The Weather Generally fair, cooler Tues- day. Wednesday increasing cloudiness, rising temperature. Y A6F lit r all Da i Editorials Another Kind Of Orientation ... Moronic Film Censorship VOL. XLVI. No. 2 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Rushing Program Baird Gives $4,000 More' For Carillon Draws 1,000 For Early Registration Council Will Discuss Five Major Issues Homecoming Date, Days For Class Elections To Be DecidedUpon Group To Consider Traditional Matter Tentative Figures Show EnrollmentNearly1,000 Kansas City Attorney Athletic Director; Yost ForMichigan First Got Greater Than Year Ago Present Fraternity Are Below Last Total Figures Totals Year's Late Registration May Augment Total 520 'Men, 447 Women Sign; Fraternities May Check Illegal Rushing With nearly 1,000 men and women registered at Interfraternity and Pan- hellenic rushing bureaus, Michigan's 70 fraternities and sororities settled down to their fourth day of rushing' activities which will close at 8:30 Thursday evening, Oct. 10. Because the total men's registra- tion late yesterday afternoon was 160 less than the final aggregate of the 1934 season, George R. Williams, '36, expressed the belief . that many rushees have not registered at the Interfraternity Council's Union of- fices. He stated that 520 men had paid their fees during the current rushing period, in contrast to the 680 who registered last year. Must Pay Before Pledging Fraternities should inquire if their rushees had registered, Williams an- nounced. He also urged the organi- zations to recommend immediate registration to the rushees. Under the 1935-36 men's rushing rules no freshman may be formally pledged to a fraternity until he has registered. A fee of 50 cents was charged for registration prior to Saturday noon, September 28, but this amount was immediately raised to $1 with the commencement of the rushing season. To be pledged during the first semester of the 1935-36 school year a rushee must register with the Council before the silence period begins at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10. Wil- liams pointed out that men who have been on the campus for more than one semester need not pay the rushing fee to be pledged formally. However, transfer students will be in the same category as incoming fresh- men, Williams added. 700 Being Rushed Basing their estimates on the in- creased enrollment and the number of men scheduled to be rushed, officials of the Interfraternity Council set 700 as the number of men who are now being rushed here. The office of the Council in Room 306 of the Union will be open daily from 2 to 5 p.m. Because registration for women was inaugurated for the first time during the 1935 season, there is no accurate method of comparing present totals with those of any other years, Jane Arnold, '36, president of the Panhel- lenic Association stated yesterday. .The latest registration figures show that 477 women availed themselves of the new feature. According to Miss Arnold, Panhellenic registration exists merely as a convenience to the soror- ities and no fees are exacted. Women's Schedule Announced The women's rushing period was opened with teas on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. A regular sched- ule will prevail for the remainder of the week. Under the new Panhellenic rules sorority houses are allowed to pick two meals for rushing out of a breakfast, lunch and dinner list for Saturday, Oct. 5. Formal dinners will be held Wednesday and Thursday evenings, closing the rushing season. There will be no engagements for dinner or tea for Sunday, Oct. 6, Miss Arnold stated. No Formal Charges Made Although no formal charges of in- fraction of rules by houses or rushees have been made to the Interfraternity Council or the Panhellenic Associa- tion, intimations of illegal rushing during Orientation Week have been heard by the Council. Williams an- nounced that the files, which are available to fraternity representa- tives, would be checked to ascertain if any cards have been removed. Sev- eral rushing chairmen have offered the opinion that certain cards have been mislaid or removed from the files. Library Obtains More Funds, Opens Sundays The General Library will re- Daily's Best Patrons Subscribe 46 Years With the delivery of this morning's Daily at the door of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jordan, 1312 Washtenaw Avenue, both Michigan alumni, began the 46th consecutive year that they have been subscribers. The Jordans have been constant Daily readers since it first began pub- lication in 1889, even having it sent to them in Italy and England during six years spent intermittently abroad between 1922 and 1932. Mr. Jordan, who was graduated from the University in 1879, served as associate librarian here for 34 years. Mrs. Jordan, who received her degree in 1893, was for 20 years dean of women in the University. Cubs Favored In Pitching In World Series Victorious Chicagoans Are One Of Youngest Teams To Win League Pennant CHICAGO, Sept. 30.- (IP) -The 21-in-a-row Chicago Cubs, one of the youngest pennant-winning teams in baseball history with an average age of but 26 years, haven't a pitcher who ever won a World Series game, but they figure to hold an edge over Mickey Cochrane's moundsmen. Up until Sept. 4, before the Cub hurlers touched off the great win- ning streak that won the flag, the Tiger pitchers, who then had eased up on their superb rush, stacked up es. the better mound staff. -But the comparative finishes to the wire have seen great contrasts. The work of Charlie Grimm's pitchers in the 21-game winning streak has been so sensational that his starting hurlers were able to go the full route in 18 out of 21 engage- ments. Over the spectacular streak only 24 pitchers were employed, hold- ing the opposition to 48 runs, an average of 2.28 runs a contest. With a staff as "hot" as that you can't deny the Cub "Big Four," Lon War- neke, Charlie Root, Bill Lee and Larry French, a margin over the Tiger "Big Four," Schoolboy Rowe, Elden Auker, Tom Bridges and Alvin Crow- der. Winning Streak Records Before going into a man-to-man comparison of the rival pitchers, check the sensational records of the Engineering Corps Added To R.O.T.C. Board Of Regents Accepts Campbell's Resignation; $1,000 ForFellowship An added gift of $4,000 from Charles Baird, '95L, of Kansas City, for the purchase of an additional bell for the carillon which he recently gave the University, was accepted by the Board of Regents in its first meet- ing of the current semester. Mr. Baird, first athletic director of the University, who brought Field- ing H. Yost here, gave $50,000 for the construction of a carillon. It was planned originally to put the bells, which would have ranked fourth in the world in size, in the tower of the Union, but a special tower will be erected for them either near or on the campus. The new addition to the carillon will make it equal to the third largest, located at Mountain Lake, Fla. The Regents also announced the establishment of an engineering corps in the department of military science and tactics. The War De- partment some years ago asked for the addition because most of the R.O.T.C. members are registered in the engineering college. Maj. Tatt- nall D. Simpkins will be in charge of the department. The resignation of Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the English department was accepted by the Board, and the appointment of Ernest A. Philippson to the German department was an- nounced. Prof. Campbell will leave at the end of this semester for Colum- bia University. A gift of $1,000 from the Timken' Roller Bearing Co., Canton, O., was givei to the University for a grad- uate fellowship for the study of flu- ids in Diesel engines. The Regents also appointed Prof. Frederick A. Coller, Prof. Carl V. Weller and Prof. Charles W. Ed- munds to the executive board of the Medical School. The executive committee of the summer session for the academic year 1935-36 will consist of Louis A. Hopkins, director; Dean Edward Kraus of the literary college; Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the engineering college; Dean Henry Bates of the Law School; Dean W. B. Edmundson of the education school and Dean Clarence S. Yoakum of the graduate school. Sunday Beer Ban Is Dropped By Commission Dean Bates Considers Norway As Tranquil, Peaceful Country Meeting Of Freshmen Planned By Members Executive Board Is Of Five issues of major importance will be discussed by the executive committee of the Men's Council in the first meeting of 1935-36 school year to be held soon. As outlined by William R. Dixon, '36, the work of the committee will be based on these problems: 1. Determining a date for Home- coming. 2. Arranging a tentative schedule for class elections. 3. Discussing pep meetings. 4. Settling a definite policy on the continuance of traditions. 5. Determining the date for a meeting of freshmen this week. The actions taken by the executive committee will be set up for formal voting when the entire Men's Coun- cil will convene sometime within the next two weeks, Dixon stated. Dixon has called a meeting of sophomores to ascertain their reac- tions towards enforcing traditions. The meeting will be held at 4:15 p.m. today in Room 302 of the Michigan Union. Dixon and John McCarthy, '36, secretary of the Union, will pre- side. In addition to Dixon and Mc- Carthy, the following students com- pose the executive committee; John W. Strayer, '36, Nelson R. Droulard, '36E, and Charles Markham, '36 BAd. Other members of the Council are Thomas H. Kleene, '36, editor of The Daily; Wencel E. Neumann, '36, pres- ident of the Union; Sanford Ladd, '37, president of Sphinx; Robert J. Beuh- ler, '37E, president of -Triangles; George R. Williams, '36, president of the Interfraternity Council; William Wilsnack, '37, president of the Stu- dent Christian Association. Francis L. Wallace, '36E, president of the engineering council; Elmwood Morgan, ex-president of Triangles; Frank Fehsenfeld, and William Ren- ner ,elected by the litereray college; Richard Pollman, elected by the architecture college; Roscoe Day, elected by the forestry school; and Marshall Sleet, elected by th& Music School. C --A Collection.Of 'Mathematica' Is On Display By MARSHALL SHULMAN Impressions of quiet streets, lovely homes, and a people rich in good liv- ing will remain as the dominant memory of the visit through Norway and Sweden this summer by Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law School. "A spirit of tranquillity, deepening and enriching the lives of the people of these Scandinavian countries pre- sents a sharp contrast to the almost violently aggressive spirit of our own country," commented Dean Bates, who with Mrs. Bates spent the sum- mer in touring parts of Great Britain, Norway and Sweden. Conversing at times with people who form "the backbone of the na- tion" as well as with those who guide its destinies, Dean Bates observed, particularly in Sweden, a tendency toward a more smooth settlement of differences of political opinion where in this country arguments are tinged with bitterness and personal hatred. To the long tradition of a single race in a single place the Dean ascribed this condition, as well as to the homo- geniety of the people, whereas we, he pointed out, are blessed with col- orful blends. "Sweden is of course largely Social Democrat: a doctrine that is mildly Socialistic and yet far from Com- munism. It believes largely in the governmental regulation of indus- tries of primary public importance, much as we control our utilities here. "A higher regard for law and hon- esty is immediately apparent among the people of Norway and Sweden. Graft in public office is comparatively unknown. Since a law was passed forbidding the use of horns on motor vehicles except in an emergency, the streets are quiet and pleasant. Po- licemen in the public streets need do nothing but direct traffic - although strangely enough, in accordance with an old custom policemen in the streets of Stockholm are equipped with swords! "In Norway as well as Sweden, shops are characterized by a dignity that is absent in even our better shops in this country," Dean Bates observed. "There are no gaudy store fronts, blatant advertisements, or any of the signs of the wasteful in- ternecine struggle that are apparent everywhere here. "Unfortunately," Dean Bates re- gretfully observed, "there is one thing sorely remiss in Scandinavian coun- tries -the food. The absence of fresh fruits, and the eternal presence of fish of all kinds and preserved foods revived more quickly than would be expected our desire to see our own country." Cub hurlers over streak: Pitchor w Lee ............ French ..........5 Warneke ........4 their NL 0 0 0 winning R 9 7 8 17 6 1 H 27 45 28 36 13 4 In. 45 45 38 32 13 9 Mathematics Is Theme Exhibition Of Charts Clements Library Of In Root............4 0 Henshaw ........2 0 Carleton .........1 0 Totals ......21 0 Three right-handers, Root and Lee, and one I Atty.-Gen. Toy Tells Existing Statute Beer Ban Illegal Group Makes 48 153 182 Warneke, southpaw, French, will carry the pitching load for the Cubs in the series against a quartet of Tiger right-handers -- Rowe, Auker, Bridges and Crowder. Both teams are well equipped with pitching reserves and probably will center the relief jobs on Southpaw Roy Henshaw, Cubs, and Roxie Law- son, the rookie who pitched shut- outs in his first two American League games this season. Pitchers Compared Comparing them: Warneke and Auker: Warneke, a cool workman with a lightning fast ball, is the chief reliance of the Cub staff and a hard man to beat. Auker, one of the big surprises of the season with his comeback, delivers a tricky underhand ball that undoubtedly will bother the Cubs, as there isn't a pitcher like him in the National League. Both had earned run aver- ages of 3.51 in the season just closed. Root and Bridges: Tommy may be Cochrane's best bet. When he's right with his great curve he's invincible. Root, pitching the same ball that made him famous years ago, may be soup for Hank Greenberg's home run bat, but he's a smart, fast ball pitcher. Root's earned run average for the LANSING, Sept. 30. - (P) -State liquor control commissioners agreed in informal meeting today that they cannot enforce a ban on Sunday beer drinking. Attorney-general Harry S. Toy, in an opinion written at 'the request of Governor Fitzgerald, ruled that a regulation preventing licensees from selling beer on Sunday would be in contradiction of the state liquor con- trol act. Chairman John S. McDon- ald and R. Glenn Dunn, legal ad- visers to the governor, joined in Toy's opinion. Toy held that since the statute specifically prohibited the sale of spirits on Sunday and did not men- tion beer, the sale of beer would be permitted by a negative interpreta- tion of the statute. LANSING, Sept. 30.--(/P)-Eigh- teen-year-old youths may continue to buy beer legally in Michigan until the Legislature changes the present liquor control act, Attorney General Harry S. Toy held Monday. The pro- posed statewide Sunday closing of taverns, gardens and other beer sell- ing places also went into the discard. Both proposals of the recent con- ference of sheriffs, chiefs of police and prosecuting'attorneys were held The current exhibition at the Wil- liam Clenients Library, named "Mathematica Americana," was set up particularly for the meeting of the American Mathematical Society, the American Institute of Statisticians and the Mathematical Association of America. Although this meeting has adjourned, the exhibit is to be found displayed in the lobby of the Clem- ents Library. Mathematics is the theme of the display and the greatest amount of space is devoted to charts and other works relative to geography, naviga- tion and weather prognostication. The oldest publication on display is an almanac of Regiomontanus pub- lished in Venice in 1485. It is highly probable that Columbus used an edition of this book to predict the total lunar eclipse whose consumma- tion, according to the yarn, awed the natives into subjection. Despite the extreme age of the book the paper and hand colored maps are in remark- ably good condition. Another book rich in tradition is a cosmography by Waldseemuller published in 1507. Written in Latin, the value of this book is greatly en- hanced by the one paragraph in which the author fallaciously lauds Amer- icus Vespucius for his discovery of Passengers On Rotterdam Are RepOrted Safe Steamer Still Aground; Was Not In Direct Path Of Hurricane NEW YORK, Sept. 30. - (P) - The 600 passengers on the Hol- land-American liner Rotterdam, which struck a reef and went aground 60 miles south of Kings- ton, Jamaica, were reported saved tonight, and in no immediate danger. The Rotterdam was caught in the wake of the hurricane which has been raging over the Cari- bbean, and was driven aground on Morant Cays about 2 a.m. Monday. NEW YORK, Sept. 30.-- (P) -The Holland-America liner Rotterdam, carrying 600 passengers on a West Indian cruise in the wake of a de- structive hurricane, struck a reef and went aground today 60 miles south- east of Kingston, Jamaica. "Everybody well and quiet; no danger," said a wireless message to the Associated Press from Capt. Van Dulken, commander of the 21,000-ton vessel. In a previous message Capt. Van Dulken asked all nearby ships to stand by for possible assistance. He reported the Rotterdam grounded on Morant Cays in the Caribbean Sea about 2 a.m. The liner, which left New York Sept. 21, had been plowing north- ward from Venezuela behind the hur- ricane which lashed Jamaica and part of Cuba during the week-end. Out Of Storm Path Weather reports indicated she was not directly in the storm's path when she went aground . F. R. Wierdsma, general manager of the Holland-America Line, said that besides her passengers the Rot- terdam carried a crew of 350. He had no information as to whether a gale, had blown the ship aground, or whether some mechanical trouble had caused the accident. Shipping men said that in case Capt. Van Dulken should ask for direct aid vessels could be sent most easily from Kingston. It is the closest port to Morant Cays. Coast Guard officials kept in touch with the ship, although the closest Coast craft, the Unanga, was at San Juan, Puerto Rico, about 500 miles from the scene. The cays are owned by Great Britain. Daily Editorial Tryouts Are Invited To Report All students with at least sec- ond semester freshman standing x who are interested in trying out, for vacancies onthe editorial staff{ of The Daily should report somej time this week or early next week j at the editorial offices of the Stu-7 dent Publications Building on Maynard Street. No experience is necessary for tryouts inasmuch as they will go through a training period before being assigned to reportorial po- sitions.1 Staff Physician Killed In .Autok Wreck Sunday Car Of Dr. R. G. Dalby Plunges Off Road Near Northville Dr. Robert G. Dalby, 29-year old, member of the University Hospital staff was killed instantly at 1:30 a.m. Sunday when his car plunged off the South Center Street road near North- ville into a guard rail. ' His car, a Ford two-door sedan, was being driven at the time by Miss, Ellen Sutton, 25 years old, of North- ville, who suffered a broken ankle and head and jaw injuries. Miss Sut- ton, a former nurse at St. Josephs Hospital here, was returning to Plym- outh where she is employed. According to Miss Sutton, the car had been stalling while shenwas driv- ing up the steep Center Street hill enroute to Plymouth. Dr. Dalby, she told Daily reporters, advised her to release the clutch "and step on the gas." "As I let out the clutch," she said, "he reached over and shoved up on the accelerator lever. The car, going south, shot across the road, ripping into a guard rail on the left hand side." Miss Sutton de- nied that she lost control of the car. The automobile plunged into a ra- vine, a board from the guard rail tearing through the motor and dash- board of the car and killing Dr. Dalby. . Miss Sutton, according to relatives, is an old friend of the Dalby family. Dr. Dalby was graduated from Mount Clemens high school where he starred on the football team. He entered the University in 1923, work- ing his way through both literary college and Medical School, from which he was graduated in 1931. Since that time he has served as an Men's Registration Grows 600 As Women's Totals Increase 140 Graduate School's Number Rises 100 Law School Gains Greater Than Other Professional Schools Of University The total enrollment in the Uni- versity yesterday was 9,034 as com- pared to 8,224 who were registered the same time in the year 1934-35, fig- ures released by Dr. Frank E. Rob- bins, assistant to the president, show. A gain of approximately 9.8 per cent was shown for the recent semes- ter. The total number of men registered is 6,622 while only 5,952 had enrolled at this time last year. An increase of 140 was shown by the number of women enrolled for the current se- mester, and the total enrollment for women is 2,412. Near 1934 Total The final enrollment, to Sept. 28, is three less than the number of stu- dents registered at the close of the fall semester last year. It was pointed out that a gain of 810 students was made after the three day classifica- tion period at the opening of the fall semester last year. However, such a large increase is not expected for this year due to the fact that reg- istration did not take place until one week later than last year. Attendance in all the various col- leges and professional schools, exclud- ing the School of Nursing, the en- rollment of which remained the same, showed an increase. The Graduate School enrollment jumped from 773 for the year 1934-35 to 892 for the present semester, a gain of 15.4 per cent. L. S. & A. Shows Increase An increase of 292 students, repre- senting an increase of 13.3 per cent, was shown for the literary college, and the total enrollment for the col- lege is 4,441. In the engineering school 1,499 are now enrolled as compared to 1,323 who were registered last year. The greatest increase in the num- ber registered for the professional schools was shown by the Law School with 45 more students being regis- tered at the present time than for the fall semester of 1934-35. There is a 5.1 per cent increase in the en- rollment of the Medical School, the total registration being 430 as com- pared with 409 for the fall semester of 1934-35. The enrollments of the Schools of Dentistry and Business Administration showed an increase of 6.6 per cent and 11.3 per cent respectively, The registration of the other col- leges follows: Forestry and Conser- vation, 93, a gain of 60.3 per cent; Music, 180, an increase of 23 students over the fall semester of last year; School of Education, 249, a gain of 33 students; pharmacy college, 83, showing a gain of 45.6 per cent; the College of Architecture, 191, as com- pared with an enrollment of 173 for the fall semester of last year. Murders Of Olsen, Stang Not Linked The possibility that the murder of Patrolman Clifford Stang, which electrified Ann Arbor last spring, was committed by the same person who shot and killed Frank Olsen, Detroit mechanic, last Friday, was discount- ed by policemen here-last night. It was believed yesterday that Stang's gun, which was taken from him when he was killed, might have been used to shoot Olsen. Detective Eugene Gehringer was in Detroit yes- terday and last night investigating, but according to Sergt. Norman Cook, chances were that his trip would be in vain. The identity of the Stang murder- ers remains as much of a mystery as ever. Killers of a Jackson fireman last spring, who were believed at the time to have been connected with the Stang case, were recently apprehend-