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November 26, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-26

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The Weather

Partly cloudy today; tomor-
row cloudy, no decided change
in temperature.

C, I 4r

l~ir i4rn


It's December For Mr. Kipke...
A Story With Three Morals. .



Fratern~i ty Unenloyment Aid Permanent,
Liy Declares HopkinsIn Address
L i e Hty . . . - - -_ - -


Ruthven Says Houses Ar
Not Keeping Up Wit
Educational Progress
Explains Methods
For Improvement
Bursley Presents Troph
To Trigon For Leadin
President Ruthven left the 60
pledges, presidents and rushing chair
men, who represented 45 campus fra-
ternities at the first annual Pledg(
Banquet, held lastnight in the Unio
ballroom, with a problem to mull ove
in their minds.
"Why," the President asked, "d
not fraternity men everywhere, stu-
dents and alumni alike, see, as edu-
cators, that the fraternities are no
keeping up with the educational pro-
gress as they could so very easily?"
Fraternities Criticized
It is because of the failure of fra-
ternity men to cope with this prob-
lem adequately that fraternities have
been so severely criticized in recent
years and that many educational in-
stitutions have tolerated rather than
assisted them, Dr. Ruthven believes
"Michigan has been a conspicuous
exception to the tendency to look
askance at fraternities," he said, "and
we have tried to assist them even if
not very enthusiastically at times."
He stressed the fact that when
speaking of education it was not
merely of book-learning. "Formal
education is not more important than
informal," he stated. "The value of
class work and study are recognized
by fraternity men as they are by oth-
er students, but the educational pos-
sibilities inherentin close organiza-
tion do not seem to be observed."
Criticizes Improvement Methods
Specific methods by which fra-
ternities could improve their informal
educational standards, cited by Dr.
Ruthven were: informal discussions,
forums, and personal guidance.
"Only as you use these methods
to develop in your members a love
of good music, a knowledge of world
affairs, an appreciation of art and
literature, a comprehension of human
relations, and some knowledge of the
nature of man, can your organiza-
tions be considered to justify their
existence," he asserted.
He predicted support from all sides
for the fraternities if they could vol-
untarily become informal colleges
in the English sense on this campus.
"Your present problems would largely
(Continued on Page 2)
Government In
Brazil Fights
Leftist Revolt
Country Placed In State
Of Seige By Action Of
President And Chamber
RIO DE JANEIRO, Nov. 25. - P)
- Pres. Getuilo Vargas, with backing
of his senate and chamber, placed
the whole of Brazil in a state of seige
tonight to crush a Leftist uprising.
As planes, warships and troops were
pressed into action to quell a bloody
revolt in the North, the senate, in an
emergency session, approved a 60-day
state of seige by a vote of 25 to 3 and

the President quickly put the measure
in force.
A few hours earlier the Chamber
of Deputies had approved6the drastic
resolution, voting 155 to 69.
The declaration divested the na-
tion of many of its constitutional
guaranties for the third time since
Vargas took office five years ago at
the head of a revolution.
It took effect as the only authen-
ticated report from the Northeast
indicated communistic insurgents of
the state of Rio Grande del Norte still
were holding the important seaport
capital of Natal and the city of
Airship Endangered
By Brazilian Revolt
ma o mM71 TT'TnA nrIq ()

Emphasizes Importance Of
Providing Security T(
A permanent unemployment prob
lem, requiring permanent machiner
h1 for the provision of relief, was fore-
seen yesterday by Harry L. Hopkins
administrator of the Federal Emer-
gency Relief and Works Progress Ad-
Speaking in ill Auditorium unde
s the auspices of the Oratorical As-
sociation, Mr. Hopkins declared that
although unemployment has been re-
Y duced from about 15 millions in 1933
gr to about 10 millions today, there will
always be a considerable number o
unemployed persons who will need
governmental assistance.
He emphasized the importance of
0 providing security to the workers, and
- said that the recently enacted legis-
- lation providing for unemployment
e insurance and old age pensions will
1 not adequately meet the problem.
The burden of this supplementary
o "work assurance program," he said,
must be shared by the Federal, state
- and local governments.
Assails New Deal Critics
Although prefacing his speech with
a declaration that he would steer
clear of politics, Mr. Hopkins vigor-
ously assailed critics of the WPA who
distort its policies "purely for politi-
- 'cal purposes."
He attacked in turn the frequently-
made charges that WPA money has
been allocated along lines dictated by
* petty political purposes, that the un-
. employed do not want to work and
are "bums and chiselers," and that
the funds are being expended on
worthless projects.
f "Not a single project in America
has been approved or disapproved or
moved forward, for any political pur-
Hints Of Peace
Follow League
Embargo Delay
Ethiopians Claim Crucial
Victories; Italians Start
Preparations For Push
(By The Associated Press)
New hints of peace came Monday
night from both Rome and Paris, to
follow League of Nations action in
postponing an embargo on that min-
eral treasure which is vital to the Fas-
cist kingdom - oil.
In Africa, Haile Selassie's govern-
ment claimed two victories in the
north and turned the tide of war to
the side of the Ethiopian defenders.l
But Italy's vast invading armies,
far from conceding such claims,
tightened up along a far-flung north-
ern front for another big push.
Oil, said 'diplomatic sources int
Rome, has aided the cause of peace
by bringing home to Great Britain
and France the danger of war.
It is the stake for which Il Duce
will fight, these persons said, and
neither Great Britain nor France was
considered likely to deliberately pre-
cipitate war through such an em-
In Paris, Premier Pierre Laval and
Mussolini's ambassador Vittorio Cer-I
ruti, conferred --presumably on the
outlook for peace negotiations. t
New Officers t
Are Presented

Presentation of commissions to the
newly-appointed cadet officers by
Maj.-Gen. Frank R. McCoy, Com-
mandant of the Sixth Corps Area,
was carried out in ceremony par-
ticipated in by the University R.O.-
T.C. regiment in Waterman Gymna-
sium yesterday.
The Varsity-R.O.TC. Band also,
took part in the ceremony, which be-
gan at 5 p.m. and lasted for half an
hour. As a result of oppressive con-
ditions within the Gymnasium four
student members of the unit fainted,
but all recovered quickly after being
removed from the room, it was re-
General McCoy, who left for Chi-
cago late last night, was the guest,
of honor at a banquetheld in the
Union last night by the Army and
Navy Club and the Reserve Officers'
Association of Ann Arbor.

t pose, or ever will be, as long as I hav
3anything to do with it," he declared
Mr. Hopkins pointed out that a ma-
jority of the three-and-a-half mil-
lion people being dealt with by the
WPA were steadily employed at their
- last job for at least fourhand a hal
years, and asserted "the characters of
y these people don't change overnight.'
90 Per Cent Public Works
Patient lines of men waiting for the
opportunity to work in cities all over
the nation refute this indictment
of the unemployed, he went on
"Thousands of these men could re-
ceive the same amount of money by
,sitting home and receiving relief."
He explained that more than 90 per
cent of the projects selected up to
November 1 have to do with public
buildings, parks, highways, roads, and
1 streets.
Mr. Hopkins said that 10.7 per
cent of the total fungi are being ex-
pended in building farm-to-market
roads, 30.7 per cent for work on other
(Continued on Page 2)
Hopkins Sees
No Need For
Graft In WPA
Attacks 'Theorizers' Who
Criticize Relief Work
Without Knowing Facts
Holding the utmost contempt for
"theorizing," almost bitter in his de-
fense of the Works Progress Admin-
istration against the attacks of "Ig-
norant; deliberately misrepresenting
critics who have never actually seen
a relief project," Harry L. Hopkins
forcibly asserted in an interview last
night that "Not a dollar of the WPA
money has been spent for graft."
When asked if he did not believe
that a certain amount of graft was
unavoidable in such a huge project
as the WPA, Hopkins replied that not
only was there no necessity for graft
in the WPA, but actually none existed
nor would there be as long as he had
anything to do about it.
Says Graft Rumors False
"You know how such rumors
spread," he said. "Talk of graft
arises partly from political antagon-
ists, partly from gossip. There is
absolutely no truth to any of it."
Hopkins expects the $4,880,000,000
fund appropriated for the WPA to be
"completely spent by the first of
July." Of the funds allocated for re-
lief projects, he stated, approximately
five per cent goes for administra-
tion purposes, and the remainder is.
used 80 per cent for materials and 20
per cent for labor."
He Believes Aid Not Deteriorating
Hopkins characterized as a "lot of
baloney" the argument of geneticists
to the effect that relief for the weaker
members of society tends to deterior-
ate the race. "Who are the weaker
members of society?" he asked. "The
professors of genetics?"
In answer to the question, "What
do you think of the strong attack
against the WPA by mayors of Mich-
igan cities at a recent convention in
Ann Arbor, on the grounds that funds
were not coming in fast enough?"
Hopkins replied that although he was
not familiar with the specific objec-
tions of the mayors, he believed that
they considered there was too much
red tape involved.
"This is not true," he said. "The
fault is with the local administrations
for not properly evaluating or pre-
paring their projects for submission1
to the WPA. Besides, 90 per cent of
the projects allocated to Michigan
have gone through, anyway."
France Raises

Discount Rate
To Save Gold
PARIS, Nov. 25. - (/P) - The Bank
of France attempted to stem the in-
creasing flow of gold from its vaults
today by again raising the discount
Making the third advance in the
last 10 days, the bank changed the
rate from 5 to 6 per cent. Marcel
Regnier, minister of finance, told the
Finance Committee of the Senate
that 4,238,000,000 francs (about 276,-
470,000) in gold have left the bank
during November.
The Bank, in raising its discount
rate, also raised the interest to main-
tain the treasury's credit.
Regnier told the finance committee


To Announce
'36Captain At
Union Smoker
New Football Leader And
f Manager To Be Elected
This Afternoon
Gehrigycr To Take
Place Of Cochrane
Coach Kipke Will Present
Team Members, Other
University Athletes
The new captain and manager of
the 1936 Michigan football squad will
be elected this afternoon and an-
nounced at the annual Union Football
Smoker to be held at 8 p.m. today in
the Union Ballroom.
Charlie Gehringer, star second
baseman of the World Champion De-
troit Tigers, will replace Mickey
Cochrane as one of the speakers on
the program, it was announced by
Union officials.
Walter Okeson, commissioner of
the Eastern Intercollegiate Athletic
Association and secretary and treas-
urer of Lehigh University, will also
speak at the Smoker.
Band Will Play
The 100-piece Varsity R.O.T.C.
Band will open the program and
Prof. William D. Revelli, band di-
rector, will lead several Michigan
songs. The Varsity cheerleaders,
headed by Robert Burns, '36, are
also to be guests at the annual af-
Officials announced last night that
tentative plans called for the "Four
Men of Note," a student quartet, to
sing "A Great Big Meechigan Day,"
a new song presented at the Home-
coming pep rally and written by J.
Fred Lawton, '11.
Gehringer and Okeson will fol-
low the band on the program, and
Coach Harry Kipke will introduce
both men.
Bill Renner, '36, captain of the 1936
squad will introduce his successor and
Manager Daniel Hulgrave, '36, will
present the new manager for the
1936 varsity squad.
Kipke To Present Team
Kipke will also present the several
members of the team individually and
the various other members of the
University athletic department.
Tickets for the smoker are on sale
at the Union desk and may be bought
from sophomore committeemen and
executive councilmen. They are
priced at 25 cents, and Union officials
emphasized the necessity of getting
tickets early because only a limited
number have been placed on sale.
Bonarny Dobree
Will Deliver
Approaches To Criticism
To Be Subject Of Noted
Scholar And Critic
Bonamy Dobree, English scholar
and critic, will deliver an address in
the University Lecture series at 4:151
p.m. today in the Natural Science1
Auditorium. His subject will be1
"Approaches to Criticism."
Dobree, according to Prof. Louis
I. Bredvold of the English depart-
ment, is one of the most distinguished

present-day scholars of 18th century
literature, as well as a leading criticl
of modern literature. His book,I
"Modern Prose Style," is now beingI
used in a number of English courses
at the University.'
After serving in the British army
both before and during the World3
War with the rank of major, Dobre
attended Cambridge University and1
then lectured at London University
and the Egyptian University of Cairo.
In 1927 he retired from active
teaching and devoted himself com-
pletely to critical writing. Since that'
time he has published a number of7
biographies, essays and prose col-
lections. He has also been a con-
tributor to T. S. Eliot's "Criterion,"
English literary review, has edited
"Van Brugh" for the Nonesuch Press,
and is one of the editors of the new
12-volume history of English litera-
ture being prepared at Oxford.
The lecture will be open to the
public without charge. In the eve-
ning, members of the English Journal
Club, graduate students in English
and Hopwood contestants will meet
in the League to hear Mr. Dobre
give an informal discussion of T. S.

Closing Hours Will Stay
At 1: As Corneil Fails

To Get Two-Thirds


Kipke Secure
SIn Post; Given
Alumni Support
Rumors Of Resignation
Brings Denials From All
Close To Situation
With the smoke cleared away, ob-
servers were prepared last night to
say that the position of Harry G.
Kipke as Michigan's head football
coach was no less secure than it was
two years ago, when his team had
won its second consecutive national
Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics, led the denials of any pro-
posed shakeup in the coaching forces,
while the Ann Arbor Alumni Club
voted unanimously its unqualified
support of the present staff.
Alumni 'Completely Behind' Kipke
T. Hawley Tapping, general secre-
tary of the Alumni Association,
voiced the sentiment of the alumni
body when he said that in all com-
munications from alumni he had
heard "not one discordant voice,"
quoting letters saying "we believe no
other coach in the country could have
done better with the same material."
In Detroit, Fred Matthaei and R.
W. Rose, past-president and president
of the University of Michigan Club
of that city, voiced themselves as
"completely behind" the present set-
Newspapers Spread Rumors
Rumors to the effect that Kipke
and his staff would be asked to re-
sign were first circulated in a Colum-
bus, 0., newspaper Sunday, and were
taken up and voiced by Detroit news-
papers as credence was given them
through their circulation.
A stinging rebuke of Kipke and his
policies, written in a Detroit news-
paper Monday morning, lent emphas-
is to the spread of the newspaper
rumors, but the only answer made by
authorities in Ann Arbor and else-
where, close to the Michigan football
situation, was a complete denial.
Kipke himself, preparing for a two-
week speaking tour of the East, to be-
gin tomorrow, remained non-com-
mital yesterday with regard to the
resignation stories saying that any
movement for his withdrawal "would
have to originate with the athletic
State Street Boys'
Red Scare 'Plotting'
The election playboys are at it
Last night there appeared in circu-
lation a "plugger," which Washtenaw
party leaders charge was published
by State men, to help along the State
cause today. The "plugger" had this
to say:
"NSL favors the Washtenaw Coali-
tion Party. The nationwide socialist
legion is happy to announce its sup-
port of the Washtenaw Coalition and
Ritchie (the Washtenaw candidate
for president). Its political views
concur with those of Kappa Alpha
Theta and other Communistically in-
clined sororities who lead the move-
ment towards Socialism.
"The NSL romps to a touchdown
behind Ritchie and Washtenaw.
Washtenaw and Socialism!"
Carl Post, '38, Theta Chi, campaign
manager for Washtenaw, had this to
"Neither Kappa Alpha Theta,
Ritchie, nor the Washtenaw Party has
anything whatsoever to do with the
NSL, socialism nor David Rank."

(Rank is the State Street boss).
Dr. Jacox Leaves
For New Position
Prof. Harold W. Jacox of the
School of Medicine, University Hos-
pital roentgenologist, yesterday an-
nounced his resignation from the
Hospital and the medical school in
order to become director of the de-

Moscow Turns Into
A 'Waterloo' For
Pastor Paul Kraus
The Russians almost got Dr. Paul
Kraus, pastor of the Trinity Evan-
gelical Church in Fort Wayne, Ind.,
Dr. Kraus was driving to Ann Arbor
Sunday to deliver an address in the
Zion Lutheran. Church here Sunday
night on "Russia's Challenge to
Christianity." At the appointed time
his audience gathered, but Dr. Kraus
did not put in an appearance. They
waited and waited, but still Dr. Kraus
did not come.
Finally, as some of the members of
the congregation were about to leave
the church, in came Dr. Kraus with
this story:
He had had car trouble all along
the way. Finally his car broke down
completely -in the little Michigan
town of Moscow.
'38 To Elect
Class Officers
This Afternoon
John Townsend To Oppose
Stark Ritchie In Two
Party Fight
Sophomore class elections in the
literary and engineering colleges will
be held this afternoon. The literary
college students will cast their votes
from 3 to 5 p.m. in Room 25 Angell
Hall and the engineers will vote from
4 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 348 West En-
gineering Building.
In the literary college the election
battle is shaping up along traditional
lines, with State Street and Wash-
tenaw tickets confronting one an-
John Townsend, Delta Kappa Ep-
silon, of the State Street Party, will
oppose Stark Ritchie, Psi Upsilon,
Washtenaw candidate, for the soph-
omore literary college presidency
The other nominees are as follows:
State Street: vice-president, Alice
Stebbins, Helen Newberry; secretary,.
Betty Whitney, Collegiate Sorosis;
and treasurer, Robert Dunn, Chi Psi.
Washtenaw: vice-president, Janet
Karlson, Mosher-Jordan; secretary,
Adeline Singleton, Kappa Alpha
Theta; and treasurer, Elliot Chap-
man, Lambda Chi Alpha.
A lone slate will go through the
formality of being "elected' in the
engineering college. The ticket, which
is known as "The Combined '38 En-
gineers," claims the backing of 20 fra-
ternities and is reported to be "a
combination of the Fraternity-Inde-
t&onunuea un Page )
Dean Cooley
Resigns State
PWA Position
Work Had Interfered With
Writing Of Engineering
College History
The resignation of Dean-emeritus
Mortimer E. Cooley of the College of
Engineering from his post as PWA
engineer for Michigan was announced
yesterday, to take effect Dec. 15.
Dean Cooley, who has been PWA
engineer for this state since Aug. 14,
1933, said that he had resigned from
that post at the suggestion of Presi-
dent Ruthven, in order to return to
his work of writing a history of the
engineering college here, which has
been much interfered with as a result

of his PWA position.
He commented that threats by lab-
or leaders in Detroit to "get" him as
the result of a controversy over wage.
rates on the proposed Western High
School project in Detroit had had no
bearing whatsoever on his resigna-
tion. The wage rate controversy has
arisen in the past three weeks, he
pointed out, while his resignation was
tendered to Secretary of the Interior
Harold L. Ickes Oct. 26.
Dean Cooley has been at work on

Proposal Is Voted On After
Two Hour Discussion By
One Vote Lacking
For Passage, 8-6
Matter Definitely Closed
For Time Being, States
Dean AliceLloyd
Women's Friday night closing hours
will remain at 1:30 a.m., at least tem-
The Undergraduate Council of the
League failed to secure yesterday, the
two-thirds majority necessary to
override the veto of the League Board
of Representatives. The Council, vot-
ing in the League, after a two-hour
discussion, went on record in favor
of the recommendation for change 8
to 6, whereas a 9 to 5 vote would have
been necessary to repass the mea-
Jean Seeley, '36, president of the
League, in commenting on the vote,
said: "Although the Undergraduate
Council of the Michigan League has
voted to leave the hours as they are,
the Council wants the women of the
Michigan campus to consider serious-
ly the problem from all angles. The
Council was in favor of the 12:30
a.m. hour as far as personal convic-
tions of its members were concerned
as being a fundamentally good thing.
Seeley Thinks Change Will Come
"However, without pressure of leg-
islation from above, we believe that
campus women will arrive at the same
conclusion themselves upon consider-
ing that the purpose of college is pri-
marily academic and this change will
be toward a better realization of this
purpose. If the Council's action has
started constructive thinking about
the hours question, it has been worth
Dean Alice Lloyd said last night,
when asked for a statement, "The
matter is definitely closed for the
time being." Earlier this fall she
said that the administration would
make no move to change the hours,
because of the ruling requiring Sat-
urday classes, but that the change
would come from the women students
Sorority, Assembly Opposition
However, when all except one of
the sororities and the Assembly, rep-
resentative organization for indepen-
dent women, voted against changing
the hours, Miss Lloyd said at the
Panhellenic Banquet, held Oct. 28:
"I think your nearly unanimous vote
to continue the 1:30 a.m., hour for
riday, in spite of the new University
ruling on Saturday classes, is a mis-
The measure was passed unani-
mously in its original form last Mon-
day by the Council, but was modified
at a meeting held Thursday noon. In
its final form the bill recommended
that women's hours be changed from
1:30 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. on Fridays,
and that junior women who are elig-
ible according to University rules be
given 1:30 a.m. permission on Sat-
urday nights.
League Board Rejects It
It was presented for ratification
Thursday to the League Board of
Representatives, an organization
composed of 40 sorority and 36 inde-
pendent women, and was rejected by
a vote of 53-17. Under the rules of
the League Constitution, the proposal
was then referred back to League
Council, which has the power to over-
rule a veto, by a two-thirds vote.
In presenting the proposal before
the members of the Board, Miss See-
ley and Winifred Bell, '36, chairman
of the Judiciary Council and a mem-
ber of the League Council, empha-
sized the need for earlier hours in

order to make the week more bal-
anced, and urged them to pass it for
the following reasons:
(1) Excessive bolts of Saturday
classes; (2) reports of "fatigue" by
house mothers and dormitory heads;
(3) and that Saturday classes are now
definitely permanent.
Auto Ban Is Lifted
At Noon Tomorrow

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