EIGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1935 IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS ,. w WALKER Hewood Daffy Americans Parade In Witty Review Of Foibles MRS. ASTOR'S HORSE. Stokes. $3.00. By JOSEPH MATTES" Watching the headliners of the past 15 years troup merrily past his> city desk in the New York .Eerald- Tribune in a never-ending circus, Stanley Walker had many hearty: s laughs over the goofy actions of the Americans he recalls in his lively,' crackling Mrs. Astor's Horse. In 23, chapters, each on some phase of daffiness and sometimes revolting I around an eytra-daffy individual, Walker puts his subjects on parade. -Courtesy Ann Arbor Daily News. giving the facts concisely and com- pletely on everyone from "Fishwife in the Temple" Hugh S. Johnson to "Passion Fanner" Sally Rand.- The title of the book is taken from a peasant saying during the hey-day of the upper social crust - "She isS dressed up like Mrs. Astor's plush Se horse." But times had changed and I ndicts And Delights in the late summer and early fall In Essays of 1935 some of the swanky socialites feared a revolution. Walker re- counts: "In Washington Franklin D. IT SEEMS TO ME, Heywood Broun Roosevelt, the Great Obfuscator, was Harcourt, Brace and Company, frightening the solvent with his pro- 2.50. gram to 'Tax the Rich,' translated by By MARY SAGE MONTAGUE the Bourbons into 'Soak the Thrifty.' In this collection of his newspaper In San Simeon William Randolph columns Heywood Broun depicts a Hearst reaffirmed his allegiance to chaotic ten years ,of incident and in- the Constitution of the United States. dignation. It Seems To Me is meaty Walter Lippmann became so clear and amusing, and, unlike most jour- that he was actually hard to read. nalism, has not gone stale. The 106 H. L. Mencken was finally unmasked pieces are gleaned from the several as a Tory. Reporters for The Daily papers for which Broun reported, his Worker walked boldly into the better career having been varied because of hotels. Arthur Brisbane, past 70, the fact that his allegiance to a paper still clung to his theories of the in- was not of the kind that brooked vincibility of the gorila and the joy evasion of responsibility, or the and duty of' female fertility, but he breaking down of the liberal tradi- added one rather startling sugges- tion. In "The Piece that Got Me tion to his program - he wanted mo- Fired" he says of The World, "it torists to carry Toggenburg goats in does not seem to me that the paper their automobiles so that fresh milk posseses either courage or tenacity would always be on hand." . . . the fault lies in a certain General Hugh S. Johnson is tossed squeamishness." a bouquet when Walker pronounces Broun has long been known for his him plainly the winner in the three- abilities in the field of the light es- cornered contest for invective su- say. Elasticity of scope and mood premacy involving Huey Long and characterize these columns, and the Father Coughlin last spring. With subject matter ranges from a sympa- his "economic kibitzers and political thetic interview with a horse to a pansies," "political termites" and somewhat rebellious dissertation on "public political enemies number one "Trees," "If," and "Invictus." "Trees and two," the former cracker-downer (if I have the name right) is one of is made king of American invec- the most annoying pieces of verse tive. within my knowledge." Often his After Mrs. Astor's Horse no modern humour is drawn from the stories sophisticate could find life quite as that make the front pages of his dull. For the smart - a knowing paper. When 3,500 people fought to smile, but for us simple folk - hearty get into the museum of natural guffaws. history to hear about the Einstein GWYNN: Writes Of Goldsmith Irish Bohemian ... . Revolt On The Campus' Tells Vivid Story Of Student Radicals OLIVER GOLDSMITH, by Stephen Gwynn. New York: Henry Holt and Company. $3.50. By PROF. LOUIS I. BREDVOLD. (of the English Dept.) Stephen Gwynn is a veteran Anglo- Irish man of letters, whose recent biographies of Swift and Scott have been quite favorably received. He is not a scholar of the erudite type, and his life of Goldsmith is not the result of what with any strictness of lan- guage can be called research. It is, in fact, hard to believe that he even made any attempt to exhaust the obvious resources of the libraries of Dublin, where he resides. He dis- cusses the process of composition of The Traveller without any reference to the unique proof sheets of an earlier form of the poem, which Bertram Dobell made accessible in an inexpensive reprint in 1902. He says nothing, in connection with the ques- tion whether the deserted village of Auburn was English or Irish, about Goldsmith's prose essay in 1762 on the subject of depopulated English villages, based on his own observation that summer not very far from Lon- don; this essay was discovered by Professor Ronald Crane in 1927, dis- cussed by him in the Times Literary Supplement that autumn, and re- printed in his volume of New Essays by Oliver Goldsmith. One might go on for pages to point out authentic and documented information about Goldsmith which has not gotten into this book. It is not a work to which the student can go for precise infor- mation when that is what he wants. It is regrettable that Mr. Gwynn did his work so hastily, because with- in its limitations his volume is really excellent. He has several qualifi- cations for writing about Goldsmith; he grew up in Ireland and knows Irish life, which he thinks has not ,hanged in its salient features since 'he day of Goldsmith; he is a shrewd and mellow observer of humanity and free from those intellectual crotchets of the "new biography" which would throw the student of Goldsmith's character off the right track at every turn; he long ago edited Horace, a fact which I cite, without any at- tempt at levity, as a sort of guarantee that his portrait of such a delicate humorist as Goldsmith will be done with the indispensable right "touch;" in short, Mr. Gwynn knows his Gold- smith and writes of him with intuitive understanding which in its own way is as valuable as erudition, and per- haps more rare. "Oliver Goldsmith is the ugly duck-t ling of English Literature," says Mr. Gwynn, and he tells the story of his struggles and adventures with indul- gence, tenderness, and humor. Gold- smith was shiftless in money matters. But he had two countries, says his biographer, "and though the roots of his heart were in Ireland, his spiritual home was Bohemia. In that frontierless community which has its Alsatia in every great city in Europe, and a raggle-taggle of its citizens scattered along every great road, the rule of life is that when you can lend, you lend, and when you can borrow, you borrow." This places Goldsmith admirably, and Mr. Gwynn deals frankly with the degradation and misery which is the lot of the shiftless Bohemian. "Life had to show Oliver Goldsmith its most ungracious aspect, it had to drench him with bitterness and squalor, before he could be what he became, able to set aside these ap- pearances of reality, and affirm his relief that kindness, gentleness, com- passion and gayety were the lasting truths in life." Mr. Gwynn argues with much shrewdness that Gold- smith was all his life deeply in- fluenced by the memory of his father, but that he remembered his mother with some bitterness. The evidence is cumulative, but perhaps the most important point is that, in The Vicar of Wakefield, "Mrs. Primrose, though she insists that a man must be well provided with birth and fortune to match in such a family as hers, is not represented as a lady: whereas 'he Vicar with all his simplicity is not only a scholar and a Christian but a gentleman in every word and thought." Such comment as this makes the volume both interesting and illum- inating, to the specialist in the sub- ject as well as to the general reader. One final word of qualified praise: Mr. Gwynn might have gone further in reaction against the sentimental conception of Goldsmith as a harm- less harper entertaining us who do the serious work of the world; he might have shown us more clearly the strength and integrity of Gold- smith's intellectual character. After all, Dr. Johnson said of him that "he was a very great man." REVOLT ON THE CAMPUS by James Wechsler. Covici-Friede Co. $3.00. By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. These are troublous times -on every front. James Wechsler, who succeeded the famed Reed Harris as editor of the furor-arousing Co- lumbia Spectator, has, in Revolt on The Campus, concerned himself for the most part with the significantl change wrought in student thought and action by the economic troubles of the "outside world" which, in the last six years, have cracked down on a large segment of the campus body. For two outstanding reasons Mr. Wechsler's book is devoted almost entirely to an evaluation of the "radi- cal" student movement, and so of course to the National Student League and the Student League for Industrial Democracy, organizations whose program embodies the out- spoken left-wing trend of many stu- dents. First of all Mr. Wechsler himself is a radical, and speaks as one; secondly, conservative student thought has been inarticulate, rising to the surface only to suppress those who are interested in letting the world know of their opposition to war, Fascism, encroachments on academic fredeom, and retrench- ment in education. Mr. Wechsier has written a lively, entertaining, and compendious ac- count of the campus "revolt." His style is fluent and polished to a sur- prising degree for so young a man. And, if there are some who will at- tack him for occasional errors of fact and for hasty judgments, it must be added that the great wonder is not that these bobbles appear, but that they are so few. "Revolt on the Campus" deserves to be read by every person who has a past, present, or future- connection with the American university. To those in authority and to those de- sirous of maintaining the academic status quo at all costs, it will loom as a disconcerting work; disconcerting because it does not hesitate to dis- cuss at length such touchy problems as "the Olympian detachment of the professors," "the interlocking direc- torate of the finance-capital Trustees and Regehts," "the viciousness of the college administrators who en- courage student attacks on their radi- cal fellow students," "the business- like hierarchy of the University ad- ministrations," "the jingoism and war-mongering tactics of the sup- posedly enlightened educators," the Reserve Officers Training Corps, the anti-war movement, the rah-rah boys, and so on indefinitely. No alert student will permit him- self to miss at least a glance through the pages of Revolt On The Camp- vi- : ii t 11 BOOKS By Wallace Nutting STATES BEAUTIFUL SERIES CONNECTICUT BEAUTIFUL ...............$1.79 MAINE BEAUTIFUL.......................1.79 MASSACHUSETTS BEAUTIFUL ..............1.79 PENNSYLVANIA BAUTIFUL ................1.79 VIRGINIA BEAUTIFUL .....................1.79 THE CLOCK BOOK ........................1.79 THESE BOOKS were originally issued at $4.00 EACH - Several have been out of print for some time and have com- manded premiums - The CLOCK BOOK has sold for as much at $20.00. Other Titles in this Series to follow- WAHR'S BOOKSTORES, 316 SOUTH STATE STREET 103 NORTH MAIN STREET P II U Id R ALEX SAYS i .. ..ns A4 1 4 0 0 Iw F: tx_ Alex ____. was happy to see so --- - - -. I i I ff-_. r I