Dr. Forsythe Describes Drug Detroiters Indicted
Use As Vital Health Problem In Theft Of Ticket
Corn Belt Recovers Law Award Is Given
From Great Drought To James S. Wilson
Should Be Discarded In
All But Few Exceptional
Cases, He Asserts
The widespread use of a great va-
riety of substances collectively called
drugs, individually amounting to
nothing more than "dope,' for which
America spends annually $700,000,000
- ten times the expenditure for all
official health work -is one of the
most perplexing problems for health
organizations to solve, according to
Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, director of
the University Health Service.
"Unfortunately for many people to-
day, there are still remains of an un-
justified faith in the power of drugs
in the cure of disease. This we find
reflected occasionally in the attitude
of University students who look with
suspicion upon the service of the
physician who does not supply a bottle
of medicine or a box of mysterious
tablets when only advice is needed,"
Dr. Forsythe stated.
Some Drugs Essential
Those in this University and in
other health organizations who are
working towards destroying the falla-
cious idea that drugs are non-abu-
sive feel that the public needs a better
appreciation of the fact that many
disease processes are self-limited and
that with few exceptions recovery
from illness does not depend upon
taking any of the many worthless
preparations sold or popularly
thought of as remedies, he declared.
A dozen or two drugs in the hands
of the careful scientific physician
are absolutely essential, and another
few dozen are useful, Dr. Forsythe
feels, but with these exceptions people
would be benefitted on the whole if
the use of the entire supply of drugs
were discontinued.
One is not justified in using any
drug except upon the advice of a
physician, including that class of
drugs called cathartics which physi-
cians are fast discarding in their
practice, Dr. Forsythe said.
Deplores Aspirin Habit
It also applies, he said, to the
habit of taking "aspirin" instead of
securing a medical examination to
determine the possible presence of
eye-strain, a menacing abscess around
a devitalized tooth, an unhappy fam-
ily situation, or other causes for vague
headache or pain.
Discussing the materials and meth-
Plans Of Hopeful
Thief Hit Detour
On Road To Riches
Taking the license plates and a
five-gallon can of gasoline from the
car of Dr. Floyd Boys, member of the
University hospital staff, proved to be
a stumbling block in Herman Welke's
road to riches. Police picked him up
early yesterday morning after he had
helped himself to these articles.
With his arrest they felt that they
had put a stop to a series of thefts
that have taken place around here
and Ypilanti during the last three
Welke, 361 Elsworth Rd., admitted
the tkeft of the car he was driving at
the time he was apprehended. He
picked the car up in Detroit last
July and supplied himself with a driv-
er's license in one of his later raids.
ods which make up the class of so-
called home remedies, Dr. Forsythe
declared "Probably the most chari-
table thing that can be said for the
sympathetic ministrations of grand-
ma's liniment and flannel neck cloth
is that they usually do no harm.
"However, when the use of other-
wise harmless potions and draughts
for Johnnie's sore throat causes delay
in the administration of needed anti-
toxin, it is difficult adequately to con-
demn the system of home remedies.
Cites Advertising Frauds
"The serious consequences which
follow a dose of castor oil and the
use of a mustard plaster for 'stom-
ach ache' are well known by the
surgeon who has to deal with the re-
sulting ruptured appendix. In such
an emergency his discussion of the
family medicine chest would be about
as heated as the skin that supported
the mustard plaster."
He stated that the fraud in ad-
vertisements and testimonials of cer-
tain so-called remedies is shown in
volumes of documentary proof. Dr.
Forsythe has in his possession three,
photographic copies of published'
postmortem testimonials for adver-
tised remedies. In one case the tes-
timonial for a well-known advertised
remedy appeared in the same issue
as the funeral notice of the person
giving the testimonial.
In two other similar cases the per-
sons concerned had been dead, one
six and the other eighty-five days,
prior to the publication of the state-
ments as to what wonderful things
the particular remedies had done for
"From my experience, particularly
withrUniversity students, I feel that
the abuse of drugs is one of the many
items of health and disease about
which the public needs information
and a change of attitude, both of
which should result in improved ha-
bits of living," Dr. Forsythe con-
'Ethiopia' Is Topic
Of Second Review
William Bergman, 36, of Toronto,
Canada, will present the second in
a series of book reviews being spon-
sored by' the department of journal-
ism at 4:15 p.m. next Monday in
Room E of Haven Hall.
He will review Ernest Work's book
"Ethiopia - a Pawn In European
Diplomacy." The first review of the
series was presented several weeks ago
by Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the
journalism department.
Grand larceny charges were filed
yesterday against four Detroiters
held for the theft last Saturday of
130 tickets to the Ohio-Michigan foot-
ball game.
The charges were made at the in-
struction of Prosecutor Albert J.
Rapp, but no hearing will be held
until Rapp, who left the city yester-
day afternoon, returns.
The four men held, Elie Frank, 22,1
Frank Horenstein, 26, Ben Schulman,
23, and Irving Ryke, 17, were arrest-
ed at the Stadium Saturday after-
noon. Police allege they stole the
tickets from the Union ticket ex-
change by pulling them through the
iron grill while the attendant was
occupied at the other side of the desk.
John S. Cummins, County
Registrar Of Deeds, Dies
Jahn S. Cummings, registrar of
deeds in Washtenaw County since
1925, died early Tuesday morning in
University Hospital after a week's
illness. He was brought to the hos-
pital from his home in Chelsea a week
ago, and Monday underwent an op-
eration for an obstruction thought
to be cancerous, which was unsuc-
Mr. Cummings, 67 years old, was
prominent in county politics and ad-
ministration for many years before
his death. After succeeding Perry
Townsend in the registrar's office in
January, 1925, he was reelected for
four successive terms.
DES MOINES, Ia., Nov. 26. - (A') -
The Corn Belt counted its blessings
today and decided that it had ample
cause for thanks in its virtually com-
plete recovery from the deepest
wounds of the great drought ,within a
Reports from farm leaders over the
area disclosed that major crop pro-
duction had edged back to near norm-
al, hog production was swinging up-
ward, farm prices had climbed to 89
per cent o fparity, with individual
states reporting still higher gains.
The Guy B. Findley Class of 1908
Memorial Scholarship was awarded
this year to James S. Wilson, '36L,
according to an announcement made
yesterday. The scholarship is award-
ed to the student who has attained
the highest rank in the second-year
law class of the preceding year.
The Howard B. Coblentz Prize,
which is awarded by the faculty of
the law school to the student member
of the Michigan Law Review editorial
Early Papers Given To
Journalism Department
Six early colonial fiewspapers have
been presented to the department of
journalism of the University by the
Clements Library, it was announced
They are the first colonial news-
papers to be owned by the depart-
staff whose work has been most satis-
factory, was awarded for this year to
Richard T. Angell, '35L, who last year
was the recipient of the Findley
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