A HE CMICHIGAN DAILY SATUR DAY, NOVEMBERt 9, 1935 Widow Of Evangelist Vandenberg To 1it Give Talk Here Nvs Next Thursday Will Address 13th Meeting Of University Press Club; J. B. Wood ToSpeak Also Sxenses classes of investments making up the total trust funds are as follows: bonds. 59.99, contracts, .63, mort- gages, 22.11, notes .21, real estate, 13.55, stocks 3.46, trust certificates, .05. Over a period of years the Uni- versity has accumulated a reserve amounting on June 30, 1935, to $139,- 679.42, subject to charges for any Robbins' Rise Of feport Shows ;80,534 In Uniiversity A set final losses from consolidated ments when duly authorized Board. Additional reserves invest- by the will be all the work of repairs and upkeep of the buildings.- Approximately $133,152.00 wasI loaned to students by the University during the year of 1934-1935. The payments on these loans amounted to $96,984.81, and the amount avail- able for loans on June 30, 1935 was $338,765.20, compared to $302,598.01 which was on hand for loans June 30, 1934.i In the 30-year period the University has loaned students a total of more than $1,000,000 the records of the Cashier's Office show. During this entire period it has been found nec- essary to charge off only 87 individual loans, for a total sum of $8,363.90, which is about eight tenths of one per cent of the total amount loaned. The financial report was audited by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, and Co., Certified Public Accountants. They stated that "the several financial statements annexed in the report have been compared by us with books of account and found to be in ac- cordance therewith."" THE AN N ARBOR (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) will be opened with a talk by Andrew The General Library reported that A. Bishop of the State Welfare De- more than $2,000 in fines were im- partment, who will discuss "The Pro- posed and this income was given to bation Problem in Michigan." he University. Prof. Wesley H. Maurer of the jour- In the report many expendituresI nalism department will follow Mr. were "classifled by object.' The more Bishop with a speech on "The Spec- important divisions of this classifica- trum of Thought." :-.n showed that $5,553,622.92 was , r! set up each year in accordance with fixed policy approved by the Regents. The business departments of the University had total disbursements for the year 1935 to the extent of $305,463.69. For economy the Uni- versity maintains these three prin- cipal storehouses - the general store, hospital store, and chemistry store - and encourages the transfer of equip- ment and materials between these departments of business, as they are termed. The University also maintains a laundry and a printing shop and a force of mechanics who do practically PRESS... Printers of student publications, Uni- versity bulletins and fine books, catalogs for manufacturers and advertising lit- erature. e-4 growing Institution -Associated Press Photo. Mrs. Helen "Ma" Sunday (above), widow of William A. "Billy" Sun- day, famed evangelist who had devoted 39 years of his life to bat- tling "rum and the devil," was with him when he died unexpectedly in Chicago. Lecture Series Features Talk By-Prof. Gunn Dr. James A. Gunn, professor of pharmacology and director of the Nuffield Institute of Medical Research at Oxford University, will speak at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the Natural Science Auditorium in the fourth of the Uni- versity Lecture Series. Dr. Gunn has been in this country for the purpose of lecturing at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School in Baltimore, and is engaging in a short eastern tour before re- turning to England. His talk Tues- day will be on the subject of "Medical Education and Practice." Friday noon the Associated Press and the Michigan Press Association will hold separate luncheons, and atI the general session at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Wood will speak on a subject as yet} unannounced. A second banquet will be held at' 6:30 p.m. Friday, with an address by Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of the English department. Professor Jones will be followed by Kenneth J. Mc- Carren of the Detroit Bureau of Gov- ernment, whose lecture on "Govern- ment and the Citizen" will be illus- trated by motion pictures. Francis S. Onderdonk will conclude1 the Friday night session with motion pictures and lantern slides of "War." The final general session will be held Saturday morning, with an ad- dress by Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the sociology department on "The News-{ paper's Function in Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency." expended for salaries and wages. ForI material, supplies, and services other than personal, $2,200,476.53 was spent. The trust funds, including deposits ifunds belonging to the Alumni As- sociation, Michigan Union, Michigan Lcague, Student Publications, Hos- pital Equipment Reserve, and several dormitories), Expendable Items and Student Loan Funds, show an in- Sc ease of $448,96 .65 due largely to Ihe transfer of funds from the Uni- versity Hospital and dormitories vwhich have been set aside for equip- ment replacement. The percentages of the several f / law: "A' DAILY CLASSIFIEDS Bring Results CNall 2-1_214 BUY YOUR FRUITS, GROCERIES & VEGETABLES at the FARM MARKET Open Evenings and Sundays 320 East Liberty Phone 9778 It .9 Religious Activites M ILLER Drug Store 727 North University Phone 9797 Features Today 25c GLAZO 18c - .. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at the MASONIC TEMPLE 327 South Fourth Ministers: William P. Lemon and Noi-man W. Kunkel 9:45- Prof. Howard McClusky:- "Getting Personal Help From Re- ligion" 10:45- Dr. Lemon: "WE KNOW THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER" 5:30 --Fellowship hour with cost supper. 6:30-Prof. Preston Slosson: "The Meaning of Armistice." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Roger Williams Guild R. EDWARD SAYLES and HOWARD R. CHAPMAN, Ministers SUNDAY 10:45 A.M. - Dr. Frank W. Padelford, Sec. of the Baptist Bd. of Ed. will speak. 12:00 M.-Student study group meets at Guild House. "Religious Aspir- ations" will be presented by Mr. Chapman. Criticism and discus- sion will follow. Closing at 12:40. 6:00 P.M. - At the student meet- ing Bill Umbach will lead in a concluding consideration of "War and Peace." 7:00 P.M. - Youth of High School age in church parlors. Dr. Padel- ford will lead in a conference on higher education. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH State and Washington Streets MINISTERS: CHARLES W. BRASHARES and L. LaVERNE FINCH Music: Achilles Taliaferro tO:45 - Morning Worship Service. "FIGHTERS" Dr. C. W. Brashares 12:10-Class at Stalker Hall on "The Social Responsibility of a Chris- tian." 6:00 - Wesleyan Guild Devotional Hour at Stalker Hall. There will be a program of vocal and instru- mental music. Miss Louise Cotter of the School of Music will speak on "The Place of Music in the College Student's Life." 7:00 -Fellowship Hour; and supper. '4 iF ym4tm 1 W.ell, to start with, we take tobacco from our own Southland - mild ripe ,, r / / lv r : ..f j .:- '' ,/ ' [,ccfir \ \ .-N.. a . - .. . 1, , * . I ;. , MI