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November 19, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-19

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The Weather

Cloudy, rain today and prob-
ably some rain or snow tomor-




Here Is Your Chance .
Out Of The Political
Pork-Barrel,. ..



B Italians
Troops And Police Guard
Envoys As Sanctions
Become Operative
Council To Review
Attempts For Peace

His Life In Danger

Stifled As
Held Up At

Goods Are


ROME, Nov. 8. - (P) - Troops and
police throughout the nation today
guarded diplomats of countries which
last midnight put into force economic
sanctions against Italy.
Helmeted soldiers were massed on
narrow streets, isolating the quarter
where the British embassy and con-
sulate are located. Demonstrations
were feared.
Authorities pressed a campaign in
many forms for Premier Mussolini's
"implacable resistance" to sanctions.
Women assembled in various towns
to discuss how economies should be
effected in every home.
The British embassy, which with
its garden occupies a square block,
had an imposing guard. Artillery-
men rolled out three ancient light
guns from around a nearby military
monument, giving an impression they
were ready for battle.
The Fascist Grand Council was
called into session again tonight to
discuss further Italy's program of
resistance to sanctions.
The status of peace negotiations,
involving conferences between Mus-
solini and the British and French am-
bassadors, also was to be reviewed by
the council, authoritative sources
Italians were reported to be al-
ready turning back French goods, in-
cluding newspapers, at the border.
Huge stocks of merchandise, destined
for Italy, piled up on the French side
of the frontier.
MAKALE, Ethiopia, Nov. 18. -(')-
Two columns of fast-moving troops
were dispatched under emergency
orders today to the eastern Tembien
region, where, it was reported, the
Italians had come in contact with
the army of Ras Seyoum, commander
of Ethiopia's northern forces.
A battle was believed imminent.
Seyoum's army, estimated at 30,-
000, has been hunted by Italian scouts
for weeks. He has kept under cover
by day, in the wild mountains, but
by night has harassed the Italian
flanks, apparently attempting to draw
a battle at a strategic point.
Scouts said Seyoum was located to-
day in a strong mountain position
commanding the surrounding terri-
tory. His warriors are well-armed,
they said, and apparently prepared
for action. \
Zoning Change
Voted Down By
Local Council
State Buildings Will Not
Be Allowed In Class A
Residential Districts
The Common Council in its meet-
ing last night at the City Hall unani-
mously rejected the proposed amend-
ment to the city zoning ordinance
which would allow state buildings, ex-
cept penal and corrective institutions,
in class A residential districts. The
ordinance committee recommended
such action following a public hear-
ing last week.
Anticipating this action, Dr. C. F.
Ramsey, superintendent of the Mich-
igan Children's Institute, announced
yesterday that the situation would be
referred to the State Welfare Com-
mission, which would probably seek a
release from the sales agreement en-
tered into with the bondholders of the
Hoover property on Washtenaw Ave-
"Since the rejection of the amend-
ment will force the state to consider
properties outside of the class A sec-
tions, renting of a suitable property
will be undertaken," he stated.
Consideration of a plan whereby

Schedule For
Junior Voting
Is Announced
Independent Party Puts
Slate In Field; Forth Is
Named For President
The junior class elections schedule,
as announced last night by William
R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's
Council, follows:
Literary college: Elects four officers
and five J-Hop committeemen, from
3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow in Room 25
Angell Hall.
Engineering college: Elects four of-
ficers, the J-Hop chairman, and two
Hop committeemen, from 3 to 5 p.m.
in Room 348 West Engineering Build-
Business administration school:
Elects four officers and one Hop com-
mitteeman, from 2 to 3 p.m. in Room
113 Tappan Hall.
Architecture college: Junior and
senior elections will be held from 4
to 5 p.m. in the Architecture Building.
The juniors will select one Hop com-
The education school seniors will
vote from 4 to 5 p.m. Thursday in
Room 2436 University High School.
All nominations must be registered
at the Union desk 24 hours before the
elections, Dixon said.
An Independent Party has entered
the junior literary college elections.
The slate, which was formed several
days ago, was announced last night
and includes Paul Forth for presi-
dent; Ruth Clark for secretary; and
Richard Clark for treasurer. The
vice-presidential candidate has not
yet been selected.
The State Street literary college
group will meet some time today in
the League to choose its slate.
71 Smiths Listed In
Directory; Johnsons
Run Second With 61
The age-old preponderance of;
Smith in any group of names is again
illustrated by the new Student Direc-
tory. Inspection discloses that 71i
students registered in the Universityi
are thus surnamed. i
However, the distinction of being
the second most frequently printedi
surname in the Directory falls -not
to Brown or Jones as might be ex-
pected-but to Johnson, which ap-
pears 61 times. There are seven
Johnston's to swell the group's total;
close to that for the Smiths.;
Joneses, in fact, seem to be rather
scarce, only 23 being registered to
make the name tenth in order of
numerical importance.
Those surnames found to be most'
plentiful in the Directory include
Miller, with 49, Brown with 38 (count-
ing four Brownes), Clark with 38
(counting eight Clarkes), Wilson with
28 (but no Woodrow), Moore with
26, Williams with 25, and Anderson
with 25.
Pi Tau Pi Sigma Takes
Eight Men Into Society
The initiation of eight men was
announced yesterday by Pi Tau Pi
Sigma, honorary Signal Corps pro-
fessional fraternity.
The new members are H. C. Sharp,
'37E, R. F. Yee, '36E, H. W. Gilfillan,
'37E, O. W. Stephenson, Jr., '37E, J. L.
Steffenhagen, '36E, P. T. Hall, '37E,
R. F. Bowker, '36E, and W. M. Cline,

The business staff of The Daily

Condition Of
Loomis Seen
As 'Critical'
Student Injured In Crash
Which Kills Nurse And
Injures Four Others
Edna Johnson, 21,
Is Instantly Killed
Maxine Chamberlain And
Lawrence Walz Also In
Serious Condition
Philander S. Loomis, '37, a mem-
ber of the Gargoyle business staff,
was in an "extremely critical" condi-
tion last night as the result of an
auto accident early Sunday which
killed an Ann Arbor nurse and ser-
iously injured four other persons.
The nurse, Miss Edna Johnson, 21
years old, was graduated from St.
Joseph's Hospital nursing school Fri-
day. She was killed instantly when
the car in which she was riding, driv-
en by Lawrence Walz, 25 years old,
of 803 Dewey Ave., crashed head-on
into a car driven by W. Burl Schmidt,
25 years old, of 1916 Longfellow Ave.,
Detroit, on the Plymouth road two
miles west of Plymouth. Schmidt is
now in the University Hospital with
two broken jaws.
With Walz, who is now in a serious
condition in St. Joseph's Hospital,
with a possible fractured skull, were
Miss Maxine Chamberlain, 22 years
old, a St. Joseph's graduate nurse,
also seriously injured; and Albert
Magincalda, 25 years old, of 537
Church St., who was badly bruised
and cut. Miss Chamberlain broke
her collarbone and is recuperating in
St. Joseph's Hospital, while Magin-
calda was released after treatment.
Loomis, a pledge of Beta Theta
Pi fraternity, was going to his home
at 12305 Roselawn Ave., Detroit, to
visit his parents over the week end.
Doctors last night termed his con-
dition "extremely critical." He' is
reported to have suffered a skull frac-
ture and lacerated brain. The front-
al lobe of his forehead was crushed,
doctors said, and his frontal sinaises
were removed in an emergency op-
eration, necessary to save his life.
100 Etchings
On Exhibit In
Hall Galleries
An exhibit of more than 100 etch-
ings, woodcuts and lithographs by
prominent German artists are on dis-
play today in the North and South,
Galleries of the Alumni Memorial
Hall. The exhibit will continue until
Nov. 30.
The picture collection is arranged
to show the different schools and
trends in modern art, and ranges;
from conservative portraits and land-
scapes to the expressionistic and ob-]
stract compositions.3
Many internationally famous ar-
tists' works are featured in the e
hibit. Max Liebermann, usually re-1
ferred to as the dean of modern Ger-
man painters, and Kaethe Kollwitz,
the foremost woman etcher who is es-]
pecially famous for her realistic
studies of industrial and proletarian
life, are represented in the display.
Others from the school of abstract]
art, known for their prints, include]
Kandinsky, Baumeister, Schlemmer,

Campendonck, and Feininger. Among;
the conventional (artists are Carl
Bauer, Robert Sterl, and Emil Or-

Japan Plans
Puppet State
Under Army
Autonomous Area In North
China Will Cut Off Its
Relations With Nanking
'Cordial Relations'
Will Be Promoted
Military Intervention Is
Seen If China Opposes
Nipponese Advance
TOKIO, Nov. 18.- (IP)-Japanese
dispatches said tonight an independ-
ent nation of North China would be
created this week under the protec-
tion of the Japanese army.
This large new nation, the report
asserted, would sever all economic
and financial relations with the Chin-
ese national government at Nanking
and seek to promote cordial rela-
tions among North China, Japan and
A spokesman for the foreign office
admitted the possibility of Japanese
military intervention should the Nan-
king government send troops to sup-
press the North China autonomy
(In Washington the proposed Jap-
anese move was seen as a develop-
ment of Japanese policy against
which the Roosevelt administration
made representations to Tokio more
than a year ago. The State Depart-
ment, however, withheld comment.)
Five provinces with a population of
approximately 95,000,000 people ap-
parently would become a "second
Manchukuo." They are Hopeh, Shan-
tung, Shansi, Chahar Suiyuan.
The dispatches said the new state
would be named "Huaph Lienshenk
Tzuchih Chengchuan," or "The North
China United Provinces Autonomous
A declaration of indpendence, the
dispatches continued, will outline
these four principles and aims:
1. The complete autonomy of
North China.
2. The severance of financial and
economic ties with the Nanking gov-
3. The cooperation of the Japan-
ese army in the prevention of the
spread of communism.
4. The promotion of cordial re-
lations among the North China, Jap-
an and Manchukuo.S
Leaders of the new state, it was
said, will be General Sung Cheh-
Yuan, commander of the Peiping-
Tientsin garrison, and Gov. Han Fu-
Chu of Shantung Province.
Contemporary Will
Go On Sale Today
The first fall issue fo Contempor-
ary, campus literary quarterly, goes
on sale this afternoon. Essays by
Prof. Norman E. Nelson, Richard
Mattox and Marshall D. Shulman,
are featured.
Also included in the issue are se-
lections from the 1935 Hopwood Con-
test prize-winning poems and novels
and poems from the works of Sue
Bonner Walcutt. T. E. Lawrence's
"Seven Pillars of Wisdom," Ernest
Hemingway's "Green Hills of Af-
rica," E. E. Cummings' "Tom" and
Robert Forsythe's "Redder Than The
Rose" are reviewed.
Single copies of Contemporary are
25 cents. The yearly subscription

rate is 75 cents. Today is the last
day on which full subscriptions may
be purchased.


Iinderg9raduale Council

Despite Sickness, Byrd Lectures
In Cause Of Scientific Research,

Plans 3-Year Period Of
Investigation On Facts
Revealed By Expedition
Admiral Byrd is still convalescent
and still suffering from the effects of
the monoxide poisoning he contracted
during his six-month solitary vigil
123 miles south of Little America.
But the capacity audience that
heard him lecture last night at Hill
Auditorium did not know that. They
heard a pleasant-voiced, affable man
speak modestly about exploits and
adventures at the southern-most con-
tinent in the world that seemed all
the more dramatic and breath-taking
to the audience by the understate-
ments of the speaker.
Nor did the horde of autograph-
seekers, who besieged the stage door,
and each of whom received a smiling'
greeting - and his signature --know
that Admiral Byrd is still a sick man
and still under strict doctor's orders.
Asked why he has undertaken such1
an extensive lecture tour, in an inter-
view with The Daily following the
talk, an interview which continued.
out of the auditorium and during the
drive back to the home of Prof. W. H.
Hobbs, Admiral Byrd replied quietly:
"You see, we have more than three
years of research ahead of us on the
ten volumes of factual material we
brought back with us from the expe-
"It takes money to conduct those
"It took a lot of money to finance
the expedition, too," he continued. "A
lot of -people wonder why we took so
many men with us. They don't real-
ize that for every research man and
scientist we have to take along sev-
eral men to do the work of mainten-
Soviet Advance
To Communism
Seen By Stalin
'More Cultured Life' For
All Under New Order Is
Promised At Congress
MOSCOW, Nov. 18. - R) - Joseph
Stalin, Soviet leader, today an-
nounced the coming transition of So-1
viet society from Socialism to Com-
In a speech delivered at the closing
session of the first National Stak-
hanovite Congress in the Kremlin,
he promised "welfare and more cul-
tured" life for everyone under the
new order.
The congress was attended by 3,-
000 of the country's outstanding
workingmen and women.
Stalin's words launched the Stak-
hanovite campaing - under which
production is being stepped up
through an increase in the individual
output of the workers -describing it
as one of the most important move-
ments in Soviet history.
He termed it "a preparatory step"
for the transition to Communism.
Communists point out that Niko-
lai Lenin, hero of the Soviets, de-
scribed state Socialism, the system of
government and society prevailing in
the Soviet Union, as one of the lower
but necessary rungs on the ladder
leading to Communism. Pure Com-
munism will lead to "the withering
and dying away of the state," Lenin
Nazi Luther Riled
By Newspapermen

ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 18. - (R) --
Dr. Hans Luther, German ambassador
to the United States, declared today
that "America is not entitled to inter-
fere with German affairs."
He made the assertion after he had)
hnn"hnmar~rt xri~h m ,znncb,

ance. You can't have the scientists
washing dishes, you know.
"No," he said, "we are not planning
another expedition right now. Wait
until we get this research work done,
then we'll see about that."
"The most important results of the
expedition? I think that out of the
22 sciences we investigated, we
achieved the most important findings
in geography: our explorations of
large areas of land, our discovery of
new mountain ranges and the fact
that Antarctica is a single continent
-I would say that these are the
most important."
When asked as to the possibility
for man to isolate himself permanent-
ly from his fellow-beings as Byrd did
for six months, he replied, "Although
I have never particularly cared about
meeting lots of people, six months of
isolation was just about all I could
stand. I think one of the most in-
teresting conclusions I reached dur-'
ing my stay at the advance base was,
the way one can become aware of
things by asence."
Fraternity Men
Will Hear Talk
On Scholarship
Ruthven To Be Speaker
At Banquet Nov. 25;;
Trigon To Get Cup'
Presidents, rushing chairmen, and
pledges of all fraternities belonging
to the Interfraternity Council will
convene at a banquet at 6 p.m. Mon-'
day, Nov. 25, in the Union, it was an-
nounced last night by George R. Wil-
liams, '36, president of the council.
President Ruthven will address the1
banquet, the purpose of which is to'
stress scholarship to the fraternity1
pledge, Williams said.
The Interfraternity Council schol-
arship cup will be presented to Trigon
fraternity ,all of whose members will
be guests at the banquet.
The scholarship cup was donated
to the council last year for presenta-
tion to the general fraternity with the
highest grade average by Zeta Beta
Tau which, because it was thrice-
winner, was allowed to keep the pre-
vious cup. The cup was presented
to Phi Epsilon Pi last year.
The banquet will be in charge of
John A. Cawley, '36, as general chair-
man. Thomas E. Groehn, '36, and
John Heles, '36, will assist him. Frank'
J. Simes, '37, will oversee the sale of
Admiral Byrd
Tells Of Vigil
In Bitter Cold
Antarctic Explorer Says
22 Branches Of Science
Benefitted From Trip
Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd,
American polar pioneer, took 4,500
people with him on a vicarious voyage
to the icy wastes of the South Pole
last night in his speech in Hill audi-
Before one of the largest audiences
in the history of the Oratorical Asso-
ciation, Admiral Byrd, by means of
moving pictures and an explanatory
lecture, re-enacted the highlights of
his recent expedition to Little Amer-
ica and several previously unexplored
regions of the Antarctic continent.
The expedition, Byrd's second to
Antarctica, though making some im-
portant geographical discoveries, was

primarily for scientific investigations,
and, according to Admiral Byrd,
"served 22 branches of science."
The most spectacular feature of the
expedition was the five-month soli-
tary vigil kept through the long Polar
_" "I f ,_ _r Amia 7v e i c n a

Dean Lloyd Points Out
That Issue Was Not
Forced Upon Council
Saturday Classes
Cause Of Change
Late Hours For Four Class
Dances Not Altered By
New Rulings
In a surprise move which exactly
reverses an earlier ex-officio vote, the
Undergraduate Council of the League
yesterday unanimously went on rec-
ord as favoring a drastic change in
Friday night hours for women stu-
dents from 1:30 to 12:30 a.m.
The Council's action, in the face
of what seems to be a strong campus
opinion to the contrary, came in the
form of a recommendation to the
Board of Representatives phrased as
"It is recommended that Friday
closing hours for undergraduate
women be changed from 1:30 a.m. to
12:30 a.m., with the hours for other
days remaining the same as pre-
The Board of Representatives, in-
cluding representatives of all sorori-
ties and also of the Assembly, inde-
pendent women's organization, is
scheduled to meet at 4:15 p.m. Thurs-
day to act on the recommendation.
Women Oppose Change
Favorable action will result in the
change becoming immediately effec-
tive. In the event that the Board
rejects the proposal, it will again re-
vert to the Council which must repass
it unanimously to make the resolution
That undergraduate women are
strongly opposed to any change in
present hours was revealed by a Daily
poll of sorority and independent
women who indicated almost unani-
mous sentiment against any such res-
The Council's unexpected resolu-
tion climaxes nearly two months of
deliberation over numerous sugges-
tions for adjusting women's hours to
the newly-instituted Saturday class
schedule. The issue has been under
discussion since the opening of school,
Jean Seeley, '36, League president, ex-
In making the announcement, she
added that, "This issue was not forced
upon us in any way. It was merely
the outcome of several weeks of for-
mation. Miss Lloyd (Dean of Women
Alice C. Lloyd) did not volunteer an
opinion. When we asked her, she
said she favored the 12:30 a.m. hour."
Miss Lloyd told The Daily last
night that, "So far as I understand
the Council's move, I am fully in ac-
cord with it. I feel that it is a wise
idea, in view of Saturday classes."
from 1:30 to 12:30 a.m.
Dean Lloyd's Statement
This statement is in accord with a
recommendation which Miss Lloyd
made in speaking to sorority women
at the Panhellenic Banquet Oct. 28
at the League. At that time she
stated, "I think your nearly unani-
mous vote to continue the 1:30 a.m.
hour for Friday, in spite of the new
University ruling on Saturday classes,
is a mistake."
Three principles "which should be
kept in mind in discussing the ques-
tion" were set forth by Miss Seeley
in announcing the subject for dis-
cussion before the Council yesterday.
They were:
(1) As a Council representative
of every campus woman, we feel a
definite responsibility in making
housing rules and regulations.
(2) Since campus opinion is "lib-
eral, usually taking the easiest way
out," there is no place at the Univer-
sity for the Council if it is to follow
sentiment in every case, although we
do take campus opinion into consid-

(3) Coming into contact, as the
Council does, with all problems which
occur in campus affairs, this body is
forced to take a much broader view,
and to see both sides of the question,
more than the individual woman.
Emphasizing a definite need for
earlier hours, Miss Seeley told mem-
bers of the group that, "I feel the
Council should act independently of
campus opinion."


Earlier Women's Hours




Navy Flight Formation Picture.
Features November Technic'

A striking two-column picture of
eighteen U. S. Navy airplanes in full
flight formation, "forming an in-
verted corporal's chevron on the
sleeve of the sky," is featured in the
November issue of the Michigan
Technic which will be on sale today
and tomorrow in the first-floor cor-
ridors of the West and East Engineer-
ing buildings at its regular- price of
15 cents.
The planes are of the single seater
bomber type of Curtiss Hawks, and
they were photographed. on flight
from the Aircraft Carrier Ranger
which houses them when they are
not in use. The Technic has an-
n i r l-t at l nl ~ ~ -- oin

and general education in the sciences
on the curriculum of an engineering
Describing Bertrand Russell as il-
lustrative of an "intrepid spirit and
wide range of interest" which should
characterize all engineering students,
Professor Thornton declared that the
major obstacles'"which must be over-
come to achieve such an end are cus-
tom, inertia and downright lack of
ability, and the formation of utterly-
wrong habits.
"While not referring to the revolu-
tionary political doctrines of Russell,"
Professor Thornton stated, "I do refer
specifically to the fact that a large
number of scientists, or quasi-scien-

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