PAGEEIGHT T HE MICHIGAN DAILY SU IN- THE WORLD OF BOK NI)AY, NOVEMBER. 10, 1935~ O BRIEN Younger Writers Shine In New Collection Of Stories THE BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES -1935, by Edward J. O'Brien (editor) Houghton- Mifflin Co. $2.50. By CARLTON F. WELLS (Of The English Department) Out of some thousands of Amer- ican short stories printed last year in American magazines, O'Brien again gives us his annual anthology of the best. Of the total of his chosen twenty-seven he has taken nine from Story, five from New Stories, three from Plowshare, and a scant eight from the large group of such estab- lished periodicals as Scribner's and the American Mercury. As in his' earlier volumes, he does not go in for "names," the majority of writers be- ing both young and unknown. He studiously avoids the facile, written- to-sell kind of story, a fact which should recommend the book to the reader of short fiction whose reading isn't limited to Cosmopolitan and the nickel weeklies. Oddly enough the inferior stories include work by such relatively well- known writers as Faulkner, Erskine Caldwell, and Benjamin Appel, all leading proponents in their several ways of the hard-boiled school. Their work in this volume is meretricious or clumsy in technique, and in the case of Faulkner, tiresomely involved. Whit Burnett's "Division" is a long, labored, Dreiser-like chronicle of a Western youth's failing struggle against moral degeneracy. And Thomas Wolfe's sketch of a railway journey in France and Saroyan's too typical introspective "Resurrection of a Life" are unimportant. But first-rate stories by the little- known writers save the collection. These tell good stories of credible people, centering around ideas of some originality and importance and presented in a freshly individual way. Among these are Benedict Thielen's incident on a Navajo reservation in Arizona, involving two honeymooners from up North, told with fine eco- nomy and restraint; W. W. Haine's detailed study of events leading to a demented lineman's electrocution; Louis Hamet's shrewdly pointed sa- tire on radio contests and law en- forcement; and Harry Sylvester's "A Boxer: Old," which deserves com- parison with Hemingway's "Fifty Grand" (1927) on a similar theme. Two of the very best stories are written by David De Jong, who grew up in Grand Rapids, and Allan Sea- ger, Rhodes Scholar from the Uni- versity of Michigan and this year a of the other writers, Mr. Roethke seems to understand what he is striv- ing for, and his lyrics reveal through their unadorned structure and the strength of each individual word no tendency to falter or become diffuse in their articulation of experience. The metaphysical note he attains, with its soundly conceived relation- ship of man's body and spirit, repre- sents the reflection of an alert mind, aware of the complexities revealed through man's scientific searching after his own mystery. A book which presents such ma- terial for consideration is a definite contribution to contemporary litera- ture. W ADN We Are Ad-vised Not To Be Dull In Fighting It .... . Note Of Disillusionment Sounded In Anthology Of College Verse CHALLENGE TO DEATH by fifteen British authors. Edited by Storm Jameson, with an introduction to the American edition by Vera Brit- tain. E. P. Dutton. $2.00. By MARSHALL SHULMAN To a dinner party in an exclusive London Club early in 1934, came a' group of well-known English writers - public-spirited men and women of letters. In their minds was the accusation voiced by Julien Benda that the growth of national and class hatred today was due to the disappearance of men of learning "whose sole cult is that of justice and truth." "Had we really," they were asking themselves," as novelists, biographers, poets, journalists, dramatists or scientists, neglected some of the op- portunities which we might have tak- en to persuade public opinion to sub- stitute reason for passion, truth for prejudice, justice for persecution? Of what avail was our contribution to literature and art if the type of civil- ization in which literature and art are possible was to come within a few years to a violent end?" The answer to the accusation is the Challenge To Death, a symposium against war by fifteen active English minds, including Julian Huxley, J. B. Priestly, Rebecca West, Vera Brit- tain, and edited by Storm Jameson. It is a sound review of all that has been said about war, its cause and cure. This morning's paper carries an- other report of Italian marches into the interior of Ethiopia. This inva- sion is not an unmitigated evil, for off in the distance, when pacifists are speaking tomorrow, will sound the danse macabre of war drums and cannon, forcing realistic practicality on what is too often unadulterated rubbish. In a valiant attempt to be sincere and to "get down to fundamentals," these authors throw away the clap- trap of pacifists and ask themselves: What are the causes of war? What does the rejection of war as an in- strument of policy involve? The general trend of their thought, although no conscious attempt was made to keep consistency among the separate essayists, runs toward a strengthened League of Nations to replace the anarchy of our interna- tional relations today. For the ex- citement of war and its destruction, they would substitute an excitement of peace and creation. If war is, as Aldous Huxley puts it, "as pleas- urably exciting as a prolonged or- gasm," we'll make international brotherhood more exciting, says Storm Jameson, who contributes a fine essay on The Twlight of Reason, in addition to her work as editor. Rv far the most appealing of the teaching fellow in Michigan's depart- ment of English. Seager's "The Town and Salamanca," says O'Brien, "seems to me to add a new di- mension to American fiction. I feel it can be studied over and over by every American writer. Not only are its conceptions of the American scene entirely new, but its technical means of pre- senting these conceptions are ex- tremely subtle in texture." Aside from its indubitable technical excellence, this story gives a wonder- fully convincing picture of the far- advancing home-town youth, of the' wistfully envious friends who never got away, and of the wanderer's re- turn to settle down to the humdrum of banking, poker and golf. De- Jong's "Home-Coming" is utterly dif- ferent, but equally effective in its in- dividual fashion. He tells one of the thousand and one possible versions of the prodigal son parable. The was- trel turned forger returns at theI end of a two-year prison term -- a home-coming described with rare in- sight, dispassionateness, humor, and with entirely plausible unexpected- ness of event. In subject-matter these twenty- seven stories, with a few exceptions, fail to touch American life at vital' and important points. To be sure, no one can choose a writer's sub- jects for him; and O'Brien even thinks it necessary to issue a pre- fatory warning against "the short story subservient to political, eco- nomic, religious, or any other kind of belief"- a safe generalization. But one may notice that only one story deals with the industrial scene, and not a single story really reflects the depression in any of its manifold aspects. Not one touches the life of the American farmer or -less sur- prising - the college campus. These omissions may be accidental, yet one wonders if the editor's preferences don't have something to do with it, even in the magazines he so largely draws from. Or is it that too many of our gifted new writers, in their restless search for material overlook much that significantly colors and determines American life? PICKFORD REMINISCES Over 20,000 people went through Robinson's Department Store in Los Angeles recently when Mary Pickford appeared there to autograph her new- ly published novel, Demi-Widow. Sev- eral women were injured in the en- suing rush to get America's Sweet- heart's signatures. essays is that of J. B. Priestly, who writes of The Public and the Idea of Peace. Instead of depending upon a rational analysis to prove to un- imaginative citizens that war is what it is, Mr. Priestly is realistic enough to assume that the majority of peo- ale he is addressing have to be "sold the idea of peace" in the good old American high-pressure way. Not with grim stories of war and its hor- rors would he scare youngsters, for out of such works "the figure of war has risen, blood-soaked and appalling -but grand. They have done with Mars what Milton did with Satan." Instead, says he, I would make them laugh. "I believe the occasional fun- ny war books have done more good than all the tragic ones put to- gether. The immense futility of the thing should be exhibited boldly. People should be reminded that mod- ern warfare consists - for example- of such things as the careful assemb- ling of fifty dental mechanics, who are packed into horse vans and lor- ries, sent to dig latrines in some mys- terious countryside, and are then blown to pieces by shells that have been fired by ten house-decorators, who do not know at whom they are firing and what the quarrel is all about." "Too many people who work hard for the cause of international security are dull dogs," observes Mr. Priestly, "who drone on and on until nobody knows or cares what they are saying. They have not a chance against the other side, with its flags and uni- forms and brass bands and parades and mass emotions." Vera Brittain, famed author of The Testament of Youth, contributes an introduction to the American edi- tion of this symposium, and a sharp essay on Peace and the Public Mind, in which she strikes home by suggest- ing that "between the two extremes of the politically constructive persons who are consciously trying to build civilization upon a rational basis, and the obdurate, rigid-minded jingoes whose blindly nationalistic propa- ganda is hastening the advent of an- other war, lies a vast middle section of puzzled individuals, conscientious, benevolent, eager to do right,' but genuinely uncertain whatcourse to pursue." Timely is her warning: "How many 'enlightened' individuals who have long recognized the absurd exaggera- tions of war-atrocity stories are pre- pared to examine tales of Fascist atrocities in an equally critical spirit? .. A contemporary tendency among certain political groups to identify Germany with Hitler and proceed to hate both, is not one that can be viewed with equanimity by anybody who remembers the 'Hang the Kaiser' lunacy of 1918." The authors of the book, according to Miss Brittain, "stand for collective security and for the maintenance and improvement of that machinery which, for all its imperfections, rep- resents our sole defense against an- archy. They visualize, as an inter- mediate step without which it is im- possible to proceed to that rational Utopia which all desire, the collective ownership of armaments and the col- lective enforcement, in the last re- sort, of sanctions against an aggres- sor." . The titles of some of the other es- says may suggest the nature of their approach to this ideal: Peace Through Science, by Julian Huxley; The Mir- age of Isolation, by Gerald Barry; No Peace Apart From International Se- curity: An Answer to Extreme Paci- fists, by Mary Agnes Hamilton; and The Necessity and Grandeur of the International Idea, by Rebecca West, to mention only a few. The book is good and sound -not new, not radical. Makes a good anti- dote for the feeling of bewilderment of the morning after Armistice Day speeches. TRIAL BALANCES, an anthology of college verse edited by Ann Wins- low. MacMillan. $2.00. By ROBERT HAKKEN Anthologies of college verse in the past years have been little more than omnibuses carrying atgreat deal of cargo, but with too little material by any one poet to enable onehto know the writer or to consider the future his work implied. Because Ann Wins- low has realized that this must be the function of an anthology con- taiing the work of young writers, TrialBalances achieves an immediate value that offers promise of increas- ing worth with the years. She has selected thirty-two young poets who themselves decided what work should represent them, and further, Miss Winslow asked some of the leading American poets and critics to evaluate that work. The poetry, accompanied by the brief, pointed essays of such figures as Robert Hillyer, Malcolm Cowley, Allen Tate, Louise Bogan, Stephen Vincent Benet, Stanley J. Kunitz, Babette Deutsch, and Wallace Stevens, offers much to the reader of verse. The poetic range represented by Miss Winslow's selections is not close- ly confined, but bears some share of a common experience, for these young people have found a sort of reticent bravery with which to face the diffi- culties of our day. Whether they celebrate the infinitesimal, or the power of great social or economic forces, they sound a sincere, feeling of wariness, the product of disillusion. In conveying this poetic experience they have not been too willing to erect new and surprising forms for their verse, but have chosen for the most part to follow established techniques developed by major poets of recent years. Their critics have observed this knowledge of self-chosen masters1 and have commented upon the thoughtful use of it. However, the danger involved in in- discriminate admiration of a pre- decessor is revealed in some of Anna Elizabeth Bennett's lines, and even more in her precision-cast rhythm. When one reads, "She who all the garrulous day Flings her laughter on the light Is akin to leprechaun, Dryad, oread and sprite, Everything that lovely is . " the memory of James Stephen,s chanting as he sways, overcomes the sharp imagery of her poem to nullifyI the power of her gift. Two former Michigan siudents are represented in this anthology. Their work reveals a fundamental problem shared by all of these poets: whether to choose the fully developed tech- nique of an established poet, or whether to attempt the more difficult task of creating a style which asserts sufficiently and with distinction the poetry of its originator. For this re- viewer the poems of Theodore Roeth- ke, who graduated from the Uni- versity in 1929, have this singular authoritativeness. More than any FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Roger williams Guild R. EDWARD SAYLES and HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Ministers SUNDAY 10:45 A.M. - Dr. Frank W. Padelford, Sec. of the Baptist Bd. of Ed. will speak. 12:00 M.-Student study group meets at Guild House. "Religious Aspir- ations" will be presented by Mr. Chapman. Criticism and discus- sion will follow. Closing at 12:40. 6:00 P.M.-At the student meet- ing Bill Umbach will dead in a concluding consideration of "War and Peace." 7:00 P.M. - Youth of High School age in church parlors. Dr. Padel- ford will lead in a conference on higher education. THE 1935 nation-wide under- graduate strike against war was the "Boston Tea Party" of the growing revolt against aca- demic intolerance and oppression. This book is its declaration of independence! In it James Wechsler, former Editor of The Columbia Spectator, dramatically reveals the real stf'ength of a movement that has been growing throughout the depression. REVOLT ON THE CAMPUS is a terse and brilliant piece of report- ing on the current temper of American student bodies. It tells the startling facts about student protests-and their violent sup- pression by the authorities-on campuses all over the United States. The evidence" is over- whelmingly in favor of the stu- dents; it is required readingfor the undergraduate who wants to know where he stands. I- 1 E Intimate personal photographs of you or your children made in your own home - Day or Evening. No bother of going to a strange studio-just your own home atmosphere and environment. GEORGE R. SWAIN 713 East University Phone 21424 for an appointment Use this coupons To your bookseller, or COVICI-FRIEDE, Publishers 432 Fourth Ave., New York, N. Y. Send me REVOLT ON THE CAMPUS (Price, $3.00). 0 Ship C.O.D. (or).0 Remittance enclosed $ .......... Name. ........................ Address........... ........... City ...............State. College ...................... I r I The Graystone features * CREAMY