THE MICHIGAN DAILY Engi h Critic Will Give Talk Here Tuesday Elonamy Dobree To Speak On Subject 'Approaches To Criticism' Bonamy Debree, noted English scholar and critic, will deliver an address in the University Lecture Series at 4:15 Tuesday in the Natural Science Auditorium. His subject has been announced as "Approaches - to Criticism." Dobree is, according to Prof. Louis I. Bredvold of the English depart- ment, one of the most distinguished present day scholars of 18th century literature, as well as a leading critic of modern literature. His "Modern Prose Style" is now in use in a num- ber of the English courses at the Uni- versity. After serving in the British army both before and during the war, and being promoted to the rank of major, Mr. Dobree attended Cambridge Uni- versity, and lectured at London Uni- versity and the Egyptian University of Cairo. In 1927 he retired from teaching and devoted himself completely to critical writing. Since that time he had had published a number of biog- raphies, essays and prose collections. He has also been a contributor to T. S. Eliot's "Criterion," an English literary magazine. The lecture will be open to the public. Subscript1ions For City Fund Reach $26,367 Auditors for the Ann Arbor Com- munity Fund reported that the sub- scription up to noon yesterday lacked approximately $800 of reaching the halfway mark in its initial drive for $55,000 to finance welfare and social service activities in 1936. A total of $26,367 in pledges has been audited up to the present time. Fund leaders were not discouraged by the report, and made plans to work over the week-end to increase the subscriptions. A report luncheon will be held during the middle of next week, the date of which has not yet been announced. A little over a fourth of the pros- pects have been solicited, and no di- vision of the campaign organization has exhausted its possibilities, John Hames, manager of the drive, an- nounced. Spanish Professor To Talk At Guild (Continued from Page 1) Dr., Raphael Isaacs will speak on "The historical Aspects of the Cru- cifixion." The Rev. Theodore Schmale of the Bethlehem Evangelical Church will preach on "The Reward of the Merci- ful" at the regular morning service at 10:30 a.m. The Junior Young Peo- ple's League will meet at 7 p.m, with Miss Mary Seyfried acting as leader. "The Social Responsibility of a Christian" will be the topic of Mr. Herbert Soper's discussion at noon today at Stalker Hall. The Wesleyan Guild is to meet at 6 p.m. tonight. Prof. Julio del Toro of the Spanish department will speak on "Personal Religion and the Church." Disputed French Paitntings Defended To Speak Here Dance Music Via Electric Light Socket? It's The Latest Thing I By Professors Slusser And Hoekstra Through the courtesy of Professors Raymond Hoekstra and Jean Paul Slusser, The Daily presents a summarized version of the gallery talks given by them Friday afternoon on the exhibition of 12 post-impressionistic paintings hung in Alumni iemoial Hall. Visitors may see the paintings today between the hours of 2 and 5 p.m., and the exhibition will close tonight. APPRECIATION OF POST- IMPRESSIONISTIC ART By JEAN PAUL SLUSSER (Of the Department of Fine Arts) The Post-Impressionists, following the lead of Cezanne, who restored toj modern painting the grand qualities of design which classic painting has always had, carried the emphasis on form to the nth degree, and pushed their researches into the use of ab- straction to their logical conclusion. It was a completely esthetic move- ment and its leaders performed val- uable laboratory work in their ex- perimentation with form that will probably never have to be done again. That they could make abstractions so significant and so interesting is a tribute to the vitality and resource- fulness of their talents. The kind of pictures on view in this exhibition represent perhaps the high-water mark of the whole movement towards abstractionism, and so far as one can judge today the drift towards renewed interest in subject-matter has already set in. It is possible that there is a con- nection between this kind of painting and the state of the world during the thrity years or so that it has been produced. In the absence of any general agreement about human values, the artist turned to his lab- oratory and concluded researches in- to esthetic theory. Whatever kind of painting the future may bring it will have to reckon with findings that this movement has made common prop- erty. It is possible that the newer trend towards emphasis on subject- matter in painting may have to do with a reawakening awareness caused by world-events of recent years, an awareness of human values about which men are coming into agree- ment once more. The work of the men represented here is based upon a genuine ap- preciation and understanding of the classics. The academic artist usually bases his art upon the work of some- one who flourished day before yes- terday or the decade before last, and sweetens and popularizes it. The best of the Post-Impressionists know their primitives, know their classics, know their Oriental art and build with the principles that underly all great his- toric art. Their work is, of course, in PCST-IMPRESSIONISM AND PHILOSOPHY By RAYMOND HOEKSTRA (Of the Philosophy Department) The appreciation of modern paint- ings presents itself as a problem to some spectators. But any questions as to exactly what those who do en- joy modern paintings are able to 'see' in them inevitably lead us into the problem of perception. An analysis of perception might throw some light on the difficulties of aesthetic percep- tion. It is a common assumption that per- ception of the human mind directly apprehends a physical object as sen- suous, i.e., as having a color, odor, taste, sound and temperature. Since the sixteenth century a great mass of evidence has been discovered tend- ing to cast grave doubt upon this theory. In fact, the evidence is fre- quently marshalled to cast doubt up- on the very existence of the external world. Whatever strange doctrines may follow upon the breakdown of the naive view that physical objects are directly given to the mind, it is at least very clear to all reflective minds that the percipient subject knows the physical objectionly through his own experience. Now it is interesting to note that liberal-mindedness and more interest in subject-matter came to an end in the 19th century painting at just about the time when the doubt as to the idiom of the contemporary age, and it has meaning for our time as the work of the academic artist has not. The fitness of these paintings in a good modern interior or as the accompaniment of modern architec- ture is obvious. Two fundamental principles of' form are insisted upon by the paint- ers of the Post-Impressionist group, principles which are implicit in the painting of the best historic periods. The first is the apparently obvious but very important one that the picture must be composed absolutely in rela- tion with the rectangle within which it is enclosed. This principle is very notably observed in the work shown here. The second one is that the two-dimensional surface-plane of the picture must be insisted upon and kept inviolate, no matter what sug- the existence and character of phys- ical objects was beginning to be gen- erally understood. The new version of perception profoundly influences the creeds of impressionism, expres- sionism, symbolism and surrealism. No longer could the painter presume to "copy" nature, but only to express our experience of it. As an artist, it was his purpose to create an aesthetic object in the perception of which we enlarge, enrich and deepen the ranges of significant experience. The factor of belief in perception is irrelevant for aesthetic perception. No one believes while seeing a still life by Cezanne that there are real apples on a plate. Belief is related to action and operates where science and truth are concerned. But in aesthetic perception we are freed from all practical relations to the ob- ject and relieved from the quest for truth. We contemplate but do not act upon the aesthetic object, nor seek primarily to be instructed or improved by it. The sensuous factor in perception is variously called sensation or sense datum, and is indispensable to aes- thetic perception. The argument for thinking that a sense datum is dis- tinct from a physical object is a com- monplace matter to all elementary students in philosophy. Once we concede that the distinction is pos- sible, then the painter is free to bor- row the materials of sensation and use them as freely as he pleases. He may use them representationally or abstractly. Emotion and feeling are, naturally, gestion of motion into the depth or towards the front of the picture may be made by the planes of the compo- sition. The modern picture is never a window looking into space, there may be third-dimensionality in the picture, but whatever spatial thrusts there may be, everything is composed with reference to the two-dimensional plane on which the picture is painted. Most of the old illusionist painters punched holes into their compositions and denied the plane surface of their picture, a thing which does not oc- cur in the art of the best periods. A painter like Bracque in his larger composition shown here puts sand into his paint for the express purpose of warning the onlooker that no il- lusionism is intended, that the plane is to be taken for exactly what it is, a flat two-dimensional area upon the ^anvas. Prof.Holland Descr New Developments Field Of Radio (Continued from Page 1) The Hon. Harry L. Hopkins, Ad- ministrator of the Federal Emer- gency Relief Act and head of the Works Progress Administration, will lecture tomorrow night at Hill Auditorium on the subject "Prob- lems in Government." His lecture is sponsored by the University of Michigan Oratorical Association. of the utmost importance in any aes- thetic perception. But in those mod- ern paintings where representation is not the essential factor the im- portance of emotion is still greater. The data of color and line are suf- fused with and blended with the emotional state. So much conse- quently depends upon the emotional tone of the color, and the less repre- sentative the factor and more the pure lyricism of color is brought out. Needless to say all modern painters are superb colorists with very unique and individual styles. The foregoing remarks about per- ception were notrintended to prove that these paintings are great be- cause they illustrate theories of per- ception. That would be to defeat my own ends. I hoped not to use the paintings as a means to understand- ing philosophy, but to use philosophy - n menns to an intelligent and aes- thetic perceptions of painting. And ,aye inoral of this tale is - that one can be intelligent and also enjoy mod- ern painting. HALLER'S Jewelry State and Liberty Watch Repairing! sponsors of this new development in radio will charge monthly fees for the reception of radios, and in return for those payments the radio listener will be supplied with programs of any type that he or she desires, free from all advertising "spiels" that now de- tract from ordinary radio reception. With the use of two or three of these "in-between" frequencies, he pointed out, the company can give its subscribers dance music, more ser- ious music or lecture and informative programs at the whim of the listener. It appears more likely that if the new type of broadcasting is given wide Send Discovered Indian Relies Here More than 100 packages containing skeletons and pottery found in an an- cient Indian burying ground in La- peer County by University archeolo- gists this summer are being unpacked at the Museum of Anthropology of the University, where some of them will be placed on exhibition, it was announced yesterday by Dr. B. W. Hinsdale, director of the Great Lakes division of the Museum of Anthro- pology. IF.-- you haven't tried the State Shoe Repair do it now and see the difference. We dye, tint, or gild any shoes. ill Work Guaranteed. 1117 So. University Ave. formerly 301 South State lipi i For Perfect Confidence.. In your well-groomed appearance, you'll want an H. & W. Foundation of LASTEZE LACE UPLIFT BRA $5.00 to $10.00 . 6 _ i : T 3+ ROSE M. JOSSELYN I Kellogg Corset Shop 110 EAST LIBERTY STREET PHONE 3110 I POOR MARY! Mary's hair was beautiful. Her eyes and skin were, too. For when it came to looking nice, She knew just what to do. She spent a lot of time and thought On oils and soaps and creams .. . She chose her clothes with patience, too. And that's good sense, it seems. ButMary missed on one sure~ bet Tat made her beauty wane .. . She had her clothes cleaned hit-or-miss .. . They've never looked the same. Had Mary bought dry cleaning With care and thought' and heed, She would have had them Miracleaned By Goldman . .. yes, indeed! iH I SEN IORSI The New 1936 MICHIGAN- ENSIAN is designed for you. Have your photograph tak- en NOW at one of the offi- cial 'Ensian Photographers. OS CE I94 Sflfl* a en FRN I Deadline Date is December 1 11 You will want your pic- ture to appear among I I - - - mmv - . L.. - - O A -mp