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November 07, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-07

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The Weather

Mostly cloudy, local showersl
tomorrow, and possibly in the
north today; somewhat warm-
er today in east and south.


r t an


Michigan Gets The Jump
England's Contribution
To World Peace .



i 7 -

League I
By Hitler
Germany Plans To Sto1
Speculation In Product!
To Belligerents
Action Is Serious
Blow To Mussolini
Deadlock In Anglo-Italian
Views Broken. As Nei
Conversations Open
GENEVA, Nov. 5-(')-The League
of Nations received surprising sup-
port today in its attempt to boycoti
warring Italy when Germany an-
nounced that it will permit no wai
profiteering whatever in the Reich.
An official League communique dis-
closed Adolf Hitler's decision to stamp
out all speculation in products which
Germany is convinced are destined
for either Italy or Ethiopia.
League officials and many delegates
sa: nthe Rich's action as a serious
blow to Mussolini. They interpreted
it as meaning the non-member Reich
will do nothing or permit nothing to
balk Geneva's efforts to bring quick
termination of the African war.
The communique said the Com-
mittee of Eighteen, through the
League secretariat, had been in-
formed that Germany has learned
certain persons were purchasing
goods in the Reich with the probable
intention of selling them to bellig-
erents at a large profit.
"The government therefore," said.
the communique, "proposes shortly to
issue a degree to render such specu-
lation impossible."
League officials believed the mer-
chandise was intended primarily for
Italy, presumably by transit across
In London there was denial of re-
ports in P js.dip9mA tic cicle that
the Mediterranean problem has been
solved by Tuesday night's conversa-
tions at Rome.
In authoritative London quarters
it was said a previous deadlock in
Anglo-Italian views was broken by
the new conversation between Pre-
mier Mussolini and Sir Eric Drum-
mond, British ambassador to Rome.
Progress was made, it was asserted,
but no final conclusions were reached.
ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 6. - () - A
Government communique said today
Ethiopian troops repelled an Italian
scouting force trying to enter Makale
in the north, and related that two
Italian ariplanes were brought down
on the southern front.
Ten Italians were killed and four
taken prisoner in the fighting at'
Makale last night, the communique
said, while two Ethiopians were killed
and two wounded. The Italian sol-
diers were operating in advance of
the main force, seeking to reach
Makale as the climax of the second
big drive into northern Ethiopia.
. Emperor Haile Selassie promoted
the Mohammedan general Omar
Simer following upon reports that
Simer had led Ethiopian forces in a
fierce battle near Scillaye, in the
south, yesterday, killing several hun-
dred Italians and sustaining only two
score casualties to his own army.
Simer served with the Italians in
Somaliland, but after killing one of

his officers deserted to Ethiopia,
where he formed his own army of So-
malis. His surrender was one of
Italy's conditions for settlement of
the Wal-Wal border incident of last
Harvard To Honor
Its Founder Friday
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 6.-
Harvard University will celebrate its
founding and the birth of its found-
er, John Harvard, in a double cele-
bration Friday night in the Sanders
Theatre here to open the Harvard
University Tercentenary Celebration.
James Bryant Conant, president of
the university, and Prof. Samuel E.
Morison, historian of the Tercen-
tenary, will speak during the celebra-
It will be 299 years ago Friday that
the General Court of the Company of
the Massachusetts Bay gave permis-

oosevelt Still Popular Despite
Election Returns, Says Brown

Republicans' Victories In
East Indicate A Growing
Opposition,_He Believes
"Republican victories in eastern
elections Tuesday were interpreted
last night as "indications of a trend
of growing opposition to Roosevelt
and the New Deal," by Prof. Everett
S. Brown of the political science de-
"The G.O.P. victories undoubtedly
reflect a trend of opposition to the
New Deal that has been noticeable for
at least six months," Professor Brown
"But there were too much local
politics in the elections,," he con-
tinued, "to tell very much about the
national issues involved." Both sides
over-emphasized the importance of
the situation, he pointed out. "The
Republicans hail it as a complete
repudiation of the New Deal, while
the Democrats say it only concerns
local issues."
However, Professor Brown called
attention to the fact that Postmaster-
General James A. Farley, chief Dem-
ocratic tactician, made a personal
plea in New York state for a New Deal
vote. "In that sense it was a repudia-
tion," he said.
"On the other hand," he stated,
'only recently the farmers of the
Mid-west approved the corn-hog
program, showing that that part of

the New Deal program is favored in
that section."
"President Roosevelt is still very
popular," Professor Brown declared,
"and the trend of opposition will have
to go a long way yet before he will
be in the disfavor of the nation as a
whole." To back this up, he pointed
to the results of national polls, the
returns of which are favorable to the
"And should the people decide
against him, who would the Republi-
can candidate be?" he asked. He
pointed out that "even the experts
can't figure the situation out." None
of the many of possible candidates
comes out in the open for fear of an-
tagonizing the others, he said.
Calling attention to the "wishful
thinking" of political writers, Profes-
sor Brown held that "it is impossible
to tell at the present time the Re-
publican set-up."
Arrest Driver4
In Collision On
Mrs. Muehlig Swears Out
Warrant; John Hunget
Acc'ised Of Recklesness

Of Elections
Is Disputed
G.O.P. Leaders Contend
Results In East Show
New DealOpposition
Democrats Lead In
Kentucky Returns
President Roosevelt Makes
No Comment On Results
Of EasternVoting
WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. - (P) -
National Republican and Democratic
leaders tonight found such divergent
meanings in Tuesday's elections as
claims that the New Deal had been
both repudiated and endorsed.
From G.O.P. spokesmen came con-
tentions that the election of Repub-
lican controlled assemblies in New
York and New Jersey indicated wan-
ing support for the Roosevelt ad-
Promptly the Democrats responded
that, nevertheless, their candidates
polled a plurality of popular votes in
New York and northern New Jersey.
Thus, they said, the voters approved
the New Deal.
Meanwhile, returns from Kentucky

Petition For Readmission
Filed By Expelled Student
Against Rutihven, Regents

Six/ Houses Get
Graduates For
New Advisers
Free Tuition, Board And
Room Given To Resident
Six fraternities have accepted the
University's offer to waive tuition
requirements" for resident graduate
advisers, Joseph A. Bursley, dean of
students, announced yesterday. The
fraternities- are Delta Tau-Delta; A-
acia, Kappa Delta Rho, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Phi Kappa Tau, and Phi
Beta Delta.
The plan was offered two years
ago, but no action was taken definite-
ly by an organization. The move-
ment for graduate "preceptor" has
gained much popularity in such in-
stitutions as the University of Iowa,
Rutgers, the University of Illinois,
Lafayette College, and the University
of Oklahoma, Dean Bursley stated.
Resident graduate advisers will be
allowed free tuition, on action of the
Board of Regents, and free room and
board by the fraternity houses in
which they reside, the Law School,
or the School of Business Administra-
Emphasizing the fact that the new
system is not permanent, Dean Burs-
ley stressed the fact that "this is
more or less of an experiment." The
future of the resident adviser plan
depends on the results of the 1935-
36 year, he stated
Metropolitan Club
Will BeOrganized
A Metropolitan Club, composed pri-
marily of students from New York
City, Brooklyn, and Northern New
Jersey, will hold its first meeting at
7:30 tonight in the League.
The purpose of the new club is "to
give the students from these cities
the advantages that might come from
knowing each other and to provide a
closer link with the University," offi-
cials said last night.
Prof. Shorey Peterson of the eco-!
nomics department will be the ad-
visor of the group and will aid in
the organization and determination
of a plan for coming activities. The
meeting tonight will be the reorgani-
zation of the club which was formerly
organized on the campus many years
Tentative plans for the semester
include a dance, group transportation
back home at Christmas, and other
group activities. Men and women,
are invited, it was announced.
Current Issue Of
Gargoyle On Sale
Replete with humor, fashions, art
and candid photographs the Novem-
ber Gargoyle comes out today.
Featured are the star male boarders
of four camnus sororities. "orenos-

Two c .rs were badly damaged showed the Democratic gubernatorial
without sExious injury to the occu- candidate A. B. (Happy) Chandler
pants of c&<her car late last night holding a strong lead. The New Deal
when a 1930 Whippet coach driven issue was raised in the campaigning
by John Hunget, '30, of Platt sub- there by Democratic spokesmen.
division, collided with a 1929 Buick The Republicans said tonight Phil-
sedan driven by Mrs. Wilbur Mueh- adelphia's election of a Republican
lig, 34, 1506 Packard Ave., at the mayor was significant, too, but the
intersection of Packard and Wood- Democrats pointedly noted that the
lawn Ave. G.O.P. plurality of 338,000 in 1932 was
A warrant foi' Hunget's arrest on a 47,000 on Tuesday.
reckless driving charge was sworn While other party leaders were
out by Judge Jay H. Payne on Mrs. quick to voice their conclusions, Pres-
Muehlig's complaint and the arrest ident Roosevelt at Hyde Park stood
was made last night. !ly a policy of not commenting.
According to Mrs. Muehlig, she was Friends who knew his mind, however,
driving northwest on Packard when said he felt that the election of a
she saw Hunget's car coming toward Republican assembly in New York
her on the same side of the street. despite a Democratic popular plural-
Her car was sideswiped on the left ity was normal.
side. by the .front - of- the other car Henry P. Fletcher, chairman of the
involved, and both cars had to be Republican National Committee, is-
towed away by wreckers.. sued an exultant formal statement
Hunget was unconscious when from his headquarters here.
found, but regained consciousness al- D
most immediately. He was taken to DEMOCRATS LOSE POWER
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, where ALBANY, Nov. 6. -(P) -Leaders
his injuries were diagnosed as con- of both major parties claimed victory
tusions of the abdomen, but was re- tonight in New York state Assembly
leased immediately upon his own in- elections, but whatever the merits
sistence, after releasing the hospital may be, the Republicans will control
from any responsibility. Mrs. Mueh- the lower branch of the 1936 legis-
lig was uninjured. lature, 82 to 68.
Police reported that Hunget was They unseated nine Democrats to
involved in a similar accident at this regain the power they lost last fall
time last year. In the accident last for the first time in 22 years.
night, Hunget, a junk dealer, had his Henry P. Fletcher, chairman of the
car filled with "I" beams and other .epubl:can National Committee,
scrap. hailed the result as 'the forerunnerl
of what will happen next year" and
G.O.P. State Chairman Melvin C.
John Erskine Eaton termed it as an outright repu_
diation of the New Deal.
InT Postmaster-General James A. Far-
Is 'Injured ley, state and national Democratic
chairman, claimed a victory for the
uto AccidentNew Deal because of the Democrats'
} Q near 400,000 plurality.
He charged that the state is gerry-
John Erskine, noted American nov- mandered so that the Democrats can-
clist, was taken to Ford Hospital in not win except in a landslide. The
Detroit last night after being injured Democrats, in control of the last
in an automobile accident three miles legislature, failed to reapportion the
west of Brighton on Grand River state under the 1930 census when
avenue. Tammany Hall's representation re-
T-Ti iiinvnr vnr Y i~fni Nii " M volted.


Asks G.O.P. To
Be Liberal In
'36 Campaign
Sen. Vandenberg Suggests
'Lincoln Liberalism' In
Chicago Speech
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. - (P)--Senator
Arthur H. Vandenberg, of Michigan,
today urged the adoption of a "Lin-
coln Liberalisi" platform for the
1936 Republican campaign.
The senator, frequently mentioned
as a presidential candidate, in an
address prepared for delivery before
the Hamilton Club of Chicago, said
that the G.O.P. could win in 1936
if it were ready with "affirmative
plans" for the nation's troubles.
"That is what the country wants,"
he said.
"We must -and shall--produce
a definite and specific program out
of next June's Republican convention.
"I venture to believe that when the
time comes, the Republican party will
speak plainly, constructively, pro-
gressively - and victoriously."
A shotgun attack on everything the
Roosevelt administration has done
will not succeed, Senator Vandenberg
warned, adding that Republican votes
"including my own" have supported
some of the "New Deal" legislation.
He also frowned on any "mud bar-
rage" to "smear personalities."
Voters cannot be won back by a
standpat program, he said. "It can-
not be done by static viewpoints or
by stolid entrenchment against rea-
sonable evolution toward a larger and -
more effective social responsibility on
the part of government- the original
pattern for which was set by our own
Lincoln Liberalism."
A year from today, the senator
predicted, the headlines will "pro-
claim a new leader and certify thatj
the Republic is restored:"
R ef e r r i n g to the President's
"breathing spell" announcement, the
senator said:
"America wants more than an in-
terlude of free air. It wants a breath-j
ing spell for keeps."
Three Pilots Seek
Lost Alaskan Fliers
FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Nov. 6. - ()
- Three veteran aviators dared the
Alaskan winter and wilderness today
in their determination to find Pilotr
Jack Herman and his five passengers,c
who vanished in a Northern Air
transport plane Saturday on a flight
between Dawson and Fairbanks.,
Forced bacĀ± once by lowering
clouds and driving snow along thet
Upper Chena River, Pilots Bill Lav-
ery, Victor Ross and Herman Lar-
dahl announced they would resume
their search.
The fliers said they believed Her-
man might have landed safely in an
open spot and stalled in snow in the
rugged country between here and
Dawson. Their planes carried food<
in case they should find the missingl
pilot and his passengers, Peter Funk,
Oscar Adany, Okay Ogren, W. James<
and George Townsend, all Klondikers.

Ball Will Be Held
In Masonic Temple
A benefit dance sponsored by the
policemen and firemen of Ann Arbor
will be held Thursday night in -the
Masonic Temple. Next to the J-Hop,
this dance is considered the city's
biggest one of the year, according to
the desk-sergeants of the police force
office in the city hall.
Sergeant Clifford West of the police
department reported yesterday that
Dean Alice Lloyd had agreed to give
litte permission to girls who are plan-
ning to attend the dance. Sergeant
West said that every year many stu-
dents take dates to this affair, and
that this year a irecord student crowd
is expected. Admission is $1.00 per
Reade Pierce and his 11-piece or-
chestra will provide dance music in
the main ballroom from 9 p.m. to 1
a.m. "Mountain Pete," from station
WXYZ, will play oldtime dance tunes
in the basement.
Punch will be served to the 2,000
persons who are expected to attend,
The proceeds of this dance will be
used to build up a pension fund for
both the fire and police departments.
Billy Sunday
Dies Suddenly
At Age Of 72
Noted Evangelist, Long An
Invalid, Is Stricken At
Brother-In-Law's Home
CHICAGO, Nov. 6. -(P) - William
A. (Billy) Sunday, 72, well-known
evangelist, died suddenly tonight of
angina pectoris at the home of a
brother-in-law here.}
His moans after he had gone up-
stairs attracted members of the
household who summoned medical
aid immediately. The noted evan-
gelist had been an invalid for some
He had suffered a mild attack
about 2 p.m. today.
Sunday was born in Ames, Ia., Nov.
19, 1863. He was graduated from a
high school in Nevada, Ia., studied at,
Northwestern University in suburban
Evanston, Ill., and became a well-
known professional baseball player.1
Between 1883 and 1890 he played1
with Chicago, Pittsburgh, and Phila-
delphia in the National League as an
Upon his retirement from profes-
sional baseball Sunday became inter-
ested in religious work and in 1891
was appointed an assistant secretary
of the Young Men's Christian Asso-
ciation in Chicago.-
President Ruthven
Goes To Nebraska
President Alexander G. Ruthven
departed yesterday afternoon for
Lincoln, Neb., where he will attend
a meeting of the Association of the
Governing Boards of State Univer-
sities and Allied Institutions.
Regents Junius E. Beal and Frank-
lin M. Cook also left on the trip with
President Ruthven and will be in at-
tendance at the conference. The pro-
gram of the association ends Satur-
day noon and President Ruthven and
the Regents will return following the
last session of the association.
The meetings are being held at Ne-
braska University, in which Durand
W. Springer, former resident of Ann
Arbor and auditor of the University,

is an officer.
Royal Couple Wed
In Ancient Palace
LONDON, Nov. 6. -(P) -The stal-
wart Duke of Gloucester, third son of
Britain's monarchs, and his fair
bride, Lady Alice Montagu-Douglas-
Scott. whose Scottish ancestors once

Daniel Cohen Starts First
Attempt To Reenter By
Court Procedure
Damages Of $4,000
Are Cited In Case
P. H. O'Brien, Former
State Attorney General,
A petition for a writ of mandamus
against President Alexander G. Ruth-
yen, the Board of Regents, and each
of the members of the Board in-
dividually will be filed this morning
in the Federal District Court in De-
troit by Patrick H. O'Brien, former
state attorney general, counsel for
Daniel Cohen, '37E.
Cohen, one of four students asked
by President Ruthven during the
summer not to return this semester
because of alleged "interference with
the work of the University and with
the work of students," is asking the
courts to force the University either
to readmit him or to show just cause
why he should not be readmitted,
Cite Constitutional Charges
If the court grants the petition, the
University will have approximately
ten days in which to comply with the
order or to show cause before the
court why the students were not re-
admitted this fall.
Contractual and constitutional
charges are being cited by O'Brien in
the petition. He is charging that
the University violated an implied
contract which guarantees Cohen the
right of attendance here; that Chen
was deprived of property without due
process of law, holding that an educa-
tion should be considered as property;
and that Cohen was denied equal
rights according to others. Both
Federal and State constitutional
measures are involved in the charges.
Damages in excess of $4,000 were
cited by O'Brien in his petition, this
sum being set as the arbitrary value
of a college education. A declaration
of damages suffered by the plaintiff
in excess of $3,000 is required in order
to file suit in a Federal Court, but a
payment is not required 'in a writ of
mandamus case.
Is Test Case
O'Brien and Nicholas V. Olds, serv-
ing together as counsel for Cohen,
are acting at the request of the New
York office of the American Civil
Liberties Union. They are. instituting
the suit as a test case that will de-
termine the fae of two other former
studIents, William Fisch, '37, and Jo-
seph Feldman, '37, who together with
Cohen were asked not to return. The
fourth student, Leon Ovsiew, '37, was
readmitted by President Ruthven this
Cohen, a student of chemical en-
gineering, and the other three persons
asked not to return were active in
the National Student League last
year, and all four are from Eastern
states. It is charged by the American
Civil Liberties Union that their al-
leged virtual expulsion came as a re-
sult of their activities as members of
the organization which last year
brought John Strachey to the cam-
pus, sponsored an anti-war strike,
and a drive to have Willis Ward play
in the controverted Georgia Tech
President Ruthven has asserted
that the issue is not one of free
speech, but of interferencewith the
proper functioning of the University,
and that the same action would have
been taken regardless of the political
creeds of the four students.
Newspapermen Are
Upheld By Appeal

AUSTIN, Tex., Nov. 6. -(P)-Free-
doom of the press was upheld today
by the Texas Court of Criminal Ap-
peals in a ruling that newspapers
ha ie a Constitutional right to print
proceedings of criminal trials -a
right which cannot be abridged by
The court ordered six Houston
newspapermen absolved of contempt
charges preferred by District Judge
M. S Munson of Anleton . when tho

His injuries were paintul uut not
serious, doctors said.
Erskine was being driven from Lan-
sing to Detroit where he was to have
given a lecture. The big sedan in
which he was riding, driven by E. H.
Clark of Lansing, crashed into a
State Highway truck as it was de-
scending a hill. According to police,
the truck attempted to pass another
Clark and his wife, who was also
in the car, were also injured. They
were taken to the Mellus Hospital in
Brighton, from which they were re-
moved to Detroit.
The writer suffered a broken nose
and head and face cuts, while Clark'sa
chest was severely bruised and his
head and face scratched. Mrs. Clark's
injuries were reported to be slight.
The driver of the truck, J. C. Truax,
19655 Keating Ave., Detroit, was un-
Students Driving To
Illinois Need Permits
Students planning to drive to
Champaign for the Michigan-Il-
linois game Saturday must se-
cure permits from the Office of the
'ns- a.n f i..ir3ntc ViAe. R Rn

NEW YORK, Nov. 6. -- (A)- The
stock market whirled upward today in
the most active trading in 16 months.
Numerous pivotal issues advanced
from $1 to $3 a share, while par-
ticularly strong spots, up around $4
Go $4.50 each.

Rac hmaninoff Interviews Easily,
But Foolish Questions Bore Him'

Nearly overcome by the onslaught
of autograph hunters and anxious to
get into "my old brown suit," Sergeil
Rachmaninoff destroyed once and for
all the fantasy that he is the world's
most difficult artist to interview.
The mere suggestion which that he
might even be in that category
brought a broad smile to his face and
he submitted readily to all question-
ings. And there were lots of them
to try his patience as he scrawled a
hasty "Sergei Rachmaninoff" across
programs and magazines and sheet
music and still more programs.

busy life and would much rather for-
get about catching trains and spend
extra time playing encores to Univer-
sity of Michigan audiences, to which
he is rather partial. He finds Ann
Arbor warm and hospitable and said,
"Here they do everything to make it
easy for you."
He doesn't know anything about
politics nor does he care to spend his
time solving any of the governmental
problems, he said. He is more inter-
ested in the people themselves and
said that he gets real enjoyment rid-
ing leisurely along from one town to
another, stopping when his fancy de-
mands to inquire of workers what

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