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November 04, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-04

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The Weather

Rain in southeast, slightly
coldersTuesday; Wednesday
local snows.


lee 4kv 4V


A Cur etFor Wild Thinkg'...
Tibbteltis Cure For Opera..




Miami Hit
By Severe
Five Are Reported Killed
As Second Storm Lashes
Across Everglades
Heavy Damage Is
Incurred In Cities
Fear Is Expressed For The
Safety Of Inhabitants Of
Florida Keys
MIAMI, Fla., Nov. 4. - () - The
second hurricane of the season lashed
Miam i today, caused five reported
deaths, swung across the sparsely-
settled.Everglades and passed into the
Gulf of Mexico.
The weather bureau said the storm
.:mroved into the Gulf at 8 p.m. E.S.T.,
abeut t30 miles south of Everglade
City. The storm's path was about 60
miles north of Key West and all
danger was believed gone for the low-
er Keys area.
Word reached here that more than
200 FERA workers and residents of
the Keys had reached the town of
Homestead safely, but anxiety was
felt for persons, believed still on Rag-
ged Key, Virginia Key, Long Key, and
other small islands southwestward of
the mainland,4
Gordon E. Dunn, Jacksonville me-
terologist, said the hurricane might
regain force over the Gulf and prob-
ably would swing northwestward.
Houses Collapse
Two were known dead, a 13-year-
old girl named Levi, and an uniden-
tified man caught in the collapse of
houses in the northwest section of
Miami. Police were told a woman
and a baby were electrocuted by a
fallen wire, but confirmation was
lacking. A sailor aboard the Hariha,
a boat in the hurricane area, was re-
ported killed when struck by a ven-
tilator which had been opened by
the wind. His name was not learned.
Miami suftered extensive property
damage, and late reports from cities
north of here said damage was heavy
in Ft. Lauderdale, Hollywood, and
Dania. Dania was reported hardest
Bricks showered down on residents
-as they scurried to the more substan-
tial buildings. One woman's back
was broken by bricks cut loose by the
wind from atop the Pershing Hotel.
Another woman was blown against a
building so hard her back was brok-
Metal and woodein signs were blown
through the streets like so much pap-
er. Trees were uprooted throughout
the business and residential sections.
Heavy plate glass windows collapsed,
letting the winds rip through the in-
teriors of stores. .
Cars Careen Through Streets
The tin roof of the. Professional
Building ,was ripped off. Driverless
automobiles careened along the
streets. The wind picked up one ma-
chine like a plaything and dropped it
in a clump of palm trees. Several
were marooned when waves lapped
over a causeway between Miami and
Miami Beach.
The Tropical Radio Telegraph Co.
reported late today that all towers of
its station were down and the build-
ing housing its transmitters was legk-
ing badly.
The steamships Sneland and
Florida were reported disabled off the
Florida Coast.
All communication lines to Palm

Beach were flattened in the first burst
of the storm. Later, however, it was
learned that Palm Beach had escaped
the full force of the hurricane.
The highest wind velocity reported
by the Miami Weather Bureau was
83 miles an hour. The barometer fell
to 28.73 inches, but a short time later
it had risen to 29.27.
Ruthven Opens Way
For eW Build ings
Petitioning the Common Council at
its meeting held at 8 p.m. last night,
to have the city vacate South Ingalls
St., President Alexander G. Ruthven
opened the way for the construc-
tion of the new Graduate School and
the Baird Campanile.
A motion of Prof. Leigh J. Young
for the reconsideration of the vote
on the revision of zoning ordinance
to accommodate the State in obtain-
ing the old Hoover residence for an
institution was voted down. It was
decided to wait until a public hearing,

Coach Yost's Pronunciation
Of 'Meechigan' May Be Correct

"Meechigan" says Mr. Yost, and
everybody laughed at the pronouncia-
tion and Fred Lawton wrote a song
about it.
But maybe the Old Man is not so
wrong after all. Fifty million French-
men pronounce it just like Mr. Yost,
Members of the French department
came forward last night to defend the
director of athletics at Michigan - or
Meechigan. It seems that the name
of the state came down to English
from the Indian through the French.
"The word 'Michigan,' like so many
other English words," explained Prof.
Charles Knudson of the French de-
partment, "came to the English from
a French spelling of the Indian word.
The French pronounced the Indian
Vvord 'Meechigon,' and that is where
we got the 'ch' being pronounced like
the English 'sh'."
Charles E. Koella, also of the
French department, and several other
French professors, backed up Pro-
fessor Knudson's contention that as

taken oier from the English the
French pronounced the word "Meech-
igon," and the English "Meechigan."
The controversial word originally
came from the Algonquin Indians,
who inhabited the Wolverine state be-
fore the coming of the white man.
They used it, with an extra syllable,
according to Dr. Wilbert M. Hinsdale
of the anthropology museum, to de-
note Lake Michigan. The word
means "big lake," explained Mr.
But the doctor deprecated Mr.
Yost's accuracy of pronounciation.
"He came from the South," he said.
But nevertheless, the fact remains
that the French, in -taking the word
from the Indians, spelled and pro-
nounced it "Meechigon;" and furth-
ermore that it was adopted from the
French "Meechigan."
Mr. Yost, however, denied all
knowledge of the whole affair. "I
just pronounce it 'Meechigan,' he
Yessir, it's a great big Meechigan

- I

Major Parties
Watch Today's
State Ballots
Local Elections Expected
To Indicate National
Political Set-Up
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. - (A') -
Taking weather-vane indications of,
how the state political winds of 1936J
may blow, national chieftains of both
the Democratic and Republican par-
ties tonight were primed for closest
scrutiny of tomorrow's state elections.
With some national issues superim-
posed upon local political rivalries
and the play of personalities which
accompanies them, New York and
New Jersey will elect state legislatures'
and Kentucky a governor. In addi-
tion New York will choose two mem-
bers of the national house of repre-
sentatives and Kentucky a third.
Meanwhile Philadelphia's citizens
will choose a mayor and Virginia anid
Mississippi will go through the rou-
tine of ratifying candidates for state1
office already selected in Democratic1
primary elections.
President Roosevelt wilf vote in
person at his home town of Hyde
Park, N. Y., symbolizing, perhaps, the
national tinge that has been givena
the election there by spokesmen for
both the old line parties.
Melvin C. Eaton, Republican state
chairman, -has repeatedly appealed,
for votes as a repudiation of the New
Deal, and his latest assertion was a
prediction that the results would be
"the most severe setback for Roose-
velt's reelection hopes received thus
Postmaster General James A. Far-
ley, who is New York State's as well
as national Democratic chairman, al-
so raised a broad national question
from the other side of the political'
dividing line. He was confident, he
said, that the outcome "would reflect1
the satisfaction of the people that
complete prosperity is nearly here."
The New York election has further
national implications in the fact that{
it is President Roosevelt's home state
and that his close friend and sup-
porter, Gov. Herbert H. Lehmann
has called for the election of a Demo-
cratic state assembly.
Whether or not, here and else-
where, national issues have been ar-
tifically injected as some contend
rather than flowing naturally from
local candidates and issues,athe gen-
eral result will be seized upon for po-
litical capital by whichever party they
seem to favor.
Wallace Approves
Corn And Hog Plan
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. - (A) -
Secretary of Agriculture Harry A.
Wallace signed a formal proclama-
tion today calling for a two-year ad-
justment program for control of corn
and hog production.
The Secretary's actions complied
with terms of the AAA amendments
which required him to find a program
necessary and feasible to AAA of-
ficials said they hoped to announce
final details of the program within
30 days after the close of the con-
ferences which started today with
corn-hog farmers and agricultural
Last Freshman Forum
To ie Ild At Uninn

Elmer O'Hara
Is Found Guilty
On Bribe Count
Sentence Deferred Until
Election Fraud Charge
Is Tried
MT. CLEMENS, Nov. 4.-- (W)- A
Macomb County jury returned a ver-
dict tonight of "guilty as charged"
against Elmer P. O'Hara, Wayne
County clerk and chairman of the
Democratic state committee, on trial
in circuit court here on a charge of
The'verdict was returned by the
jury after two hours and 55 minutes
of deliberation. Only three ballots
were taken.
Judge Parm Gilbert, presiding at
the trial, deferred sentence until the
January term of court, explaining he
did not believe O'Hara should be sen-
tenced on the charge until the trial
of O'Hara and 33 other defendants
later this month on a charge of elec-
tion fraud growing out of the legis-
lative recount of last December in
Judge Gilbert fixed $2,000 as bond
for O'Hara pending sentence. He
had been at liberty since his indict-
merit on his own recognizance.
Conviction of the bribery charge
carries a maximum penalty of five
years in prison and $1,000 fine.
Edward N. Barnard, chief of de-
fense counsel, said an appeal would
be filed immediately. "There was
nothing in the evidence to substan-
tiate the verdict," he declared. "We
will appeal at once."
Frank G. Davis, 75-year-old fire-
man of the jury, said two jurors voted
for acquittal on the first ballot, one
on the second, and that the poll was
unanimous for conviction on the
CHICAGO, Nov. 4.- (/') - The City
Council adopted an ordinance today
placing Chicago on Eastern Stand-
ard Time the year around, effective
March 1. The vote was 44 to 3. An
amendment, which would have sub-
mitted the time change as a refer-
endum, was tabled.

Elections Are
Delayed Until
November 13
Student Directory's Non-
Appearance Reason For
Next Wednesday Is
Set As New Date
Voting Machines Feature
Class Elections Here For
First Time
The oft-postponed class elections
have been postponed once again.
Because the Student Directory,
which is used in all elections as a
registration-list check, has not yet
put in an appearance, it will be im-
possible to hold the senior election
before Wednesday, Nov. 13, William
R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's
Council, said last night.
The directory is scheduled to ap-
pear Saturday, and it is therefore
considered certain that the voting
will start the following Wednesday,
Dixon stated.
Members of the committee in
charge of the elections were an-
nounced last night. The group,
headed by Dixon as general chair-
man, includes:
John Strayer, '36, John McCarthy,
'36, Sanford Ladd, '37, Wencel Neu-
mann, '36E, Francis Wallace, '36E,
Richard Pollman, '36A, Roscoe Day,
Grad., Clarence Markham, '36BAd.
and Marshall Sleet, '36SM. All are
members of the Men's Council.
Two voting machines secured from
the Automatic Voting Machine Corp.
of Philadelphia will be used for the
elections. A large machine of stand-
ard size will be used to tabulate the
Ivote in the literary college, where
the balloting is expected to be heavy.
A small instrument will be employed
for the elections in the architecture
college, the music school, the business
administration school, the engineer-
ing college, and the forestry school.
To date only two parties have an-
nounced their slate of candidates.
They are the "United Engineers" and
the "Consolidated Engineers." In-
terest this year is expected to center
about the junior engineer elections,
for it is the engineers' turn to choose
the leader of the J-Hop.
OhioState Denies
Long Count' Gauge
COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 4. - (W) -
Three athletic officials of Ohio State
set at rest tonight reports circulating
among football fans that the last
quarter of the Notre Dame contest
might have been a bit longer than
regulation time.
The Irish made their last two
touchdowns Saturday during the
couple of minutes and the final one
only a few seconds before the end, to
win 18-13.
The fans' gossip was at least partly
inspired by the fact that the electric
clock in the stadium showed the time
was up more than a minute before
the final gun sounded.
Today L. W. St. John, Ohio State
athletic director, and Dr. Walter
Dussde team physician, said they sat
in the Ohio State stands with a stop
watch on the game and that their
watches coincided with the field
judges.' _______

New Cabaret
Head Chosen
By Council
Angeline Maliszewski Is
Appointed Chairman Of
Sophomore Affair
Merit System Used
As Selection Basis
Nine Women Named For
.Central Committee Of
Class Project
Angeline Maliszewski will act as
general chairman of this year's Soph-
omore Cabaret, the League Under-
graduate Council announced last
The other nine members of the cen-
tral committee appointed last night
were: Hope Hartwig, assistant chair-
man; Miriam Sanders, finance chair-
'man; HNriiet Shackleton, hostess
committee, Mary Kelkenny, enter-
tainment; Roberta Melin, publicity;
Mary Ellen McCord, program; Berta
Knudson, costumes; Florence Mc-
Conkey, decorations; and Elizabeth
Whitney, music.
Following the appointment system
inaugurated last fall in the election
of officers for class projects, the
Council used the merit system as a
basis for nominating the central
Miss Maliszewski, who is from
Grosse Pointe, is an independent, and
is a member of the Assembly. She
has served as the social chaiman of
Mosher Hall as well as being a memb-
er of the Mosher Hall house council.
Last year, she participated in the
Frosh Project, and did volunteer work
on the Sophomore Cabaret.
Served On Project
The assistant chairman, Miss Hart-
wig, Ann Arbor, is a member of Kap-
pa Alpha Theta sorority, and is on
the social committee of the League.
She served on the entertainment
committee for the Freshman Mardi
Gras, and is a member of the W.A.A.
Miss Whitney, of Ann Arbor, is af-
filiated with Collegiate Sorosis, and
Miss Shackleton, Joliet, Ill., is a mem-
ber of Kappa Alpha Theta. Miss
Sanders is from Highland Park, and
is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta,
freshmen women's honor society.
Miss Melin, Cambridge, Ill., is af-
filiated with Delta Gamma sorority,
and Miss McCord, Detroit, is a mem-
ber of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Miss
Kelkenny transferred from Michigan
State College. Miss McConkey, Ann
Arbor, and Miss Knudson, Spring-
field, Ill., are unaffiliated.
The chairman of the ticket commit-
tee is to be appointed by the central
committee later this week.
All women interested in a position
on the Sophomore Cabaret submitted
petitions to the Judiciary Council,
who in turn, interviewed each appli-
cant, and made recommendations to
the League Council.
Council Judges Petitions
The League Council considered
these recommendations, and made
the appointments on the basis of the
candidate's leadership, efficiency, ac-
tivities record and scholarship.
More than 140 petitions were sub-
mitted, according to Winifred Bell,
'36, chairman of the Judiciary Coun-
cil. All women who submitted pe-
titions and did not receive an ap-
pointment will be placed on the com-
mitteesin which they signified an

Jean Seeley, '36, president of the
League, in commenting on the Coun-
cil's appointments said, "We are par-
ticularly pleased this year in the se-
lection of major positions for the
Sophomore Cabaret. It is evident
from the great number of petitions
which were filed, that interest in
women's activities is steadily grow-
The Cabaret has been tentatively
set for the first part of December. The
entertainment usually consists of a
floor show, dancing, and other fea-
tured programs.
Spanish Prince Is
Victim Of Robbery
TORONTO, Nov. 4.- (/') - Jewels
valued at $8,000 were stolen today
from the hotel suite of former Prince
Juan, of Spain, heir-presumptive to
the abolished Spanish throne, and his
bride of three weeks, the former Prin-
cess Maria, of Bourbon-Sicily.
The couple, on a honeymoon tour
of +- --A -1 rn f linn onnr,1

No Nightgowns In
Helen Newberry,
a Fire Drill Shows{
Fire! So members of The Daily
staff thoughtwhen they sawthe girls
of Helen.Newberry dormitory run-
ning out into the street in their pa-
jamas at 11:55 p.m. yesterday.
But The Daily staff was mistaken,
because there was no fire. Neither
were the Helen Newberry girls run-
ning about in their nightwear just
for the exercise. It was a fire drill.
Quickly, and with only a few
giggles, the girls, clad in gaudily hued
sleeping suits, tripped out of the dor-
mitory. They stood shivering around
the street for a minute or two, and
then, after reassuring the worried
Daily reporter, sent over to investi-
gate, that there really wasn't any
fire, they tripped back in again.
And they were lucky, for hardly
had they gotten inside, when the rain,
came down in sizeable quantities.
Eye witnesses say there was not a
nightdress in the lot.
Villard ToGive
Second Talky In
Series Tonight'
Italian Archeologist Also
Tfo Speak On University
Lecture Program
Oswald Garrison Villard, noted~
publisher and journalist and Gilber
Bagnini, director of Italian excava-
tions in Egypt, will speak today on
the prograA f thle University lecture
Mr. Villard will speak on "The
Present European Crisis" at 8 p.m. to-
night in the Natural Science Audi-
torium, and Mr. Bagnini is expected
to discuss his findings at Teb-Tunis
when he speaks at 4:15 p.m. this
afternoon, also in the Natural Science
Mr. Villard will mnake a special
appearance at a joint meeting of
Dean Joseph A. Bursley's two
freshman luncheon clubs which
will be held at noon today in the
Union, according to an an-
nouncement made last night.
In order to give the members
of both the Tuesday and Thurs-
day noon clubs an opportunity to
hear Mr. Villard, the two groups
will meet this noon and there will
be no meeting on Thursday, ac-
cording to Dean Bursley.
Vilgard has attracted quite some
attention through his magazine wot
and numerous books. He was born
in Germany but came to this country
and attended Harvard, Washington
and Lee, and Lafayette College. Afte.
receiving his degree from Lafayette,
he became an assistant in American
history at Harvard.
His first newspaper position wa.
with the Philadelphia Press, on which
he was a reporter. He worked h .
way up the journalistic ladder until i:
1918 he became editorial writer am
president of the New York Evening
Post. He resigned from the Post ir
1932 in order to join the Nation, with
which he has been affiliated evei
He is the grandson of William
Lloyd Garrison, the famous abolition-
Mr. Bagnini was directly respon-
sible for the discovery of a valuable
collection of papyri at Teb-Tunis,

Egypt, where he was in charge of a
party searching for pottery articles,
paintings, sculptures, and old coins
He was educated in England, at-
tending Oxford University, and has
on several occasions lectured in Can-
ada on the subjects of Greek, Latin,
and Egyptology.
Triangles Initiate
Ten New Members
Triangles, junior honorary engi-
neering society, last night announced
th rn -nf iniiann f n mow m. tn

Women And Children Die
As Planes Bomb Town
In SouthernEthiopia
Chieftains Plan Use
Of Buried Hoards
Italian Columns Penetrate
Highlands With Makale
As Objective
(Copyrighted, 1935, by Associated Press)
ADDIS ABABA, Nov. 4. -- (A) - An
Italian air raid on the town of Gora-
hei which the Ethiopian government
described as the most furious yet suf-
fered in Ethiopia, left 30 women and
15 children dead, it was announced
officially today.
Emperor Haile Selassie, beginning
his sixth year of rule, was deeply af-
fected by reports of the bombing Sat-
urday, which the government stated
caused greater casualties than earl-
ier attacks on other cities including
Aduwa in the north.
Gorahei, in Ogaden province in
southern Ethiopia, was said to be un-
occupied by troops, as they were at
the front. The women and children
were said to have been killed while
watering their cattle. One hundred
of the cattle also were reported killed.
Government officials stated they
had no official reports of the Italian
advance in the north toward Makale,
but Emperor Haile Selassie expressed'
great confidence that his warriors
would defeat the Italian invaders.
Ethiopia's plan to repel the inva-
sion was increased by dozens of
feudal chiefs after a vigorous plea by
Tecle Hawariape, former Ethiopian
minister to Paris who himself con-
tributed 50,000 francs, about $2,250.
Just back from Geneva where he
represented Ethiopia before the
League of Nations, Hawariape ad-
dressed 10,000 warriors banqueting
on raw meat yesterday.
"What are you doing with your
buried gold?" he asked. "Are you
keeping it to give to the enemy? If
you hoard it selfishly for yourselves
'while your country is undergoing the
agonies of war you will soon become
Italy's coolies."
(Copyrighted, 1935, by Associated Press)
OPIA, Nov. 4. - (P)- Machine guns
of low-flying Fascist war planes and
hot rifle fire from thousands of
massed Ethiopians roared out near
Makale today in the path of the fast
advance of Italy's northern army.
Behind the fighting planes the
black shirts of Gen. Ruggero San-
tini, one of four invading columns
swept up the highland commanding
Mai Anesti, 18 miles southeast of
Hauzien and on toward much-wanted
Makale, 20 miles deeper into the
rock-bound heart of Ethiopia.
Air reconnaisance reports to Italy
military authorities at Asmara, Eri-
trea, said Makale itself apparently
was deserted by the Ethiopian troops
and that crowds of inhabitants Mon-
day raised their arms to the fliers
and waved their white sheets as an
invitation for the Fascists to occupy
the city.
Panel On Near
East To Begin
Series Sunday
The first of a series of international
panels will be held at 4:00 p.m. Sun-
day at the Union. The panel, which,
according to Prof.>J, Raleigh Nelson,
Counselor to Foreign Students, has

been arranged by the Turkish' stu-
dents on the campus, will be an at-
tempt to give an accurate and first-
hand picture of social and economic
reforms in the Near East.
"These panels," said Professor Nel-
son," are planned to provide the stu-
dents of the eight foreign countries
represented on the campus to ex-
change ideas among themselves and
the American students who are in-
terested in foreign affairs."
Three panels on the Near East have
been planned for the period up to
Christmas. and a series on the Far

Kills Many; Army
In North Advances

Italian Air


Questions On Present Status
Of Soviets Answered By Coffey

Certain important questions and
answers relative to the present status
of the Soviet Union, as expressed by
Prof. Hobairt Coffey of the Law1
School, who has recently returned
from a visit to Russia, in an informall
talk before the National Student
League last night in the Union:
The question: Are Russian workers
paid on an equalitarian basis?
Professor Coffey: "They are not.
Unskilled laborers earn approximate-
ly 150 roubles a month, teachers 200
roubles, physicians 400 roubles, en-
gineers 600 to 700 roubles, lawyers1
from 1,000 to 4,000."
Q: Is there anything free in the
Soviet Union?
A: (by Professor Coffey) "You pay]
for everything you get."
Q: Do the Russian peoples seem3
content, well-dressed, clean?
A: "In general, yes, they do. The
Russian cities are much cleaner than

feed them well, but many foodstuffs
have been exported to pay for im-
ports, and many Russians have taken
from agronomy and transplanted to
the factory to build up capital goods.
The food is adequate, but variety is
Q: What, approximately, is the
Russian standard of living?
A: "It is fairly close to the Amer-
ican work relief level for the bulk
of the workers."
Q: What about food prices?
A: "They are high."
A: How much unemployment is
A: "There is none."
Q: Do the workers rule in Russia?
A: "In a qualified sense. They
have a large measure of local, or fac-
tory, autonomy, but Communist Party,
members are strategically placed to
the end that the party doctrine per-
vades all major decisions. The rule
in Russia, is, again qualifiedly, dic-

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