THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE ___ . _. Annual InterfraternityBall To Be HeldTonight 44ifl rj-lx - Ut C i o near hic Webb's 14Piece Band jams, Philips, Their tests Will Lead Grand arch At 11 pm. Guests Of Tonight's Grand March Leaders Willi Gu MV. The grand march of the Interfra- ternity Ball will take place at 11 p.m. today and will be led by Paul Philips, '36, general chairman of the ball, and his guest, Edith Merickel, '36, to- gether with George R. Williams, '36, who will have as his guest Miss Eliz- abeth Field of Rochester, N.Y. Chic Webb and his 14 piece orches- tra Will be an attractive feature of the ball. This is the first time they have been heard on this campus, their headquarters being at the Cot- ton Club in New York City. Earl Morrow, '37, chairman of the floor committee will be present with Marian Bell, while George Cosper, '37, chairman of the ticket committee will have as his guest Jean Keinath, '37. Eleanor Peschke, '38, will attend with Frank Simes, '37, chairman of pa- trons and patronesses. Mary Louise Willouby, '37, will accompany John Mann, '37, who is in charge of fa- vors. .The orchestra will stop playing at 1 a.m., and women will be expected to keep the 1:30 a.m. hour as usual. A capacity crowd is insured as the tickets were sold out 10 days ago, and despite the repeated opportuni- ties to increase the sale, the commit- tee refused to issue more than the original quota, explaining that the capacity' of the ballroom would not be taxed. PI BETA PHI The members of Pi Beta Phi held a tea yesterday afternoon at the chapter house in honor of their new chaperone, Mrs. Marguerite Turner. Mrs. A. E. White, Mrs. Warren Cook, Miss Mary Fitzpatrick, and Miss Jan- ice Rice poured. Mrs. Homer Heath and Mrs. C. L. Jamison received. ' The tables were decorated with centerpieces of white mums and red roses, and white tapers. THETA PHI ALPHA Theta Phi Alpha sorority an- nounces the pledging of Florence Keavin, '39, Elmira, N. Y., Gene; Wharton, '39, Bradford, Pa., and Katherine Burns, '39, Ann Arbor. Patsy Morganthaler, Spec., was in charge of the annual Hallowe'en' party held by the sorority last night. Entertainment -consisted of a skit given by the pledges. ALUMNAE HOUSE Alumnae House will hold an in- formal radio party Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Montee, Mrs. S. Preston and Mrs. L. A. Wikel will chaperone the affair. Hallowe'en decorations will be used. Josephine Montee '38 is in charge of. the dance. DELTA DELTA DELTA Alumnae and other out of town guests will be entertained at a home- coming tea at the Delta Delta Delta house on Saturday afternoon after the game. Arrangements are in charge of Louise Florez, '36, and Catherine Marie Hall, '36. i Edith Merickel, who is accompanying Paul Philips, and Elizabeth Field, guest of George Williams, will lead the grand march of the In- terfraternity Ball to be held tonight in the League Ballroom. 3 Dormitories Hold Parties JUNIOR GIRLS PLAY All eligible junior women inter- ested in working on a committee for the Junior Girls' Play are to file Many Dances Scheduled For Homecoming Fraternities Entertain At Formal Dinners Before Ball Tonight A big week-end is planned for homecoming by various sororities and fraternities on campus. Zeta Psi is having a normal dinner- dance Friday, having for its orches- tra Wally Gail. Prof. and Mrs. John M. Nickelson and former-Governor and Mrs. William Comstock will act as chaperones. A formal dinner is being planned by Sigma Phi Epsilon, to be held be- fore the Interfraternity Ball. Wil- liam Combe, '36, is acting as social chairman and has invited Prof. and Mrs. C. S. Kessler to be chaperones. Theta Xi is also holding a formal dinner before the ball. Mrs. David C. Barnes is chaperoning the func- tion. Russell Runquist, '36, is in charge of the dinner. Tau Kappa Alpha will hold an informal open dance Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Gates and Mr. and Mrs. C. Willson will act as chap- erones. Phi Sigma Kappa is giving a closed informal homecoming dance Satur- day night. The dance will be a Hal- lowe'en affair. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Block and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Freese will chaperone. John Marley, '36, is social chairman. Chi Phi will be hosts at a closed informal dance Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bates will chaperone the dance and Wayne Andreae, '37, is in charge. Alpha Kappa Kappa will enter- tain at an open radio dance tomor- row night. Dr. and Mrs. Clifford Keene and Dr. and Mrs. Donald Smith"will act as chaperones. Albert Heutis, '36, is in charge. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN All sorority social chairmen are to meet at 4:15 today at the League to discuss the question of Cosmo- politan night at the sororities with Martha Steen, '36, chairman of the social committee of the League. St. Thomas Alumni A Mi(vtian Chapter of the St. Thomas College Alumni Association was formed recently at a meeting held by graduates of St. Thomas College, Scranton, Pa. The Chapter is com- posed of those graduates of St. Thom- as College who are now following graduate courses at the University. The following executive officers wvere elected for the year: Leonard Gronfine, Grad., president, William Farrell, Grad., vice president, Ralph Winkler, Grad., secretary, and Erwin Rottman, Grad., treasurer. I HOSIERY SHOPPE Complete your Costume with Sheerest Hose in Witchery, Charcoal, Mascara or Evening Prices fit all purses! oes and fOrtn IV heels $395 Association Smari From Every Anle, petitions in the Undergraduate Of- For H allow e en fice of the League before 4 p.m. to- Mosher, Jordan, Newberry Residents Celebrate At Dinner Last Night Mosher, Jordan and Helen New- berry dormitories gave Hallowe'en parties last night. Jordan Hall residents celebrated Hallowe'en with a costume dinner. All the guests were dressed in cos- tumes to represent some movie star in a particular role. Following the dinner there was singing and dancing in the drawing room, and a prize was awarded for the most clever cos- tume. Mary Staley, '39, entertained with palmistry. Arrangements for the party were in charge of Rosemary Neuhaus, '37, and Beth Turnbull, '37. Mosher Holds Party Mosher Hall carried out the theme of a "kids party" in their Hallowe'en celebration. All the residents were dressed as children. Following the dinner there was a program in the drawing room, con- sisting of: comic song and dance act, by Margaret Meyers, '38; song by Mary Jane Dennie, '38; reading by Mary Jane Atlee, '38; Skit by Mar- ian Sanders, '37; and Tap dance by Edith Chubb, a guest of the dormitory for the evening. The arrangements for the party were in charge of Mar- ian Sanders, '37. Newberry Entertains The residents of Helen Newberry entertained several members of the SPECIAL! MARROW O I L SHAMPOO and FINGERWAVE 50c Chappel BeautyShop Corner State and Liberty Above Kroger's - Tel. 5861 day. It will be necessary for all jun- iors who applied last year to applyl again. The central committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. to consider the petitions. faculty for a formal dinner and a short program. The tables in the dining room were decorated with orange candles and yellow and bronze crysanthemums in crystal appointments. The Hallowe'- en motif was further carried out with orange nut cups which also served as place cards. Coffee was served in the parlor. Miss Ruth Danielson, house director, presided at the table. Elaine Bubis, '39SM, Myra Hilpert, '37SM, and Mary Adamski, '36SM, were in charge of the musical program. Three guests who drew the lucky pictures were drawn in profile by Lillian Pol- litzer, '39A. The guests included Prof. and Mrs. Louis Bredvold, Prof. and Mrs. Philip Bursley, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Kendall, Prof. and Mrs. John Bates, and Prof. and Mrs. Raymond Wilder. Receiv- ing the guests were Margaret Cutler, '36, president, Mildred Shapley, '36, Eileen McManus, '36, Betty Quarton, '37, Betsy Anderson, '38, and the so- cial chairman. WIA ILL JEWELRY and .TCH REPAIRING HALLER'S Jewelry State at Liberty A Friday & Saturday Our Month-End Sale Was a Huge Success, I So We Are Continu- K ,ng It Thru Saturday! Real Values in Fall and Winter Fo ESSESV ForMisses andWomen SIZES12 to 46 16%i/to 262 Crepes, Velvets, Nov- elty Wools, Knits - wo splendid groups -Values to $22.50,at4L $9.95 and $13.95 One group of Novelty Wools, Crepes, Jerseys Knits at $ 5.9 5. Two groups of Short Sleeved Crepes at I4 1939-2.39' The elizabeth Dillon SHOP E. William-1 block off State Saucy, brief toes. jaunty square heels ..Connie uses both in a faille and satin sandal, a low heeled sandal of the new Shoe-Peg, and a tie of Tic Tac and patent leather. To wear them puts you "squarelr hn front" wit ashion! JACOBSON'S ', " ; .",.rN. _ it 1. ° CORSAGES ......For the fall, for gala homecoming, for every occa- sion . . . our Gardenias and Orchids, made up in the ar- tistic corsages, so character- istic of our service, will make milady jump with joy. You'll find our prices reasonable, too. PAUL NOTLING Florist 316 So. Main Dial 2-1615 WE DELIVER I HOMECOMING SNAPSHOTS? .. L i r~ Lanvins Newest "Rumeur" Perfume Adds Exodie Charm Colorful crowds, the fraternity decorations, old grads, the big Pennsy game, the band marching up State Street, campus views, the out-of-town friends and relatives - all this is legitimate material for your camera. YOUR EXPOSED FILMS will be treated with respect in our hands. We maintain our own darkrooms. Work left with us is not farmed out to disinterested parties. CALKINS.F=L E T C H E R to "FRAGRANCE" FOUNDATIONS Created by MODEL- Perfumed by LANVIN Imagine a LASTEX all-in-one, and a girdle which gives you an exotic new charm ... because from it wafts the delightful scent of Lanvin's new- est perfume - "Rumeur!" Since, like all good things, this delightful scent cannot last forever, we include a vial of Lanvin's "Ruin eur" with each foundation. A few drops after washing and "Fragrance" is fragrant again! "Fragrance" Foundations ..............$5.00 "Fragrance" 16-inch Girdle ... ........$3.50 " 7.. ~h~21.. I02I An ;' Vc"p1Va a 3 \ l . 1~. ^v 1 1"x. I FULL SKIN FURS worked into a ripple shawl collar which frames your face in rich petals of fur. Silver Fox, Martins, Beavers, Caraculs, Blue Fox, and others form a gorgeous selec- tion while the coats are of Forstmann's luxur- ious nubby woolens and diagonal suedes. In fitted styles that can be worn with or without the belt. Black, Brown, Green and Rust. I I II 1 111 11