The Weather Unsettled, probably some rain or snow, eoler in north portion today. - - -.d ig4r Efrt igan 4:3att Editorials Real Student Opinion Should Prevail ... Why No Nobel Prize? ..... VOL. XLVI. No. 46 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ethiopian Win Twice fFrom Foes Mussolini's Forces Receiv First Setback In March Of Conquest Italy Awaits New Counter-Offensive Settlement To Be Refused If I Duce Is Allowed 'Rewards For Crime' (By The Associatea r-ress) WITH THE ITALIAN ARMY ON THE NORTHERN ETHIOPIAN FRONT, Nov. 20. - (Exchange Tele- graph Agency)-The Italian head- quarters staff admitted today that an Ethiopian force had made a success- ful night attack on a column of Ital- ian troops in camp near Hauzien, in- flicting heavy Italian losses. Among the casualties, it was stated, was Capt. G. Rinaldi, commanding a cavalry detachment. LONDON, Nov. 20.-(P)--Mus- solini's march of conquest into Ethi- opia received its first setback Wednes- day with reports that the Ethiopians had won two sharp engagements on the Southern front. At the same time the Roman le- gions, heavily intrenched around Ma- kale, were awaiting a big Ethiopian counter-offensive in the north. Officers said that thousands of Ethiopians were massing in southern Tigre province and that one column even was marching on Selicot, only eight miles south of Fascist-occupied Makale. Military observers are uncertain whether these developments signal a change of tactics in Ethiopian war- fare. Until now the natives have re- treated without resistance, except in minor skirmishes, and have fortified themselves in the impassible moun- tain regions to the south of Makale, awaiting a further Italian movement in the north. Counter-Drive Possible It was felt that either the pending visit of Emperor Haile Selassie to the front will result in a counter-offen- sive, or that the movement on Selicot was made to appease the more impa- tient war chiefs who are restive as result of the Ethiopian's defensive tactics. Reports of the decisive Ethiopian victories-but at the cost of hundreds of casualties-reached Addis Ababa from the southern front, where Haile Selassie encouraged his defenders in person. The successful ambuscade of a train of 72 Italian trucks, carrying' Somali warriors and munitions, was described in unofficial reports from Harar. More than 150 Somalis were killed or wounded while Ethiopian casual- ties were estimated in excess of 300. The battle, south of Sasa Baneh on the left bank of the River Faf an, was waged without quarter. At the same time it was reliably reported that 1,000 of the empire's crack marksmen, under Fitaurari (Commander) Bakala Ayela, had halted an Italian push in an impor- tant pass in the Radowa Hills, in- flicting heavy losses. These hills are about 50 miles southeast of Sasa Banch, to the east of the River Fafan, and about 175 miles southeast of Jipiga, key Ethi- opian city of the south. How To Combat Tanks Wolde Giorgis, commanding Ethi- opian troops which, as announcement stated, captured six Italian tanks and killed six Italian officers at Anele on Nov. 12, arrived in Addis Ababa and told the Associated Press: "We do not fear tanks. Once we are near them they are lost." He said the six tanks were captured by cutting them off from the infantry. Then the Ethiopians poured gasoline over them and set them afire, "the heat forcing the occupants to sur- render." GENEVA, Nov. 20.-(/P) - Ethiopia served notice on the League of Na- tions today it will make no peace that will permit Italy "to reap the rewards of its crime." Answering Italy's Nov. 11 note to the powers, an Ethiopian note flatly refused to entertain any proposal Prof. Abbot Reveals SAll In Inadvertent Air, Conversatio Why does Dr. Luther Purdom use safety razor to avoid cutting him I self? How was Prof. Waldo Abbo able to be back on the job broadcast ing six days after an operation fo appendicitis? e Such personal inquiries were direct ed to Professor Abbot, director o 1 University broadcasting, lately. H was greatly puzzed. By no amoun of head-scratching was he ableht discover how this information ha become known to people throughou the state. ' The mystery persisted, until it wa learned that a personal conversation between Professor Abbot and Profes- I sor Purdom had been on the air six minutes before the beginning of the latter's talk on the University pro- gram Sunday. The University wires to Detroit were open 15 minutes before the program 1 for a test and the Detroit operato carelessly threw the switch, putting the University of Michigan on the air six minutes before the program (should have started. All of the con- versation held in the studio was broadcast, much to the surprise of the two professors. From now on, Professor Abbot said, he is going to put his speakers at their ease before they go on the air by conversing in a sign language. Local Charity Workers Start '35 Campaign Prof. Charles Gordy Will Direct Community Fund Drive In University With the slogan, "Be A Good Neighbor," the Ann Arbor Communi- ty Fund organization yesterday start- ed its drive for a 1935 total of $55,- 000 with a "kick-off" breakfast$for workers given at the Masonic Temple yesterday morning. Cone W. Lighthall announced as a start for the campaign that gifts totaling $1,260 had already been sub- scribed by various local industries. Workmen at the Hoover Steel Ball Co., of which he is general chairman, contributed $503 of this total, or more than $2 per worker, he stated. George J. Burke, local attorney, also spoke, commending the spirit of the drive as evidence in its slogan. In charge of the institutions divi- sion of the drive is Emory J. Hyde, President of the University of Michi- gan Alumni Association. Through his unit are solicited contributions from non-industrial institutions of the city. The drive in the University itself is under the direction of Prof. Charles P. Gordy of the College of Engineer- ng. Debate Red Scare In Capital Schools WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.-- - Charges of communistic teachings in capital schools resulted today in the Board of Education calling for exam- ination of all textbooks. Members of the Federation of Cit- izens' Associations criticized three textbooks and eight other volumes recommended in senior high schools for what they declared were passages written by "well-known communistic writers." George E. Sullivan, Federation president, demanded that the school board determine who was responsible for introduction of the books in cap- ital schools.I Japan Irked At Set-Back a In Provinces it r overnment Officials Hold Conciliation Conference If In Nanking t Army Officers Are t AnnoyedAt Delay 1 'Japanese Will Deal Fairly With Crisis,' Minister Of War Declares TOKIO, Nov. 21.- (Thursday) - (P) - Japanese military authorities are "highly displeased" at the defi- nite setback to the North China auto- nomy movement, the Rengo (Jap- anese) News Agency reported today from China. The set-back as attributed to the unwillingness of important Chinese military leaders to join in the scheme. Japanese sources said that "machina- tions" of the Nanking government are responsible for the attitude of the Chinese generals. Governor han Fu-Chu of Shan- tung, whose adhesion to the plan of autonomy is necessary if Shantung is to be included in the "independent area" was reported to have informed General Sun-Cheh-Yuan, one of the leading autonomists, that he would be unable to go to Pieping for a confer- ence "because of the pressure of offi- cial business." Japanese military officials in Tientsin, Rengo dispatches said, are "anxious lest the autonomy move- ment degenerate into a personal bick- ering between the Chinese leaders." "Should French intrigues disturb the peace of North China," the Rengo (gency continued, "The Japanese army may be compelled to take defi- nite action." (By The Associated Press) A far-reaching campaign for the independence of North China abrupt- ly slowed up Wednesday and Japanese army leaders in China were reported to be both annoyed and impatient. The delay was attributed to a con- ference in Nanking between General- issimo Ching Kai-Shek, virtual dic- tator of the Chinese national govern- ment, and Akira Ariyoshi. Japanese officers were understood to consider the meeting a conciliatory gesture by Japan and to resent it. After the conference, Ambassador Ariyoshi told the Associated Press: "Gen. Ching Kai-Shek has given me his solemn assurance that Japan has no cause for apprehension regarding North China." Although the autonomy movement was slowed up, reports indicated it is inevitable that it will be carried through to completion. Japan's minister of war, Gen. Yoshiyuki Kawashima, said in Tokio that if the Nanking government sent troops to the northern provinces his country "must take action because it "would inevitably produce a serious situation." He asserted Washington and Lon- don "need not be concerned . . . be- cause of Japan's manner of dealing with that crisis will be fair and just." A source of the Japanese foreign office attributed the independence movement in part to American and British currency policies - Washing- ton's silver purchase program and London's support of the Chinese gov- ernment's new currency plans. Leaders in North China were in- structed by Nanking not to negotiate with the Japanese on the ground that the issue is a national one. I Board Votes On Women's Hours Today 1 12:30 A.M. Rule Effective If Representatives Pass Council Proposal Board May Block T Rule Temporarily Jean Seeley Says Group Must Act Independently Of CampusOpinion By CHARLOTTE D. RUEGER The fate of women's Friday night hours will be determined at 4:15 p.m. today when the question will be put to a vote of the members of the Board of Representatives. In a surprise vote Monday, the Un- dergraduate Council of the League directly reversed the unanimous opin- ion against a change of hours ex- pressed by both the Panhellenic and Assembly Boards a month ago. Should the change from 1:30 a.m. to 12:30- a.m. be rejected by a ma- jority vote of the Board, the Council, only by a unanimous vote, may re- pass it. The Board of Representatives is composed of members of the Panhel- lenic Board and the Assembly Board - 40 sorority and 36 unaffiliated un- dergraduate women. The League Council is made up of 16 seniors and one junior, but the Board of Repre- sentatives has a majority of junior women. Both the Panhellenic and Assembly Boards are directly representative of University women, their members be- ing elected to their posts. The Coun- cil is an appointive group, its mem- bers being selected on the basis of the merit system. Jean Seeley, '36, president of the Council, in addressing that body be- fore the vote Monday, declared:;"We must act independently of campus opinion." Miss Seeley and Winifred Bell, '36, chairman of the Judiciary Council, will be present at the meeting of the Board today and attempt to explain the action of the Undergraduate Council. Maureen Kavanagh, '36, presid'ent of Assembly, will preside at the meeting, and Jane Arnold, '36, president of the Panhellenic Board, will act as secretary. In voting on the change of hours, Miss Seeley said, "The council kept three principles in mind. They are: "1. As a Council representative of every campus woman, we feel a defi- nite responsibility in making housing rules and regulations. "2. Since campus opinion is lib- (Continued on Page 5) Lord Jellicoe, British Naval Leader, Dies Led Fleet At Battles Of! Kiel And Jutland; Taken By Chill At 75 LONDON, Nov. 20.-(P)-Lord Jellicoe, Britain's naval leader in the World War, who bottled up the Ger- man fleet in the Kiel Canal, squashed the U-boat offensive and led the fleet at the Battle of Jutland, died today. Lord Jellicoe was 75 years old. He has long been in poor health and never recovered fully from bronchitis contracted in 1931 after staying too long in a Turkish bath. The immediate cause of his death was understood to have been a chill caught while attending outdoor ex- ercises on Armistice Day. An attempt to convey the news of his death to Earl Beatty, who also played a leading part in the Battle of Jutland and was almost equally as prominent as Jellicoe in the naval ac- tivities of the World War, disclosed that Lord Beatty also is ill. His residence said he was in bed and unable to answer the telephone. John Rushworth Jellicoe, created Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa in 1918 and Earl Jellicoe in 1925, entered the British Navy in 1872 and had a long and distinguished career. He was in command of the Grand Fleet during the war from 1914 to 1916, when he was made First Lord of the Admiralty, then Chief of the Fleet. He retired in 1924. From early youth he followed the sea. He came of a seafaring family Cox Chosen J-Hop Head As State Street Ekes Out Victory Over Washtenaw SHistorical China' Passing As Japanese Invade Territory Dr. Stanton Says Start Of Chinese Civilization Was In Captured Provinces By BERNARD WEISSMAN "The passing of historic China" was the way Dr. John W. Stanton of the history department yesterday characterized the projected Japanese occupation of five northern Chinese provinces. These five provinces, he declared, are not only the second richest sec- tion of all China, but were the original center from which the whole of Chi- nese civilization has developed. Dr. Stanton, who spent two years in China and six months in this par- ticular section, said that this latest Japanese move is another step - the most important thus far -in the gradual partition of Chinese territory by Japan and Russia in a bitter struggle for supremacy in Eastern Asia. This struggle, which has been going on since 1895, has culminated in re- cent years in the extension of Soviet influence to Outer Mongolia and Chi-, nese Turkestan and by the establish- ment of the puppet state of Manchu- kuo by Japan, Dr. Stanton continued. He explained that Japan's contem- plated action also is motivated by its desire to maintain important markets in northern China, which, he said, are being threatened by a Chinese industrial revolution and a conse- quent boom in Chinese industry. Further moves and counter-moves of expansion by Japan and Russia are foreseen by Dr. Stanton, and he re- gards an eventual clash between the two as inevitable. He deplored the 'Japanese policy as an out-and-out violation of the nine power pact of 1922, but said that al- though millions of dollars worth of American investments are being af- fected, our state department's atti- tude so far has been limited to formal protests. He likened Japan's strategy in act- ing at the present time with the world's attention diverted by the Italo-Ethiopian crisis to the policy of Michigan football teams of "watch- ing for the breaks." The five provinces which Japan plans to incorporate in an indepen- dent state under her influence for possible union with Manchukuo, are chiefly agricultural, but also contain the most important cities of north- ern China, including Tientsin and Peking. The acquiscence to Japan's actions by the Chinese national government t ontnuea (n Page 6t Old Sol Visible For First Time Since Nov. 9, Yesterday Old Sol was visible to Ann Arbor for the first time in 11 days yester- day when it shone for 20 minutes. Not for its lack of sunshine, how- ever, has November been an unusual month, Miss Mary E. Lindsey of the astronomy department said last night. The unique aspect of this month's weather has been the small daily temperature range, the difference between the mercury readings at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Excepting Nov. 11 when the tem- perature range was 19.7 degrees, the daily temperature range has varied between 8.5 degrees on Tuesday and 2.7 on Nov. 13. So far this month there have been 15 cloudy days, three partly cloudy days, and one clear day. A clear day is when the sun is visible more than 70 per cent of the time, a partly cloudy day when it is visible between 30 and 70 per cent of the time, and a cloudy day when it is visible less than 30 per cent of the time. November, she pointed out, is tra- ditionally a cloudy month. Last year there were 21 cloudymdays, seven part- ly cloudy days, and two clear days. Interfraternity Council To Hold Pledge Banquet More than 600 fraternity pledges will attend a banquet given in their honor by the Interfraternity Coun- cil at 6 p.m. Monday in the Union, George R. Williams, '36, president of the Council, stated last night. The president of every house has pledged his fraternity's support for the banquet, the first of its kind, which is expected to be an annual affair, Williams said. President Ruthven, who will be the principal speaker, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Edward H. Kraus of the literary college, and Dean Her- bert C. Sadler of the engineering col- lege will be present. Trigon fraternity will receive the interfraternity scholarship cup. Its members of the executive committee of the Council will be guests. Turkish Dictator's Daughter Is Killed Haber To Talk At Convention Of Accountants Meetings Will Open Here Tomorrow; Blough And AltmeyerToSpeak More than 150 Michigan account- ants will come to the Union tomorrow for their eleventh annual conference. Heading the list of speakers is Ar- thur J. Altmeyer, of Washington, a member of the new United States So- cial Security Board; Carman C. Blough, also of Washington, assistant director of the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission; and Dr. -Wil- liam Haber of Lansing, deputy ad- ministrator of the Michigan Work1 Progress Administration. Mr. Altmeyer will address the after- noon session at 2 p.m. on "The Sig- nificance of the Social Security Act." Dr. Haber will follow him speaking on "Social Security Act As It Applies to the Michigan Situation," and Mr. Blough will discuss "The Accountant and the Securities and Exchange Commission." Dean Clare E. Griffin of the School of Business Administra- tion will preside. "In view of the wide discussion ovei the Social Securities Act, passed by the recent Congress, and its consti- tutionality, Mr. Altmeyer's address will be of particular interest," said members of the faculty of the School of Business Administration, which, with the Michigan Association of Cer- tified Public Accountants, is sponsor- ing the conference. Sessions of the conference are open to the conference, those in charge said. Col. Henry W. Miller, head of the mechanical drawing department of the engineering college, will address the accountants at a banquet at 6:30 p.m. in the Union, speaking on "The Current Military Situation in Eu- (Continued on Page 2) Toastmasters Fete 4 New Members Four new members of Toastmast- ers, speakers' society, were honored at a dinner last night in the Union. They are Russell F. Anderson, Grant Howell, Edward Litchfield and Thomas Groehn, all '36. Gerhard Williams, '36L, presided, nrvrir|i T^In:- ~ T- - 1--11 , Tn, Oyler Elected President In Close Race; United Engineers Dominate Sherwood To Head Junior Engineers Washtenaw Literary Class Cuts Margin Of State As Delano, Two Others Win One of the most hotly-contested class elections in history was run off yesterday afternoon when junior stu- dents in the literary and engineering college flocked to the polls to award the major share of the spoils to the State Street Party and the United Engineers. It was a day of surprising results end bitter disappointments to many favorites. Benjamin Cox, Phi Kappa Psi, of the United Engineers, overturned the political dopesters' calculations when he defeated Rush Bowman, Delta Upsilon, of the Consolidated Engi- neers, for the chairmanship of the J-Hop by a vote of 88 to 78. The unexpectedly large turnout in the literary college proved a genuine surprise. Approximately 320 votes were cast during the two hours and a half in which the polls were open, as State Street emerged with a nar- row victory marred by the loss of the post of treasurer and two J-Hap com- mitteeman jobs. Hard-Fought Presidency Thomas Oyler, of Beta Theta Pi, the State Street nominee for presi- dent, was returned a 146 to 142 vic- tor over Richard Mavis, Phi Delta Theta, of the Washtenaw Party. The presidential fight was characteristic of a harrowing afternoon of nip-and- tuck battles which caused many jun- ior electioneers to which they had campaigned for their favorites just a little harder. Beth Turnbull, State Street can- didate for vice-president, eked out a 145 to 142 victory over Betty Ann Wills, her opponent of the Washte- naw ticket. Jane O'Farral, State Street candidate for secretary, suc- 2eeded in besting Nancy Olds of the Washtenaw Party, 146 to 140, but Fred DeLano, Washtenaw candidate for treasurer, gave election partici- pants something of a shock when it was discovered that he had beaten Louis Goldberg, State, by two votes, 144 to 142. An Independent Party in the liter- ary college ran far behind the two major machines, polling between 22 and 30 votes for the various positions. Ballots Rechecked After the literary college students had cast their ballots in Room 25 Angell Hall, the results were an- nounced in rather vague fashion and the assumption was that State Street had swept the four major offices. A ~heck-up by The Daily disclosed a pluralitydin favor of DeLano, how- ever, and a recount on the voting machines was deemed advisable by William R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's Council, who is in charge of the elections. Dixon, who possesses theonly keys to the machines, re-tabulated the vote in the presence of Goldberg and two other witnesses about 10 p.m. yesterday, and the victory of DeLano was pronounced official. The wild State-Washtenaw battle was reminiscent of the strife that has occurred in these groups' clashes in former years.' In 1933, the State Street men, then freshmen, emerged the victors in a heated election. In 1934 the election, termed "the dirtiest in history," was thrown out and a substitute election in which only mild interest was evidenced took place shortly after. The State Street Party won three of the five literary college J-Hop committeeman positions. Homer La- (Continued on Page 2) Loomis' Condition Is Reported Better The condition of Philander S. Loo- mis, '37, victim of an auto crash which nnnim-pr a nn'..'r, 0.'..-r. . Professor Hayden Goes From Hot To Cold Via Orient Wars From the intense heat of the tropic, Philippines to the bitter cold of Si- berian wastes will be the hazardous journey to be attempted Monday by Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the po- litical science department, vice-gov- ernor-general of the Philippine Islands. Professor Hayden's route will take him through the troubled areas of North China, beset by Japanese in- vaders, and Manchukuo, puppet state of the Nipponese. Then he will be catapulted 4,000 miles across the frozen Soviet desert lands on the famed trans-Siberian railroad. Many of Professor Hayden's friends here are of the belief that the sudden Phn O, af tfMD~rn ~ti imav',he harm- Mrs. Hayden, a daughter and a 12-1 year-old son will return to Paris byl way of the Mediterranean route, meeting the Professor in the French capital in January. The oldest daughter left for Paris some months ago and is now studying there, ac- cording to Dr. Louis P. Hall, father of Mrs. Hayden. The Haydens are expected here sometime in January, Professor' Reeves said, and Professor Hayden will resume his work in the political science department the second semes- ter. He will again teach his course in Far Eastern affairs, according to Professor Reeves. Long regarded as an authority of Philippine affairs, he has been on sabbatical leave since the fa11 of 192 when Governnr-gonera1