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November 14, 1935 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-14

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Private Duty
Nurses Meet
For Institute
Dr. S. L. LaFever To Speak
At First Session At 9
A.M. Saturday
Representatives of the private duty
nurses throughout the state are as-
sembled today in Ann Arbor for the
institute to be held through Saturday
morning. The convention offers op-
portunities for nurses located in the
smallest community to learn the mod-
ern methods and appliances that the
best hospitals offer, and for hearing
leading authorities on medical and
surgical practice.
Nurses will be enabled to see the
equipment peculiar to each hospital
in actual operation and to study it
since sessions will be held at several
of these institutions. These include
the University Hospital, St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital and Ypsilanti State
The visitors will register this morn-
ing at St. Joseph's Hospital, prior to
the first sessions which meets at 9
a.m. with Miss Margaret Staley pre-
siding. The principal talk will be
given by Dr. S. L. LaFever of the
hospital staff, who will speak on "Re-
cent Trends in Obstetrics," and at 10
a.m. Dr. Harry Kirschbaum of De-
troit will -present motion pictures
along with his talk on "Recent Trends
in Obstetrical Analgesics."
In the afternoon a trip has been
planned through the wards of the
Ypsilanti State Hospital affording the
nurses an opportunity to learn of
hydrotherapy and occupational ther-
Several sessions will be held to-
morrow, and the final meeting will be
at 9 a.m. Saturday morning at which
Dr. H. Marvin Pollard of the internal
medicine faculty will discuss "Diag-
nostic Procedures and Conservative
Treatment of Pulmonary Tubercu-
losis." The concluding address on
"Developments in Thoracic Surgery"
will be delivered by Dr. John Alex-
ander, professor of surgery.
Heneman Points
Out Importance
Of Elections
Says National Government
Will Go Back Into Office
With Heavy Losses
(Continued from Page 1)
in today's vote, he cited its gains in
bi-elections held since 1931.
Provided the National government
bears out predictions of its victory,
Dr. Heneman looks for a reorganiza-
tion of its cabinet. While Baldwin
will probably keep the premiership,
there will undoubtedly be some
changes, he said. Ramsay MacDonald,
who formed the National Govern-
ment when his Labor government col
lapsed in 1931, stands a chance of
not being reelected from his home
district of Seham, Dr. Heneman stat-
ed. Should MacDonald, whom true
Laborites are calling a traitor, be de-
feated, the political scientist believes
he will be elevated to a peerage if his
continued presence in the cabinet is
Wants Rearmament
The strong point in the National
Government's manifesto, or platform,
Dr. Heneman emphasized, is that it
alone can bring confidence in gov-
ernment. The platform declares the
government should be reelected be-
cause of its "rescuing the country

from the depression and building on
a sound foundation," Dr. Heneman
pointed out.
The Labor government collapsed
in a crisis, the Coalition government
charges, and our men are the only
ones who can really be trusted. As
promised, Dr. Heneman continued,
they set forth the following: a widen-
ing of education facilities; improve-
ment of public health: "a sound pub-
lic works program"; continued trade
policies (a sizeable tariff); better un-
employment relief; and attempts, to
secure bilateral commercial treaties
for trade agreements.
National Platform
In the international iield, Dr.
Heneman stated, the National Gov-
ernment has declared for "rearma-
ment in order to make England strong
enough to support the League and
maintain peace," and points to the
experience of their men in foreign
relations as proof that they should
be continued in office.
Salient criticism, of the government
set forth by the Opposition Labor
party, as outlined by Dr. Heneman,
are: that the government acted be-
latedly in supporting the League and
should really be ashamed of its kon-
duct at Geneva; that the best de-
fense is not rearmament but the or-
ganization of a collective security

'Story-Book' Editors Attend
University Press Club -Meeting
Outstanding State Editors From the Clinton County Republi-
Among 200 Publishers can at St. Johns will come the bald-
-headed but youthful loking ntchuyler
At Convention Mrhllsyerspeintote
club. And from the Chesaning Ar-
By FRED WARNER NEAL gus is former state senator Chester
It will be the picturesque, story- M. Howell, long secretary of the
book type of country editor, who, a Michigan State Fair Secretaries As-
kindly philosopher, is everything from sociation.
doctor to religious counsellor in his Little Galesburg will contribute the
small community, will predominate kindly, earnest Scarth Inglis, who
among the 200 newspapermen who with Mrs. Inglis runs the Argus. And
come here today for the University another little town, Holly, will send
Press Club meeting. tall, benign Joe Haas, who edits the
Foremost among them will be the Herald.
short, smiling MurltH. Defoe of the From the typographically-correct
Charlotte Republican-Tribune. Af- Plymouth Mail will come the portly
fectionately called "Doc" by all who Elton R. Eaton, executive secretary
know him, he is probably the most to Alex Grosbeck when he was gover-
widely quoted editor in Michigan. nor and a Republican candidate for
Another is the tall, distinguished- Congress next year. The Royal Oak
looking Vernon Brown of the Ingham Tribune will send correctly-dressed
County News at Mason. A member George Miller.
of the lower house of the state legis-I From the Birmingham Eccentric,
lature and an authority on taxation, one of the largest weeklies in Michi-
his excellent paper carries frequent- gan, will come its editor the widely-
ly editorials decrying smoking on the known George Averill, and from the
part of University women - despite Zeeland Record will come white-
the fact that Mr. Brown smokes long, haired Adrian B. Van Covering, ac-
black cigars. tive prohibitionist.
m.__ 41. .,, IIi. c 1

Classified Directory

Place advertisements with Classified
advertising Department. Phone 2-i214.
The classified columns close at five
Yclock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
extra charge.
Cash in advance tic per readingline
(on basis of five average words to
line) forsone ortwo insertions.
lOc per reading line for three or more
Minimum 3 lines per insertion.
Telephone rate -15c per reading line
for two or more insertions.
10%h discount if paid within ten days
Minimumnthree lines per insertion.
from the date of last insertion.
By contract, per line - 2 lines daily, one
month. ..... ..........8c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months.........8c
2 lines daily, college year........7c
4 lines E.O.D., 2 months..........c
100 lines used as desired..........9c
300 lines used as desired ..........8c
1,000 lines used as desired .........7c
2,000 lines used as desired ........6c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
3c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per line to above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c
per line to above rates for bold face
capital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point

FOR SALE: Genuine Leopard swag-
ger coat. Excellent condition. Size
14 to 16. Phone 9486. 105
STATIONERY: Printed with your
name and address. 100 sheets, 100
envelopes. $1.00. Many styles.
Craft Press, 305 Maynard. 9a

Dr. Townsend To Speak
At Battle Creek Tonight
BATTLE CREEK, Nov. 13. -(W) -
Dr. F. E. Townsend, author of the
Townsend old age pension plan, will
address adherents of the movement
here tomorrow night. The local
Townsend club announced yesterday
that it would support Verner W.
Main, in the special Republican con-
gressional primary for the third dis-

13,228 Given Jons In
State During Past Week
DETROIT, Nov. 13.-(P) - Maj.
Howard Starret, state director of the
national reemployment service, re-
ported today that 13,228 Michigan
men and women were given jobs in
Michigan last week, more than double
the number of placements during the
previous week and the largest num-
ber since the inception of the reem-
ployment service.

Moved across the street to 1114
South University. Soft water
shampoo and finger wave, 50c.
Special on all permanents. Strictly
sanitary. 8x
MAC'S TAXI - 4289. Try our effi-
cient service. All new cabs. 3x
reasonable. Free delivery. Phone
3006. 6x




Letters From 1880
Professorial Visit
Appear In Alumnus
In 1880 a professor from Berea
College, which is located in Ohio,
visited Ann Arbor for a short time
and while on the campus wrote his
observations to the editor of his
home-town newspaper. In that day,
his correspondence was probably
looked upon as just another letter
to the editor, but time has enhanced
those letters' interest and today they
are to be found published in the latest
Michigan Alumnus.'
James Burril Angell was president
of the University at this time, and
both the campus and its customs were
quite unlike they are today. The stu-
dents, for example, were neither
marked nor graded. Those who passed
their examinations successfully were
reported "passed' 'to the Secretary
and the subjects passed placed to
their credit.
The author of these letters, who
signed himself cryptically, V. W., con-
tinued, "the student may thus finish
the prescribed number of studies and
take the degree at the end of th'
four years, the usual time, or, if he
be industrious, he may abridge the
period considerably. Slower intel-
lects, on the- other hand, and those
who have to teach during their course
for support, can bide their time."
Strangely enough this is a method
that has been reverted to in our time.
The faculty at this time was com-
posed of professors, assistant profes-
sors, and tutors, and V. W. observed
that this was similar to the organi-
zation of German universities of that
against any aggressor; that the Na-
tional government has not used all
means at its command to combat the
depression, there still being 2,000,000
persons unemployed and more than
1,500,000 on poor law relief.
"The Laborites declare that 'we
will pursue our policy of socialistic
reconstruction' if elected and will
put into effect schemes for public
ownership of large industries and
land, to be carried out by consti-
tutional and democratic means. They
also advocate abolition of the House
of Lords," Dr. Heneman said, "and
conclude by asking the nation for a
parliamentary majority in order 'to
promote socialism at home and peace
He doubts, however, if they would
really be able to put a socialistic pro-
gram into practice if they were elect-
ed, citing the Laborites' lack of strong
leaders. Also, "things have unques-
tionably picked up in England under
the National government," he added.
Practically agreeing with the Labor
party in international policies, the
Opposition Liberals attack the Na-
tional government coalition for the
lack of aggression and initiative in
embarking on reconstruction plans
to improve the domestic economic
sitaution, according to Dr. Heneman.
Their key point, he said, is their ad-
vocacy of free trade.
Commentating on the campaign in
general, Dr. Heneman pointed out
that "It is interesting to observe that
Sir Oswald Mosely's Fascist organi-
zation has put forth no candidates."
Sir Oswald declared earlier that he
would run some candidates, Dr. Hene-
man said, but evidently withdrew
them when he saw his philosophy
frowned upon by the general public.
" Class and individual
Instruction in all types
of dancing. Teachers
course. Terrace Garden
Dancing Studio Wuerth
Theatre Bldg. Ph. 9695

There will be many other small-
town editors-all men who are1
proud to be designated as such, men
who have devoted their lives to serv-
ing rural America and who have done
it well. This is their big time of the
year, and they enjoy it and take back
to their villages many constructive
Faculty Paintings
Placed On Display
Paintings and drawings of five fac-
ulty members and 10 former students
of the drawing and painting depart-
ment of the architectural college are
on display at the Exhibition of Mich-
igan Artists whch opened Tuesday.
The five faculty members whose
works are exhibited are: Prof. Myronl
B. Chapin; Prof. Ernest Harrison
Barnes; Prof. Jean Paul Slusser;
Prof. A. Mastero-Valerio; and Beav-
er Edwards.
Works of the following former stu-
dents are on display: Ruth Abrams,
who withdrew from the University in
1928; Henry S. Booth, '24A; William
S. Fanning, who withdrew from the
University in 1911; Frederick Fuger,
'31A; Lilly E. Goodhew; Hunter Grif-,
fith, '20A; Maxine Rosenthal Le-
yin; Oren Parker, who withdrew from
the University in 1934; Jonathan
Taylor, '29A; and Frederick K.
Wykes, '27.
Honorable mention was given to
Professor Slusser as runner-up for
the Detroit Museum of Art Founders'
Prize with his painting, "Anne Ma-
Professor Slusser won the Found-
ers' Prize in 1931 with his painting,
"White Still Life."
PORT HURON, Nov. 13.--QP)-
Fourteen-year-old Francis McClure
is dead today, the sixth member of
his family to die in tragic circum-
stances within four years. He and his
brother, Stephen, 11, rode their
scooters in front of an automobile
Monday. Stephen was killed. Francis
died yesterday afternoon.

LOST: Nasau wrist watch near An-
gell Hall. Call A. Hafke, 9749.
Hold Reception
For Chemistry
An informal reception for all grad-
uate students in chemistry, faculty
members and their wives, and other
guests will be held at 8 p.m. tonight
in the Grand Rapidsand Ethel Foun-
tain Hussey Rooms of the League.
In order to encourage attendance at
the get-together, which officials said
lwas to bring into closer contact with
each other graduate students in the
various fields of chemistry, those
students who are on the campus for
the first year will be escorted to the
meeting by persons who are more
familiar with University surround-
ings. There will be a list posted con-
taining the names of all those attend-
The receiving line will include Prof.
Moses Gomberg, chairman of the
chemistry department, and Miss
Gomberg; Prof. Alfred H. White,
head of the chemical engineering de-
partment, and Mrs. White; Prof.
Howard B. Lewis, Director of the
College of Pharmacy and also a rep-
resentative for biochemistry, and
Mrs. Lewis; Dean Clarence S. Yoak-
um of the Graduate school and Mrs.
The sponsors of the meeting are
Alpha Chi Sigma, professional chemi-
cal fraternity; Iota Sigma Pi, honor-
ary chemical sorority; and Phi Lamb-
da Upsilon, honorary chemical fra-
ternity. All invitations were extend-
ed through the mails.

LAUNDRY 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at Iow price. lx
BAKERSFIELD, Calif., Nov. 13.-
(P)-The heroism of a dying army
pilot who brought his three passen-
gers to a safe landing before he col-
lapsed at the controls was lauded
today as an autopsy was started on
the body of Capt. Donald Buckman.
The 34-year-old pilot's companions
from March Field, Calif., were un-
aware that Capt. Buckman was ill
until he collapsed in the arms of field
attendants late yesterday. He set his
plane down faultlessly.




a n'a

__.._ _ _




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