The Weather Generally fair, and slightly warmer today; tomorrow un- setdled, possibly rain. Y 4 A6F AftY ga f1tr t xil Editorials A Victory or Political Honesty. A College Education And "Dollars And Cents"... VOL. XLVI. No. 40 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1935- PRICE FIVE CENTS Vandenberg Will Speak At Press Meeting Tonight Returns Of English Vote Are Awaited Far Eastern Situation Is More Acute Runquist, Merrill Easily Win Class Presidencies; 615 Seats To Be Commons; 37 Be Contestedr Filled In Will Not Japan's Leader Killed Temple By Daughter Executed General In Of Voting Unusually g Light Junior Senator Expecte To Discuss His Propose Neutrality Legislation Ruthven To Address Group At Banquet Prof. H.M. Jones To Speak On 'The University And Public Opinion' Members of the University Press Club of Michigan will convene today for their 17th annual meeting here and will open a three-day session o speeches by nationally prominen politicians and journalists and mem- bers of the University faculty. Sen. Arthur H. Vandenberg will dis- cuss for the first time the conclu- sions reached in the study of the neutrality question he has only re- cently completed, in an address on "Can America Stay Out of the Next War?" to be delivered after the open- ing banquet tonight. Senator Van- denberg's speech, which is to be the principal address of the convention will be open to the public, and will be given following the banquet, which begins at 6:30 p.m., in the Union Ballroom. To Discuss Neutrality In this speech it is expected that Michigan's junior senator, now men- tioned as a possible Republican can- didate in the. next presidential elec- tion, will reveal his proposed neu- trality legislation to be presented to Congress in the February session, and will discuss the Neutrality Act just recently passed and put into effect. Senator Vandenberg was former- ly a member of the Press Club as editor of the Grand Rapids Herald. The convention will open this morning with registration at the Union, followed by , general lunch- eon for all members at 12 noon. The luncheon will be followed at 1:30 p.m. by the first general session. Prof. Shirley W. Allen of the School of Forestry and Conservation will open with a talk on "Sorting And Using Our Wild Lands." He will be fol- lowed by Prof. Preston W. Slosson, who will speak on "Neutrality and the Munitions Program." Ruthven To Speak At the banquet before Senator Vandenberg's address, the press men will be addressed by President Alex- ander Ruthven. The journalism department, which is sponsoring the convention, yester- day announced the addition of Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the political science department to the program for the general session Friday after- noon. His talk on "The Neutrality Policy" is to be followed by a gen- eral group discussion. The topic of Prof. Howard Mum- ford Jones' speech before the group Friday night banquet has been an- nounced as "The University and Public Opinion." Select State Street Junior Party Slate The junior class caucus of the State Street party was held last night at the Chi Psi fraternity, and a ten- tative slate was drawn up by the in- dependents and the 22 houses repre- sented. Tomn Oyler, Beta Theta Pi, was se- lected to run for the presidency, and Loluis Goldberg, independent, was nominated for the position of treas- urer. A general caucus will be held at 8 p.m. tonight at the Sigma Chi house to consider candidates for the re- maining offices. Florida Cities Hit By Earth Shocks ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla., Nov. 13. - (A") - A brief earth shock was felt here at 10:30 p.m. EST tonight. Al- though no damage was reported im- mediately, the tremor was felt all over the city and on nearby Anas- tasia islands. ALASKA, Fla., Nov. 13. - (P) - Residents all over this north Florida city felt two earth tremors tonight. dGov. Herring Plans To Pardon Himself For Porcine Wager ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 13. - (') - The pig that made front pages-as the payment of gubernatorial wagers - may cause Gov. Clyde L. Herring, of Iowa, to write out a pardon for himself, he said tonight. The Governor refused to become worried, however, when informed he y had been charged with gambling in Iowa as a result of the bet he made fwith Gov. Floyd B. Olson of Minne- t sota on the outcome of the Iowa- Minnesota football game last Satur- day. "It looks as if I might have to write out a pardon for myself when I get home tomorrow," he laughed. "But if this reported charge looks like a big legal job, I'll invite Gover- nor Olson in for consultation." Governor Herring earlier today personally paid off the bet he lost, herding a prize 265-pound Iowa pig, "Big Boy Floyd of Rosedale," into the Minnesota capital. 'House Placed On Probation By Committee Interfraternity C o u n c i l Punishes For Infraction Of Initiation Rules A fraternity, the identity of which was not disclosed, was placed on so- cial probation until Feb. 1 and or- dered not to hold an initiation until after spring vacation for infraction of the Interfraternity Council initia- tion rules, it was announced last night by George R. Williams, '36, president. of the council. Failure of the fraternity to comply with that section of the rules which requires a house to receive permis- sion to hold an initiation from the office of the Dean of Students was the basis of the disciplinary measures laid down by the executive committee of the council, Williams said. It was stated that the fraternity partially complied with the regula- tions inasmuch as it submitted a pe- tition to hold the initiation. It held the initiation on the date designated without knowing that the petition had not been granted because of the ineligibility of the pledge. Social, probation is interpreted by the council to deny the fraternity per- mission to sponsor dances or social. functions of any kind. The disciplinary measures were comparatively lenient, Paul W. Phil- ips, '36, secretary of the council, ex- plained, because of the fraternity's ten-year record was more than sat- isfactory both in social functions and in scholarship. Williams stated last night that the action taken in this case was intended partly as a warning to other frater- nities who were believed to have broken or who are about to break registrations in the same manner. Reich Angered By Memel Appointment; KAUNSAS, Lithuania, Nov. 13.-(')} - In the face of an uproar in Ger- many over, the reported appointment of the Lithuanian M. Borchertas as president of the Memel territory's di- rectorate, it was announced semi- officially tonight Borchertas "merely has been charged with exploring the possibilities of formation of a new directorate." - An open split in the Memel diet resulted from refusal of the German majority to enter discussion with Borchertas with a view to forming a new directorate. It was stated authoritatively in London Wednesday that the British government had warned Lithuania . MacDonald, Simon May Face Defeat Says National Government Will Go Back Into Office With Heavy Losses LONDON, Nov. 13.- P) --Great Britain's swift but stormy general election campaign ended tonight with the main interest in how badly shak- en Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin's national government will be after the nation votes tomorrow. A victory by the national regime was expected by party leaders. They predicted a reduced but sound work- ing majority in the House of Com- mons, probably of around 150, al- though there were unknown elements, such as how liberals will vote. Several outstanding personalities, including former Prime Minister J. Ramsay MacDonald, were likely to be beaten in their constituencies. MacDonald, now Lord President of the council, is accused by the labor party of being a "traitor" to it. Others thought in danger were Sir John Simon, liberal and present home secretary, and Sir Herbert Samuel, liberal leader. Disorders and rowdyism, especially in the industrial sections of the North and West, marked the campaign. In the last general election, four years ago, the government won an unprecedented majority in Parlia- ment of 521 to 91. The current European crisis found a place to strengthen Britain's de- fenses has been the keynote of the government's campaign, while labor attacks it on rearmament plans and accused it of neglecting the unem- ployed. The voting will be upon 615 seats in the House of Commons. There are 1,348 candidates, 584 of them govern- ment ones. Labor has 551; Liberals, 151; Independents 45; and Indepen- dent Labor 17. There are 37 unopposed candidates, including Prime Minister Baldwin and 21 other government candidates. Fascists Make Strong Gains Near Hauzien Italy Annexes Makale As Flank Guards Skirmish With Ethiopians HAUZIEN, Ethiopia, Nov. 13. - UP) -A fierce charge by white-horsed Libyan lancers halted Ethiopian at- tempts to cut Italian communication lines south of this city today and pre- cipitated a bloody battle. Many were slain before the forces of Dedjazmatch Gabriet the Ethi- opian commander, were put to rout. The Ethiopians had hidden them- selves on both sides of a caravan trail leading to Hauzien (about 30 miles north of Makale). They were ef- fectively concealed in fields of maize five feet high. They waited until a long train of mules wasdwell between them, and then opened fire. At that moment, however, the Lib- yan Spahis of Col. Miecci, the cav- alry squadron which has several members of the Italian nobility among its officers, charged out. The troopers wheeled into the maize fields, ran down the Ethiopians and scattered them. MAKALE, Ethiopia, Nov. 13.-- (P) - Makale - "the city of beautiful women"-was formally annexed to Italy today while advance Fascist flank guards skirmished with the; enemy. Gen. Emilio de Bono, commander in chief of Italy's African armies, ar- rived to take possession of the city in the name of Premier Mussolini and King Victor Immanuel. Wild shouts and fierce gestures of welcome greeted him from the war- riors of Ras Gugsa, traitorous son-in- law of Emperor Haile Selassie. They were the first of the Fascist forces to enter Makale. De Bono was accom- panied by Count Galeazzo Ciano, son- C".' Reports Of Secret Accord Are Denied Complete Suppression Of Anti-Japanese Activities Demanded By Tokio (By The Associated Press) A praying woman Wednesday chose a Tientsin Buddhist temple to as- sassinate Marshal Sun Chun Fang, often called Japan's choice for lead- ership of an independent North 1China. The twenty-five-year-old, well- dressed slayer turned from an atti- tude of prayer as Sun entered the temple to attend a Buddhist meeting and'emptied her revolver at the Gen- eral. Then she calmly surrendered to police. Investigators reported that she was the daughter of the late Gen. Sze Chung Pin, and that she blamed Sun for the execution of her father. Sun, once one of the most power- ful war lords in China, has been a staunch opponent of the Nanking Government. He was 50 years old and had been living in retirement in recent years. Nanking Promise Reported At the same time reports from Shanghai said that new Japanese ac- tivities in China had been met with assurances of cooperation by the Nanking Foreign Office. The assurances were given the sec- retary of the Japanese embassy in the capital, who cited recent Shang- hai incidents, including the slaying of a Japanese Marine, to Foreign Office authorities. Newspaper reports that the Jap- anese had demanded abolition of the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist) headquarters were not confirmed by the Japanese embassy, but sharp dis- pleasure was voiced there over the party's asserted failure to halt anti- Japanese activities. Tri-Partite Pact Rumored Newspapers in Tokio carried re- ports from Hsinking, Manchoukuo, of a forthcoming secret agreement among the United States, Russia and China to keep armed forces in the Orient for maintenance of peace. Officials at the State Department in Washington described this report as "too silly and ridiculous" to de- serve notice. The report of the agreement said that Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet foreign commissar, and W. W. Yen, Chinese ambassador to Russia, had completed the pact, and that the United States was expected to join soon. It was stated authoritatively in, Tokio, however, that the headquar- ters of the Japanese Army in Man- choukuo originated the report. These informed sources said that the Jap- anese Military, which has been rum- ored to be planning new moves in North China, was attempting to create fear of the danger of Russia. NEW DORMITORY EAST LANSING, Nov. 13. - (P) - Bids for the new women's dormitory at Michigan State College will be re-; ceived Nov. 22, it was announced Tuesday. The estimated cost of the new building is $400,000. Heneman Foresees International Complications In British Vote Fate Of Baldwin Cabinet Will Be Determined By General Election By FRED WARNER NEAL Today's general election in Eng- land-the first since 1931-which is equal in importance to a presi- dential election in the United States may have far-reaching international complications, Dr. Harlow J. Hene- man of the political science depart- ment explained last night. The National Government, which was formed during the economic crisis in 1931, and putting forth a platform calling for rearmament and firmness in backing the League of Nations, is expected to be returned to office, Dr. Heneman pointed out. "However," he said, "It stands a good chance of losing some of its large ma- jority in the House of Commons." The National Government which is really a coalition and non-partisan group, now has 520 seats out of the 615 in the Commons, according to Dr. Heneman. Should it fail to win out, he said, England's attitude toward the League may be radically changed. With a naval armament conference sched- uled in London next year, the Na- tional Government's avowed rearm- Union Smoker Scheduled For November 26 Cochrane, Okeson To Talk At Event In Honor Of Football Squad Mickey Cochrane, manager of the World's Champion Detroit Tigers, and Walter Okeson, Commissioner of the Eastern Intercollegiate Athletic Association, will speak at the annual Union Football Smoker which will be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday night, Nov. 26, it was announced by Union of- ficials last night. The smoker is held in honor of the Varsity football squad and is attend- ed by the entire staff of football coaches and the members of the Var- sity-R.O.T.C. Band. Okeson is a member of the athletic department of Lehigh University, and for the past few years has been head of Eastern Intercollegiate Associa- tion. This association formulates and decides about all rules pertaining either to eligibility or to the athletic contests between the colleges and uni- versities in the East. Tickets for the Smoker are on sale at the Union desk in the main lobby and may be bought from sophomore committeemen and members of the Union executive council. ament intentions will be a factor of great influence in future internation- al arms policies, he stated. Opposing the coalition National Government, which is headed by Stanley Baldwin, Conservative party leader, are the Opposition Laborites and Opposition Liberals, of which the Laborites are the more formidable, according to the British government expert of the political science depart- ment. Advocates Program The labor party, advocating a so- cialistic program at home and scoring the government's rearmament poli- cies, is also backing the League, but charges the cabinet with insincerity in its international program, Dr. Heneman said. "Why did it not back the League against Japan in Man- churia?" the Laborites ask. The Lib- eral party, small i numbers, also supports the Government interna- tionally, but have set forth their tra- ditional doctrines of free trade as essential to improvement in the ec- onomic situation in Great Britain, Dr. Heneman advised. In answer to these, Dr. Heneman said, the National Government, which is mostly supported by the Conservative party, declares to the British people that confidence is, at this juncture of affairs, an all-im- portant thing, and only in the Na- tional Government can they really have confidence. Standing out in the hot campaign that ended yesterday is the charge of the opposition that the Government is calling the general election at this time in order to confuse the real is- sue and use the unanimity of opinion over the Government's firmness in backing the League to its personal advantage in domestic affairs, Dr. Heneman explained. Attitude Of George "A shabby trick" was the way David Lloyd George, famed war- time prime minister, now Opposition Liberal leader, termed the election. And Viscount Philip Snowden, form- er chancellor of the exchequer under the National coalition who is now swinging toward the Opposition Laborites, designated it as a "trick election." "It is probably true that the Na- tional Government is calling the election at this time because it is particularly advantageous to it," Heneman explained, "but all govern- ments do that, and always the oppo- sition complains of unfairness." Despite the fact that today is a time advantageous to the National Government, it will probably lose heavily to the Laboritesaccording to Dr. Heneman, although still main- taining a working majority. If the Government is successful today, "as it probably will be," it probably can continue in office for five years, Dr. Heneman believes. To back his contention that the Labor party will win in many districts (Continued on Page 2) Frank J. Navin, Tigers' Owner, Dies Of Attack DETROIT, Nov. 13. - () - Frank J. Navin, 64, owner of baseball's world champions, the Detroit Tigers, and vice-president of the American League, died today an hour after he fell from his horse at the Detroit Riding and Hunt Club. Heart dis- ease caused his death. First inkling of the tragedy came when Mrs. Navin, riding some dis- tance behind her husband on the bridle path, saw his gentle Irish jumper, galloping toward her rider- less. Mrs. Navin followed the horse to the stable and with L. W. Droeger, manager of the Hunt Club, and Mrs. Droeger, Mrs. Navin made a frantic search of the riding grounds for 15 minutes before discovering her hus- band in a clump of tall grass. 'good Old Days' Spirit Is Lacking; Coalition Party Sweeps Literary Offices Baker Slate Wins In Business School Lack Of Preparation For Elections Caused Poor Attendance, Dixon Says By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. Apathetic turnouts characterized senior elections held yesterday after- noon in the literary college, engineer- ing college, and the business admin- istration school. Only 162 votes were cast for the office of president in the literary col- lege, in notable contrast to the "good old days" when electoral turnouts of between 400 and 500 were common. The Washtenaw-Coalition Party of the literary college swept its en- tire slate into office, meeting the pre- dicted weak opposition from a hastily organized "eleventh hour" group whose candidates were selected late Tuesday night. The voting was as follows: Russell Runquist, Theta Xi, de- feated William Renner, Alpha Sigma Phi, for president, 117 to 45; Betty Green, Martha Cook, who was unop- posed for the office of vice-president, polled 130 votes; Sue Thomas, Delta Gamma, defeated Margaret Cowie, Alpha Phi, for secretary, 123 to 38; and Robert Sullivan, Phi Sigma Kappa, defeated William R. Reed, Independent, for treasurer, 114 to 46. Merrill Wins The Fraternity-Independent party in the engineering college mowed down the unnamed opposition party which was organized, it appears, late yesterday afternoon to make a true election out of what would otherwise have been a mere ratification. The balloting: Robert Merrill, Phi Gamma Delta, defeated Charles Framburg, Delta Tau Delta, for president, 54 to 17; Rupert Bell, Independent, defeated Robert Stevens for vice-president, 50 to 21; Sheldon Drennan, Alpha Delta Phi, defeated Robert Auburn for sec- retary, 51 to 18; and Howard Jack- sorl, Independent, defeated Frank Dennison for treasurer, 44 to 28. Rob- ert Warner, Trigo, the Fraternity- Independent Party candidate for En- gineering Council representative, was unopposed. Forty-five students voted for pres- ident in the business administration school, making their choice from three parties. An unnamed party's slate took all the offices. The vote follows: Very Light Vote For president, Walter Baker, with 21 votes, was elected over Harold Nix- on (15) and Harvey Nicholson (9); for vice-president, Garratt van de Riet, with 23 votes, was elected over David Merriam (1) and Richard Brandt (10); for secretary, Stanley Kilgore, with 20 votes, was elected over Francis Butler (14) and P. V. Holopigian (10); for treasurer, Har- old Schreder, with 24 votes, was elected over William Morgan (12) and H. D..Soper (8). Wililam R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's Council, said last night he believed the unusually light vote was attributable to "lack of preparation" by the several parties. "The coming junior elections, es- pecially in the engineering college, should attract more attention," Dix- on stated, "with the election of the J-Hop chairman proving an incentive to heavier balloting." Dixon said the automatic voting machines used in yesterday's elections "worked very well" and that student voters seemed to enjoy operating the devices. Must Name Committees Senior class presidents must name their various committee chairmen and committees not later than one week from the date of the election, Dixon warned. The committee lists are then to be filed with the Men's Council. This year it will be the duty of President Merrill of the senior en- gineering college class to name the chairman of the Senior Ball and two committeemen. The literary college Treatment Planning Committee Carries On Social Experiment By BERNARD WEISSMAN A new type of social experiment in the direction of guidance of under- privileged boys is being carried on this year by a specially formed treat- ment planning committee of the Uni- versity. This "Ann Arbor Boys' Guidance Project," under the direct supervi- sion of Marshall H. Levy, '27, assisted by five University students, is pursu- ing a seven-fold program of character development among 100 Ann Arbor boys by maintaining close contact with them all through the winter months as a continuation of the reg- ular activities of the summer camp at Patterson Lake. The project is being carried on with two ends in view: the develop- ment of methods of measuring per- sonality growth, and the setting up of a model boy's guidance project that derson, '36, Justin Cline, '36, Milford Boersma, '37, E. Everett Brereton, '37, and Howard Holland, '37, all of whom also served as counselors at the sum- mer camp. These counselors engage in some kind of activity with their particular group of boys almost every day, and keep in touch constantly with the boys' parents, teachers, ministers, club directors and scoutmasters. Some of the activities in which the groups take part are day trips to the camp to pick vegetables grown there, marketing these vegetables and cider at the city market, selling confec- tions around the city and at football games, starting new Wolf Club packs and Boy Scout patrols, as well as hobbies and sports of all varieties. The objectives of the project, as outlined by Mr. Levy, are the promo- tion, through this year-round con-