The Weather Increasing cloudiness and not so cold Sunday; Monday mostly cloudy, warmer. C, 4r Lititit grn 4:3att!j Editorials Fraternities Look Ahead., Whither North China? . VOL. XLVL No. 49 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Denies Cuii In Stuideni NYA_ Jobs Prof. Lewis M. Gram Say: Needy Students Will Noi Be Displaced By Adult4 WPA Funds To Pay Welfare Workers Residents May Work Side By Side With Students But Won't 'Cut In' By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. A rumor that needy students herf are being deprived if opportunities to work under the National Youtl Administration through the hiring of "white-collared" townspeople was em- phatically denied last night by Prof. Lewis M. Gram, director of plant extension and local NYA head. "Our NYA funds have been com- pletely allocated," Professor Gram stated, "and it is therefore quite im- possible to hire any students now on the NYA waiting list until there are vacancies made by resignations or until additional funds are granted us." The 35 townspeople soon to be em- ployed by the University in clerical projects are all on welfare roll status, Professor Gram explained. Since this group is to be paid with Works Progress Administration money, it will be entirely impossible to allot any of this work to the student body, he added. Beliefs entertained by certain stu- dents that faculty employers of NYA workers were seeking WPA men and women because they*could put in three times as much work a month as students were termed "entirely er- roneous" by Professor Gram. No 'Cutting In' "It is true that the Ann Arbor resi dents who will work in University offl- ces under the WPA will be working, in many cases, side by side with stu- dents," Professor Gram pointed out, "but this does not mean that the WPA group is 'cutting in' on the stu- dents. The WPA and the NYA are altogether different organizations." Requests were submitted to the Federal Government this fall for clerical and research workers who would be paid by the WPA, Professor Gram explained. The clerical jobs have recently been approved, he said, and enlistment of "white collar" workers skilled in typing, steno- graphy, library work and similar du- ties will take place this week. In addition, unskilled and semi- skilled WPA workers are now being employed by the University on side- walk, pavement and other construc- tion jobs, Professor Gram declared. Students Not Affected "The 1,300-odd students now on the NYA roll and the 300-odd stu- dents on the waiting list are not af- fected in any manner by the hiring of these townspeople," Professor Gram maintained. "No student's job has been taken or will be taken by local adult work- ers," he added. Professor Gram said that faculty members were pleased with the work done by their student NYA aid, and in some cases had asked NYA ad- ministrators that their student work- ers be granted longer hours and more pay because of extreme financial dis- ability. The WPA clerical force to be hired this week will work probably 130 hours a month for a $60 salary, Pro- fessor Gram stated. R.O.T.C. Welcomes Maj.-Gen. McCoy Commissioning of the University R.O.T.C. cadet officers and a. parade; of the regiment will mark the visit here tomorrow of Maj.-Gen. Frank R. McCoy, commander of the Seventh Corps Area, it was announced by Lieut.-Col. Frederick C. Rogers, regi- mental commandant, yesterday. General McCoy, accompanied by an aide, Capt. Laurence K. Ladue, is expected to arrive here about 9:30 a.m., and he will attend at noon a luncheon held in his honor at the Union. At 5 p.m. the parade of the entire regiment and commissioning of the newly appointed cadet officers will be heldu in his prsec in the Water- Representative' Government "The purpose of the Michigan League shall be to encourage active cooperation in the work of women's self-government; to provide for the formation of an official body to give adequate ex- pression to the opinon of the women students in matters of general college interest.. ." Article 1, Section 1 of the League Constitution. C. . .although the vote of the Board will be given the most serious consideration when the matter is taken up before the Council, I shall urge the members to overrule the veto." - Jean Seeley, '36, president of the League. The Board of Representatives, which represents the opinion of women students, has voted 53 to 17 against the change in women's hours and has given the League Council a clear mandate. If Miss Seeley and the Council now override this veto, they are plainly negating their own constitution. They should also bear in mind that the Council of which they are members was created by this same Board which is now demanding that they express the real opinion of women undergraduates. If the League Council has any doubt that real opinion is against its oligarchic methods it may also take into consideration a petition signed by 80 of the 86 members of Helen Newberry Residence, which very plainly expresses unqualified opposition to a change in women's hours. The Daily does not wish to predict what will happen if the Council changes hours against the wishes of campus opinion, but it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the women will rebel. The two principal reasons the Council has presented for its proposed change in hours are: (1) that there are excessive bolts in Saturday classes and (2) that extreme cases of "fatigue" have been reported among the women. Answer to the charge of excessive bolts is made in a statement by Wilber R. Humphreys, assistant dean. of the literary college: "With the present system we can't arrive at any statistical estimate because there is no system of uniform reporting. Only excessive absences ard reported and, although we have a number of these, we do not always have the date on which they occurred." If the University officials do not know if there have been exces- sive Saturday bolts, what superhuman power does the Council possess that enables it to know? To the charge that there have been many cases of "fatigue," we refer the League Council to the survey conducted by The Daily. Thirteen of the fourteen house mothers interviewed reported they had found no cases of "fatigue." Throughout the present controversy on women's hours the reasoning of Miss Seeley and the League Council has been fallacious. We advise them to recognize real campus opinion. 600 Pledges Expected At Rev. Marley Will Comment On Expulsions 'Is Universitya Utility?' ToI A. , ( A Public Be Topic AL unitarianC uurcn Discussions of topics that are sig- nificant at the present day and sev- eral Thanksgiving programs, in ad- dition to the regular religious ser- vices, will be featured in the Ann Ar- bor churches today. The Rev. H. P. Marley of the Uni- tarian Church will talk on the topic, "Is The University A Public Utility?" His address, at 5:30 p.m. will deal with the relations of the public util- ities to education and especially to the recent expulsions of three Michi- gan students. The students' group will meet at7:30 p.m. to hear John Clarkson discuss "Modern Art." Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- ciology department will speak at the student meeting to be held at Harris Hall at 7 p.m. today. Professor An- gell's subject will be "The Requisites for Social Health." Dr. Bernard Heller will conduct the regular service for the Hillel Independents at 7:45 p.m. today at the Foundation. There will be a bus- iness meeting at 8:30 p.m. at which (Continued on Page 3) Alter Dates Of Elections For Class Officers Changes in election dates for classes in the literary and engineering col- leges and the architectural school were announced last night by stu- dents in charge. Sophomore class elections in the engineering college have been ad- vanced from Wednesday to Tuesday of this week, according to Francis, Wallace, president of the engineering council. The election will be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the West En- gineering building. Sophomore elections in the lit- erary college will be held Tuesday instead of Monday, it was announced by William Dixon, '36, president of the Undergraduate Council. Elec- tion booths will be located in Room 25 Angell Hall, and will be open from 3 to 5 p.m. Juniors and seniors in the archi- tectural school will hold their elec- tion tomorrow from 4 to 5 p.m. in the first floor main lecture room of the Harr Hopkins, FERA Director, To Speak Here Will Talk On 'Problems In Government' Tomorrow At Hill Auditorium The Hon. Harry L. Hopkins, admin- istrator of the Federal Emergency Re- lief Act and head of the Works Prog- ress Administration, will deliver the third of the lecture series sponsored by the Oratorical Association at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Hopkins will present his views on "The Problems of Government," and his address will not concern political parties or issues, it was announced in a letter from Hopkins to the Ora- torical Association. Hopkins is coming to Ann Arbor from the Detroit WPA office, accom- panied by Harry L. Pierson, State WPA administrator, and it is expect- ed that his lecture will include an analysis of the relief problems as they are being met in this state. Among the general subjects whichI will be discussed by Hopkins are the1 problems of distributing and financ- ing the huge $4,880,000,000 fund ap- propriated by Congress for federal relief projects. He will also describe the methods by which the administrators of the WPA evaluate projects submitted by the various state relief boards. Hopkins has been in governmental and private relief work since his grad- uation from Grinnell College, and im- mediately preceding his appointment to the FERA by President Roosevelt he was chairman of the Temporary ERA of New York State,j Union dinner Is First Banquet Of Its Kind; Will Be Held At 6 P.M. Tomorrow President Ruthven, BursleyTo Speak Interfraternity Scholarship Cup Will Be Awarded Trigon Fraternity More than 600afraternity pledges are expected to attend the banquet in their honor to be given at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Union as invitations to attend were extended to all fresh- men advisors last night by John A. Cawley, '36, toastmaster and chair- man of the banquet committee of the Interfraternity Council. The first banquet of its kind, it has gained such wholehearted support from fraternities that it will become an annual affair, George R. Williams, '36, president of the council, believes. Cawley emphasized that the ban- quet will be informal, thus allowing pledges who participate in the R. O. T. C. review that afternoon to at- tend in their uniforms. Trigon fraternity, all of whose members will be guests, will receive the Interfraternity Council scholar- ship cup, given annually to the gen- eral fraternity which maintains the highest grade average the previous year. President Ruthven, who will be the principal speaker, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary college, and Dean Her- bert C. Sadler of the engineering col- lege will be in attendance. The presidents and rushing chair- men of all fraternities will attend with their pledge classes. Tickets for the banquet not sold by noon Monday must be checked in then, Cawley said. The banquet is in charge of Cawley, Thomas E. Groehn, '36, and John Heles, '36. Frank J. Simes, '37, is overseeing the sale of tickets. Union Smoker Honoring Team To Be Tuesday The one time of the year that the men students have an opportunity to honor the members of the Varsity football team will be at the annual Union football smoker which will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Union officials stated last night that tickets will be placed on sale at various places on the campus to- morrow and Tuesday. Price of tick- ets this years is 25 cents and although in previous years tickets have been higher priced, officials said that "the program is perhaps the best ever sponsored." Walter Okeson, secretary and treas- urer of Lehigh University, and Com- missioner of the Eastern Intercolle- giate Athletic Association, will be one of the speakers on the progrom. Oke- son, as commissioner of the associa- tion, is in charge of assigning officials and heads the committee on rules for football games in the East. Mickey Cochrane, player-manager of the world champion Detroit Tigers, who during his college days was a football star himself, will also talk at the annual event. Renner Snares Bettridge With Diving The above picture, taken by The Daily staff photographer, shows Captain Renner bringing down Bettridge, star Ohio State ball carrier on the 25-yard line in the first quarter. Renner was the outstanding player of the day, according to coaches of both teams. Goal Posts Crash To Ground As Mob Riots * * * * * * I Michigan Overpowered In Everything But Spirit As Ohio State Wins, 38-0 -4 Tackle Victory Brings Scarlet With Minnesota For Ten Title Honors Tie Big Buckeyes Unleash Versatile Offense Brilliant Defensive Work Of Capt. Renner Stops AdditionalScoring By WILLIAM R. REED Overpowered in every department but spirit, the Michigan football team bowed to Ohio State, 38-0, yesterday in the Stadium before a crowd of 65,- 000. The win gave the Scarlet a tie with Minnesota for the Big Ten title. The Buckeyes unleashed a versatile attack executed by an almost endless succession of superior gridders, and only the fighting of the Michigan team and the brilliant defensive work of Captain Bill Renner held the Scar- let score to 38 points. Ohio State, with Dick Heekin and William "Tippy" Dye leading the way, scored six touchdowns, including a 73-yard return of a Michigan punt by the 142-pound Dye, who in three years of college athletics has never failed to distinguish himself in oppos- ing the Wolverines. Outclassed At Line Michigan, completely outclassed by a line which had everything including speed and weight, and a set of backs which presented speed, drive and an outstanding passing attack, made an early bid for a score when James Mc- Donald's fumble was recovered on the Ohio 19-yard line by Jesse Garber. From that point, after a running play and two passes had failed, an attempted field goal by Steve Remias fell short by five feet, and the Buck- eyes began their rout. Passing was the key to the attack of both teams, as the Buckeyes mixed their aerial game with a strong run- ning attack, while Renner attempted to pass the Wolverines to a score in their most extensive use of that de- partment during the current season. Score Only Once On Passes But one Buckeye score was made on a pass, but the throws of Stan Pincura set the stage for one other, while a forward-double-lateral pass play scored from the Michigan 28. Drives, of 30 to 45 yards, accounted for two other scores for the Scarlet team. Michigan was able to gain but 12 yards from scrimmage and the pass- ing of Renner netted 73 yards and four first downs, but the Wolverines never had the ball in scoring territory after their first thrust. Offensively, for the Buckeyes, Dye and Heekin were the stars as the big halfback scored twice on plunges while Dye proved himself the team's offensive sparkplug as Trevor Rees stood out at right end. "Jumping Joe" Williams, Ohio State's sophomore backfield flash, was held in check from scrimmage, but punt returns which averaged better than 25 yards proved his claim to recognition. Renner Stars For Michigan, it was the play of Captain Renner alone which kept the points from mounting. Directing the attack as quarterback and bearing the undivided passing burden, Ren- ner also took over the kicking duties, while his defensive play was the most outstanding feature of the game. Playing at safety or at halfback, Ren- ner was practically without exception in on every tackle ahead of the line. Michigan started the game without the services of three regulars, Cedric Sweet, John Viergever and Harry Wright, and only Viergever saw ser- vice at all. The season will be brought to an official close Tuesday night with the election of the 1936 captain, and manager announcement of which will be made at the annual football smok- er that night. Scoring: Touchdowns: Heekin (2), Dye, Bet- !tridge, Waslik, Boucher. Point after touchdowns: Busich (2). THE LINEUPS Goal Posts Yield To Fans As TeethFly And Man Is Beaten Dance Music Via Electric Lioht Socket? It's The Latest Thing Michigan Supporters Hold North Posts After Former Boxer Leads Attack By FRED WARNER NEAL More than 500 shouting, shoving slugging fans ripped out the goal posts at the south end of the football field after the game yesterday, knock- ing one man unconscious and kicking six teeth from the face of another. As soon as the iron bars at the south had crashed to the earth, the mob dashed to the opposite end of the Stadium, but there a small but valiant band of Michigan supporters stopped them from tearing down the north goal posts. The hilarious free-for-all developed into a deadly earnest fight when Herbert Decker, 32 years old, pulled Guard Slocum, '36, from the top of the goal posts, which he was defend- ing, hitting him in the face with his foot and knocking out six teeth. Spurred on by the enthusiasm of Harvey Bauss, '33, former intercol- legiate boxing and wrestling cham- pion, Decker was quickly jerked down into the midst of the Michigan gang, which mauled him and slug- ged him until he lost consciousness. Carried limply from the Stadium by friends, he was quickly revived and uttered a faint, "Yea Ohio State." Bauss, however, was not appeased, and it was all that Harry Tillotson, ticket manager, and several faculty men could do to stop him from going after Decker and giving him still worse punishment. Bauss was sup- ported in this desire by Slocum, who, his mouth dripping blood, was eager for revenge. Several other attempts made by Ohio State supporters against the goal posts were frustrated, and fol- lowing several pairs of fist-fights, the milling throng broke up and stag- gered out of the Stadium. to storm the goal posts at the north end of the field, Michigan men cap-t tured the fallen south-end cross bars and carried them to the other end of the Stadium to use as a defense. Where Michigan State failed a year ago, Ohio State succeeded yesterday.I When State downed the University last year, the boys from East Lansing stormed the goal posts, but Michigan; men were able to prevent them. Yesterday's episode was the first time since the erection of the Stadium, in 1928 that its goal posts have been hauled down. Grey-Haired Lady Routs Mobsters At Stadium Yesterday It was a mysterious little gray- haired old lady, wearing a red- feathered Ohio State hat, that finally broke up the throngs in front of the north goal posts yesterday. Swinging a satchel at all Michigan men within her reach, the little wom- an hurled taunts at those about her. An over-zealous young University supporter attempted to jerk her jauntily-set cap from her head. She turned on him, waving her satchel,! and chased him across the field. "Don't you dare lay a hand on me," she told the ever-thinning crowd. "I've had experience with Michigan riots before," the mysterious old lady told a reported who accompanied her out of the Stadium. "Experience with Michigan mobs and experience fighting Mike Gallagher (the Most Rev. Michael Gallagher, Bishop of Detroit) ." "What is your name?" the report- er asked. "Where are you from?" "I'm not saying," she replied tartly, "but wouldn't you like to know." "Are you from Ann Arbor? From Guy Lombardo over the telephone? Glenn Gray through the electric light socket? No glib pleas for "stream-lined bathubs" or earnest warnings against "paralyzed pores?" These latest possibilities in the field of radio were described by Prof. Lewis N. Holland of the electrical en- gineering department in an interview' yesterday with the Daily. Electrical engineers have been able for some time now, Professor Hol- land said, to project ordinary tele- phone conversations over electric light wires, and to transmit radio programs over telephone wires at the same time that those same wires are ences that mar the reception of radio I programs over the "air." There is no particular mystery as to how this may be accomplished, Pro- fessor Holland stated. It is all based on differences in the frequency of waves which transmit the sounds. The ordinary household electric wires, for instance, are based on a 60 cycle frequency, while a radio broadcast- ing studio bases its transmission on frequencies extending into the hun- dreds of thousands. All that has to be done, he con- tinued, is thus to transmit radio pro- grams over electricity wires at a fre- quency somewhere mid-way between these two frequencies, and transmis- sion can take place without interfer- Ohio Wendt Hamrick Smith LE LT LG Michigan Patanelli Luby Bissell