T I IC IGAN III ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1935 U. S. Urged To JoinLeague By Prof. Slosson Allen Criticizes Method Of Inventory In Press Club Address (Continued from Page 1) "does not involve us in international cooperative responsibilities which run squarely counter to the detached neutrality for which I speak. "The Kellogg Pact was a declara- tion of faith . . . not a contract for mutual action. A treaty for outlaw- ing war cannot become a contract for making war on a wholesale scale," he continued. He then quoted a wire from Senator William E. Borah, (Rep., Ida.), on the question of mu- tual action responsibilities. "I agree with you entirely as to the Kellogg Pact. I can see no possible construction which would lend sup- port to the theory of League sanc- tions. Neither in letter nor in spirit will it bear that construction," Sen- ator Borah stated in his reply. "Do we thus desert the cause of peace in not cooperating with the League?" Senator Vandenberg asked. "We do not! Our own independent neutrality formula is the most em- phatic attack ever made upon war as-an instrumentality of national pol- icy. It quarantines war as an insti- tution. It abandons all idea of na- tural profit out of war - which is more than any other land on earth has done. Devoted To Own Peace "While we are greatly devoted to world peace, we are devoted first of all to our own peace," the speaker concluded. "We have learned that inadequate and inconclusive neutral- ity leads into, rather than out of trouble. "I am not interested in determina- tions tof war or peace for the Amer- ican people on the basis of trade con- siderations or monetary gain . . . I claim for the new policy a degree of honorable and pacific hope that, by minding our own business, we may help save America from wars that need be none of our concern." A viewpoint diametrically opposed to Senator Vandenberg's insistence that hope for American peace lay only in independent action was ad- vanced at the general session of the Press Club yesterday afternoon by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his- tory department, who urged not only that the United States cooperate with the League of Nations, but that America should enter the League and help formulate its policy. "The best way for the United States to ensure peace would be for the United States to enter the League," Professor Slosson stated. "In the first place it would allow us a controlling voice in League policy, and in the second place it would never allow a policy to arise conflicting with our interests." Problem Of Neutral Trade "The neutrality problem is largely one of neutral trade," the speaker declared, adding that it had been made acute by the Italo-Ethiopian combat. Only twice, he pointed out, has the United States intervened in European wars: in 1812 in the war be- tween Great Britain and Napoleon, and in 1917 in the World War. "In both cases our entry was dic- tated by our efforts to maintain neu- tral rights-freedom of the seas," Professor Slosson maintained. "In 1917 we were defending our rights to sell munitions of war to any belliger- ent in a position to buy them. Now our policy forbids it." He explained the difference be- tween our policy and that of the League by likening the sanctions to boycotts, and the American neutral- ity to an embargo only on one class of product: contraband. "In law we are neutral, in fact we are not," he continued. "Whether the neutral refrains from trade or not, his action in so doing will hurt one belligerent and help the other, since the two cannot be equal." Envisions Italo-League War The speaker then set up as a hypo- thesis military sanctions or a block- ade against Italy on the part of the League Powers, eventually leading to war. He pointed out the conflict which would then arise if the United Sates maintained its right to trade with Italy. "Are there any dangers in our sit- uation?" he asked in enlarging upon this point. "They would arise only if the League declares a boycott on Italy, in which case they would arise from the clashing of League sanc- tions and the United States neutral- ity policy. In that case, our neutrali- PRINTING LOWEST PRICES PROGRAMS, BIDS, STATIONERY THE ATHENS PRESS Downtown, North of Postoffice Will Repetition Of Scenes Like This Occur Soon? -Associated Press Photo. Tension increased in Shanghai, China, over the slaying of a Japanese marine as new incidents, including the window smashing of a Japanese-owned store by a Chinese mob, arose to complicate the situation. Hundreds of Chinese, fearful of reprisals, fled the Chapei district for the international settlement, using the bridge shown above. This picture was taken during the 1932 Sino-Japanese conflict. Note soldiers behind the sandbag barricade at the right. Planstt Relate Lecture Facts To Present Realities Auto Deaths On Increase In Michigan Reports Indicate Greatest Number Of Fatalities In Last Three Years Death has been taking anything but a holiady, the figures released by the State Safety Council on traffic fatalities in Michigan for 1935 show. Traffic deaths in the state will run in excess of the total for any of the past three years if the present rate is maintained, the report shows. The total number of fatalities in state traffic accidents was 1,222 in 1932, and 288 of these occurred in Detroit and 934 outside of the city. In 1933 these were reduced to a total of 921 deaths of which 295 were in Detroit and 626 outside the metropol- itan area. There was an increase in the total deaths for 1934 to 943, with 331 in Detroit and 612 in the state outside of Detroit, and a steady in- crease in the proportion of deaths in Detroit has been noted for the years of 1933 and 1934. Figures on the number of fatali- ties during the first eight months of 1935 show that there was a total of 918, with deaths in Detroit 189 but increasing outside the city to 749 for the period, or to more than the en- tire year of either 1933 or 1934. The tabulations of the safety coun- cil also shows a marked rise in drunk- en drivers involved in accidents. As against a comparatively minor number of persons involved in acci- dents while under the influence of liquor in 1932 and 1933, there were 1,733 drivers last year involved in accidents resulting in injuries to per- sons or property damage, and this year, up to Sept. 1, there were 1,469. To counteract this mounting num- ber of accidents the Michigan State Police, and various cities of the state, including Detroit, Flint, Grand Rap- ids, and Muskegon ,are sponsoring councils, safety leagues, and "Drive Safely" meetings. As a result of the drive in Detroit, following three weeks of intensive work in the interests of safety, an extra ordinary three-day respite from traffic deaths was obtained, which, however, was terminated Sunday night, when the 299th Detroit traffic victim of 1935 was killed. Angell To Discuss Student Problems All students are invited to Lane Hall at 4:30 p.m. today to hear Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sociology de- partment discuss the sociological and psychological problems confronting University students, it was announced last night. I Miriam Hall, Grad., chairman of the Student Christian Association committee on social study and action, will be in charge of the discussion. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214 The classified columns close atfive )'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at ne axtra charge. Cash in advance 11c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. i1c per reading line for three or more Minimum 3 lines per Insertion. relephone rate -15c per reading line for two or more insertions. 10%/ discount if paid within ten days Minimum three lines per insertion. from the date of last insertion. By contract, per line -t2 lines daily, one month................8c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months ........8c 2 lines daily, college year.......7c 4 lines E.O.D., 2 months..........8c 100 lines used as desired.........9c 300 lines used as desired..........8c 1,000 lines used as desired........7c 2,000 lines used as desired.......6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add Sc per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 72 point type. LOST AND FOUND LOST: Wednesday night: amethyst ring. Valuable to owner. Phone 9080. 107 LOST: Nasau wrist watch near An- gell Hall. Call A. Hafke, 9749. 104 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Genuine Leopard swag- ger coat. Excellent condition. Size 14 to 16. Phone 9486. 105 LAUNDRY STUDENT HAND LAUNDRY: Prices reasonable. Free delivery. Phone 3006. 6x LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sax darned. Careful work at low price. lx PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi- cient service. All new cabs. 3x Speech Teachers-I T0 Hold Convention Prof. G. E. Densmore of the speech department, executive secretary of the National Association of Teachers of Speech, announced yesterday that the twentieth annual convention of the Association will be held in Chi- cago from Dec. 30 through Jan. 1. The Association, which publishes the Quarterly Journal of Speech at the University. will meet in joint session with the American Speech Correction Association and the Na- tional Theater Conference. Arleigh B. Williamson of New York University, and president of the as- sociation has a iounced that a part of the session will be devoted to a celebration of the twentieth anniver- sary. All of the activities of the group will be held in the Stevens Hotel. __ _ Classified Directory Declares Students' Foreign Attitude Is Too Cynical, Yet Too Idealistic By I. S. SILVERMAN "The factual knowledge acquired by the students in lecture courses was unrelated in their minds to present realities." This was the conclusion arrived at by Dr. Karl Polanyi of Vienna and brought to light at the conven- tion of the Institute of International Education recently attended by Dr. William W. Bishop, University li- brarian, who is a trustee of the In- stitute. Dr. Polanyi visited and lec- tured at 24 colleges and universities in the southern states sponsored by the Institute which published his "Reflections On A Visit to Southern Colleges" in the pamphlet "Extra- mural Lectures." This political scientist, author, and lecturer explained in his analysis his conception of the mentality of the students by remarking on their in- ability to correlate history to present conditions. "History was past; the problems of today were in the pres- ent. There was no connection be- ty policies would never ensure peace, for they must clash with those of other powers. "Therefore it would be best for the United States to be on the inside of the League looking out." A criticism of the lack of proper in- ventory and sorting of land in Mich- igan was expressed by Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School of Forestry and Conservation at the general ses- ion of the University Press Club of Michigan in the Union yesterday afternoon. "No truth has been more disre- garded than that lad may be best used if it can first be subjected to inventory and sorting," Professor Al- len said. "Lack of this is responsible for human failures, deserted farms, and bankrupt local governments." Among the land reforms needed in Michigan, Professor Allen listed the following: re-establishment of the Land Economic Survey; soft pedal- ing of our thinking of recreation as pulling us out of our economic diffi- culties; and pushing the popularity of the rural zoning law. The now dead Land Economic Sur- vey was highly praised by Professor Allen for its work in classifying and sorting out land for proper usage. While the board was in existence it surveyed 18 counties and a large num- ber of projects, he said. The State Planning Commission, he added, also died because it was misunderstood. UNIVERSITY GRILL and tea room 0 -- Special NOON LUNCHEON 25c Special EVENING DINNER 45c CHICKEN and STEAK DINNERS, 55c WAFFLES - SANDWICHES 615 East William Street tween them. Their knowledge of in- ternational law and world affairs was entirely academic." Dr. Polanyi remarked that al- though his function was to teach, heI had also learned a great deal about American concepts, ideas and meth- ods. He comprehended the attitude of a country free from the fear of sudden aggression; "the educational achievement of a college system that is raising the average level of attain- ment in this country beyond anything] known before; the social importance of a type of higher education that almost invariably combines both the physical and the mental training of the average student." Concerning the students interest in foreign affairs, Polanyi was surprised to find it so widespread and of a spontaneous, unconscious and in- stinctive quality. But he remarked that the academic knowledge in for- eign affairs was of the wrong kind. In explaining this he said the con- cepts and valuations dominating the minds of these students were "a most, curious mixture of an unrealistic idealism and a super-realistic cynic- ism." Good will and understanding as a means of avoiding wars were un- critically overrated as was the ca- pacity of selfish sectional trade in- terests to force wars upon otherwise peaceful communities. Outlook Provincial The entire outlook was provincial, he said, as in relation to the ques- tion of racial minorities in Europe. The students failed to understand this problem since they compared it to the problem of racial differences in America. "Paradoxically enough, in the minds of the students the two ex- tremes of idealistic illusionism and credulous cynicism seemed to mike one consistent whole . . . . It was only consistent that war would disappear by itself once people were cured of their folly or were debarred from fooling their fellows." In speaking of the students' con- cept of America's neutral policy he stated that disastrous for peace would be the erroneous belief that if only one's own nation did not wish for war, it would be immune in the danger of war. This illusion would leave the country open to the work- ing of all the forces which, if al- lowed to continue, would make war inevitable and thus cause the nation to suffer precisely the fate which it wished most passionately to avoid." Neutrality Must Be Fought For The United States has assumed a permanent neutral position but Pol- anyi deemed it necessary to point out to his audiences the little realized fact that every neutrality must be fought for and "It is the fate of neu- tralized countries that they cannot choose their opponents in war. They must fight the belligerent country which did not respect their neutrality even if their sympathies are with this, country as against the other bellig- erent." In this instance he com- pared the United States to Switzer- land. He also cited the economic disaster accompanying an embargo measure as the effect upon the South when an embargo was placed upon cotton in the last war. He offered a sugges- tion for a more pragmatic approach to the solution of our problems. Dr. Polanyi stressed the importance of and intelilgent and educated pub- lic opinion to aid the Executive in maintaining a democratic and supple foreign policy. In this he looks to the colleges and students to be most prominent in the formation of the enlightened public opinion. "A sys- tematic study of current history," he continued "with the aid of the daily' press could be an extremely useful aid in educating colleges to become an important factor in moulding public opinion." But he asserts that "Unless intelligent public opinion is so lithe, keen and quick that it is able to react instantaneously and there- by control the editorial comment of the newspapers themselves, the press remains almost the only, and in that case, certainly a very incomplete ve- hicle for the formation of public opinion," for he appropriately re- marks "history happens in the news- papers." No Traditional Policy Dr. Polanyi states that it is diffi- cult to mould public opinion in this nation which has at this early stage no traditional foreign policy, but he disregarded three principal Ameri- can foreign policies usually consid- ered traditional, namely, the "no en- tanglement" principle set down by Washington, the Monroe Doctrine, and the Open Door Policy in China. Polanyi sees a "most fortunate cir- cumstance for the country" existing because party politics have not taken hold of foreign policy "as it has of almost every other function of na- tional life." The Institute of International Ed- ucation is primarily concerned with providing lecturers such as Dr. Pol- anyi for the small colleges which can- not afford to furnish the students this requisite service. Its members number many of the foremost lumin- aries in the field of education. Be- sides Dr. Bishop, others on the board of trustees are: Frank Aydelotte, Jo- seph P. Chamberlain, Thomas W. Lamont, John Basset More, and Henry Morgenthau. WAD WANTED: Room, privileges, by woman. Phone' WTED light housekeeping mature graduate 7347. 106 VEGETABLE SPECIALS APPLES WAGNERS-... 10 LBS. GREENINGS JOHNATHANS BANANAS . 30c BALDWINS Home Grown Celery Hearts Cauliflower and Brussel Sprouts Good Eating Pears, 10 lbs. 25c FARM MARKET 320 E. Liberty Phone 9778 Open Evenings and Sundays 4 " No MICH IGAN " I MAJESTIC Mat. & Batc. Eve. - 25c Main Floor Eve. - - 35c LAST SHOWING DOUBLE FEATURE 'ZjVuk2~or Pe '2 doP \A Int SeCo°1 n Cp i tam P A STORY OF VEN TOLD IN Plus- GE(ORGEBURNS - - GRACIE Kz TRUE TURE FILM! ALLEN I I!- DAILY MWHITNEY 1:30 to 11 P.M. NOW 15c to 6 P.M. 25c after 6 . I I " CMESCOOKIE" .I . . I