The Weather
Rain changing to snow, con-
siderably colder today; tomor-
row partly cloudy.
L C-
4bi g a n
What! No Graft,
Mr. Hopkins? ...
A Thankless Thanksgiving .. .
Jap Army
Pours Into
New State
Control Of Key Railroad
Centers In North Chin
Is Seized
Chinese Governor
Of Province Quit
Autonomous Governmen
Appears To Be Japan's
Present Objective
SHANGHAI,,Nov. 27.- (P)- Jap
anese soldiers poured into Nort
China today, apparently prepared t
back up demands there for autonomy
Control of key railroad centers wa
seized in the Peiping area.
Troop trains bearing 3,000 Japan
ese soldiers and war equipmen
reached Tientsin. At Peiping the
garrison has been more than doubled
in the past 24 hours.
Col. Tan Takahashi, Japanese mil-
itary attache in Peiping, said the Sen
Tai railway junction east of there
was seized because of rumors that
empty trains were being sent south
to transport Chinese troops to the
north for action against the Jap-
Public nervousness throughout the
northern area was increased. .
General Chang Chen, governor of
the Hopeh, telegraphed his resigna-
tion to Nanking because of his in-
ability to stop the autonomy move-
An autonomous regime was estab-
lished Monday in the demilitarized
zone of eastern Hopeh province but
the original program for self govern-
ment by the provinces of Hopeh,
Chahar, Shansi, Shantung and Sui-
yuan thus far has not been carried
In Chinese circles belief was ex-
pressed that Japanesedtroop move-
ments might be aimed at forcing
north China officials into acceptance
of the autonomy movement and at
the same time forestall any plans
Nanking may have to suppress the
campaign by force.
Chinese reports that Japanese
forces appeared suddenly in North
China areas where they had never
been before and that truckloads of
troops were moving toward Paotingfu,
headquarters of the army of Gen.
Chang Chen, 80 miles south of Peip-
68 Per Cent Of
Goal Reached
In Fund Drive
Community Chest Pledges
Increased By $1,700,
New Report Shows
Auditors for the Ann Arbor Com-
munity Fund reported that $1,737 in
pledges were turned in to them be-
tween 4 and 5 p.m. yesterday at the
Masonic Temple. This brings the
total amount pledged to $37,648.18, or
about 68 per cent of the $55,000 goal
that has been set for this year's cam-
The University, through its divi-
sional director, Prof. Charles Gordy
of the engineering college, contrib-
uted an additional $581.50, bringing
the total amount subscribed in this
division to $6,024.80.
Students in the University High
School contributed $36.75, while the
faculty gave $163. The special gifts
division reported $490 more, bringing
their total to $21,702. In most cities
that have such welfare chests as these
the special gifts constitute about 75
per cent of the funds. In Ann Arbor
special gifts can be counted upon
to furnish only about 45 per cent.
Because of this condition, workers
find it very difficult to reach their
quota, fund officials stated.
A final analysis of the drive, and
the last official report will be given
at a luncheon for workers at noon
next Tuesday, Everett Hames, director
and coordinator of the campaign, an-
nounced yesterday. At this time
plans for the last "clean-up" effort
to put pledges over the quota will be
SEC Cnmmence Couirt
Per Cent
Pay 99.2
Of Loans;
Establish Honest
According to many in the studen
body, who have been missing sligh
sums of $1, $2 and $3 from their bil
folds and pocket books when thei
backs are turned, the student body i
d anything but honest. But the 193
a University Financial Report disprove
this allegation.
Since 1897, when the first studen
lean wasmade, the history of thes
student loan funds has been "re-
markably favorable." In this 38-
s year period the records in the Cash-
ier's Office show that a total of more
than $1,000,000 has been loaned to
t students. Judging from the average
s size of student loans this year, this
would mean that between 8,000 and
9,000 students had made use of the
loan funds.
- During this entire period it has
h been found necessary to charge off
0 only 87 individual loans for a total
sum of $8,363.90, which is about
s eight-tenths of one per cent of the
j total amount of money loaned.
Most of these charged off have
t been treated so because the prema-
eture death of the maker without
estate. Moreover, a reserve set up
from interest on other student loans
has provided for the loss of these
loans the administration was forced
to charge off.
This shows that in the 38 years of
experience not one student loan fund
has been depleted since it came into
the University's hands.
So it seems as if University students
are honest after all.
Students From
Other Nations
Attend Dinner
Nash Addresses Banquet,
Says League Sanctions
Are AidingPeace
Students of 57 nations gathered
last night in the Union for the In-
ternational Banquet given each year
to foreign students of the University
in the cause of international goodwill.
Philip C. Nash, president of the
University of Toledo and national di-.
rector of the League of Nations Asso-
ciation, gave the principal address at
the banquet.
Tracing an analogy between a small
community of 60 people, all living
together and all carrying a revolver
in their hip pockets, to the nations
of the world, Nash declared that the
ultimate solution to the problem of
war is a willingness of these nations
to voluntarily give up part of their
rights to other nations.
"I believe that the use of sanctions
against belligerent nations is going to
increase in effectiveness, and will do
much to make war unprofitable," he
stated, "but sanctions are not
"Nations must be assured the ability
to expand in response to their com-
mercial needs, he pointed out, and the
peaceful solution of these problems
of expansion is the central challenge
to peace movements in the world to-
"If one country needs raw materials,
they must be able to secure them
freely and at a reasonable cost--if
not by force then by an enlightened
'square deal' policy on the part of
the other nations," he concluded.
On behalf of the University of
Michigan, Prof. Raleigh Nelson wel-'
comed the foreign students, and Ka-
tayun H. Cama, Grad., of India, re-
plied in behalf of the students from.
other nations.
Miniature Photo;
Cost Assured
Planning to bring miniature pho-
tography "to the masses" at low cost,
President Charles A. Verschoor of the
International Research Corp. (Inter-
national Radio) of Ann Arbor yes-
terday announced for the first time
the development of the new "Argus"
camera, a model with all the facilities
of the more expensive miniatures
which will retail for $12.50, to appear
on sale in Ann Arbor within two
Claiming the Argus to be the first
full-fledged miniature camera built
Possibility Of
Bonus Fight
Is Forecast
r Texas Democrat Believes
s President Will Veto An)
s Measure For Payment
t Budget Conference
e ( Attracts Leaders
House May Consider Plan
Of Floating 'Baby Bonds'
To Raise Cash Needed
WASHINTON, Nov. 27. --
Foreshadowing possibilities of another
grim struggle between Congress and
the White House, Secretary of the
Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., to-
day said, in effect, that administra-
tion attitude to cash payment of the
bonus was as unyielding as ever.
The possibility of a second Presi-
dential veto in as many years imme-
diately was forecast in some quarters.
Chairman James H. Buchanan (Dem.,
Tex.), of the House Appropriations
Committee who, like Morgenthau was
just back from a Warm Springs (Ga.)
budget conference with President
Roosevelt, said:
"Any law that provided the bonus
would have to provide the money,
that's all. Otherwise it necessarily
would have to be vetoed."
Quickly, Buchanan added a hint
of a possible method of financing the
bonus payment. The suggestion was
to pay the soldiers in baby bonds "and
let them do what they want with
them, takedthem to the bank and
so on."
House Favors Plan
"There was considerable sentiment
in the House last session for this,"
the Texan said, but refused to say
whether the plan was receiving ser-
ious administration consideration.
Both Morgenthau and Buchanan
insisted ways of financing bonus pay-
ments were not discussed at Warm
Despite Morgenthau's abrupt re-
mark that so "far as I know" the
White House is unchanged toward
the bonus, spokesmen for the veterans
flatly predicted that this time a veto
would be overridden and payment or-
Coincidentally, some members of
Congress expressed an opinion that
the administration would recommend
no new taxes to the next session, even
if the Supreme Court knocks the fi-
nancial props from beneath the AAA
processing taxes.
Belief Held
This belief was held despite a presi-
dential statement that loss of the
farm benefit levies would raise the
problem of new taxes.
That Congress in the first instance
will vote a bill calling for full pay-
ment of the bonus few seemed to
doubt. The only question was what
form the measure would take.
Last year a coalition of currency
expansionists and cash-payment ad-
vocates pushed through a bill order-
ing payment in newly printed treas-
ury certificates.
The House passed it 218 to 90 and
the Senate 53 to 33. President Roose-
velt vetoed it with a message deliv-
ered personally at a joint session.
OKLAHOMA CITY, Nov. 27.-(4P)
-Death moved closer tonight to
Chester Comer, 25, suspect in the dis-
appearance of nmine persons, and
threatened to seal the lips, officers
say, tell where at least five bodies were
hidden. The youth, struck in the brain
preceding his capture, developed
pneumonia today and was placed
under an oxygen tent.
graphy At Low
By New Camera,
hundredth of a second, facilities un-
precedented in American cameras re-
tailing at such low price. An f:2.6
lens may be produced soon.
The "gadgets" on the other minia-
tures so objectionable to the occa-
sional cameraman, range-finders, fo-
cussing gears, diaphragm control,"
shutter safety, shutter release, and
shutter speed control, have been re-
duced on the Argus to the bare es-
sentials: an unobtrusive needle on
the lens mount marks the lens stops"
from f:4.5 to f:11; the shutter speeds
of time, bulb, one-twenty-fifth, one-
Crush Revolt
In Rio, Rebels
Flee In North
Rebellion Leaders Forced
To Leave Brazil Or Face
12 Known Dead In
FightingAt Capital
Government Artillery Used
To Batter Infantry Into
RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 27.-(P) -
Brazil's big guns and bayonets wiped
out a reckless Red revolt in the heart
of her capital defenses today.
The rebellious Third Infantry, mak-
ing a desperate stand in its barracks
at Praia Vermehla (Red Beach) be-
neath Sugar Loaf Mountain, surren-
dered only after loyal artillery had
pounded their stronghold to pieces
and Federal infantrymen had charged
the barracks with fixed bayonets.
At least a dozen rebels were slain.
Two captains and three soldiers of the
loyal army were wounded.
Tonight, with two revplts in the
Federal district smashed in one day
and the last of the northern insurg-
ents in flight by land, air and sea, the
government apparently had the na-
tion well in hand.
Bombed by planes and shelled by
cannon, seditious sergeants and pri-
vates were driven this morning from
the blazing Aviation School, inrthe
Federal district several miles from.
Five hundred rebels, said reports
from the north, fled from Natal
aboard the S. S. Santos of the Lloyd-
Brazileiro Line as Federal troops
swarmed into that seaport capital of
Rio Grande do Norte, held under the
Red flag since last Saturday.
Others were feported to have com-
mandeered a German airliner. The
Government telegraphed all northern
ports to keep a sharp lookout for the
Santos, believing that it may try to
disembark the rebels at Fortaleza or
Rebel leaders in the capital were
under arrest, held for court martial.
Finally Puts Pupil
In Complete Trance
ATLANTA, Ga.. Nov. 27. -Charles
Hudson, Emory University student
spent three days in a hypnotic trance
when the professor who had inad-
vertently hypnotized him was unable
to bring him out of it.
Prof. W. C. Workman of Emory's
psychology department attempted tc
hypnotize a student for demonstra-
tion purposes during a lecture. He
was unsuccessful, and was about to
give up when he noticed that Hudson,
had gone into a rigid trance. When
he refused to respond to normal treat-
ment, Professor Workmen prescribed
exercise and normal activity, and for
three days Hudson was walked about
the campus, taken for rides, to the
Suddenly, on the third day, he
blinked and asked what had hap-
Neutrality Law
Revision Seen
By Authorities
President Will Ask For
Discretionary Powers In
New Measure
WASHINGTON, D. C., Nov. 27.-
(A') - Increasing signs appeared today
that the administration will seek con-
gressional revision of the new neu-
trality law, possibly including a rigid
quota provision exports to belligerent
At the same time, it was predicted
authoritatively that wider discretion-
ary powers will be asked by the Pres-
ident in determining when and how
and to what extent flat embargoes
will be applied against warring na-
The present neutrality act, which
expires 'March 1, makes mandatory
an embargo on shipments of war
implements to both belligerents on the
outbreak of hostilities.
It makes no provision, however, for
a similar prohibition of such war ma-
terial as oils, steel, and automobiles,
the excessive export of which this
government has been seeking to check
by moral and implied financial pres-
Matters directly relating to the
Italo-Ethiopian conflict and the pres-
ent Japanese crisis were up for dis-
cussion at the state department.
Sir Ronald Lindsay, the British
ambassador, who conferred with Sec-
retary Hull a week ago on events in
the Far East, talked today on the
same subject with Stanley Horne-
beck, chief of the state department
division of Far Eastern Affairs.
Lawyer Arraigned
On Larceny Count
Clinton Leforge, Ypsilanti attor-
ney, waived examination when he
was arraigned before Judge Jay
Payne in justice court yesterday on
a charge of larceny by conversion. It
is alleged that he issued checks to
the amount of $3,685.63, unaccounted
for in an estate of which he was the
Earlier in the day he was taken to
Lansing by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp
where he was given a lie-detector test
by the Michigan State Police. The
test absolved him of any guilt in the
murder of seven-year-old Richard
Streicher in Ypsilanti last March, a
case in which he was implicated.
Similar tests earlier absolved the
parents of the Streicher boy from the
suspicion that they were witholding
information of value from investigat-
ing authorities.
Mussolini Says Oil
Embargo Will Start
Conflict In Europe
Radio Signal From
Ellsworth Reported
WELLINGTON, N. Z., Nov. 28.-(A3)
The warship Dunedin reported today
it had heard signals from the plane
of Lincoln Ellsworth, missing Ant-
arctic flyer.
The signals were described as
"weak and unreadable,' but the code
signal "Khnir" was heard several
The airplane appeared to be giving
position figures.
A continuous watch was ordered
kept at all New Zealand wireless sta-
The signals were heard at 12:30
a.m. Thursday New Zealand time
(7:50 a.m. E.S.T.).
Ellsworth and his pilot, Herbert
Hallick-Kenyon, last were heard from
by the New York Times and the
North American Newspaper Alliance
at 10:48 .a.m. E.S.T. last Saturday,
while they were flying toward the
Bay of Whales in the Antarctic-
Laval Upholds
GoldFranc As
Cabinet's Hope
Precedence Given Budget
Questions In Chamber
Of Deputies Vote
PARIS, Nov. 27. --() -Premier
Pierre Laval strengthened hopes of
saving his cabinet from overthrow, in-
formed sources said today, by pinning
his government to the "gold franc."
The question of dissolution of Na-
tionalist leagues, on which Leftist
forces had intended to attack the gov-
ernment at the opening of Parlia-
ment tomorrow, fell into the back-
ground, superceded by financial is-
The powerful Radical Socialist
group of the Chamber of Deputies
agreed by a vote of 28 to 20 to give
precedence to budget questions in the
Parliament proceedings.
This dominant bloc conditioned its
granting of the premier's request that
financial matters take priority, how-
ever, with insistence that debate on
action against such Nationalist
groups as the war veterans organi-
zation, Croix de Feu, follow im-
The cabinet was generally regarded
as safe in its stand against devalua-
tion of the franc and in favor of a
balanced budget, and the Radical So-
cialists indicated they were satisfied
with Laval's announced promise to
attempt to curb political leagues.
The Radical Socialists met with
other Leftist groups today to decide
their joint position in tomorrow's de-
bate, and it was generally believed the
entire Left would agree to the com-
Premier Laval's radio account of
his stewardship of the nation, de-
livered last night, appeared to have
made a generally good impression.
FRESNO, Calif., Nov. 27.- tP) -
Two clues aided authorities today in
their search for the slayer of 14-year-
old Mary Louise Stammer, shot by a
fiend at her home last Sunday night.
Order Troop Movements
In Rome As British Want
League Action
100,000 Men Called
Back To Mobilize
Furloughs Are Cancelled
In Order To Aid Italian
ROME, Nov. 27.-WP)-The League
of Nations' oil embargo against Italy
which Premier Mussolini says will
start a European war, seemed im-
minent tonight because of British
pressure that troop movements were
ordered by Rome.
Furloughs were cancelled and Mus-
solini's mighty home legions awaited
mobilization. Even the three months'
leave of absence granted to more
than 100,000 soldiers in Italy so that
they might aid Italian agriculture and
industry fight sanctions were called
Italy May Not Wait
There was no official explanation
for these maneuvers but they followed
immediately upon the statement of a
high Italian official that if there's to
3e a war Italy should start it now
and not wait until the League san-
tions have weakened her position.
Meanwhile Mussolini staked every-
thing on a quick victory in Ethiopia.
the steam-roller tactics of Gen. Em-
ilio de Bono which resulted in a slow
but sure conquest of northern Eth-
iopia will be abandoned.
Instead of mass troop movements,
which has given Italy an impreg-
nable position in its new territory,
with military roads, strong fortifi-
cations, communication lines and
water supplies, the new commander,
Marshal Pietro Badaglio will rely on
quick thrusts into the dangerous
Ethiopian mountains with the hope
that speed and a decisive victory will
discourage the Ethiopians, who have
been able to retreat easily without
heavy losses before DeBono.
Will Separate Army
Badaglio will split the army into 10
flying columns of 10,000 men each, to
gain mobility over the mountainous
Meanwhile Britain steadily and un-
comprisingly was forcing the League
to consider applying oil sanctions
against Italy. The issue was post-
poned after Il Duce's war threat, but
today the British ambassador visited
Premier Laval in Paris and pressed
him into agreeing to have the League
committee take up the sanctions next
Laval, harried by a domestic crisis,
gave in after a frantic week of at-
tempting to find a compromise and
avoid a European war which would
leave France open to Germany.
ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 27. - () -
A sixty-mile retreat by the Italian
troops from their front positions -in
the North was claimed today by the
Ethiopian Government. An official
communique stated that 1,000 of
Mussolini's soldiers had dropped back
from Makale to Adigrat.
(An official announcement at Rome,
however, asserted that the Italian
Northern Army had advanced slight-
ly, taking two villages southeast of
Makale, while it continued "cleaning
up" the Tembien region northwest of
Makale. At the same time, Rome
officials denied the Ethiopian Gov-
ernment's claim that Italian troops
had evacuated Gorrahei andtGer-
logubi on the southern front.)
Official dispatches to Addis Ababa
said the Italians were retreating
south of Walwal, about 50 miles east
of Gerlogubi.
There was a report that Ethiopians
had entered Italian Somaliland near
But authorities, despite their
cesses, mobilized loyal forces at
eral military headquarters as a
cautionary measure.
These troops included the
regiment of heavy artillery and
eral detachments of infantry
Man Is Killed,
Wife Injured In
Auto Accident
William Hemmels, 68, Rt 2, Bri-
ton, Mich., was instantly killed yester-
day afternoon when his car was
crashed into by that of J. L. Gutter-
man, 24, 115 Winchester, Monroe,
on U.S. 23.
Hemmells, it is alleged, failed to
stop when he drove from Ridge Road
onto the highway. The intersection
is about 12 miles southeast of here
and two miles north of Milan.
Clara Hemmels, wife of the de-
ceased, who is about 74 years of age,
is in the University Hospital today
with lacerations of the scalp. Phys-
icians stated that her condition is
critical, but that nothing definite
could be determined until later today.
Gutterman escaped the accident with
minor cuts and bruises.
Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn an-
nounced that he would conduct an
examination Friday. Exact descrip-
tions will be difficult to obtain, it was
said, because there were no eye-wit-
Law Enforcement
Asked By H. S. Toy
MANISTEE, Mich., Nov. 27. -(OP)
Justice Harry S. Toy, of the State
Supreme Court, speaking before 150
representatives of Rotary Clubs here
Tuesday night, voiced a plea for "un-
ceasing public support of law enforce-
ment," particularly against what he
described as "syndicated crime."
"Syndicated crime is costing the
American people more than all gov-
ernment," Justice Toy said, in esti-
mating that the total cost of crime
in this country last year amounted
Federal Register Is Explained
By Brown In First Law Review
Stressing the importance of the
Federal Register, an explanation of
the act creating the new executive
order bulletin by Prof. Everett S.
Brown of the political science de-
partment is one of the most perti-
nent articles in the first issue of the
Michigan Law Review, which came
out yesterday.
Because "provision is made that
the Federal Register shall be judi-
cially noticed" it will be "indis-
pensable" to all lawyers and students
of government, Professor Brown
filibuster of the late Sen. Huey Long
killed the deficiency bill, containing
appropriations for its publication, it
will not come out until Congress again
convenes, Professor Brown explained.
Urging passage of a bill creating
the publication in a paper last April,
Professor Brown termed the Register
a "crying need' and pointed out that
at that time there was no publication
which contained all the executive
orders signed by the President.
In his comment in the Law Re-
view he explains the Federal Register
act in detail, writing that it provides
Expel Students On
Immorality Charge
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark., Nov. 27. -
-) - Aftermath of a homecoming
week celebration at the University of
Arkansas, seven men students were