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November 02, 1935 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-11-02

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The Weather
Generally fair taix1ay and
tomorrow; continued cool.

C, r 4--r

Sr t39an


To The Homecomers,. .
Exit The Old Line Parties...



Professor Hobbs
Predicts Further
Quakes ForToday

Program For
Yost To Present Portrait
Of Baird At 11 A. M.;
Alumni Will Attend
Bands Will March
To Union Together

Wolverines Seek Fourths



)f Season In Penn Game Today;
Students Hold Rousing Pep Rally

days There Is No Cause
For Alarm Because Of
Stability Of Bed Rock
Sees Menace To
Out-State Areas
Montana Disturbance May
Be Connected With Local
Crustal Faulting
More earthquakes for Ann Arbor
today were termed probable last night
by Professor-emeritus William H.
Hobbs of the geology department,
nationally-noted seismologist.
"They will probably be no heavier
than the tremor early Friday morn-
ing," he said, "but we are very apt
to have 'them. Quakes of this type
usually come in groups. There is a
very good possibility that there may
be others within the next day or
Professor Hobbs pointed out that
there was no cause for alarm because
the rocky surface of Michigan greatly
minimizes the danger. It is in the
loose and sandy toils where there is
the greatest damage, he pointed out.
Both Professor Hobbs and mem-
bers of the University Observatory
staff agreed that the earthquake
which was first felt here at 1:05
a.m. Friday, was caused from a shift-
ing of the earth as a result of the
Great Glacier, which covered this
area approximately 40,000 years ago.
"It is the spasmodic springing of theI
earth, caused by its being relieved of
that great load of ice," he said, "that
has caused quakes in this area for
thousands of years."
First Since 1925
Professor Hobbs', who predicted the
New Zealand quake in the 1900's
declared that Friday's tremors were'
the first here since 1925, when the
jar was considerably more severe
than that Friday.
"Earthquakes are nothing surpris-
ing in this region," he said. "They
occur every 10 or 15 years, but they
are never severe." In 1884, however,
a quake caused considerable destruc-
tion in this section of Michigan het
said, as did one recorded in 1663
by Jesuit missionaries.
"Some time in the future," he1
added, "we will have afvery bad
earthquake here."
Professor Hobbs cited the possibil-
ity that there might be a casual con-s
nection between the severe tremors in
Montana and those here. The Mon-t
tana quakes are due to "mountainc
growth," he said. "That kind of
shocks are to be expected in moun-a
tainous regions where local readjust-
ments are taking place in the form
of the earth's outer shell."s
Recorded Here
The earthquake which rockedi
Michigan Friday was first recordeds
on the observatory seismographs, thev
only ones in the state, at 1:05 a.m.
According to Miss Mary Lindsey, at-
tendant at the observatory, the tre-
mor increased in intensity until atI
1:07 a.m., when the vibrations be-
came so severe that the needle wasa
shot off its chart. From that timeI
until 1:12 a.m., the time during which
the quake was probably worst, no
indication of its intensity was re-
corded, Miss Lindsey said. Therefore
the actual intensity of the quake isx
(Continued on Page 3)s
Michigan Buzzing x
With Tremor TalkE
(By The Associated Press)g
One of the most pronounced earth-
quakes ever recorded in this area wast
the subject of discussion among
thousands of Michigan residents andt

the object of study by scientists to-
Distinct earth tremors between 1:05
and 1:08 a.m. were felt in sections1
of the state ranging from the De-
troit metropolitan area into the Up-
per Peninsula. No reports of serious,
damage were received, however, and
many persons were unaware of the
phenomenon until they had read, or
were told of it, hours after its oc-
In Detroit, most of the excitementP

Stanford Students
Debate Problem Of
Sharing Date Cost
Nov. 1. - W) - They're still debating
at Stanford whether a co-ed should
share expense of "dates."
Yes, argued Marshall Dill, Jr.,
San Francisco, and Mry Morris
Boggs, daughter of a Palo Alto pro-
No, countered RuthaFrench of New
Orleans and football-playing Jack
Clark of Los Angeles, who, because
of a tooth lost on the gridiron, lisped:
"Men don't have to care though
much about their camputh appear-
anth ath girlth do. We felloth on
the camputh can go around without
our thirth (shirts) with the girlth-"
Laughter drowned out his remarks
and someone turned out the lights in
the little theater.
Regents Select
Architects For
Baird Building
Albert Kahn, Detroit, Gets
Contract For Designing
New Campanile
The architects who will design the
new building for the Graduate School
provided for by the late Horace H.
Rackham and the campanile which
will house the $64,000 Baird carillon
were announced by the Board of Re-
gents after their monthly meeting
.The firm of Hinchman, Smith, and
Grylls of Detroit will draw plans for
the new Graduate School building1
while Albert Kahn, also of Detroit,
will design the new campanile which]
will be a memorial to the late Presi-
dent Marion L. Burton and which will
be the first unit of a new buildingc
for the Music School.
Pla'nned Yost Field House
Hinchman, Smith, and Grylls havet
designed many buildings both in De-
troit and for the University. The1
Yost Field House and the Intramural
Building were planned by the Detroit
firm, as well as the Ambassodort
Many gifts for fellowships, scholar-t
ships and research investigations
were accepted by the Regents int
their monthly meeting held yester-t
day. The secretary of the Carnegie
Corporation of New York announced
an appropriation for the support of
work in librarianship, and the moneyt
will be used principally for scholar-
ships and fellowships in library
Gifts totaling $2,130 for the mould-e
ing of a 24 inch pyrex disk for the
solar observatory at Lake Angelusz
were received by the Board.I
More Gifts Listedt
The Rockefeller Foundation gave
$1,000 toward the salary of Carl F.t
List, instructor in neural surgery,t
and the Committee for the Aid oft
Displaced German Scholars in Amer-c
ica appropriated $570 toward the
salary of Prof. Heinz Warner.
A tentative sum of $250,000 was1
voted by the Regents for the ap-
propriation of the 1936 Summer Ses-
sion. This represents an increase of
approximately $8,000 over the ap-
propriation for the Summer Session
of 1935.
Lawrence D. Buhl, Detroit, donat-
ed $1,200 for the renewal of the Buhl
Classical Fellowships. These fellow-
ships for the current year have beenr
awarded, and they are primarily in-a
tended for students in archaeology.1
A gift of $5,000 for the support ofc
the joint committee on Public Edu-i

cation from the W. K. Kellogg Foun-
dation, Battle Creek, was also ack-
nowledged by the Regents. The Ear-
hart Foundation allotted $5,000 for
(Continued on Page 2)
Court Gives Woman
Oil Fields Interest
LANSING, Nov. 1.- (P) -Mrs.
Mina B. Keyworth, of Midland coun-I

Cheering Crowd Fills Hill
Auditorium As Michigan
Enthusiasm Soars

Predictions Indicate Penn Will
Get Breaks On Weather Today

Fraternity Having
Decorations Will
Awarded Cup


The program of the 1935 Home-
coming will be officially opened at
11 a.m. today in the Union when'
Fielding H. Yost will present to the
Union the oil portrait of Charles
Baird, one-time athletic director and
donor of the $64,000 carillon to the
Immediately after the presentation
of the portrait the Varsity R.O.T.C.
band will march down to the Michi-
gan Central Station to meet the
Pennsylvania band. It is expected
that a large crowd of students and
a line of cars will accompany the
At noon Saturday the two bands
will have a joint luncheon at the
Union and following the noon meet-
ing the two organizations will lead
the parade to the Stadium where they
will march and play in mass forma-
tion prior to the start of the game.
The committee on the judging of
the fraternity decorations will decide
today which fraternity has the best
display, and the cup donated last year
by Goldman Brothers will be awarded
to the winner.
Several features for the convenience
of alumni and other persons coming
to the game today will be sponsored
by the Union. A ticket exchange
service to enable those who wish to
exchange or sell tickets will be sta-
tioned at a desk in the Union lobby,
immediately to the left of the main
desk. The purpose of the exchange
is to make it unnecessary for people
to go to the Athletic Administration
office and be forced to wait to get
tickets, officials said.
Plans for a campus guide service
have been completed at the Union,
and sophomore committeemen will be
present at the student offices to con-
duct visitors on tours through the
Union Building.
It was reported last night that
more than 1,000 students from the
University of Pennsylvania were ex-
pected to attend the game. Yester-
day morning the members of Sphinx,
junior honorary society, met the
team upon its arrival in Ann Arbor,
and entertained the managers of
the team yesterday noon. The team
stayed in Ypsilanti last night.
William R. Dixon, '36, president of
the Men's Council, stated last night
that the Varsity Glee Club would not
sing between the halves of the game
Dixon pointed out in announcing
the presentation of the painting of
Baird that he is commonly credited
with having built up the Michigan
athletic plant to its present degree of
"It is indeed appropriate that the
members of the "M" Club should give
Mr. Baird his due honor, and I hope
that many students will find it pos-
sible to attend the presentation of
the painting, as well as to give all
the activities of the Homecoming
their active and moral support," Dix-
on said.
Arrest Harvard
Man For Assault
Upon Custodian
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 1.- (R)
- A second Harvard student was ar-
rested tonight, charged with asault
and battery on Frank Foster, elderly
100-pound janitor of Dunster House,
who was beaten and critically in-
jured Saturday night.
The second arrest was that of Ben-
nett Y. Ryan, 22, a junior, son of
William J. Ryan, wealthy New York
magazine publisher. After surrend-
ering to a warrant issued on a com-
plaint of police lieutenant Joseph
Shannon young Ryan was released
with $500 bail, pending arraignment
Already held on a similar charge,
and admitted to $1,000 bail, is Eugene
H. George, 20, a sophomore and a

resident of Milton, fashionable Bos-

Yost Speaks After
Band Opens Rally
Charles Baird, Prettiman
Speak As 'Old Timers'
Of Athletic Fame
A shouting, cheering, singing
crowd which almost overflowed the
4,800-seat capacity of Hill Auditor-
ium last night attended the best yet
of the pep-meetings which this year
have done so much to show the fight-
ing Wolverine football team that the
student body is supporting them and
backing them to win.
From the moment the trumpet call
of 15 bandsmen rising through the
floor of the huge stage called the
meeting to order, until the audience
broke forth with "Varsity" to con-
clude the program, there was con-
tinuous evidence that student spirit,
alumni spirit, and town spirit is with
the team.
As thetrumpeters finished, the rest
of the "Fighting Hundred" came
swinging down the aisles playing "She
Rambled," and thetmass meeting was
off to a flying start. Director Field-
ing H. Yost took the floor, and after
a few preliminary remarks, accom-
panied by the customary "take 'em
off" and "roll 'em up" ceremonies, in-
troduced Horace J. Prettiman, cap-
tain of a Michigan varsity football
team which in 1884 made a swing
through the East and won four foot-
ball games in five days.
Prettiman Speaks r
"I'm here to make a great pass
from the other end of half a cen-
tury, to pass a football of enthusiasm
and encouragement, of pep and sup-
port from the old boys to the greatI
team of 1935," Prettiman said, after
a few reminiscences on his playing
days. He was followed by Charles L.
Baird, '95L, director of athletics be-
fore Yost, who declared "Michigan
spirit triumphs because it is deter-
mined to succeed."
Yost then introduced Keene Fitz-
patrick, former track coach here and
now retired after 25 years of coach-
ing at Princeton, Walker Bennett,
captain of the 1898 team, and Hugh
White, president of the "M" Club.
White captained Yost's first team,
the team which -scored 501 points
during the season while keeping its
own goal line uncrossed, and which
was the first Eastern team to.go West
for the Rose Bowl game.
Yost Moving Spirit
Yost, the moving spirit of the pep-
meeting throughout, introduced each
of the "old-timers" with incidents
from Michigan athletics during their
years at Michigan, and in the speak-
ers' own reminiscences it was Yost
himself _who generally played the
central part. Michigan's "Grand Old
Man" closed that part of the pro-
gram with his now famous speech
made to the team between halves at
the Penn game in 1908:
"Who are they that they should
beat a Michigan team?"
He then introduced the main
speaker of the program, J. Fred Law-
ton, '11, author of Varsity, who pre-
sented a series of sidelights on Mich-
igan spirit and athletic history, clos-
ing with an impersonation, felt hat,
cigar, drawl and all, of Yost in the
celebrated locker-room talk of 1908.
The rest of the program consisted
of the introduction of Lawton's new
pep song, "It's A Great Beeg Meeche-
gan Day," sung first by the "Four
Men of Note," then by the Glee Club,
and finally by the entire audience,
led by Lawton and "Ozzie" Fluemer
of Mount Clemens, author of the
Legion To Be Sued
For Probing 'Reds'

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 1. - (A3) -
Suit for $100,000 damages against
two leaders of the American Legion
and a Louisville bank was filed here
today as a result of "anti-Red" activi-
ties last spring by the Legion.

Predictions last night indicated
that Pennsylvania may get the breaks
on the weather in today's game.
A rising barometer and falling
temperatures recorded at the Uni-
versity Observatory indicated that
the weather will be fair and cold this
afternoon. Coach Harry Harman
was very pleased when informed of
this. "If the rain had continued, I
would almost be inclined to leave my
team in Ypsilanti," he said half
facetiously, half seriously.
Head Coach Harry G. Kipke, how-
ever, although pleased at the pros-
pects for fair weather "because it
makes for a better game," declared
that"rain would probably give us
the upper hand."
It was raining when Harman and
his boys from Philadelphia arrived
here yesterday morning, and the wet
ball was frequently fumbled by Penn-
sylvania punt receivers. "Boy, with
Michigan's punters, it's going to be
bad with this rain."

The Quaker team, furthermore, is
not used to weather even as cold as
this, Coach Haman stated. When
his team was practicing yesterday
forenoon, the mercury hovered
around 42 degrees above zero. At
7 p.m. yesterday the observatory
weather bureau reported a drop to
40 degrees and as the night wore on,
the thermometer fell. Temperatures
as low as 35 degrees above zero are
possible for this afternoon, it was
said last night.
Harman admitted that rain would
affect Michigan's passing attack, but
held that "It will hurt us on de-
fense much more." He had his play-
ers practice recovering fumbles and
falling on the ball for a consider-
able period yesterday morning.
Coach Harman appeared anything
but confident that his team would
win today. "My boys are never up
to par in the West," he said. "It sorta
has the Indian sign on us. Maybe
it's the climate."

Sobsey May Not Start But
Viergever Is Recovered;
Teams In Good Shape
Expect More Than
40,000 Attendance




Penn Football Team
Vanishes At Station,
To Official Dismay
Lost: One Pennsylvania football
team, one special train, and two
Quaker football managers.
This was the advertisement the
members of Sphinx and Dan F. Hul-
grave, '36, Varsity football manager,
felt like inserting in any newspaper
Hulgrave and a few members of
Sphinx went down to meet the Quak-
ers at 10:55 a.m. yesterday at the
Michigan Central Station. Upon
reaching the station, they found their
bird had flown, or rather that it had
never been in the cage. The sta-
tion was quiet, and it looked as if a
train had not been in for weeks.
Hulgrave thought a minute ... .
After making a telephone call, it
was discovered that the Pennsyl-
vania men had arrived at 9:30 a.m.
via the Ann Arbor railroad. The
Sphinx men and Hulgrave hurriedly
dashed down to the Stadium and
found quarry nonchalantly engaged
in tossing footballs around on the
soft verdure of the Stadium field.
Fascists Seel
Information On
American Trade
Showdown Indicated As
Italy Begin Negotiations
For Trade Treaty
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1.--(EP)-
A quick showdown on American trade
relations with Italy was indicated to-
day by an Italian request for infor-
mation on trade agreements between
the United States and other coun-
Behind the move lay negotiations
for an American-Italianreciprocal
trade treaty, begun early in the
spring, but dormant since the Italo-
Ethiopian dispute flared into the
open and President Roosevelt worked
the full moral pressure of the gov-
ernment to discourage trade with
either belligerent.
Italy may regard the United States
a non-member of the League, as a
possible source of materials denied
her by League members. President
Roosevelt, however, has sought to
prevent this on the ground that sales
to either belligerent might invoice
this country in war or prolong hos-
Officially, it was explained merely
that Ambassador Rosso asked Francis
M. Sayre, assistant secretary of state,
the meaning of the formulae used in
the general provisions of trade agree-
ments already signed by the United
States. He was promised the infor-
mation within a few days.
Officials declined to discuss the

Congress Holds
Final Sessions
Confererce Reports Read ;
Blakeman Heads Panel
On ReligiousTeaching
The Parent and Teachers Congress
of Michigan held its closing sessions
yesterday in the auditorium of Uni-
versity High School.
At the morning meeting, reports of
the conferences held Thursday were
read, and Dr. T. Luther Purdom,
director of the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational In-
formation, discussed "The Import-
ance of Guidance for the Normal In-
dividual," illustrating his talk with
examples taken from his own exper-
The afternoon session was opened
with a talk by Dr. Paul Hanly Fur-
fey, of The Catholic University of
America, whose subject was "The
Parent and The Child of Grammar
School Age." Following Dr. Furfey's
talk, a panel discussion was held on
the subject of "How Shall The Home
Teach Religion?" Dr. Edward W.
Blakeman, University Counselor in
Religious Education, presided.
The other speakers on the panel
were: Rev. Joseph Luther, Dean of
Men, University of Detroit, Dr. Ken-
neth Heaton, State Department of
Public Instruction, Mrs. Helen Gib-
son Hogue, Advisor for Girls, High-
land Park'Schools, Ray Johns, Sec-
retary of Boys' Work, State Y.M.C.A.,
Dr. David M. Trout, Hillsdale Col-
lege, Rabbi Bernard Heller, director
of the Hillel Foundation and Dr. J.
M. Artman, Editor of "Religious Ed-
ucation," who summarized the panel
at its .conclusion.
The first problem discussed by the
panel was that of teaching the child
the true meaning of reverence. In
this connection, Professor Trout said,
"It is passed to the child by the eye,
the countenance, the attitudes of the
parents." Mr. Johns pointed out
that the youth of today often has a
lack of confidence in old forms and
institutions, such as prayer, Bible
study and church attendance, and as
a result many parents are seriously
confused as to what should be taught
their children.
"Religion," said Rabbi Heller," is
the appreciation of the mysteries such
as may be seen in a blade of grass, but
unless the growth of that blade of
grass is symbolic of life itself, our
(Continued on Page 2)
Churchill Advises
Britain To Rearm
LONDON, Nov. 1. - (IF') - Ger-
many is "spending this year more
than £800,000,000 ($4,~f000,00) on

Loss Against Princeton
And 34-0 Columbia Win
Michigan's football team will meet
Pennsylvania this afternoon in the
Stadium before a Homecoming crowd
which is expected to number about
Out for their fourth straight win
and their second intersectional vic-
tory, the Wolverines who have downed
Indiana ,Wisconsin and Columbia in
order after losing to Michigan State
in the opener, will meet in the Quak-
ers their toughest opponents since
the Spartans.
After dropping two games to
Princeton and Yale, the Quakers have
come back in the past two games to
defeat Columbia, 34-0, and Lafayette,
67-0, to give them a reputation as one
of the strongest teams in the East.
Michigan, which defeated Colum-
bia 19-7 last week, will not be at full
strength today, with Sol Sobsey, of-
fensive guard and defensive center,
out with an injured shoulder, al-
though John Viergever, injured
tackle, is expected to start.
Starting Lineups Given
Coach Harry Kipke has announced
a starting lineup which includes Mat
Patanelli and Art Valpey at the
ends, Viergever and Mel Kramer at
the tackles, Frank Bissell at right
guard and Stan Schuman in place of
Sobsey, and Tiny Wright at center.
Valpey in place of Savage, is the only
change besides Schuman in the line
which opposed Columbia last Satur-
day. Joe Rinaldi will undoubtedly
see action at center and Jesse Garber
at guard.
In the backfield Kipke has an-
nounced his regular quartet of Ren-
ner, Smithers, Everhardus and Sweet
as starters. Everhardus, however, is
suffering from the effects of a rib
injury incurred last week, and will
probably be replaced by Stark Rit-
The- Pennsylvania team arrived in
Ann Arbor yesterday morning, work-
ing out in the Stadium before going
to Ypsilanti, where it will stay until
game time today. Coach Harry Har-
man brings to Michigan a Quaker
team rated as the best Pennsylvania
team in 19 years, with a heavy line
and a powerful set of backs.
Harman Worried
Harman expressed himself yester-
day as far from confident as to the
result of today's meeting, pointing to
the improved showing of the Michi-
gan team in every game, and the
stellar aerial offense which serves
as the key to the Michigan game.
The Pennsylvania line, big and
lacking in apparent speed, will op-
pose a Michigan line which has the
same characteristics. The Wolver-
ines, however, have fought for their
starting berths throughout the week
on the basis of speed and drive.
In its backfield, Pennsylvania pre-
sents the biggest quartet to appear
against the Michigan squad this sea-
son. With Murray directing the play
from quarterback, the Quakers have
in Bill Kurlish their biggest scoring
threat, as he is supported by Elver-
son and Warwick.
The play of Pennsylvania in the
Princeton and Yale games closely
(Continued on Page 7)
Hold School Head
In Student's Death
LA TOUR, Mo., Nov. 1.-(P)-
Charles F. McClure, school superin-
tendent whose plans to halt a Hal-
lowe'en prank brought death to one
of his students, sobbed out a heart-
broken story tonight as officers con-
sidered what charges to file against
The pupil, nineteen-year-old Glenn
Aldridge, died in a Kansas City hos-

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