The Weather Cloudy, probably showers Friday and Saturday; colder Saturday and in west portions. YI -Alk I A- A6F Af t g an jIat Editorials Student Workers Deserve Admiration ... High School Study Of Classics .. I I VOL. XLVI 'No. 29 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Ann Arbor Is Shaken By Earth Tremors A ---- , Additional Gift By Baird Will Make Carillon Here Third Biggest In World U Latest Donation $10,000; Will Add Two Bells Tc Collection Of 51 Gifts Will Complete Chromatic Range Only Riverside Church And U. Of Chicago Carillons Will Excel Group Here By JOHN C. F. HEALEY The third largest carillon in the world will be located on the Univer- sity of Michigan campus as the re- sult of an additional gift of $10,000 from Charles Baird, '95L, announced last night by President Ruthven. Mr. Baird's first gift of $50,000 for the construction of a carillon here was announced in the latter part of the summer, to which he added $4,- 000 on Oct. 1 for the purchase of an- other bell. His latest gift, adding two more bells, will bring the total number of bells to 53 and will fill out the only two gaps which would have existed in the range if there had been but 51. The carillon will now have a complete chromatic range of four and one-half octaves, and will be surpassed in size only by those in Riverside Church, New York, and at the University of Chicago. Weigh Ten Tcs The two new bells, made possible by the latest gift, will be the fourth and sixth in the series and will weigh six and four tons respectively. As originally announced, the caril- lon would have been the fifth in size, but the second gift made it equal to the third largest, and last night's gift brings it to third place. The for- mer third, now fourth largest, is lo- cated at Lake Wales, Fla., in the Ed- ward Bok tower. President Ruthven announced the gift while at the Charles Baird din- ner last night at the Union, also stating that the contracts were signed yesterday and that present plans call for completion and installation of the carillon by Sept. 20, 1936. In dis- cussing the gift he stated that Mr. Baird's latest addition to the original gift was of great significance and will carry the fame of the Univer- sity to even greater distances. The bells, which will have a total weight of 60 tons, will be cast by John Taylor Co., Loughborough, England, and will be the largest they have ever cast even though they have been in business continuously for 200 years. 50 Tons Of Framework In addition to the weight of the bells, the framework will weigh over 50 tons more. The largest of the bells will weigh over 12 tons and have a pitch of low E-flat, while the smallest will weigh about 12 pounds and have a pitch of A-flat, four and one-half octaves higher than the largest bell. The University's carillon will be larger than any in Europe, even though it is third in size in this country, as all the large sets of bells are located in the United States. There are some in Europe that are more than 350 years old but none that approach the American sets in size. Prof. Earl V. Moore, musical di- rector of the School of Music, said of the gift that "Michigan's carillon will be the most significant in any American university except that at the University of Chicago." He was also lavish in his praise of Mr. Baird and his estimation of the great musi- cal value of the gift. The tower which will be built to hold the carillon will contain a clock which will strike the Westminster chimes as they are now struck by the old clock in the engineering shops. The latter will be stopped when the new installation is made. Honor Society Taps Michigan Union Gets Portrait Of Baird Expect Huge Turnout For Pep Meeting J. Fred Lawton, '11, 'Pep) Master' ; Pretinan To Be Introduced Quartet To Render Lawton's New Song Baird And Fitzpatrick Are Scheduled To Appear At Hill Auditorium A mass turnout of a great part of the student body and other support- ers of the Wolverine football team was expected at the pep-meeting to be held at 8 p.m. tonight in Hill Audi- torium, as last minute additions to the program were announced last night by William R. Dixon, '36, presi- dent of the Men's Council. Horace Prettiman, who played football for Michigan from 1881 to 1885, and Walker Bennett, who was captain of the Wolverine team when it played at Chicago in 1898, will be introduced to the audience at the mass meeting by Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics. It was the play of the Michigan team at Chicago on that occasion that inspired the writ- ing of the "Victors" by Louis Eibel and Earl V. Moore. Lawton Principal Speaker The keynote speaker and general "pep-master" for the program will be J. Fred Lawton, '11, author of the lyrics for "Varsity," who will present his new song, "It's a Great Big Meech- igan Day." The new march will be sung for the first time in Ann Arbor by a quartet led by Oswald Fleumer, of Pontiac, author of the music for the song. Also featured on the program will be Charles Baird, '95L, the Universi- ty's first athletic directors and one of its most loyal alumni. Still a third speaker will be Keene Fitzpatrick, veteran track coach and trainer, who before his term at Princeton, where he recently retired, coached many of Michigan's track squade to vic- tories and championships. Urge Attendance Mr. Yost joined with Dixon in asking that all students who can possibly attend the rally tonight do so, with the hope that the Wolverine team may go into action in the Homecoming game with Pennsylvania Saturday afternoon feeling behind them the unified support of the student body. "I expect to see a capacity crowd there," Mr. Yost predicted last night. "The place ought to be packed to the. rafters." The Varsity R.O.T.C. Band and the Glee Club will cooperate with the quartet from Pontiac under Mr. Fluemer in furnishing the musical sections of the program, and the cheer-leaders, according to Dixon, "will be up in front doing their darndest to get some good yells out of the crowd." NYA WORKING HOURS Thirty hours per month is not the maximum number for student NYA workers, it was announced last night in correction of The Daily's story yesterday. The ruling should have been to the effect that 30 hours are the maximum' number that a person may work in any one week, and 8 hours the num- ber in any day. CHARLES L. BAIRD, '95L * * * * * * Enthusiastic Homecoming PlansMade Fraternities Pledge Help To Dixon; Will Decorat Houses For Event Pennsylvania Band Will Follow Team Ticket' Sales Anticipate Crowd Of Over 60,000 At Saturday's Game Plans which have been termed "the most elaborate in recent years" have been made for the 1935 annual Homecoming, the celebration of which will begin tonight with the pep meeting. According to William R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's Council, most of the fraternities have decided to decorate their houses, and a cup do- nated by Goldman Brothers will be presented to the house having the best decorations in the opinion of the judging committee. Penn Band Expected The 96-piece Pennsylvania band, which is well-known throughout the East for its marching prowess, will be met by the Michigan Band upon its arrival at the Michigan Central Sta- ion tomorrow morning. A parade will be formed by the two bands, and it is expected that many students will follow behind the "Fighting Hun- ired" to dreet the Penn band, with its colorful uniforms of red and blue. The Union is offering several fea- tures especially for the homecoming. A ticket exchange servic& whereby it will be possible to exchange and leave tickets for sale will be main- tained. A campus guide service to acquaint visitors with the University campus will also be sponsored, Union men stated. Sophomore committee- men will be present in the lobby tomorrow to conduct visitors on tours of inspection of the Union building. 60,000 To See Game Nearly 60,000 spectators are ex- pected to attend the Homecoming game tomorrow, officials at the Ath- letic Association's ticket office an- nounced. The two bands will lead the parade to the Stadium about 1:30 p.m., and immediately before the start of the game the two bands will march and play in mass formation on the playing field. Dixon announced last night that because of the fact that the Penn band had decided to come to Ann Arbor, the Varsity Glee Club would not sing between the halves. P.T.A. Institute Holds Second Day Of Session 'Bridgman Gives Opening Speech; Dr. McEachern Leads Discussion The first afternoon session of the Sixth Annual Parent Education In- stitute, sponsored by the University, in cooperation with the Michigan Congress of Parents and Teachers, was opened yesterday at the Uni- versity High School. Ralph Bridgman, of the National Council of Parent Education, deliv- ered the opening address, outlining the purpose and method of the Insti- tute. At the conclusion of his talk, a group of nine round tables were held on vocational and child-train- ing problems. Dr. Thomas McEachern, of Ann Arbor, and formerly of the Cornell University Hospital, was the speaker at the round table on "The Radio and the Movies." He discussed the intensive research work which he has done on the effect of typical movies and radio programs upon the child. "The majority of children," he said, "attend movies twice a week, and of these, 25 per cent of the boys ti PresentaionOf Baird Portrait Par Ofho ecoI m i Programfd Fitzpatrick, Yost To Attend Tomorrow's Gathering Of Alumni AtUnveiling By FRED WARNER NEAL It will be almost like old times at the Union tomorrow morning --al- most as it used to be back in the 1900's when Charlie Baird was ath- letic director, Fielding H. Yost was the famous hurry-up coach and Keene Fitzpatrick the beloved trainer. For they'll all be there at 11 a.m. tomorrow when Hugh White of Scarsdale, N.Y., in 1901 captain of Yost's first great team, presents on behalf of the "M" clubs a life-sized portrait'of Mir Baird, to be hung in the Union along side those of Yost and Fitzpatrick. All three paintings were done by the noted artist Ray Gamble. Alumni Migration Begins The hundreds of alumni from all over the country who have been pour- ing into Ann Arbor since yesterday will be present as the Varsity R.O.T.C. Band starts the ceremony off with "The Victors." They'll be there to see two of the University's most fa- mous figures in the field of sport: Baird, who made the Michigan ath- letic plant what it is today; and Yost, who made Michigan teams "The Champions of the West." Ever since Mr. Baird presented the University with the two portraits of Yost and Fitzpatrick early this fall, the "M" Clubs have been planning this gesture toward their first ath- letic director. Then when the Kan- sas City, Mo., attorney, recently gave the University more than $50.000 for a carillon, their efforts to secure the funds were doubled, and the money came pouring into the office of Homer Heath, treasurer, from all over the land. Heath Lauds Baird As Mr. Heath sees it, "this senti- ment is hoped to show to a slight degree our appreciation for Mr. Baird. TY. I- ..;- ..- thyr--- r Earthquake Shock Felt At 1:06 A. M.; State And East Hit Detroit And Eastern Seaboard Rocked By Nocturnal Jarring Severe earthquake shocks reaching from Ontario to Baltimore and Washington, D. C., and from the Atlantic Ocean to Michigan were felt in Ann Arbor at 1:06 a.m. this morning, registering so strongly on the seismograph in the University observatory that the needle was dislodged from its track at the time of the quake, and would, according to atten- dants, take some time to come back to its normal position. According to Prof. Dean B. McLaughlin of the astronomy depart- ment, who was on the second floor of the observatory at 'the time of the shock, the disturbance was severe enough to rattle all the windows in the building. It was also felt by patients in University Hospital, and The Daily received many phone calls from students near the campus who had felt the shock. Asked for the results recorded on the seismograph track, Professor McLaughlin stated: "The needle had been moved considerably to one side at the time of the quake, and may not have left a perfect record thereafter." He pointed out that no actual findings could be determined until the arrival of Miss Mary Lindsey, the seismological assistant, later . I rived from Princeton University,' talked it all over with some 60 of their friends --alumni and faculty members -- and some of the rem- iniscences that came out of the smoke-filled room were rare to hear. The days of the "Point-A-Minute" teams were relived, as they will be tomorrow when that redoubtable old gridder, Hugh White, unveils the Baird portrait. Nazis Jail Jwo Melt For Toning In Moscow BERLIN, Oct. 31. - U -Seven prison sentences today brought home to Germans the danger that lurks in the loud speaker when it's tuned in on Moscow. Two men in Wilhelmshaven were sentenced to four years in prison and five years loss of citizenship for dis- cussing politic., wnile listening to a Moscow radio broadcast, and five friends who listened, too, received lesser terms. All seven were charged with "plot- ting high treason." Some, authori- ties said, were Communists. Daily, Observatory Phones Hum After Ann Arbor }Shock Three phone lines, the editorial and business lines of The Daily and the adjacent Gargoyle phone, rang merrily, one after the other, and con- tinuously from about 1:20 a.m. on this morning. First it was a stray student here and there who had felt the floor of. his room shake, somewhere in the vicinity of East Catherine and East Ann Streets. Then gradually, as the rumours spread, the anxious, the curious, and the scientific question- ers kept the staff, supposedly hard at work tearing down the paper, then almost on the press, busily engaged in answering phone calls About ten calls came through be- fore The Daily was able to contact the observatory-the waiting list, the University operator informed us, was already three deep on the switch- board. Castle Offers 'Control' For State Matters 'Automatic Sanctions' Are Cited As Best Influence On Belligerents. A foreign policy based on "auto- matic sanctions" against all belliger- ent nations was advocated last night by William R. Castle, former under- secretary of state, in the first lec- ture of the 1935-36 Oratorical As- sociation series. Mr. Castle said this country's re- cently-passed neutrality legislation was a "childish device for drawing into itself," and pointed out diplo-' matic complications in the event of the spread of hostilities to other na- tions than Italy and Ethiopia. The Roosevelt administration's foreign policy in Cuba, Latin Amer- ica and China was also criticized by the noted diplomat, his only com- mendation for the New Deal being an approval of its recognition of Russia. The Treaty of Montevideo, he de- clared, was signed "in utter contempt of our own rights," and must sooner or later be broken, thus increasing bad feeling between the United States and its southern neighbors. Mr. Castle said that the Hoover administration had already estab- lished friendly relations with the Latin-American countries, and that the New Deal's friendly gesture in the form of the treaty, with its "rather absurd promises," was un- necessary. this morning. According to the Associated Press offices in Detroit, the seismograph here is the only instrument of its kind in the state of Michigan. While Professor McLaughlin believed the severity of the shock here would in- dicate a nearness to the center of disturbance, he pointed out that the SEISMOGRAPH READINGS "The preliminary tremors be- gan at 1:05.0 and became sud-- denly stronger at 1:06.15," Pro- fessor McLaughlin reported after later readings of the record. "The main shock, which was evidently what everybody felt, came at 1:06.45. After that the recording pen continued to vibrate strongly until 1:08.30, with minor tremors of decreasing intensity until after 1:30, but probably not lasting after 1:50." ,enter could be determined only by -orrelating the findings of three ob- serving stations. No damage was reported in Ann Arbor at either the police, fire, or Sheriff's departments. "One interesting point in regard ;o the earthquake," Professor Mc- uaughlin added, "was that while I vas on the second floor and Max- ,ell (Prof. Allen D. Maxwell of the astronomy department) was on the irst, nearer to the seismograph in he basement, I felt the quake dis- ~inctly, whereas Maxwell did not iotice it. That, of course, is ex- plained by the fact that the top of a wilding is more liable to react to such shocks than the foundation." NEW YORK, Nov. 1. -- (Friday) - . - An earthquake which rocked buildings and alarmed sleeping house- nolders was felt from Canada to Washington along the eastern sea- board early this morning. First reports told of the collapse of a house at Syracuse, N. Y. In Buf- falo the tremor lasted four minutes. The Rev. J. J. Lynch, seismologist of Fordham University, said the quakes probably were "surface dis- turbances and harmless," Similar shocks were recorded three years ago, he said, but the University at present does not have in operation a short wave seismograph which would record such a disturbance. DETROIT, Nov. 1.- (Friday)-44P) A series of earth tremors shook De- troit shortly after 1:00 a.m. Tele- phone calls to newspapers at Grand Rapids, Escanaba, and Marquette in- dicated the shock was felt as far west as Lake Michigan and into the Upper Peninsula. At Escanaba, a telephone operator said the tremor shook her from her chair at a switchboard. It was felt strongly enough at Marquette that members of a family sleeping on a second floor were awakened. CLEVELAND, Nov. 1.-(Friday)- World Peace Demands End Of I 'Mush' Patriotism, Castle Avers By RALPH W. HURD Cultured in accent, deliberate in speech, scholarly in apearance, con- firmed in his beliefs that internation- al relations should be devoid of all sentimentality and patriotic selfish- ness, William R. Castle discussed for- eign and diplomatic problems as they must be faced by college students in an interview with the Daily yesterday. If there is any one rule which should be followed by students in their attitude toward problems of power, the type that takes it for granted that the United States under the control of other people beside themselves is never right in its in- ternational relations." Another form of sentimentality that the student should guard against, Castle pointed out, is the kind that causes people to believe one country is "all right," and the other "all wrong" when two belligerents are at war. Ethiopia is not "all right" in present conflict with Italy, nor was