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November 12, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-12

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.. .
Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten. News Service.
ssoctated (Wollaoiate $ress
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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SPORTS EDITOR ....................WILLIAM R. REED
NIGHT EDITORS: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey,
Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr.
News Editor ........ ....Elsie A. Pierce
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Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
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Peg Lou White.

or the other. The danger does not lie in the
student's susceptibility to the wiles of propaganda,
whether militaristic or of that type of pacifism
which leads to anarchy. He is too sophisticated
for that.
The real danger lies in the .sluggishness of the
student body in response to the imperative need
for constructive and intelligent action in the war-
torn, armament-laden, selfishly-nationalistic world
of today.
Horses' Eyebrows And
The Nation's Pulse . .
SINCE the radio became a national
interest some years ago the listen-
ing public has been subjected to many horrendous
moments, some offensive merely to the ears and
some offensive to all our sensibilities, but it is our
opinion that a new low of a special variety was
struck in a program broadcast last week-end.
We have in mind the hour-long doings of a
concern which sponsors a "public opinion" or "vox
pop" program, purporting through extemporane-
ous personal interviews with Mr. A and Mr. B to
"feel the pulse of the nation's thought."
That's a good idea.
The program, however, does not carry out its
announced intention. One might imagine that
some of the important questions on which the
"nation's pulse" would be felt might be:
"What do you think of the cinema? Is it fulfill-
ing an educational function?
"What do you think of the lot of the laborer
and consumer under the Roosevelt administra-
"What do you think of food prices?"
"How do you occupy your spare time?"
"What sports do you prefer? What can be
done to develop active participation in sport by
the public at large?"
"What program do you believe the Republicans
might espouse in 1936?"
These, we are sure, are interesting queries,
indicative on a limited question of "the state of
the nation" in the public mind.
Here is the actual progress of the questioning in
the program under fire :
Announcer: Hullo, there - what's your name,
Smith: er, Clayton Smith.
Announcer: And where do you live, Smith?
Smith: Springfield, Massachusetts.
Announcer: Haw! Pretty close to Boston, isn't
that, Smith?
Smith: No, it isn't. It's -
Announcer: (Interrupting) Haw! Hee! Hee!
Well, Mr. Smith, now you've been tying your shoes
in bowknots for, say, 30 years, haven't you?
Smith: (taken aback) Why, er, yes.
Announcer (chuckling) Tell the audience how
you tie a bowknot!!
Smith: Why, I take the knot - er, no I take
the loop with my right, no my life, hand (An-
nouncer: Haw! Ssss-hee-hee) and pass the string
through and (he goes on and describes the process
rather well).
Announcer: Not bad, Smith. Now - does a
horse have eyebrows? (Chuckles, expecting plenty
of hemming and hawing).
Smith: (Who hails from the horse-racing sector
of the nation): Horses do have eyebrows.
Announcer: Ulp. Hmmm. Well ....
The "pulse of the nation" indeed!

OThe Conning Tower]
Saturday, November 2
ALL THIS MORNING at letter writing; and in.
the afternoon I lay listening to the broadcastI
from Columbus, Ohio, and I was certain that the
Ohio team would defeat the Notre Dame team;
but they did not, and I was more enthralled atI
hearing the account of how the Notre Damesr
finally won than I should have been if I hadc
seen the game. So then G. Brett telephonedt
that he was walking near the Valley Forge road,E
and would I come and pick- him up, so I did so,t
and there with him, H. N. Brailsford and Miss(
Clare Leighton, and her long hair was hanging
in pigtails to her waist, and she looked mighty
engaging, which was no coincidence soever, for-e
asmuch as she was mighty engaging, and soc
all to Brett's house for tea, which all had butc
me, and I had a goblet of Scotch whisky andI
sparkling water, which I did not like neither,c
but it was better than tea. So home to supper,
and thenafter told my wife some things which
she interpreted as scolding, and I told her any-I
thing but a mass meeting in which the applauses
lasted forever she considered scolding, which, for
aught I know, amused her mighty much. This
night I heard that yesterday the ceiling in the
pantry had come tumbling down, owing perhaps
to the earthquake of yesterday morning. But I
felt no tremor, and even if I had it would havec
been naught to the house-shaking that goes ont
when two boys are playing association footballt
in the room above me.
Sunday, November 3
LAY THIS MORNING till ten, and M. CooperE
called me over the telephone, and said "Wherec
are you?" and I told him that I was in bed, and1
he said, "You can't play tennis in bed," thanc
which he never had said a truer word. So up,r
and to the court, and trounced him a set, prob-
ably the season's last; and so in the afternoon
to the city with my children, and I to the office1
at work for a little, and so with Martha Clave1
to dinner, and then a gentleman who said thate
he was Spalding Frazier come to the table, and1
come and join me and my wife, and we did, and
Mrs. F. was none other than Ann Bunner, and
I asked about her mother, Mrs. H. C. Bunner,t
and she told me that she still lived in New
London; and Ann and I talked over many things
till nearly midnight, and had a mighty pleasantt
time of it, despite Mr. F. telling me that I was1
no great writer, which nobody knows so well
as I, and that nobody cared what I had for
breakfast, which is not true, for I find that thej
nation hangs on my words about such matters.,
But I told him of the new law, that it no longer
was prison offence not to read my writings;
which I said so good-naturedly that I think that4
he did not hear it. So home and to bed,
pretty late.
Monday, November 4
T0,THE OFFICE early and there all day at work
and then home, and out to dinner, and so
early to bed, and sad to read that Moffat Johns-
ton had died last night.
Tuesday, November 5
O MY OFFICE early, it being Election Day in
this city, and Guy Fawkes Days in England,
and one meaning so much to me as another,
which is nothing. So thought I would write a
piece called
Every day my stuff I do
And work as hard as you or you;
And everyday when I don't shirk
I get a cocktail after work.
which reminded me to go to A. Kober's drinking
party, but I drank not at all, to am't to any-
thing, and so home, and with my wife to see
"Pride and Prejudice," a play made from the
novel, and I felt unique in that I never had read
the novel, and of twenty persons I asked about
it Alice Miller was the only one who had read it,
but her escort, Mr. Marx the harpist, said that
he may read it, that it may have been the book
he read. So to G. Kaufman's to a great party,
and had a merry time there, and Miss Fontanne
there, and she suffered me to kiss her, saying,
"Goody! goody!" which I considered the high
point in her histrionism. So talked with Margalo

1 Gillmore and Emma Ives and so waited for my
wife to say good by, and I said "Come on home,
Adelina Patti," which was a mild allusion to the
many farewell performances that that singer
gave. So home and to bed, a little past two in
the morning.
Wednesday, November 6
ALL MORNING at the office, and finished my
work early, and so out on many matters of
business, and so to H. Souvaine's, and found
many persons gathered there, mostly in the auto-
motive profession, and home for dinner and
thenafter to a meeting of parents, at the school,
and so out to wait for the morning papers, and
thence to bed.
Thursday, November 7
EARLY up and to the office, but was a long
time getting to work, that with feeling too
distrait to gather so many .as two thoughts, but
finally made a collection, and diluted them and
sweetened to taste. So at the office till nearly
six, and thence home and out to dinner at Mon-
eta's, and very gay, with some publishers that
shall be nameless, for though I have my price,
it is more than a dinner, despite its excellence.
Found there S. Lewis and Dorothy, too, and he
extemporized a poem in the manner of Vachel
Lindsay's "The Congo," and did it amazingly well.
Thence all to Andrea Simon's, and there was
musique and dancink and light wines, a little
like France. So home and to bed before midnight.
Friday, November 8
UP AT SEVEN and there was no necessity for
such early rising, for Marian Chase, who
hath been our lodger since Monday, drove the
children to school in her car, but I to the office
early, and found so many pleasant letters, and

A Washington
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12-"Big Jim"
Farley's cheery reception of a leg-
islative defeat at Republican hands in
his own state of New York apparently
rested in part on advance knowledge
of what Kentucky was going to do.
His scouts had been telling him that
the blue-grassers might approach
even Roosevelt's own huge sweep of
the state in '32 in electing "Happy"
Chandler governor despite the Laf-
foon bolt.
Believing that, and justifiably so
as it turned out, Farley as national
chairman well might look upon loss
of the New York assembly as a neg-
ligible affair. Heretofore, all Demo-
cratic '36 expectations of carrying on
another four years with Roosevelt
and the "New Deal" have been based
on a geographical forecast in which
Democratic retention of such border
states as Kentucky was vital.
PRIVATELY, the Democratic dope-
sters have been saying right
along that New York state's electoral
vote was not essential to a Demo-
cratic victory in '36. They were ready
to concede the entire east provided
the border stood fast and Illinois
could be carried.
Because of that the internal Dem-
ocratic rows in Kentucky, Ohio and
elsewhere gave them much more con-
cern than the legislative battle in
New York. Now Kentucky has spok-
en. That election had a double sig-
nificance in Democratic eyes.
So far as it can be construed as a
test of border sentiment toward Mr.
Roosevelt or the "New Deal," the
Democrats have no reason to mourn.
In the pointed rebuke to party bolt-
ers it involved, they see a useful party
lesson to be exhibited elsewhere, in
Ohio for instance.
There is another aspect to all of
these elections, however, of which no
one has had much to say as yet. It
conceivably might alter considerably
the relativities of Democratic cam-
paign planning for '36.
It is the drive for the farm and
labor vote with the accent very much
on the farm angle. Mr. Roosevelt,
for instance, already is committed to
address a great farm gathering. The
AAA sweep in the corn-hog referen-
dum served to insure added emphasis
on the farm phases of his policy.
* * *
MORE or less buried in the election
figures from New York, from
Pennsylvania, from New Jersey and
even from Kentucky, however, is
something that must invite adminis-
tration attention. Democratic big-
city organizations showed surprising
abilities in getting out the vote in an
Tammany led the way, all but
sweeping availabletmunicipal offices.
Increased Democratic majorities over
even '34 figures were rolled up in two
congressional contests to fill vacan-
cies. In Philadelphia a new all-time
Democratic high was achieved. In
northern New Jersey the same con-
dition showed up sharply. Louisville
fell in line in Kentucky.

VOL. XLVI No. 36]
President and Mrs. Ruthven will bet
at home to the students on Wednes-
day, November 13 from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Phi Kappa Phi: The honor society
of Phi Kappa Phi has mailed invita-
tions for their Fall senior elections
to membership for delivery by mail on
Monday and Tuesday. The addresses
used were those given in the new stu-
dent directory. tI is desired that a
response be received not later than7
Friday, November 22, in order that
keys and certificates may be ready for
the initiation at the Michigan League
on December 16.
University Bureau of Appoint
ments: The following meetings will be
held for those desiring to register with
the Bureau of Appointments:
For Teaching and Educational Po-
sitions: Natural Science Auditorium,
Wednesday, November 13, 4:15 p.m.
Positions other than teaching : Na-
tural Science Auditorium, Thursday,
November 14, 4:15 p.m.
Registration blanks may be ob-
tained at the University Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, be-
tween 10-12 and 2-4 on Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, of
this week.
University Bureau of Appointments
will hold registration for all 1936
seniors, and for graduate students
who have not previously registered,
in the office at Mason Hall, Tuesday
to Friday,inclusive, November 12-15;
hours 10-12, and 2-4. This enroll-
ment is for both the teaching and
the general placement divisions, and
is the only registration to be held
this year. There is no charge for this
service, but after November 15 a late
registration fee of $1.00 is charged.
Twelfth Night: The box office for
Play Production's initial performance
of the current season, Shakespeare's
Twelfth Night, will open tomorrow
morning at ten o'clock and remain
open until six o'clock. Orders may
be taken at any time on Monday
through Saturday. Tickets are priced
at 35, 50, and 75 cents. For reserva-
tions call 6300 or at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre box office.
Admiral Byrd Lecture: Patrons
wishing to secure desirable seats for
this lecture are urged to make reser-
vations immediately. The tickets are
on sale at Wahr's.

Gunn, M.A., M.D.,


University Lecture: Dr. James

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

rofessor of Pharmacology and Di-
ector of the Nuffield Institute of
Medical Research at Oxford Universi-
y, England, will speak on the subject
Medical Education and Practice" at
:00 p.m., Tuesday, November 12, in
he Natural Science Auditorium. The
>ublic is cordially invited.
French Lecture: Mr. Paul Leyssac
>f the Civic Repertory Theatre of
Jew York will give a Recital of
Yench Poetry, Thursday, November
4 at 4:15, in Room 103, Romance
anguage Building.
This is the first number of the
ercle Francais program. Tickets
'or the series of lectures may be pro-
ured from the Secretary of the De-
>artment of Romance Languages
Room 112, Romance Language
3uilding) or at the door at the time
Af the lecture.
Events Of Today
German Department: There will be
i meetin gtoday at 4:10 p.m., Room
101 U.H.
Botanical Journal Club meets at
:30 p.m., Room 1139 N.S. There
will be reviews of papers on various
)hytophysiological subjects by Miss
3urckette, Mr. Grannick, Mr. Dun-
iam and Mr. Bailey. Dr. Gustafson
n charge.
A.I.Ch.E. meets at 7:30 p.m. Room
042. Mr. C. B. Fritsche, Managing
Director of the Farm Chemurgic
Council, will speak on "Chemurgy, a
New Field for the Chemical Engi-
eer." Visitors welcome. Refresh-
nents to be served.
Psychology Journal Club meets at
8:15 p.m., Room 3126 Natural Science
Building. Mrs. Johnson and Miss
Springer will review recent Compara-
tive Psychology Monographs.
Mathematical Club meets at 8:00
p.m., in 3201 A. H. Professor W.
D. Baten will speak on "Frequency
Distributions of the Means of Inde-
pendent Variables whose Frequency
Distributions can be Dissected into
Component Frequency Laws."
Adelphi House of Representatives,
men's forensic society, will meet in
its room, fourth floor Angell Hall, at
7:30 p.m. There will be a debate and
open discussion on the proposition:
Resolved, That President Roosevelt
should be reelected in 1936. Tryout
speeches will also be heard. Every-
one is cordially invited to attend.
National Student League: Prof.
John Shepard will speak on the sub-
ject "The Psychology of War," 7:30
p.m., Room 305 of the Union. The
talk will contain special reference
to the psychology of economic prob-
lems and their relation to interna-
tional conflicts. Students and faculty
members are invited to attend.
Freshmen Glee Club: All members
meet in the music room on the third
floor of the Union promptly at 12:40
o'clock. You will be excused in time
to get to one o'clock classes.
Varsity and Waiting List Glee Club:
Report to Glee Club rooms at 8 p.m.
Sing for Union open house. Full
dress required.
Union Open House: 7:30-10:30 p.m.
There will be exhibitions in the bil-
liard room, swimming pool, bowling
alleys. Free dancing and floor show
in the ballroom. Special rates in the
Tap Room.
Christian Science Organization:
There will be a meeting of this or-
ganization tonight at eight o'clock in
the Chapel, League Building. Stu-
dents, alumni, and faculty members
are cordially invited to attend.
Student Christian Association: The
S.C.A. Cabinet will meet at 8 p.m.

in te uperRoo ofLaneFal
This is the most important meeting
so far this year. Mr. Ira M. Smith,
chairman of the SCA Board of Trust-
ees, will meet with the group to dis-
cuss organizational policy and al-
n ance. A report will be given by the
delegation to the Bluffton College
Ti-StateConference on the happen-
ings over the week end. Please noti-
fy Lane Hall if you can or cannot be
Bridge Group of the Michigan
Dames meeting at eight o'clock to-
night in the Alumnae Room, Michi-
gan League.
Coming Events
To Members of the School of Edu-
cation: A Mixer will be held at the
Women's Athletic Building on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m.
Luncheon for graduate students on
Wednesday, November 13 at twelve
o'clock in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League Building. Cafe-
teria service. Dr. William H. Hobbs,
Professor Emeritus of Geology, will
speak informally on "Earthquakes."


Lest We
Have Forgotten...
YESTERDAY was Armistice Day.
Down State Street, at noon,
marched a few score Boy Scouts, Spanish War vet-
erans, and members of the American Legion. A
few of the more curious of the lunch-ward bound
students stopped momentarily to watch them go
At 4 p.m. a peace symposium was held in the
Congregational Church. A handful of students,
even fewer townspeople, forming little islands scat-
tered through the church auditorium, heard Prof.
Bennett Weaver deliver a powerful plea for greater
sanity, more penetrating intelligence, and less
emotionalism in the consideration of problems of
war and peace.
Professor Weaver's plea, taken from the view-
point of one who is seeking to prevent people from
entering a war, and who is also seeking to prevent
the emotional hysteria that literally sweeps people
into war, strikes deeply at the roots of the war
To the handful of students in the audience,
and to the few who noticed the parade, however,
that plea must have held a rather ironic tinge,
hardly dispelled by his mention of an "elec-
trified and enlightened public opinion." For to
them it must seem that there could be no greater
show of unemotionalism, no more convincing dis-
play of immunity from the contagion either of
hyper-nationalism or rabid pacifism than that
evidenced by the student body of this University
on Armistice Day, 1935.
It must seem to them that the challenge which
should be extended to this student- body is one 'of
aroused emotion and heightened fervor in he
cause of peace. Professor Weaver realizes that
students in a university are in a commanding
position to determine whether war can be outlawed
as a means of settling international disputes. As
he said at the symposium yesterday, a calm and
dispassionate search for the facts and causes of

As Others See It
Worth Continuing
(From the Daily Illini)
FOR 24 YEARS the University of Illinois has
held a Homecoming. Saturday will observe
the quarter-century celebration of the event.
Recently there has been a considerable rash
broken out among "intellectuals" and serious-
minded students which results in vigorous de-
nouncements of homecomings, big football games,
alumni groups, and "cathedrals of earning" (uni-
versities run so that the big money earning alumni
will feel satisfied and thereby contribute gener-
Perhaps the trend has gone too far in some
instances. But still the Homecoming ceremony
at the University deserves perpetuation. It is
hard to believe that it is all a big farce and that
the students and faculty members just put on a
show for money while the alumni just come down
to drink and strut.
Surely there is sufficient honest respect and
love for the University to explain some of the
celebration. Certainly a great many of the stu-
dents are sincerely proud of the accomplishments
of their University to warrant the celebration.
Student Speaker's Bureau
(From the Daily Cardinal)
N THE TASK of preserving the university's in-
tegrity, few organizations will be able to play
as significant a role as that of the Speaker's
Bureau. It is the aim of the sponsors of this
activity to provide communities of the state with
student speakers well qualified to speak upon
subjects of real interest to Wisconsin people.
The forensic board, will hold tryouts for places
in the bureau after the intramural discussion
contest has narrowed down to a few teams. Above
all, those interested in the project should realize
that mere oratorical ability is not the sole require-
ment. It is, in fact, considered only as a companion
virtue to a thorough understanding of some topic
of wide interest. In the past, members of the
bureau have been able to combine work upon their
theses with their speaking efforts.
Perhaps the finest result of the bureau's work
will be the impression made upon the state that
university students are really gaining information
and knowledge during their stay here. It is a much
more favorable picture than that of a school full

In all of these states, the
frequently has dictated the
alignment of the state.

city vote

:- MUSIC --
With no "balalaika" for accom-
paniment to their songs, and as in
war days when they sang around the
fires of the prison camp, last night
the Don Cossack russian Male
Chorus depicted in song the religious
fervor of the Russian people blended
with their love of home and their
fearlessness in face of battles neces-
sary to defend that home.
The songs of religion were given
priority in last night's recital as they
made up the entire first group. They
were all songs rich in harmony, and
opulent chord-colors were passed
from reed-like tenors to thick, murky
basses. The slightest gesture of Serge
Jaroff's hands stretched the chords
from the heaviest timbre tothe most
gossamer thread. One of the most
stately of the churchsongs was the
Tschesnokoff "Funeral Song" which
was the embodiment of peace and
rest. There is the presence in this
song of the "look ever-upward" and
the music well describes that calm
realm "where there is no sorrow, nor
pain, nor sighs, only life eternal; and
where lament becomes a song."~
In the work, "Who Can Equal
Thee," the singers justify war by sing-
ing praises to God for giving them
strength to fight their battles and
plead for wisdom of the business of
war, proclaiming in a great climax
that it will assure the safety of His
The second group might be labelled
"songs of battle" for it is in this sec-
tion of the program that the much-
acclaimed "History in Song of Serge
Jaroff and his Don Cossack Chorus"
appears. It is a very vivid piece of
program music, telling the dramatic
incidents in the founding of the Chor-
n ,Th a lr Ir on t' n1'*A 0mb .lxrctir-

* plus
In a delightful comedy setting, this
picture tells the story of love's tri-
umph over all - a slightly trite idea
but well-handled nevertheless. It con-
cerns the adventures of two people
who have the same goal in life, mar-
rying a fortune. Carole Lombard is
cast as a manicurist, and it is from
this that the picture gets its name.
She is employed in a large hotel
and spends her days hoping that
she'll meet a customer with a weak
heart and a strong bank account.
This happens eventually (the object
of her affection being Ralph Bellamy,
a former aviator who is confined to
his millions tow by an unfortunate
accident) and everything seems to be
headed in the right direction until
the appearance of Fred McMurray.
Fortune-hunter Lombard sets sail
for himnat once, believing that he is
another of the golden clan, and her
surprise is surpassed only by her cha-
grin when she finds he is just another
victim of the recent unpleasantness
(crash to you) and also wishes to
marry money. He's all set to marry
an heiress however, and she has Bel-
lamy about ready to propose, so it
seems that each of the seekers is
about to get to the goal. Whether
they do or not is another matter -
and for you to find out.
In the surrounding program you
will see a short of one of Major
Bowe's amateur hours, and since the
amateurs are selected it isn't at all
The feature rates because of its
superior dialogue. Nothing else
above the average, but the lines are
something worth hearing. As for act-
ing, Fred MacMurray is one of the
few naturals; Carole Lombard is cap-
able but not unusual; Ralph Bellamy
is appealing as the good-natured crip-
ple. -J.C.F.H.
group, also, was the beautiful sing-
ing of Rimsky-Korsakoff's "Song of
the Indian Host," a poetical work
whichsounded almost orchestral, solo
instruments - perhaps reeds - ac-
companied by pizzicato strings and
harps. It was helpful that the words
appeared on the program.

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