-0 ,THE MICHIGAN DAILY "HURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1935 , n THE MICHIGAN DAILY England's Contribution To World Peace.. . The Conning Tower 'AND BEAUTY BEAD, BLACK CHAOS COMES' FOR WANT of beauty the spirit wastes away, -w - 1 A 4C .. ,...mss- X.!=..,.s- Publisned every morning except Monday during the "University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. NMember of the Western Conference Editorial Association ard the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER ssociated 'ollegiate r s -=934 1 iakf 135-i MAMsO w1S49osN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited toit or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. -400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR ..............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR .............THOMAS E. GROEN ASSOCIATE EDITOR...............JOHN J. FLAHERTY SPORTS EDITOR ....................WILLIAM R. REED WOMEN'S EDITOR ..............JOSEPHINE T. McLEAN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDITORS ...... .........DOROTHY S. GIES, JOHN C. HEALEY EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS NIGHT EDITORS: Clinton B. Conger, Richard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, Bernard Weissman, Guy M. Whipple, Jr. News Editor.............................Elsie A. Pierce Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul- man. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H. Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M. King, Charlotte D. Rueger, Jewel W. Wuerfel. REPORT|RS: E. Bryce Alpern, Joseph P. Andriola, Lester Brauser, Arnold S. Daniels, William J. DeLancey, Roy Haskell, Carl Gerstacker, Clayton D. Heppler, Paul Ja- cobs, Richard LaMarca, Thomas McGuire, Joseph S. Mattes, Arthur A. Miller, Davis S. Quail, Robert D. Rogers, William E. Shackleton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, Don Smith, William G. Spaller, Tuure Tenander, Joseph Walsh, Robert Weeks. Helen Louise Arner, Mary Camnpbell, Helen Douglas, Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes, Jeanne Johnson, Rosalie Kanners, Virginia Kenner, Barbara Lovell, Marjorie Mackintosh, Louise Mars, Roberta Jean Melin, Barbara Spencer,. Betty Strick- root, Theresa Swab, Peggy Swantz, and Elizabeth Whit- ney. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BIISINESS MANAGER.......... GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER............JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S ADVERTISING SERVICE MANAGER . ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con- tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and 'National Advertising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt- mas.' BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron- son, Lewis E. Bulkeley, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert D. Falender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones, William C. Knecht, William C. McHenry, John F. McLean, Jr., Law- rence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky, Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord, Helen Neberle, Dorothy Novy, Adele Poller, Helen Purdy, Virginia Snell. WOMEN'S ADVERTISING SERVICE STAFF: Ellen Brown, Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins, Peg Lou White. NIGHT EDITOR: RICHARD G. HERSHEY Michigan Gets lhe Jump .. . IT IS WITH NO little surprise and a great deal of pleasure that we learn of the plans of Jack Heston, former Michigan backfield star, to send all but one of his crack Detroit amateur football teams to Michigan, and to continue to gather together the best of De- troit's high school football players, give them a year or two of post-graduate work in the amateur league, and send them on to Ann Arbor. Undoubtedly, there is going to be much viewing with alarm at this by members and alumni of other universities, and by pseudo-purists at Mich- igan. To the former we may point out truthfully that their protests will be occasioned largely by dis- appointment at their inability to secure many of Detroit's large and capable young footballers. They have, in the past, had alert alumni and persuasive speakers who have brought good football players to their schools, provided them with an educa- tion, and in return secured the benefits of a fine team. Mr. Heston, a Michigan alumnus, has apparently gotten a bit ahead of his contempo- raries by use of newer and better methods - actual football training under competent direction before entering the University, and provisions for a scholarship fund maintained by the football- playing group itself, for example. It is only fitting that the rewards should go to him who merits them. As for those pseudo-purists who will profess to see unethical and detrimental tendencies in Mr. Heston's work, let them reflect upon the actual results to be achieved under this plan. First, through cooperative action in maintaining a scholarship fund, and through some measure of aid in securing jobs when they come to Ann Arbor, quite a few young men will obtain a college education, which otherwise they would not have had. Further, Michigan will have better football teams. This will bring in more money and allow T HE SIGNIFICANCE of current events often passes unnoticed in the confusion with which editorial writers sur- round the issue by over-emphasizing some con- spicuous but unimportant aspect of the affair. Oswald Garrison Villard brought this realiza- tion to us forcefully Tuesday evening as he dis- cussed the League of Nations' peace efforts in the Italo-Ethiopian conflict. For weeks we have been reading editorials rapping England's attitude in peace settlement as utter selfishness. So England has engrossed our attention - and we have failed to realize "the truly significant aspect of the affair. The League, shorn of nearly all its influence (if it ever had any), has been transformed into an organization which at least has laid the foun- dation for building prestige and power. No more, -ave the occurrence of a miracle, will nations be able to go to war without meeting a barricade. More than that, the bulk of the nations of the world have taken their stand behind any move- ment for the maintenance of peace. Whether the League carries through its praise-worthy methods of stopping Fascist Mussolini or not, whether Eng- land is adopting strong-arm methods of suggesting Italy's course to her or not, the League is no longer that mythical and nebulous organization that we have known for so long. Who cares, asks Mr. Villard, what England's purposes are in supporting peace attempts? Why should we care? If her attempts are selfish she will find herself prevented from ever espousing a war in the future by an obstacle to whose erec- tion she has contributed. The cynics who look with disdain upon England today should rather be optimistic at the forward stride the world is taking in establishing an international obstacle to war. THE FORUM] Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance and interest to the campus. Armistice Day Planes To the Editor: As we approach Armistice Day we face the imminent possibility of another World war. Whe- ther our student generation will again be sacri- ficed for a purpose of questionable benefit to themselves and humanity will soon be decided. It is this which has led to the formation of a National Committee for Student Mobilization for Peace on Armistice Day. Among the organizations officially represented on this National Committee are the National Student Councils of the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A., the Student League for Industrial Democracy, the National Student League and the Committee on Militarism in Education, etc., etc. Recognizing that resolutions and mass meetings are not enough, the National Committee is-urging students to translate their peace sentiment into concrete action by (1) actively supporting genuine neutrality legislation to prevent entanglement of the United States in foreign war; (2) working for the demilitarization of our colleges and schools, especially by assuring the passage of the Nye-. Kvale bill to make the R.O.T.C. optional instead of compulsory; (3) insisting upon opportunities in the curriculum and out for relating our edu- cation to these crucial problems; (4) refusing to support the government of the United States in a war outside of the territorial boundaries of the country. A University Peace Council of faculty and stu- dents is being initiated by a number of religious and liberal groups on the campus. It will inaug- urate its own year-round program of education for peace, which will include a consideration of the national student program, with a public meeting on Armistice Day. This movement deserves the active support of every student andt faculty member who is interested in taking a definite stand in favor of peace. The Council urges the participation of all organized groups and indivi- dual students. -The University Peace Council. And like a beggar seeks at every door The legend of a Euclid by Millay, The magic light of lovely Elinor, Seer of beauty, summoned to her defense, Her swan-song throbbing in the eager throat, Sustained to whole and perfect utterance, To break and die upon a golden note. To wear the laurel, and to bear the palm, Have Shelley, Keats, and elfin Emily gone I 11 To join the ghosts of Shakespeare, Herrick, Donne --- As heaven had wanted an immortal psalm; While beauty suffers for an authentic tongue On earth, that sickens with her songs unsung. 'Now in November the Mayor has robbed us of another matter to fight about: The razing of the Sixth Avenue Elevated Structure. The days are going to seem lank and long when all will go right and nothing wrong. One might begin one's "Old Ironsides," mean- ing the Sixth Avenue Elevated, thus: Ay, tear the tattered structure down! Long has it screamed on high, And many an ear is deaf that heard The shrieking trains go by. "I'll tell you about noises at night," F. C. tells, us. "I'll tell you whom to complain to, whom to ask for, and who will give whom an immediate reprimand: Your local police station, the desk sergeant, and the Macbeths. And if your pre- cinct is conducted as Captain Patrick Curry man- ages his job, the desk sergeant will call you sir, and the noise will be stopped in ten minutes' After all these years of labor The Times warns its readers that unification of rapid transit lines is not yet around the corner. Until 1937, at least, it remains true that unification is vexation, divi- sion is just as bad, the I.R.T. it bothers me, and traction drives me mad. -Yesterday's Times. Transportation Mother Goose Unification is vexation; Division is as bad, The I.R.T. perplexes me, And traction drives me mad. - Conning Tower, Oct. 9 Look here, you ole Times, you! You stop editing us. There was a verse beginning "Where do all the birdies go?" but the one that we quoted last Fri- day was the verse about the ultimate destination of all the daisies, as an astounding number of setters-right have told us. CARRYING THE OMIRO ROUTE When kids in Oshkosh got big enough to work, they usually began by getting a Daily Northwest- ern route. Although I was a farm kid, I went to town to school and so knew three or four paper boys. When Bob Morgan got a route, I felt I must have one, also. But living on a farm complicated matters. The paper was not off the press until about 4:30 o'clock, and sometimes much later, when the press would break down. Since a route of twenty-five or thirty papers might require an hour or more to deliver, I could hardly hope to get home before 6:30 or 7 o'clock, because I would have three miles to walk after the route was carried. I shouldn't have minded that, for, with a 25-customer route, I could have made a dollar a week. But my father was so unreasonable as to believe I might neglect my regular chores at home, if I didn't get there until 6:30 or 7 o'clock. Prospects of ever carrying papers were slim, when Ray Shep stopped by one day and offered me the Omro route. He had been carrying it for two years or more and it seemed to me no one in the world had as much fun as Ray Shep. But now he was almost nineteen years old and big enough to put in full time with his father in the stone quarry, so he had to give up his paper route. A Washington BYSTANDER By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. - Colonel Howe, presidential secretary, after a prolonged silence due to ill- ness, returns to his role of commen- tator on the march of political events voicing one very sage observation. He says the Republican effort to se- lect now a main issue for the next presidential campaign is "prema- ture." There may be much in that. With so many "new deal' legislative kettles on or soon to be on the supreme court fire, including the Triple-A headliner; with the winter still to test the administration's work-relief program; with the imponderables of a new European war scare still to be weighed and with present encourag- ing recovery trends awaiting the con- firmation of' the next few months, who knows what the '36 issues will be? Mr. Howe argues that it is the folks with the votes who make issues, not party leaders. Who now can say which of all these things will be chief- ly concerning the voters next spring at primary time or in November next year? THE Howe argument is supported by the Borah-Theodore Roosevelt II correspondence. Colonel Roose- velt does not at all agree with the Idaho senator's, notion that his mon- opoly issue, backed by rising living costs, is the ideal central plank for the G.O.P. next year. Young Teddy most politely declines to raise again at the senator's suggestion the trust- busting banner his distinguished father carried. That is not very surprising. The colonel is a young chap with a historic name and unconcealed political am- bitions. He is also, however, a New Yorker. Party political favor begins at home. Can Mr. Borah possibly be- lieve that his 1936 model trust-bust- ing slogan sounded sweetly in the ears of the New York G.O.P.? It would take a great stretch of imagination to picture young Teddy joining the Borah move to overthrow old guard leadership of the party and championing the trust-busting Borah idea and at the same time being lift- ed to '36 favorite son honors by his New York party colleagues. His own preference for making "new deal" "wasteful spending" the major point of attack no doubt is much more to New York G.O.P. liking. It also has Hoover blessing, is well thought of by, such well financed organizations as the Liberty League and Economy League. Nor will anything the su- preme court may do change it very much. & : : THAT Democratic strategists more or less agree with young Roose- velt's point of view at this stage is indicated ly the promptness with which they moved to repel Republi- can boarders on that subject. Mr. Hoover was no sooner in print with his attack on Roosevelt fiscal policy than the Democrats had Joe Robin- son, their senate leader, out in ans- wer. The Republican national com- mittee blast at President Roosevelt's budgetary "deception" was no sooner out than Speaker Byrns, via the Dem- ocratic committee, was out to refute it. If young Teddy had incorporated more budget figures in his answer to Borah, probably the Democrats would have found a little cabineteer of their own to shoot back at him. THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1935 VOL. XLVI No. 32 Notices Students and Faculty: In accord- ance with the decision of the deans of the several schools and colleges, there will be no general suspension of classes on Armistice Day, November 11. Members of the Faculties of the University are invited to make sug- gestins regarding facilities that ought to be available in the proposed building for the Graduate School. By deed of gift the structure is not to be used merely as a social center nor for faculty offices, classrooms and laboratories. Provision for scientific organizations of the faculties or of graduate students, conferences, and meetings of outside scientific and learned societies should be consid- ered. Other services may be desir- able. Members of the Executive Board and the staff will be pleased to confer with anyone having pro- posals that will Vnlarge the useful- ness of the new building. C.S. Yoakum. To the Members of the University Council: The next meeting of the Council will be held Monday, Novem- ber 11, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 Angell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. Procedure in Case of Articles Stol- en or Missing: Notice should be given at the Business office, Room 3, Uni- versity Hall, with the utmost prompt- ness whenever any articles whether owned privately or by the institution, disappear under circumstances which indicate theft. Students, College of Engineering: Saturday, November 9, will be the final day for dropping a course with- out record. Courses may be dropped only with the permission of the class- ifier after conference with the in- structor in the course. Sophomore Counselors have the following office hours in Room 9, Uni- versity Hall: Monday, 1:30 to 2:30. Tuesday, 1:30 to 3:30. Wednesday, 9:00 to 11:00 Thursday, 1:30 to 3:30. Friday, 1:30 to 2:30. Students are invited to consult the Counselors especially on matters con- cerning their academic work. The question of selecting a field of con- centration should now be given care~ ful consideration. University Bureau of Appointments will hold registration for all 1936 seniors, and for graduate students who have not previously registered, in the office at 201 Mason Hall, Tues- day to Friday inclusive November 12-15; hours 10-12, and 2-4. This enrollment is for both the teaching and the general placement divisions, and is the only registration to be held this year. There is no charge for this service, but after November 15 a late registration fee of $1.00 is charged. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and' Occupational Information THrE SCREEN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the 'resident until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. announces the following United States Civil Service Examinations: Occupational Therapy and Pupi Aide (Trades and Industries), salary, $1,- 440-$1,800 a year; Occupational Therapy and Pupil Aide (Horticul- ture and Floriculture), salary, $1,- 440-$1,800 a year; Junior Geneticist. (Horticulture), Junior Nematologist and Junior Pathologist (Tobacco), salary $2,000 a year; Home Extension and Junior Agent, salary $2,000-$2,- 600 a year -Indian Field Service, Department of the Interior; Social and Senior Social Economist, $3,800- $4,600 a year; Associate Social Ec- onomist, $2,600 to $3,200 a year - Children's Bureau Department of Labor; Senior Pathologist (Cotton Diseases), $4,600 a year; Associate Cytologist, Geneticist, and Physiolo- gist (Horticulture), $3,200 a year; Assistant Pathologist -(Tobacco In- vestigations), $2,600 a year - Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Ag- riculture: Assistant to Public Health Consultant, $2,600-$4,600 a year; Public Health Research Assistant, $2,000 an year. For particulars con- cerning announcements call at 201 Mason Hall; office hours, 9':00 to 12:00 a.m., and 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Examinations of Junior grade are open to Seniors who will graduate within a year. R.O.T.C. Seniors who are entitled to summer vacationcommutation, call for checks at Hadquarters, Fri- day, November 8. R.O.T.C. All members who have not received their uniforms call for same at Headquarters today. Emergency Calls to Service Divi- siens of the Buildings and Grounds Department: For the convenience of University officials and others who have occasion to make emergency calls for Buildings and Grounds ser- vice after working hours, the follow- ing list of individuals and telephone numbers is published herewith: Electricians Phone Fred Hough, Foreman ......21-572 Oscar Prieskorn, Asst. Foreman ... ..22-279 Herman Geisel, For elevators, book carriers, motors, also lights .3003 Henry Bareis for elevators, book carriers, motors, also lights . 8057 Wm. Straub for elevators, book car- riers, motors, also lights . . 22-609 Carl Carpenter, for lights....... .. . 116-718-F12 (Rural) Plumbing and Heating J. N. Galbraith, Foreman .....21-431 A. W. Aubrey, Asst. Foreman . .21-138 Lorenz Schmid, Plumber .....22-210 John Dunnabeck, Plumber . ..21-276 Clarence Walker, Steamfitter . .6260 Rudolph Maurer, Steamfitter 21-061 General E. C. Pardon, Superintendent..3368 W. M. Roth, B & G Engine r ..23-638 I. W. Truettner, Maintenance In- spector ......................4093 E. S. Warren, Janitor Foreman, 9593 James McCormick, Asst. Foreman ..................... ...... 7695 Gilbert and Sullivan's Ruddigore: Final tryouts for principals today at 4:30 in the Laboratory Theatre, and for chorus Friday afternoon at 4:00. Academic Notices Geology 11: There will not be a field trip this Saturday as previously announced. There will be another bus trip beginning Tuesday, charge 25c. Economics 181: The examination scheduled for November 8 will be held in Room 103 R. L. The following classes in English 1 and 31 should move from 221 Angell Hall to the rooms listed: i I I As Others See It 'Red Hot' Administrators (From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) INSPIRED by Hugh S. Johnson's declaration that Felix Frankfurter has become the "most influ- ential single individual in the United States," the New York Herald Tribune has printed an inven- tory from its Washington bureau listing former students and associates of the Harvard law profes- sor now occupying posts of importance at the national capital. For some time the Chicago Daily Tribune has sought to discredit this group of youthful administrators and counselors by calling them Frankfurter's "hot dogs," or perhaps it is Frankfurter's "red hots." Any attempt to bring discredit on Prof. Frank- furter or these former students of his because of their relationships will fall flat on the ears of the ever-increasing number of Americans who have come to realize that a trained personnel in gov- ernment is -one of the fundamental needs of this country. As a matter of fact, many of these young administrators and counselors have come under the special influence not only of Prof. Frankfurter but of Justice Brandeis of the United States Su- My father agreed the Omro route might be worth considering. Mr. O. J. Hardy, business- manager of the Daily Northwestern, gave special consideration to the country carriers, and charged them only a dollar a week for all the papers they might need. Since the Omro route had seventy regular customers, who paid 10 cents a week, the net, profit each week ran into big money. True, it was ten miles to Omro, but only seven miles back, since we lived three miles out on the Omro road.' True, I would have to drive a horse in to town each morning, when I went to school, and keep it in town all day, but I could put it up at the Commercial Hotel barn for ten cents a day. Be- sides we had plenty of horses, and not much use for them in the winter time. They had to be fed anyway and six dollars a week would buy a lot of horse feed. So I became paper boy on the Omro route. The country carriers always got their papers first and didn't have to stand in line with the city kids, so I usually got started by 4:30, unless the press broke down. If I drove Legs, who was our fastest horse, I was often home, had Legs fed and bedded down{ and was eating my own supper by 9 o'clock. Pretty soft. I probably never shall have such a good job again. ORSON WAGON. There will be published Friday "The Roman- tic Rebels," by Frances Winwar. We haven't read it, and this is breaking no release date. But it seems to us that this should be said about the three rebels that the book is concerned with: This is a trio of insolent cards: Byron and Shelley and Keats. Three insubmissive, recalcitrant bards, Byron and Shelley and Keats. Byron was fain for a frolic or fight; By MARY JANE CLARK In his book "Success in Music And How It Is Won," Henry T. Fink gives the formula which artists use in building their programs. He says } they are worked out in the same manner in which famous chefs plan their menus: first come the appetiz- ers followed by the heavier dishes of the feast, saving the sweets until last. Carrying the analogy to the Rachmaninoff concert of last night,1 we find all the hors d'oeuvres left out and in their absence, we are plunged immediately into the meat of the program, to-wit, Beethoven's Thirty- Two Variations, and a Chopin Sonata. These works of darker color, both be- ing in minor mode, make up the pre- intermission period and were relieved only by three charming Eighteenth Century sonatas by Scarlatti. The moderns take possession of a large part of the remainder of the' program. The impressionistand col- orist, Scriabin, contributed a Poeme and an Etude of which the Poeme' was the more striking. It is a vague questioning and a pleading to which there is no answer even when the main theme playfully coaxes its way to the end of the work. In the Med- tner Fairy Tale, there is no mistaking the traditional beginning, "Once up- on a time . . . " There is a heroine but sheris evidently too charming to give rise to any turbulence from the villain because he is properly sub- dued. -- MUSIC -- AT THE MICHIGAN THE BLUE VENUS REVUE and "A FEATHER IN HER HAT" The highly-touted Blue Venus Re- vue is almost the best thing that has been on the Michigan stage this year, having a capable cast doing every- thing from acrobatics to toe dances. Exceptional scenery and lighting help achieve some unusual effects. We must admit that the two semi-bur- lesque scenes were a bit of a sur- prise, but they were so momentary that the effect on the total revue was negligible. The picture which accompanies the revue is one of those which do not appear very promising but turn out to be far above the average. Excel- lent performances by Pauline Lord, Basil Rathbone, and Wendy Barrie make this one of the really good pictures. The story concerns the efforts of the mother (Pauline Lord) to make an English gentleman out of her son (Louis Hayward) even though they, are of the lower class. She does this with the aid of a cultured but drunk- en captain (Basil Rathbone) who comes to live with the family. Rich- ard is finally told by his mother that she is only his nurse and she sends him away so he will be among people of the upper classes. He takes up playwriting, after discovering a re- tired actress (Billie Burke) whom he believes is his real mother, and pro- duces a play in which he also stars. And, in between all this, he falls in lave with the step-daugQhter of the S 1 A 1 l English 1, Sec. 1, TThS, 8, Mr. Schenk, 215 A. H. English 1, Sec 13, MWF, 10, Mr. Boothe, 301 S. W. English 1, Sec. 20, TThS, 10, Mr. Whitehall, 2014 A.H. English 1, Sec. 32, MWF, 1, Mr. Schenk, 3011 A. H. English 1, Sec. 38, MWF, 2, Mr. Haines, 201 S. W. English 31, Sec. 4, TThs, 9, Mr. Hornberger, 2225, A. H. English 31, Sec. 5, MWF 9, Mr. Litzenberg, 1020 A. H. History 11, Lecture II, Midsemes- ter examination, Thursday, Nov. 7. Lectures Public Lecture: Professor William H. Worrell will lecture on "Islamic Civilization" Monday, November 11, 4:15, Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. This is the first of a series of lectures sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. No admission charge. Lecture: E. Norman Pearson, of Detroit, member of the Board of Directors of the Theosophical So- ciety in America, and for years iden- tified with the Michigan Theosophical Federation and the Theosophical So- ciety in Detroit, is returning to Ann Arbor to deliver an address on "The Ancient Wisdom and the Natural