FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1935 THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - ~-- Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in thisnewspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York City; 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Telephone 4925 BOARD OF EDITORS MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............... JOHN J. FLAHERTY ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............THOMAS E. GROEHN Dorothy S. Gies Josephine T. McLean William R. Reed DEPARTMENTAL BOARDS Publication Department: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman. Reportorial Department: Elsie A. Pierce, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. Editorial Department: Robert A. Cummins, Marshall D. Shulman. Sports Department: William R. Reed, chairman; George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred DeLano, Raymond Good- man. Women's Department: Josephine T.- McLean, Chairman; Dorothy Briscoe, Josephine M. Cavanagh, Florence H. Davies, Marion T. Holden, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. BUSINESS DEPARTMENT Telephone 2-12141 BUSINESS MANAGER ..........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER...........JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S ERVICE MANAGER ....ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS 1,c4l Advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Contracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Adver- tising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publica- tions, Lyman Bittman. NIGHT EDITOR: BERNARD WEISSMAN A Pattern For ' Student Government... THE UNDERGRADUATE COUNCIL of the League, by defeating a pro-' posal to change women's hours to 12:30 a.m. ona Friday nights, has demonstrated beyond all doubt its fitness to guide the destinies of coeds. In subordinating the "personal convictions of its members" to an overwhelming campus opinion, the Council has earned commendation and set a pattern for student government. Such organs as the Council and the Men's Coun-l cil must take cognizance of campus opinion. Other- wise, they are of no use except as playthings and the term student government loses its standing1 except as a hackneyed phrase.' Jean Seeley stated, in announcing the results, of the vote, that the members of the Council still favored the earlier hours proposal as far as per- sonal convictions were concerned. "However," she continued, "without pressure of legislation from above, we believe that campus women will arrive at the same conclusion themselves upon consider- ing that the purpose of college is primarily aca- demic and this change will be toward a better realization of this purpose." Doubtless the 17 members of the Council are sincere in the convictions they have expressed. Itf is difficult to comprehend, however, the process by which 60 minutes a week is destined to promote a better realization of the academic aims of this institution. That can be accomplished by a change of attitude, not of hours. When campus sentiment favors a cut in hours as strongly as it now opposes one, then, and then only, is the time for the League Council to take action. When this change of attitude occurs, The Daily will be the first to support the Council in any action to change women's hours. A Toast To The Old And To The New... CONGRATULATIONS Matt Pata- nelli on your election to the cap- taincy of the 1936 Michigan football team. It is one of the greatest honors that can be obtained at this University and you deserve it. With honor, however; there naturally follows certain responsibilities and duties to your coach, to your team, and to your fellow-students, who, unlike a number of our victory-greedy alumni, will support you and the team wholeheartedly. Accept these duties and responsibilities as Captain Renner did. And to retiring Captain Renner, we express for your efforts throughout the past season only what the whole campus feels . . . admiration for a job well done. It little matters what the score is when you can watch players on the losing side fighting for Michigan -even though the fight is a hope- less one. A little more of that spirit displayed by Renner and several other members of the Mich- igan team this season, coupled with the material that the freshmen will offer, and it is a certainty that the "Victers" will not be played solely at pep rallies. Who Will Control The Republican Convention?... I N THE OPEN and behind the scenes a fight is being waged between po- tential candidates for the Republican Presidential' nomination. But an eamalv imnortant battle. one of remaining candidates, has been non-committal, making hints here, throwing out feelers there, but making no definite statement. Hoover, the man of mystery, aside from criticizing the Roosevelt administration at times, just won't talk. Observers generally believe, however, that both Borah and Hoover are more interested in con- trolling the convention than in winning the nom- ination. The man who controls the 1936 Repub- lican convention will be the real power behind the throne. Not only will he be able to determine the candidate, but he will also be able to determine the platform, although it is doubtful if the latter is a very pleasurable task. The politically inclined will do well to watch the actions of the senator and of the former Presi- dent,keeping in mind their probable desire to be not the Man, but the man who makes the Man. Should the control of the convention go to Mr. Hoover, who will the candidate be? Certainly Mr. Hoover would not favor the semi-liberal Vanden- berg. Probably he would not take too kindly to- ward Governor Landon. If he does not desire the nomination for himself, the only other choice he has would be to throw his support behind Col- onel Knox. Senator Borah, on the other hand, has shown in a number of ways that he favors either Landon or Vandenberg in preference to Knox. Certainly under no circumstances will he back Mr. Hoover. Should the Idaho senator obtain control, it is likely that he would support Governor Landon, rather than Senator Vandenberg. But this is only conjecture. Events between now and the conven- tion will tell the story of this matter, as they will of the whole political set-up. [THE FORUM] Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject fetters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. A Kipke Supporter To the Editor: The amount of criticism Harry Kipke is receiving now is as unwarranted as the amount of praise he received two years ago. Producing a football team, good or bad, is not a one-man job, and I believe a large part of Michigan's failure on the gridiron in the last two seasons is due to the absence of Jack Blott, who coached the forward walls of the championship teams of 1932 and 1933, and then left to coach the Wesleyan College eleven. As a rule, Michigan's team is as good as its line. In 1932 and '33 it had really great lines. This year it had but a fair line, which accounts for its success against elevens like Wisconsin, Columbia and Penn which had but mediocre lines, and its miserable showing against Ohio State and Minnesota. Michigan was weak in blocking and tackling this year and last but teaching those fundamentals is not a head coach's job. In previous years, the Wolverines were strong in these departments and I believe it is more than a coincidence that Blott was an assistant then. Of course, Michigan has not had the material in the last two years but I believe any one who has followed the team closely in the past two seasons realizes there is something wrong with the coaching. There is nothing vastly different about Harry Kipke. If there's any real change in the coaching staff it's with his assistants. When Jack Blott resigned, no real successor was obtained and I for one would like to see him brought back to Michigan. -H.M., '31. " ' The Conning Tower NEWS For the China Clippers Trans-Pacific mail, Hip! Hooray! and three times Hail! (Dem.) and (Rep.) papers see '36 goal As they explain the Lit. Dige. poll. It strikes us that the question asked by the Literary Digest implies, be it ever so subtly, thatf a "No" is desired. It seems to us that the Digestc is anti-Roosevelt, which is all right; but unfairly so, which is not all right. Its question is "Do you NOW approve the ats and policies of the Roosevelt New Deal to date?" This is almost rhetorical in1 effect. To us the implication is that no matterI what you once thought, you undoubtedly haver changed your mind, and now are opposed to every-1 thing about the New Deal. Now there are few of us, probably even the President himself, who nowf approve of everything that has been done, per-I petrated, and enacted under and in the name ofr the New Deal. And yet we submit that the ques-c tion is unfairly put. Head: Conning Tower De-f mands Recount. This paragraph is written in praise of the em- ployes of the Department of Sanitation who collectI ashes. Since the Mayor announced his campaigns against unnecessary noise the D. S. boys take up the heavy cans tenderly and drop them on thet sidewalk with care. The abatement in noise ist welcome as it is conspicuous.- WILL RiOGERS' WILL Sir: Maybe I can help Reporter Ade and Editor; Adams out on that Will Rogers story. The mil-i lionaire who had to pass the money was Edward L.i Doheny of Los Angeles, and not a Long Island product. The money was not $500, but $1,000. Will Rogers hadn't spoken for a sum so low as that inx years. These are the facts - wave them in GeorgeE Ade's face. -Crop, Humiliator of Amateur Reporters. Well, we live and learn. Next time somebody says to us, "How've you been?" we shall say, "That'll cost you $1,000."' When you are waiting for a Sixth Avenue L train, you get the notion that the line no longer is int existence; and when you are trying tonmake your- self heard in a Sixth Avenue shop you are certainE that the line runs trains on a three-second sched-t ule. HISTORIANS' PEEKLY-WEEKLY Presenting the Inside Story of the Omissions in the 1936 Social Register, or Telephone Directory MAE WESTWIND-REVENTLOW. Name omitted because of alleged participation in a double wingback formation. (Old subscribers may re-1 member Mae in "I'm No Double Wingback."I Penalty: Half the distance between the halves). COUNTESS OLIVE OYLE VON POPEYE. Whenr informed that her name had been omitted from the list of possible, probable Shadows of Doubt (no possible Doubts whatever!) the Countess is- sued a signed statement saying "It can't happen here! They can't do this to me! Let 'em eatt cake!" BABE RUTH. To be traded to the London Social Register if a satisfactory deal can be arranged. At present the New York edition wouldn't swap Babe for anything less than Edward Albert Christion George Andrew Patrick David Wind-< sor and a spare Wale. GROUCHO MARX. Mr. Marx, the man who built the Panama Canal, the Erie Canal, and the Canal Street Station of the B.M.T., regrets thatt he is unable to appear in next year's Social Reg- ister because of previous engagements. Mr.! Marx's brothers claim that he has a date with a pun. HAILE (HIMSELF) SELASSIE. Dropped because of under-emphasis on overstatements and be- cause he picked North Carolina State to beat Duke last Saturday. The committee is willing to reinstate Haile, however, if Addis Ababa U. ist invited to play California in the Rose Bowl. GENERAL EMILIO DE BONO. Being recalled from Ethiopia to become publisher of the Rome Social Register, whose slogan is "Our Foot Has Never Lost Its Skill." FORMER MAYOR WALKER. The editors say the tune is familiar but the words escape them. ... The oldest inhabitant of the Social Register claims Mr. Walker was the author of a once- popular saying, "See what the girls in the back room will have." ANGUS O'DARTMOUTH KAI-SHEK. The gen- eralissimo of the Sino-Russo-Nipponese forces on the Tientsin-Tangku-Shanhaikwan front cables that he is all snarled up in a ball of Cha- har-Hopei-Kynshu yarn and may not be able to have the Kwantun-Tsuti-Suiyuan boys out of the Yangtze-Chiang-Howang-ho trenches by Christmas-Candlemas-Michaelmas. Meanwhile he is being marked "Out to Lunch." RIP VAN FARLEY, the Stamp Man. Mr. Farley has no idea why his name isn't in the new Reg- ister; if it were, he could issue a special three- cent stamp to commemorate the event. As it is, he may be forced to issue a no-center to com- memorate the recent radio criticism of the Post- office Department by Rip Van Woollcott. -Ye Olde Al Graham. What some of our contributing poets want to know is how much money was netted by the Poetry Ball, held last week to provide money for poets; what poets are going to get how much money when? EPILOGUE TO A BOOK OF VERSE Go, little book, and leave me still in doubt A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. - Over Republican party preliminaries in the 1928 campaign hung a great question mark. What did PresidentR Coolidge mean by that "I-do-not- choose-to-run" crossword puzzle? Thus far in the preliminaries of the '36 campaign, two similar enigmas be-; cloud efforts to unravel the Repub- lican presidential nomination proba- bilities. Are Messrs. Hoover and Bo-I rah actual, patential or perhaps mere-+ ly strategic candidates for the honor? Both have had much to say on1 public affairs in the last few weeks. Both are expected to have very much more to say. Yet there are as many opinions as there are political writers as to what each actually is gunning for. WITH MR. HOOVER in New York and Senator Borah back in Washington, that greatest of political sounding boards, the notion that these two former allies now personify the rift in Republican party ranks' upon bridging of which must rest any confident expectation of unhorsing the New Deal a year from now, gripped Washington. Mr. Borah is a skilled and experienced user of the press conference method of publiciz- ing his views. His return to Wash- ington, full of comments, at a time when the "breathing spell" was in full operation at the White House news center as well as elsewhere, was a boon to a news hungry corps of writ- ers. The senator made the most of it. It would be difficult to read ac- counts of what he had to say and not set him down as a definite candidate for the nomination. The Idahoan seems to have no doubt himself that Mr. Hoover is a candidate. But is the potential Borah candidacy merely intended to checkmate a supposed Hoover-eastern leadership combina- tion for uninstructed delegations, ac- tually in Hoover interest; or does he entertain real hopes of the nomina- tion himself? For all the Borah lo- quacity his interviewers did not get much light on that. THIS COLUMN has pointed out be- fore that if Mr. Borah was intent only on driving his anti-monopoly is- sue into the Republican platform, his strategy probably would be the same. Backed by a showing of Borah-for- president delegates strong enough with the aid of various favorite son groups to block if not to make a nomi- nation, the senator could expect re- spectful consideration for his plank. The moment either he or Mr. Hoo- ver eliminated himself from the nom- ination race, his influence upon either the platform or the naming of a standard bearer would fade utterly. RICKSHAW RACKET FLOURISHES SHANGHAI, Nov. 25. - (') -- "Ricksha-napping" is the latest rack- et of Shanghai's "meanest men." It takes three men and a "company" ricksha to swing it, but nearly always nets another ricksha. The victims are either the owners of the carts, which cost around $30 new, or the half-starved coolies who pull them for a living. Usual procedure is for one man to pose as the puller of a 'stock" ricksha, and another to act as its passenger. The third man then hails a likely looking cart pulled by the victim-to- be. When the party arrives at its des- tination, the passengers get out and one vanishes down a narrow alley. The fake puller then asks the victim WEDNESDAY, NOV. 27, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 49r Notices Graduate School Students: Stu- dents enrolled in the Graduate School will not be permitted to drop courses after Wednesday, Nov. 27. A course is not officially dropped until it is reported in the office of the Graduate School, 1006 Angell Hall. Students who have made any changes in courses since submitting their election cards should report the corrections in the Graduate School office. Changes of address should also be reported. C. S. Yoakum. Bronson-Thomas Prize in German (value about $50.00) - open to all undergraduate students in German of American birth and training. Will be awarded mainly on the results of a three-hour essay competition to be held under departmental supervision late in March (exact date to be an- nounced two weeks in advance.) The essay may be written in English or German. Each contestant wlll be free to choose his own subject from a list of ten offered. The list will cover five chapters in the develop- ment of German literature from 1750 to 1900, each of which will be repre- sented by two subjects. Students who wish to compete should register and obtain a reading list as soon as pos- sible at the office of the German De- partment, 204 University Hall. Faculty, School of Education: The regular December luncheon meeting of the Faculty will be held on Mon- Ten Years Agro From The Daily Files Of Nov. 27, 1925 Will Rogers, gum chewing,, lariat swinging, cowboy comedian, ad- dressed a large audience in Hill Audi- torium last night. Final arrangements have been com- pleted for the engagement of Miss Jesse Bonstelle's production of "The Swan" by Ference Molnar in the Whitney Theater Monday, Nov. 30. Chancellor Luther and Foreign- Secretary Stresemann reaped victory today in their fight for parliamentary ratification of the Locarno treaties and German admission into the League of Nations. Soviet Russia will recognize the at- tainments of Leo Tolstoy, the famous novelist and social reformer, with the issue of a centenary edition of his works. Gen. John S. Pershing, head of the Tacna-Arica plebiscitary commis- sion, said today that despite grave differences of the Chilean and Peru- vian representatives, hope still was entertained that the controversy would be settled amicably and permit the plebiscite commission's labors to continue. King Christian and Princes Axel and Valdemar of Sweden left for Lon- don today to attend the funeral of Queen Mother Alexandria. They took enormous boxes of wreathes. to go in and get fares for both of them. The story is invariably: "When I got back, it was gone." day, Dec. 2, at twelve o'clock, Michi- gan Union, Students, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Except under ex- traordinary circumstances, courses dropped .after today will be recorded wth a grade of E. Students, Schooltof Education: Courses dropped after Wednesday, Nov. 27, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordi- nary circumtances. No course is considered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. Freshman Glee Club: There will be no meeting today due to the number of members leaving town for Thanks- giving Day. Stanley Chorus will not meet today due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Meeting will be held next Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 7:30 as usual. Academic Notices English 293: Members of the class are invited to meet for a brief dis- cussion of the examination on Wed- nesday at 4 p.m. W. G. Rice. English 139 will meet the rest of the semester in 4208 Angell Hall. R. W. Cowden. Exhibitions Architectural Bulding Exhibition: Batiks and block prints made and de- signed by students in Decorative De- sign are on view in the ground floor corridor of the Architectural Build- ing. The exhibit will be open daily from nine to six o'clock, through Sat- urday, Dec. 7. The public is cordially invited. Events Of Today Sphinx, Junior Men's Honorary So- ciety, will meet today at 12:15 in the Union. All members are urged to at- tend as important business will be discussed. Chemical and Metallurgical Engi- neers: Mr. D. H. Rowland will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallur- gical Engineering at 4 o'clock, Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will be "Grain Size and Its Influence on the Surface Decarburization of Steel." Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Regular meeting at the Union at 7:30 p.m. Uniforms requested. The meeting will be brief. Glee Club: Report 7:15 sharp at Glee Club Rooms. We sing for In- ternational banquet. Informal dress. Graduate Club of the Hillel Foun- dation meeting at 8:00 p.m. The subject of the speaker for the eve- ning will be "Probability." Union Dance: Dance at the Union tonight will start at 9:30 instead of 9:00. Luncheon for Graduate Students at 12:00 in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Building. Dr. Lawrence Preuss, Assistant Professor of Political Science, will speak in- formally on "League Sanctions." Coming Events Quadrangle Club. The meeting an- nounced for Nov. 27 has been post- poned one week, to Dec. 4. Speakers will be as announced. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3.30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. [ THE SCREENj AT THE LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE ' "La Maternelle," produced by Jean Benoit- Levy, starring Madeleine Renaud and Paulette Flambert. "La Maternelle' is a thoroughly startling pic- ture and it is not a mystery thriller. One of the{ few things it has in common with other pictures, is that it is recorded on film, otherwise it stands alone. For there is no one "acting" in this story of a French day nursery. Paulette Flambert, the little girl whose mother deserts her, is just that, a slight and bewildered child seeking someone who will pay her attention and return her love. She can't sing or dance. Neither she nor any other char- acter uses makeup. But she is a real child and not for a minute does she or the swarm of other children look like they are taking cues. Madeleine Renaud is Rose,,a maid in the nurs- ery. She is decidedly a pretty maid. But always a maid. When she is working she wears woolen stockings that make her legs look stout and her slippered feet point outwards as they would if she were standing on them all day. When you watch her as she slumps into a chair at the end of the day, you feel tired with her. When she takes Pau- lette home with her because the child's mother has not returned, you are convinced that it is the only thing to do and that it isn't done because the plot flows better that way. Although the action revolves about the facts that Paulette first loses her mother and when she placed her faith in Rose she is taken from her by marriage with the nursery doctor, it is the work of the unnamed - the thirty or forty Montmartre children - which demands attention above all else. They are dirty, off the streets of one of the filthiest slums in the world. They wobble around in rags that were not good clothes ripped for the shots. "La Maternelle" is not to be termed, "best I ever saw" or "finest the French have produced," not I because it isn't but because there is no basis for Symposium On 1936 Berlin Olympics EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are ex- tracts from letters and editorials printed in college and university dailies throughout t e country on the issue 1 of American participation in the 1936 Olympic Gamnes at Berlin. The poll was conducted by the Cornell Daily Sun and these excerpts are printed with their special permission. The failure of the United States to1 enter the Olympic Games would be very likely to cause a dangerous en-, mity between our government and, the Nazi government. * * * Such a failure would be a meaningless ges- ture and would also be extremely, poor sportsmanship, particularly in view of the fact that Germany ap- parently intends to conduct the games on a fair basis without dis- crimination. -The Michigan Daily. * * * I see no reason whatsoever forI confusing a question of sports with a political question concerning a gov- ernment. Why cannot the two mat- ters be considered in the two separate categories in which they belong? -Western Reserve Tribune. Oregon State earnestly favors American competition, as carried on in the past. * agrees to a policy against the present campaign to boy- cott the Olympics. -Oregon State Daily Barometer. Unanimously in favor of American r-rtnat~n n a +p n~unia -if properly administered, the Olym- pic games can be a powerful incentive toward international tolerance and understanding. -Daily Texan. An attempt by outsiders to control the selection of the membership of the German squad is unpardonable. First, it is not within the jurisdiction of citizens of other nations than Ger- many, which after all is a sovereign state. Second, it is diametrically op- posed to the purpose and spirit of the Olympic Games. Third, as the ac- tion of representatives of a guest- nation it displays something less than gratitude. -Amherst Student. Our board heartily supports the policy of the American participation. In this decision we took no consider- ation of the Nazi internal situation, but merely judged it as the interna- tional sports, which is one good way of bringing international understand- ing. -The Vermont Cynic. We fail to see how such an action would accomplish anything except to intensify the racial bitterness and acrimony which already exists on both sides. *ihRefusal to partici- pate in the games would be an ironi- cal comment on the low status of I the n. -nvi. r +ftns mwhen rnmnrn liberties involved, yes; but not in our participation. Let the committee protest as individuals. -The Daily Tar Heel Univ. of North Carolina. As yet the question has not been discussed at all in our editorial col- umns, nor has there been any sign of student sentiment on the question about the Institute. Should the mat- ter be opened in our columns, the at- titude of our editorial board will con- cur in a policy * * * against the cam- paign to boycott the Olympics. -The Tech, M.I.T. We believe the United States should lead the community of na- tions in protesting against Hitler's racial discrimination by being the first to refuse to send its athletes to the games. Under Germany's present policies, the 1936 Olympic Games will go down in sports history as a monu- ment to the essence of poor sports- manship. -The Daily Ohio State Lantern. The Daily Bruin is opposed to the participation by America in the forth- coming Olympic Games in Berlin be- cause there has been racial discrim- ination in Germany. Such discrim- ination as has been and will undoubt- edly continue to be in Germany is not in harmony with the ideals of the