P IDAY NOVEN1WZ; 15, 1035 TIHE MICHIGAN DAILY rAGE FM Teas, Formals, Pledge Dances Are Scheduled More Than 20 Houses Plan Entertainment For Over Week-End With the football game back in Ann Arbor this weekend, about 20 houses have planned various sorts of entertainment. A number of houses are holding formal pledge dances to- night and tomorrow night, and sev- eral are entertining after the game. LeRoy Haskell, '38, social chair- man, announces that Alpha Delta Phi will hold a closed informal dance tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Q. Quirk, of Ypsilanti, and Dr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Malcom will act as chaperones. Gloster Carrant's orchestra will fur- nish the music for' the evening. Delta Upsilon A pledge formal will be given by the, members of Delta Upsilon to- night. Earl Harger's orchestra is furnishing the music. The chaper- ones are to be Prof. and Mrs. George Bleekman and Prof. and Mrs. D. K. Kazarinoff. Rush Bowman, '37, also announced that a radio tea dance will be held at the house following the game. Prof. and Mrs. Francis D. Curtiss will chaperone the tea dance. A closed pledge formal is being held at the Gamma Phi Beta house to- night. Dorothy Webb, '37, is social chairman. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stark- weather and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sar- geant are the chaperones. Al Cow- an's orchestra will play. Pledge Formals The members of Phi Kappa Sigma will honor their pledges at a formal dance tonight. The party will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cooper, Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Mc- Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. D. McGill, and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Meadows. James B. Graham, '37, is in charge. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will hold a closed formal dance at the chapter house tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. David Reed will act as chaperones. Wally Gail's orchestra will play.1 A formal pledge party will be held tonight at the Sigma Chi house. The following people will act as chaper- ones: Prof. H. C. Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Turlow Coon; Capt. and Mrs. Richard Coursey; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gram; Prof. and Mrs. J. S. Worley;1 Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Kendall; Mr.1 and Mrs. Frank Oakes; Dean and Mrs. W. B. Rea; and Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson. Sigma Phi R. C. Rieder, '37, is making ar- rangements for the formal dance to be held tonight at Sigma Phi. Bill Sawyer's orchestra will play. The party is to be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds of Birm- ingham, and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Goetz of Flint.l Theta Chi is holding an informal dance tonight at the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. A. A. James will chap- erone the dance. George Frid, '36, social chairman, has announced that Reed Pierce's orchestra will play. A closed pledge formal will be held at the Theta Delta Chi house tonight.I Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Doer and Pro- fessor and Mrs. E. S. Barker will be the chaperones. Chuck Xwick's or-l chestra will play, Bradford Carpenter, '36, social chairman, announced to- day. Dr. and Mrs. J. V. Fopeano and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kindred will chaperone a closed pledge formal given by the Alpha Chi Omega tomor- row night. Helen Brandt, '36, an- nounces that Russ Armstrong's or- chestra will play. Closed DancesC Kappa Nu is having a closed pledge I Barbaric Influence Dinners Given By Dormitories, Honor Faculty' Newberry, Martha Cook, Mosher-Jordan Entertaint During Week The residents of Helen Newberry dormitory will entertain the board of1 governors tonight with a formal t birthday dinner celebrating Helenj Newberry day. This is the occasion! of the one-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Helen Handy Newberry, for whom the dormitory was named. Guests will include Mrs. Henry B. Joy, daughter of Mrs. Newberry and president of the board, Grosse Pointe,1 Mrs. Donald Bleakley, Miss Clair Saunders, Detroit; Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Mrs. J. G. Hays and Mrs. Hen- ry W. Douglas. Another guest at this affair will be Mrs. Frederick Boy-; den Cooley, Buffalo, who is spending the week-end at the dormitory with Michigan Alumnae To Hold Bake Sale The Michigan alumnae will prove their culinary ability in a bake sale to be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. to- day at the Women's Athletic Build- ing. Bright colored cellophane pack- ages will enclose masterpieces in the art of baking and candy making and will donate the refreshments to be served. In the main room where the sale of Philippine linens is to be held, Mrs. Rollin Drake has arranged special tables with the embroidered mate- zials; one withchildren's linens, and others for various entertaining. Mrs. C. D. Thorpe is chairman of ::ales. The floor committee consists of Mrs. Stephen Attwood, Mrs. Ernest Barker, Mrs. A. E. White, Mrs. Hugh Keeler, Mrs. Wells Bennett, Mrs. D. C. May and Mrs. Clare Giiffin. I Miss Lloyd Presents1 29 Books To League The gift of 29 volumes donated to the League Library by Dean Alice C. Lloyd is a welcome addition to the drama collection, according to Miss Mary Wedemeyer, librarian. Contained in these books are 82 plays by such authors as Hendrik Ib- sen, John Galsworthy, Eugene O'Neill and Bernard Shaw. Among the modern plays included are "Dinner at Eight," "Green Pastures," "Yel- ACACIA Guests at the Acacia house for the week-end will include B. Shipman of the Minnesota chapter and David Dolson of Detroit. Other out-of- town guests, who will attend the open house after the game, are Miss Mar- guerite McGrath and Miss Hester Green of East Lansing. low Jack," "The Shining Hour" and "The Sacred Flame." These volumes are now on display. They may be reserved and will be issued after Saturday in the regular manner for one week. HOUSE RECEPTION MEETING There will be a meeting of the house reception committee of the League at 3 p.m. today in the League, according to Julie Kane. '36. chair- man. Lewis VanderVelde, Mr. Nelson Van de Luyster, Prof. and Mrs. Fred Odell, Prof and Mrs. Fred G. Walcott, Prof. Eugene Rouvillian, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen, Miss Ruth Danielson, Miss Ruth Danielson, house direc- Mr. James Underwood and Mr. and j tor. Mrs. Frank Van Tuyl. Program Planned Martha Cook Martha Cook entertained several Margaret Cutler, '36, house pres- faculty members and the board of ident, will be in charge of the cere- governors of the building at its mony to be held after dinner in the m governorsrof nthe buildnt ts imonthly formal dinner recently. The I Influence of the Congo is seen in this low-bodieed and cascade- flcunced gown with its barbaric wide-corded girdle. Marguerite Churchill, Hollywoed actress, chose this model in tana blue blistered tin, and wears with it a flat crowned conic turban. formal tomorrow night. The chap- erones will be Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Isaacs, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Green- berg of Detroit, and Dr. Bernard Heller. A closed informal tea dance will be given by Phi Gamma Delta after the game tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Oakes and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Darling will act as chaperones. A closed pledge formal will be held tomorrow night at the Phi Sigma Delta house. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Baum of Flint, and Mr. Jerome Hau- ser will chaperone the dance. Pi Beta Phi will hold a closed pledge' formal tomorrow nigh according to Ruth Ann Jernegan, '37, social chair- man. Al Cowan's band will furnish the music for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Heath and Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Twiss will act as chaperones. GAMMA PHI BETA Gamma Phi Beta sorority held a Founders' Day banquet recently, cele- brating the birthday of that organiza- tion in 1874 in Syracuse, N. Y. Alumnae attending the banquet were Mrs. H. Paul Culver and Missj Alice Cameron, national treasurer, of Detroit, as well as a number of Ann Arbor alumnae. Very L.P.4t in - i 6i eauty Shop rJ Across from Jordan Hall . o217 Observatory St. Ph.31 parlor. Miss Lloyd, Miss Saunders, and Mrs. Joy will speak. Dorothy Briscoe, '37, social chairman, is in charge of arrangements and assisting are Elizabeth Winne, '36, decorations, and Mary Elizabeth Davy, '38, flow- ers. Dinner At Jordan Members of the faculty and their wives were the guests of Mosher and Jordan Halls last night at the second faculty dinner of the year. Yellow chrysanthemums and! candles provided the decorations of the dining room for the formal at Jordan. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Yoakum, Prof. and Mrs. Frederick Jordan, Prof. and Mrs. William Hobbs, Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Byrl Bacher, Miss Ethel McCor- mick, Prof. and Mrs. Irving Scott, Prqf. and Mrs. William Smeaton,, Prof. and Mrs. Hirsch Hootkins, Prof. and Mrs. William McLaughlin, Prof. and Mrs. Charles Koella, Dr. Harlan; Bloomer, Mr. and Mrs. Mentor Wil- liams, Mr. Robert Ackerman, Mr. Clifford Prator and Mr. Andrew, Green. Mosher Entertains The decorations for the informal dinner at Mosher were fall flowers and candles. The guests were Dr. and Mrs. Olin Bearkett, Dr. and Mrs. Ar- thur E. Wood, Prof.DJames O'Neill, Prof. Karl H. Reickenrbach, Prof. guests included Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Jeannette Perry, Mrs. Byrl Ba- cher, Miss Ethel McCormick, Mrs. F,rederick Ray, Mrs. Helen Kindred and Mrs. R. L. Hawkins. The board of governors are Mrs. Stuart Bates, Mrs. Delos Parker Heath, and Mrs. James Bruce. A program was presented after din- ner by Suzanne Malve, Grad., and Mildred Olson, '37. Chairman of the dinner was Irene Sartor, '37, and chairman of the invitation commit- tee was Rosanna Meloche, '36. Those who served coffee after dinner in the blue room were Barbara Johnson, '37, Janet Lambert, '37. Gertrude Waehner, '37, Jean Stone, '37, Mar- garet Souter, '37, Jo-Clarke Kimball, '37, and Eleanor Gessner, '37. ZETA TAU ALPHA Zeta Tau Alpha entertained Miss Hilda; Burr, Eastbourne, England, and Miss Naomi Fukuda, Japanese student last night at their Cosmo- politan dinner which was in charge of Martha Nelson, '36. SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE 300 South State Street suggests Symphony Debonair Classique for your teas and dancing 4b. Exciting Dress News Unmistakably New Colors: ROYAL * GREEN 0 GINGERĀ® RED RUST GOLD . IFROC KS With DASH and DARE! They'll help win "that little Brown Jug" and they're dressy enough to dance in afterwards. Sizes from 12. $12.95 and upwards The Elizabeth Dilon SHOP East Williams One Block off State MANKURE NAILS NO NEED T O CU T CUTICLE Just the tiniest amount of Mani. care on a wet nail brush is all yoi need to keep your nails looking their best. Dead cuticle is re- moved vithout scissors. Hang- nails, brittle nails and cracked nails are avoided. Stainsvanish quickly. Manicare keeps the cu- ticle soft and makes it easy to push back nail frames and bring out half-moons. Try it today! OVER TWICE OHANTITY 35c SIZE Toilet Goods Dept. "Mail orders filled 35c -59c -$1.00 FREE MAN ICARE DEMONSTRATION A MANICARE representative is in our Toilet Goods Dept. all this week, demonstrating how MANI- CARE beautifies your fingertips. Come in. No obligation to buy. L A tten tion Women! We have an important Message For You - D ON'T just ask for "Face Powder"! At Calkins- Fletcher's there is a trained lady Cosmetician in at- tendance at all hours. Permit her to advise you upon the proper type and kind of face powder, rouge, creams and lotions. This advice is free! Call upon her anytime. Complete Lines Of DOROTHY GRAY I MARY DUNHILL BARBARA GOULD EVENING IN PARIS HARRIET HUBBARD AYERS LENTH ERIC We Feature PEGGY SAGE'S complete lines of Manicure Preparations Week-End Specials $1.00 TATTOO LIP STICK ..... 50c CUTEX LIP STICK ......... 30c MOONGLOW Suntan Polish. DREN E SHAMPOO ........... $1.00 KURLASH ............. .....79c .....39c .....23c . 50c - 89c ....89c m . ....._. ._ - ._ .... T it I Gaytees The Smart Stormy Weather Footwear by GOODYEAR . New fashions demand the correct boot for every type of costume. .an NOW 4 .% The Fur-top-lacer, reminiscent of the carriage boot of several decades ago, is for dress-up and formal attire. Black, brown, and white . . for Formal Afternoons and Informal Evenings these nubby crepe daytime dresses with that delightful new invention, the Harem skirt. Also in "Thumbs-up" crepe, Friendship crepes, The Fur-Lo gaytee, a trim.- fitting pull-on of rubber, is right for tailored street ap- parel. Black or brown ... . $2.95 1K 2 ,y till e . s BARBARA GOULD PERFUMES At each new age of lovei- ness,a new fragrance to keep step with your personality l Barbara Gould has named them for the ages of beauty they serve: TEN for the junior miss-the springlike, fresh fra- grance of the'teens.TWENTY- FIVE is sophisticated, light and gay. THIRTY hints at still richer depths of personality. FORTY is the perfume of beauty in full flower. The flacons are in 4 sizes, priced from 55c t 0$5.50 LAVENA 60c Size NOW 49c 2-minute Oatmeal Facial FOR ROUGH, DRY SKIN LARGE PORES, BLACKHEADS PIMAND'S Triple Compact-Loose Powder Formerly $3.50 $1.50 25c - 50c - $1.00 PACQUIN'S HAND CREAM 25c - 45c - 89c 60c PHILLIP'S Milk of Magnesia Cleansing Cream 59c $1.00 Stein's PERIWINKLE DUSTING POWDER 59c I matelasse, and velvets. popular shades. 16.95 All others 12.95 /o 39.75 A014 i wJI 3inLmr~f 01 L---- i l GI 1 III I I _ II U I11 KLEXLZIJhexesv tjr-