Q UI C K Cleaning (on (Continued rrom Page 1) of the island, and a group of pretty girls and young ladies to take it over-. "-Yes, the career of the aviator offers enticing moments but the chances of being 'washed out' and of -seeing long-cherished illusions shat- tered even on an advanced stage of the preparation and training are many." West-bound aerial transportation to Honolulu, following regular and frequent schedules for mail and pas- senger service, has been, for a com_- paratively long time, taken for grant- ed by the public as a common-place necessity rather than a miracle of luxury created by science. Also, that route lying between China and Ma- nila, a distance of 2,200 miles, has already been made a regular, much- used artery of commercial air trans- portation. But until the early fall of this year, there still remained one link in the chain of trans-Pacific aviation routes to be spanned before commer- cial aeronautics could consider the last air frontier of the Pacific re- moved -that link connecting Hono- lulu and Guam, and covering a dis- tance of 2,200 miles. Until October 5th of this year the idea of the commercial use of such a route remained purely an abstraction to be talked about rather than to be acted upon. On that day, a -crew of seven Pan-American Airways offi- cers climbed into their clipper after the necessary preparation for a test flight which was to carry them from Alameda. Calif. to Honolulu (2,300 miles), to Wake Island (1,300 miles), and to Guam (1,400 miles). It was a festive day for many in that part of the country, and even the interests of stamp-collectors had received attention; covers which bore the stamps, "First Flightl Est-Boun Bound Guam" had been distributed in good numbers among the crew, and are now drawing the envious price of 25 dollars from avid stamp- collectors and hero-worshippers. On the crew was Mr. Lodeesen, functioning as junior flying officer. A native of Holland, Mr. Lodeesen graduated from the aeronautical en- gineering school of the University in 1930, and studied at the United States School of Aviation, at Pensa- cola, Fla., for one year. In 1931, he performed one year of active service as ensign aviator, in San Diego, Calif. Following this, he returned to study at the University, received his master's degree in aeronautical transportation, and accepted an ap- pointment as apprentice-pilot with the Pan-American Airways, at Mi- ami. In 1935, he received the coveted post of junior-pilot for the trial flight of the China Clipper. (By The Associated Press) American flying clipper ships, pointing at a slice of the billions of dollars in the oriental trade markets, will nose their way into the crowded China seas some time after Nov. 22. That is the date announced by Postmaster General James A. Farley for the first transpacific air mail flight from San Francisco to Manila. The aerial successors of the Yan- kee Clippers, groomed with infinite patience and care for the task of hauling mail, express and people across the Pacific, are expected by their owners, Pan American Airways. to accomplish several objectives: They will shrink the time-map of the world. They will give the United States a powerful bid for the fiercely-com- petitive oriental market. They will bring a new era of good- will between the United States and her Far Eastern neighbors. They will bring the Territory of Hawaii, the isolated islands of U. S. Oceania, the Commonwealth of the Philippines closer to the American mainland. SUPPORT GALEN'S CHRISTMAS DRIVE ii 4 F IRST NAT ION AL BA NK AND TRUST COMPANY Established 1863 -Oldest National Bank In Michigan Every Banking Service Available Domestic - -- Foreign STUDENT ACCOUNTS INVITED Under U. S. Government Supervision Member Federal Reserve System i I ,. FRITZ KUEISLER IN answer to many inquiries, o this is notice that we did not 0 Lithoprint the Student Direc- tory this fall. Books which we -' Lithoprint bear our imprint. I'll I I I U a e