ThL e Weather Cloudy and unsettled today and tomorrow; little change in temperature. -.d ,iil4r Sir 43U 4bp Editorials A Welcome Proposal .. . Mr. Swope And Social Security..v VOL. XLVI. No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Mussolini To Resist Sanctions Heads Press Club OsbornNamed New President Of Press Club Resolutions Suggest Next Year's Program Will Deal More With Newspapers Prof. Carr Opens Fascist Council Votes Tc Begin Economic War On Member Nations League To Begin Boycott Tomorrowi DeBono Is Removed Fron High Military Commanc In Ethiopia ROME, Nov. 17-(Sunday)-('P)- The Fascist Grand Council, after a lengthy meeting to chart Italy's course after application of League of Nations- economic sanctions tomor- row, declared early today that Italy will henceforth remember Nov. 18, 1935, as "the day of ignominy and iniquity in the history of the world.' The Council, highest body of Fas- cism, called on all Italians to observe Monday as the signal "for implac- able resistance" to the sanctions that will be put into effect on that day by 52 nations. The nation was ordered to observe the day as a national holiday with all public buildings and most private houses flying the tricolor. ROME, Nov. 16. - (P) - The Fas- cist Grand Council -23 men who hold Italy's destiny in their hands- met tonight to decide upon strategy and tactics in a grim economic war against the world beginning at one minute after midnight Sunday night. Premier Benito Mussolini; the Quadrumvirs, who hold office for life, and the others who serve by vir- tue of their offices, gathered in the old Palazzo Venezia. Their meeting was expected -to be the first of a series of attempts to give blow for blow in the fight against the effort of 52 nations of the League to penalize Italy for its war on Ethi- opia. 0 n7 1 S L 1 Morning Session GEORGE A. OSBORN Prof. McClusky Will Address Church Group Slosson And Pollock Also Will Speak At Student Meetings Today Only a terse communique is expect- ed from this or from any other meet- ing, but it is expected that the Coun- cil will approve a series of reprisals aimed against nations trying to pen- alize Italy. At the moment that the League imposes, at 12:01 a.m. Monday, its boycott of all Italian goods and its denial to Italy of a long list of se- lected key products, Italy will declare a formal trade war. It is expected that there will be a complete embargo on all imports from penalty nations and refusal to pay bills due those countries which enjoy favorable balances with Italy. It is regarded as the most important meeting the Council has held since its formation. Mussolini has sent notes to all League members warning them that Italy will strike at its enemies; he has told his people that the army is ready to defend its interests in "Eur- ope, Africa, or anywhere;" he has provided by a royal decree effective at the moment of the League penal- ties- for almost automatic suspension of trade relations with League Na- tions.{ Already the prospect of the eco- nomic war has changed the life of' the average Italian. Government employees have foregone their noon time siestas; people go to bed early' to save electric power; they are al- tering their diet. Whatever theirr view of Fascism, it is apparent that the country knows it is in for a siege and is ready to make sacrifices. ROME, Nov. 16.- (A)-Premier Mussolini shook up his high military' command in Ethiopia today, remov- ing Gen. Emilio de Bono as com- mander-in-chief of the invading Fas- cist forces. Gen. Pietro Badoglio, chief of the general staff, who only a week ago reported his first-hand observations of the war situation after an inspec- tion in East Africa, succeeded thel white-bearded veteran. Mussolini, far from indicating that Gen. de Bono's recall meant he had fallen from favor, proposed to King Victor Emmanuel that the sixty-nine- year-old veteran be elevated to the rank of marshal, a title which Gen. Badoglio already holds. The King's compliance was virtually assured. Sorority Robbed By Sneak Thief Several members of the University faculty will speak today on the pro- grams of the Ann Arbor churches. Prof. Howard McClusky of the Ed- ucation School will lead the discus- sion on "Getting Personal Help From Religion," to be held at 9:45 a.m. at the Masonic Temple as a part of the service of the First Presbyterian Church. This forum hour will be followed by Dr. William P. Lemon's sermon on "The Soul's Reference." In the evening, at 6:30 p.m., there will be another World Tour pro- gram, this time concerned with Jap- an. Helen Aupperle, '38SM, who spent to years in Japan, will direct the program. Professor McClusky will also ad- dress the Lutheran student group at 6:30 p.m. in the Zion Lutheran Par- ish Hall, following a supper meeting. The chief Worship Service of the Trinity Lutheran Church will be held at 10:30 a.m. with the pastor Henry O. Yoder preaching a sermon on "Trusteeship." Slo::on To Speak Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the; history department will continue his series of lectures on the "Great Hu-, manists" with the subject "Thomas; More, the Christian in Utopia," and the Rev. Allison Ray Heaps will de- liver a sermon on "Religion and Utopia" at the 10:30 a.m. service of' the Congregational Church. At 6:15 p.m. Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department will give an address on the subject "Toward a Government Career Service." The morning worship at the Beth- lehem Evangelical Church will in- clude a sermon by the pastor on the topic "Longing for Righteousness,"1 and will begin -at 10:30 a.m. The Young People's and Students' Leaguet is to meet at 7 p.m. to hear Mr. Ev- erett R. Hames speak on "Whatt Youth Expects From Society." Cowin To Conduct Service t The Rev. Fred Cowin will conduct the service at 10:45 a.m. today att the Church of Christ (Disciples). At) noon will be held a students' Bible( class which will be led by H. L. Pick-t erill. A social hour with'supper served( will be held at 5:30 p.m., followed by( a forum on "The Value of Hobbies."I Students are urged to bring their1 hobbies for exhibition during the so- cial hour. Prof. Earl V. Moore, Director of1 the School of Music, will speak on "The Carillon Bells of Europe and How the Carillon is Played" at the .student meeting to be held at 7 p.m. tonight at Harris Hall. Holy Communion at the St. An- drew's Episcopal Church will be at 8 a.m. The Morning Prayer and Ser- mon will be given by the Rev. Henry Lewis at 11 a.m. Dr. C. W. Brashares of the First Methodist Church will preach on "Christ's Teachers" at 10:45 a.m. Dr. Brashares will also lead the discus- sion on "Personal Religion and the Home" at 6 p.m. at StalkerHall as a part of the Wesleyan Guild meeting.e Makes Plea For Support Of Publications In Child Delinquency Combat George Osborn. editor of the Sault News at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., was unanimously elected president of the University Press Club at the final session of its seventeenth annual meeting yesterday in the ballroom of the Union. Also given unanimous approval of the editors were the three vice presi- dents, presented by the nominating committee: Emmet Richards of the Alpena News; George Averill of the Birmingham Eccentric; and Vernor Brown of the Ingham County News at Mason. Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism department, which sponsors the Press Club, was renamed secretary-treasurer, a post that he traditionally holds year after year. The retiring president is Michael Gorman, editor of the Flint Daily Journal. Following statements of opinion by several editors, the report of the resolutions, which was unanimously adopted, suggested that next year parts of the program deal more di- rectly with newspaper work and that 'an occasional place be found for discussions by members of our own craft." Carr Opens Session Opening the morning session yes- terday, Prof. Lowell Juilliard Carr of the sociology department made a plea for "the active support of the news- papers of Michigan" for a program to combat juvenile delinquincy. "If you are earnest in your desire to control crime," he told the edi- tors after outlining a program, "here is your chance. Every community in this state needs the active leader- ship of its local paper in pounding home day after day the facts about delinquency and stimulating local leaders to carry on." Although he praised the American press for having been "the greatest single force in arousing the public conscience to the menace of crime," he pointed to the "failure of news- papers to go to the roots of crime prevention as a matter of first im- portance." Delinquency Discussed Juvenile delinquency receives "re- latively little attention in the news- papers," Professor Carr declared, "partly because it is comparatively undramatic and partly because we all see the need of protecting youth from the stigma of public shame. "Yet it would seem to be elemen- tary," he continued, "that any pro- gram for the prevention of crime must be more or less futile under American conditions of political med- dling with law enforcement and all that, unless that program aims very definitely and effectively at the re- duction of juvenile delinquency. Un- less we dry up the sources of crime, policemen, courts and prisons are simply trying to sweep back the sea." Between 75 and 85 per cent of de- linquents in Michigan come from 14 counties in the Lower Peninsula with (Continued on Paa 2 Hoover Offers 11-Point Plan For Recovery Censures New Deal Waste In Address Before Ohio Society Of New York Raps Government Spending Program Seeks Balanced Budget And Reestablishment Of Gold Standard NEW YORK, Nov. 16. - () -For- mer President Herbert Hoover tonight enunciated an eleven-point program for National fiscal reform after voic- ing sarcastic, sharply-edged censure of New Deal economic planning. Speaking before the Ohio Society of New York, in what was described as the second of a series of addresses on national problems, Hoover pre- faced his declaration of a remedial fiscal program with a review of New Deal activities and a warning of their results. "We can express government ex- penses in figures," he said. "But no mortal man can compute the costs, the burdens and dangers imposed upon 120,000,000 people by these ac- tions. Its cost in national impover- ishment far exceeds even taxes. Its losses will be larger than the Na- tional debt." Outlines Program Hoover outlined his "constructive fiscal program" as follows: "The waste of taxpayers' money on unnecessary public works should end. "The administration of relief should be turned over to local au- thorities. Federal expenditures for relief should be confined to cash allowances to these authorities to the extent that they are unable to pro- vide their own funds. "The spending for visionary and un-American experiments should be stopped. "The provision of the Constitution requiring that expenditures shall only be in accordance with appropriations actually made by law should be obeyed. And they should be made for specific purposes. "The budget should be balanced, not by more taxes, but by reduction of follies. "The futile purchases of foreign silver should be stopped. "The gold standard should be re- established, even on the new basis. "The act authorizing the President to inflate the currency should be re- pealed.- Should Stop Experiments The administration should give and keep a pledge to the country that there will be no further juggling >f the currency and no further ex- periments with credit inflation. "Confidence in the validity of promises of the government shouldl e restored." Referring to planned economy as 'the national planning" and "third conomy," Hoover said it had one 'consistency" of "carefree scattering >f public money." "They are haunted by no ghost of a balanced budget," he said. "But national planning' thinks in phrases nd slogans rather than the exacti- uude of the cash register. We now know that in addition to increased axes after four years of it the bill >f increased taxpayers' liabilities will >e about $14,000,000,000. "Tuffy" Thompson, shifty Minnesota halfback, is shown crossing the Michigan 20-yard line in his spectacular return of Chris Everhardus' opening kick-off. The Gopher backfield ace received the ball on his own five and with the aid of good blocking carried it to, the Wolverine eight-yard line before he was brought down by Earl Meyers. Ed Widseth can be seen about to block out Mel Kramer, Varsity lineman. Game Bows Minnesota Offense, 40-0 Wolverine Before Smashing 'Fighting Hundred' Puts On Best Show Of Year At Game The football team may have been beaten in the Stadium yesterday, but the Varsity-R.O.T.C. Band gave one of its best performances of the year. First forming "Minn" and then a ! "Mich" the "Fighting Hundred" marched from one end of the cold, wet field to the other. And all the time Robert Fox, '38, was swinging the baton every which way and toss- ing it up nearly 15 feet in the air - and what is more difficult, catching it. Only once did the strutting drum- major miss, and that was when he tossed it over the north goal posts the second time. But he took his band to the other end of the field and tossed the silver stick over again - and did catch it, just to show them he could do it. Temple News Is Judged Best Paper PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 16. - (A') - The Temple University News took major honors today in the field of 36 student publications studied at the fall meeting of the Intercollegiate Newspaper Association of the Middle Atlantic states. The News won first place award in the news and advertising division and placed second in the editorial contest in which the Washington and Jeffer- son College Red and Black was de- clared best. CHINESE FEAR INVASION NANKING, Nov. 16. -(P) - A spokesman for Chinese official quar- ters conceded apprehension over pos- sibility of an aggressive Japanese move into North China within a few days. Action in the movement to give the northern provinces political in- dependence from the central Nan- king government, might come tomor- row or Monday, he asserted. Team Admiral Byrd To Give Talk On Antarctica Will Illustrate Lecture With Movies Of Second Polar Expedition Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, her- alded throughout the world as the greatest explorer of modern times, will speak on the subject of his sec- ond Antarctic Expedition at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. Admiral Byrd will accompany his lecture with motion pictures depict- ing the activities of the expedition at Little America and the exploration flights made over 450,000 miles of hitherto-unknown territory. Professqr-emeritus William H.- Hobbs of the geology department will introduce Admiral Byrd on behalf of the University of Michigan Oratorical Association which is sponsoring the lecture. Professor Hobbs also will entertain Admiral Byrd during his stay in Ann Arbor. Most Publicized Expedition Admiral Byrd will present in his lecture the "personal side" of the ac- tivities and experiences of the second Antarctic expedition. The achievements of the expedition have been called by Admiral Byrd himself "the most important" of his career. Cosmic ray research was car- ried into the highest Southern lati- tudes thus far attained. The expedi- tion initiated the first meteor-obser- vation program in Antarctica with what Admiral Byrd described as "spectacular results." The first authentic data as to the thickness of the south Polar ice cap was obtained, thanks to a specially- constructed seismic sounding appara- tus and preliminary hints of this data are expected by scientific authorities to change radically the world's con- ception of the Antarctic continent. Important Weather Data Obtained The auroral and meteorological ob- servations taken by Admiral Byrd during his five-months solitary vigil 163 miles south of Little America have altered considerably the conceptions of weather conditions and have aided in the attempts of meteorologists to make long range weather conditions. In a letter to Carl Brandt, manager of the Association, Byrd stated that the motion pictures which he will present are entirely different from those included in the movie "Little America" which is now running at a local theater. Tickets for the lecture are still available, Brandt stated, and may be purchased either at Wahr's State Street bookstore or at the Hill Audi- torium boxoffice. Frazier-Lemke Law Is Declared Invalid CHICAGO, Nov. 16. -(P) -Ruling that Congress had exceeded its pow- ers under the bankruptcy clause of the constitution, the United States court of appeals for the seventh cir- cuit today held the re-enacted Frazier-Lemke law unconstitutional. Thompson's 87-Yard Ret urn Of Opening Kick-Off Uram, Beise, LeVoir And Thompson Score In Six Touchdown Rout Michigan Players Threaten But Once Renner Replaces Sweet As Punting Star; Establish 45-Yard Average By WILLIAM R. REED (Daily Sports Editor) Displaying the most fundamental and most effective of all football of- fensives, Minnesota ripped and smashed through a game Wolverine team yesterday in the Stadium to win, 40 to 0. It was the worst defeat ever suf- fered by a Michigan eleven in modern football, but came at the hands of a team which observers are generally ranking as the most powerful ever to appear in the Michigan Stadium. Blocking savagely on every play, the Gophers ran through Michigan for six touchdowns, including a score on a 93-yard kickoff return in the second half by Tuffy Thompson, Minnesota's sophomore halfback. Victory Hopes Blasted Michigan's sole hope of victory, an sarly lead through a break in the opening minutes, was blasted when the same Thompson, shifty and fast, but using the superlative blocking of his teammates to perfection, ran Chris Everhardus' opening kickoff from his own five-yard line to the Michigan eight, where he was hauled down from behind by Earl Meyers. At that point the Michigan de- fense, formulated during a week of secret drills, held the Gophers to a six-yard gain in four downs, but an injury to Harry Wright on the play destroyed the unorthodox offensive etup, and from then on the game was the Gophers'. The story of the game is the story of long breaks from scrimmage by the Gophers, which brought two touchdowns directly and two more indirectly. Michigan again kicked off, taking advantage of a strong wind, and Uram returned the ball from his five to the 33. After two line plays had failed, Uram again carried the ,ball behind a screen of blockers, to score the second touchdown. After Mich- igan was offside on the first attempt, Babe LeVoir converted from place- ment for the Gophers. Michigan Holds Michigan held throughout the greater part of the second quarter, until in the middle of the period, the Gophers began a march from their own 17. Thompson picked up 16 yards and Michigan was offside, and rhen Minnesota, with Gmitro carry- ing the ball, scored a touchdown, but the play was called back to the Mich- igan 30-yard marker on a clipping penalty. The score was only delayed, however, because on fourth down Roscoe passed to'LeVoir, who took the ball on the 17 and raced for a score. He also placekicked the extra point. The fifth Minnesota touchdown represented. the essence of the Goph- er play, the 93-yard kickoff return by Thompson which started the second half. Everhardus kicked off to Le- Voir on the 5 yard line, who ran lat- erally to the center of the field. There, as the wedge was being formed, he lateralled to Thompson, who raced diagonally to his left after the wedge had eliminated the vanguard of Michigan blockers, cut back to his right as his blockers picked up the remainder of the Wolverine sec- ondary, and then straight down the middle of the field. Not a Michigan tackler laid his hands on the fleet- footed sophomore star. Scoring Completed The scoring was completed in the final quarter when a march from midfield resulted in a score with Beise plunging from the one-yard line for the touchdown. Michigan's offense was never given a chance as the Gophers completely dominated the play, keeping the ball in their own hands for the greater part of the game. The Wolverines threatened but once, at the close of the first half when two passes, Ren- ner to Aug and Renner to Valpey were responsible, with runs by Ever- hovamrrN _fnr taking thehn II frn +'1h __ _ 1 Glory Of Joe's And The Orient, Now OnlyA Song, Recalled By Old-Timers By JOSEPH S. MATTES "Back to Joe's and the Orient. "Back to Some of the Money we Spent." But no one will ever go back to either Joe's or the Orient - they died U. T Twith Michigan's youth. But their UJ . S. Rushes Work glory will live on as long as "I Want To Go Back to Michigan" is a popular * campus song. Oan Five Submarines cmu og "Joe's was a hang-out for every- body in college. They were in there WASHINGTON, Nov. 16.-(P)- every day pretty near-just as a On the eve of a naval conference matter of fact. Joe used to serve a at which much will be said about lunch for 15 cents -potatoes and a submarines, Secretary Claude Swan- good steak or something - from 10 son was informed today that work a.m. until noon every day, and stu- was being hastened on five of the dents used to eat there more than navy's 16 new submarines so that any other place," recalled Dewitt C. they can be commissioned next year. Millen, '05, who wrote "The College The navy's building program will Cut-Up." a story revolving about don't, because this generation has never heard of any of those fellows." Joe Parker's was located on Main St. just north of Washington St., about where Kresge's 5 and 10 cent store is now, he said, and Joe was a stocky man, bald-headed and pretty popular with the students. "All the star athletes and the B.M.O.C.'s used to have a club called the 'Friars' Club then," Mr. Millen said. "They had frequent meetings upstairs in the building directly across the street from Joe's and he'd always serve them. "Then he had a pretty large room in the back of his place where some of the fraternities held parties," he went on. "We used to reserve that every Christmas, have a big Christ- Arbor all his life, agreed with Mr. Millen. "They never became intoxi- cated before Cap Night or any other traditional affair like they did after Prohibition, but as soon as the thing was over everybody'd head for Joe's or some other place. "Freshmen weren't allowed to enter Joe's although they could go into any other place. It was strictly a hang-out for upper-classmen. Then on Cap Night when everything was over they'd all make a dash for Joe Parker's where they'd see the inside for the first time." The Town and Gown, an organi- zation of Ann Arbor business men and members of the faculty, held a meeting above Joe Parker's at least once a week, Mr. Moe said.