AGE FOU THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1935 .i i..i .W THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- _ ' .- . ,. k : to infer, that the Chicago judge neglected "human principles" in favor of the letter of the law. But we do know that such criticism may well be made of many decisions handed down by our jurists today. Our law, and any law, is of necessity a living, ever evolving thing. In a society such as ours, the political and social philosophy of the jurist must be put into his interpretation of the law. He must adapt the cold, lifeless legal terminology to the personal, human case. He must be "hu- man." The letter of the law is for naught when it works against justice - what the jurist knows and believes is right. Our government can only last, and it has only lasted, because our. jurists have moulded the legal putty to fit the circumstance. Law that was pertinent to the letter in 1787 cannot be so today. If the law is to remain, it must be reinterpreted in the light of today. This can be so done only by injecting into it so-called "human principles." ' --. 4' tmmtr FIwM1 ......m + Publisned every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con- trol of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER ssociated ollgiatt brassO 31934 1935 e- ADSON ',nSCO9NSIN MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y 400 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.............THOMAS H. KLEENE ASSOCIATE EDITOR.............THOMAS E. GROEHN ASSOCIATE EDITOR ...............JOHN J, FLAHERTY SPORTS EDITOR ....................WILLIAM R. REED WOMEN'S EDITOR ..............JOSEPHINE T. McLEAN MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EDITORS ...... ..........DOROTHY S. GIES, JOHN C. HEALEY EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS News Editor .. .................Elsie A. Pierce Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D.Shut- man. Night Editors : Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich- ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, FredWarner Neal, and Bernard Weissman. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman. WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H. Davies, Olive E. 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BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...........GEORGE H. ATHERTON CREDIT MANAGER........... JOSEPH A. ROTHBARD WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ....MARGARET COWIE WOMEN'S ADVERTISING SERVICE MANAGER ELIZABETH SIMONDS DEPARTMENTAL MANAGERS: Local advertising, William Barndt; Service Department, Willis Tomlinson; Con- tracts, Stanley Joffe; Accounts, Edward Wohlgemuth; Circulation and National Advertising, John Park; Classified Advertising and Publications, Lyman Bitt- man. BUSINESS ASSISTANTS: Charles W. Barkdull, D. G. Bron- son, Lewis E. Bulkeley, Richard L. Croushore, Herbert D. Falender, Jack R. Gustafson, Ernest A. Jones, William C. Knecht, William C. McHenry, John F. McLean, Jr., Law- rence M. Roth, John D. Staple, Lawrence A. Starsky, Norman B. Steinberg, Donald Wilsher. WOMEN'S BUSINESS STAFF: Betsy Baxter, Margaret Bentley, Adelaine Callery, Elizabeth Davy, Catherine Fecheimer, Vera Gray, Martha Hanky, Mary McCord, Helen Neberle, Dorothy Novy, Adele Polier, Helen Purdy, Virginia Snell. WOMEN'S ADVERTISING SERVICE STAFF: Ellen Brown, Sheila Burgher, Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis Eiseman, Jean Keinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins, Peg Lou White. The Conning Tower] PROGRAMS Children's Story; Brad and Al; Yodeling Cowboys; Musicale; Baseball; Sidewalk Interviews; Flying Time; Press Radio News; Hiroka, Xylophone; Edward Davies, Barytone; Lowell Thomas, Commentator; Morley (Christopher), Narrator; Grace and Eddie; Amateur Night; Home Town Boys; Landt Trio, White; Dangerous Paradise; Just Plain Bill; Singing Lady; Dot and Will; Studio Music; Dreams Come True; Bird Talk; Radio Revue; Ray Block, Julia Glass, Piano; Jessica Dragonette, Soprano: Entertainment from the sky, So we'll know just what to buy! A BURSTEIN. Certainly the transcription of Schultz's death- bed statements is a vindication of Ernest Hem- ingway. It read, even for the rambling parts, much like so many pages of any Hemingway story. LITERARY CRITICISM Phyllis McGinley Writes too thinly. With Mrs. Pearl Buck I have no luck From dawn to sunset I don't read Undset. As Others See It Alert Aloofness (From the New York Herald-Tribune) SECRETARY HULL'S response to the League of Nations request for comment upon its course has been surrounded with all the solemn em- phasis of a great state paper. It is clearly in- tended as a definite statement of basic American policy; indeed, an unnamed official in the State Department has even supplied it with one of those catchword designations in which-as in the case of "watchful waiting," or "non-recognition," or "the good neighbor"- American foreign policies are by tradition summarized. This one is "alert aloofness. Alert aloofness turns out upon examination, to be by no means the clearest statement in the history of American foreign affairs. It stresses a vital American interest in the observance of the Kellogg pact, yet seems to confine any action under that document to a purely "moral" sphere. It declares that the measures taken under the recent neutrality act were "primarily to avoid being drawn into the war," yet hints that they may also have been adopted because of their effect "in discouraging war," which is something quite different. On the specific question of League sanctions it seems to confine the United States to strict neutrality; yet it expresses a desire "not to contribute to a prolongation of the war," and by viewing "with sympathetic interest the efforts of other nations to localize and shorten" it, seems to range the United States with the anti-Italian posse and keep alive the idea of "negative" co- operation in sanctions. The Italian press is hailing it as a rebuff to the League; Geneva might equally find in it en- couragement to proceed against Italy. The rea- son for this obscurity appears to be plain. The document, according to unofficial exegesis, is founded upon two pillars - a desire to preserve world peace, and a desire, if this fails, to stay wholly out of the resultant war. Each is in itself an admirable and a rational objective; un- fortunately, there is an ultimate inconsistency between them. If one goes further than mere moral exhortation, there is no way actively to preserve peace save by assisting to decide the issues out of which thebwar threat has arisen; but to do that is to become a party to the war if it does, after all, break out. Alert aloof- ness has succeeded no better than earlier Amer- ican policies in solving this dilemma, and the obscurity of the phrasing is but the surface reflection of this hidden contradiction. It is the avoidance of entanglement in the war, however, which is advanced as the "primary" purpose; it is here that the policy is most em- phatic, and, upon the other objective, that it is most vague. The present administration, like others before it, is still trying to ride two horses; but here is fresh reason to hope that, when the dangers of the attempt appear, it will be to the back of the first one that Mr. Hull and the Pres- ident will transfer themselves. The Registration Record (From the Cornell Daily Sun) THE PRESENT high figures for New York state's registration, which may shatter all records for an "off-year" election, are puzzling all political observers. The only important issue on which the public will be called to vote on No- vember 5th is the control of the State Assembly, and this in itself has never before been a subject for such popular interest. The Republicans claim this new registration record is but one more indication of the increased opposition to the New Deal, while the Democrats aver that the body politic is flocking to endorse the proletrian benefits enjoyed under their en- lightened administration. Both parties cite volu- minous statistics from various urban districts to prove their contentions, but still this is not enough to account for some of the registration figures, which are double that of 1931. Since the issues at stake are comparatively un- important, the real cause of this heavy enrollment should probably be attributed to the generally in- creased public interest in all political affairs that has been so evident during the last few crucial years of governmental activity. The economic problems born of the depression have made the voting public politically conscious, and this new interest is dramatically reflected in all referenda. If the depression has brought untold misery upon the country, it has also at least given the people a healthy consciousness of their duties as citizens, and in that respect we are approaching the democratic ideal of "government of the people, by the people, and for the people." ,i i 1 f i 1 i j l i j i 1 A 1 NIGHT EDITOR: GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. Anniversary Of The Depression. . W E ARE NOW, we hope, well on the way out of these depths into which we began to plunge after the stock market crashed six years ago yesterday. The six intervening years have given a perspec- tive that enables us to scientifically analyze the causes of the collapse. But in our analysis, there is a danger that we may overlook a more important duty - the duty of planning and revamping our economic order to prevent another upset, such as that which followed the demolition of the market, involved the crashing of thousands of banks and was marked by the impoverishment of millions of men and women. The great majority of the economically literate Americans still have faith in the capitalistic sys- tem. They wish to preserve it because they be- lieve that it works out better than any other yet developed. And because they do, we believe that they will unite in working out plans to eliminate the capitalistic system's most damning fault - the periodic breakdowns, or depressions. If we are to be spared the destructive oppression of capitalism, and still benefit from its freedom, this realistic re-examination must be made. And if it is, we believe that some way out will be de- vised. If it is not, then our economic system will de- generate into a dictatorial Communism or Fas- cism. The Letter Of The Law ..*.* a A MAD LABORER shot and killed a Chicago judge Monday and then fatally wounded himself with the same gun. He left this note: "This is the end of the story. All too severe judge sticking to the letter of the After Saunders, who booted Omaha home for1 William Woodward in the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness this year, had ridden Hollywoodi in the Juvenile Stakes here last Saturday, he andk Schaeffer "picked up" two young married women1 for a party. - Herald Tribune. One might cry "stet!" were it not for the sus- picion that the proofroom may have been para- phrasing The Bard's ("All's Well That Ends Well:r Act II, Sc. 3, 1. 315) "A young man married is a man. that's marr'd." HISTORIANS PEEKLY-WEEKLY Boring from Within, Perhaps-but Boring YIP! YIP! Former Mayor Walker sails for LittleI Old Guesswhere - sometimes known in City Hallt Park as Home, Bittersweet Home. WHAM! ZOWIE! GESUNDHEIT! Former Mayor Walker's impending arrival worries the1 League for Less Noise out of six months' sh-h-hs. "I'M THROUGH WITH POLITICS," former Mayor Walker told The Associated Press-which missed a wonderful chance to save the cable costs o the ex-Mayor's last two words. (Editor's note: Of course, if the A.P. had cable money to, burn, it might have added-"and vice versa.") BRITISH WANT BABE RUTH to teach them baseball, says H. T. headline--which indicates that former Mayor Walker has already taught them how to throw out the first ball. AMERICA'S LITTLE HOUSE to be discontinued next week. This may force the sightseeing trade to divide its patronage between America's Little Radio City, America's Little Empire State, and America's Little Hiwalker. PICKETING continues to furnish employment to millions - though it won't be a real success, our labor analyst tells us, until pickets parade past the American Federation of Labor head- quarters with signs reading, "Organized Labor Is Unfair to Organized Labor." INTERNATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL OR- GANIZATION, seventeen syllables to the good despite strong easterly winds followed by occa- sional light showers, adopts a new code of signs and figures - so that weather men in British, French and Czecho-Slovakian Somaliland can understand each other, even if nobody else can. SELASSIE J. O'OOMP, of 19,871 Grand Con- course, the Bronx, employed as a guide at Radio City, admits after twenty-two hours of grilling that he has pointed out Prometheus to visitors from forty-seven civilized states and New Jersey. "But," declares O'Oomp, who still maintains that home is where the Bronx is, "you can take it from me that strangers are stranger than fiction." YE OLDE AL GRAHAM. Minrod Roberio, of this city arrested Monday on a charge. of shooting a wood duck, was fined $10 and costs by Judge Lazarus S. Heyman in city court today. -Danbury News-Times. Henceforth known as Minrod the Nimrod. On the theory that one of the things that the Republican party needs is a slogan, Mr. Gerald Chittenden offers, "A vote for Frank is a vote for Frankfurter." The President's ideas about the permanency of the AAA sound all right, but they are too gen- eral. What is he going to do about making dahlias survive the first frost? A HOOSIER CYNIC (D.R., in the Kokomo (Ind.) Tribune) Franklin P. Adams, the Conning Tower bard, is punching a miscalculator, it seems to us, when he says that this country is impoverished in in- ternment camps and prisons for conscientious ob- jectors, and thus is unprepared for the next war it gets into. Half - roughly - the number of men who say today that they will not fight an ag- gressive war will, we are betting, succumb speedily to the trumpets and drums and the braid, the buttons, and the gingerbread cloth, eventually marching away with a long song ringing clear. Most of the other half will be unable to weather A Washington BYSTANDER DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. By KIRKE SIMPSON WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-- It might interest Senator George Norris to know that his idea -or should it be ideal -of a non-political postmasterr general may not be far from realiza-u tion. It could happen that "Big Jim"b Farley's successor, when he steps out of the cabinet to devote himself to 1936 presidential campaign manag-S ing, will be picked not only with ther purpose of getting the postoffice outp of politics but also of getting politics. out of the postoffice.b The decision rests with President Roosevelt. If anyone possibly is inf the know as to what the President is thinking about in that connection, from Farley all down through then political wing of the "new deal," therer is no discovering the fact. One andI all profess to have heard no namingb of names. That, too, in the face ofr frequently published and rarelyo agreeing forecasts of cabinet shake-n ups before election time.c S* * * SECRETARY DAN ROPER of the commerce department usually is mentioned as a "probable" FarleyN successor. The only known basis fore that is his long and highly active ca-f reer in the Democratic party organi-i zation. He once was an assistantc postmaster general.i Against that are whispers audible here and there in Democratic circles that what is more likely to happen is the selection of a nationally knownr business man to run Uncle Sam's big- gest enterprise, the mail business. He must be a Democrat, the whisper goes,c but that would be the only requiredc political qualification. His past party activity would be not much more thant casting his own vote to insure hisr eligibility. His only activity as post-v master general would be to run thei mail service. * * * * IT GOES even so far that some in- siders toy with the notion of aG strictly career appointment. There are several important city postmas- ters of long service, some who climbed through the ranks from trudging car- rier duty, who might qualify. Or again, in the event of a business man1 appointment, such a career postmas- ter might be brought in as virtual executive officer.- Farley himself has lent some colorI to this sort of solution to the prob- lem of naming his successor. He has indicated that the Republican hold- over postmaster of Washington, who1 came from career service in the postal department and was not disturbed when the "new deal" took office, would be retained in the department- al service. His term as city postmas-1 ter runs out next year. More than that, Farley has indicated that a career, not a political, successor would be named to the capitol city postmas- tership. BOOKS ": By JOHN SELBY "CAPE COD YESTERDAYS," by Jo- seph C. Lincoln; (Little, Brown). WRITING popular novels to a popular formula about a popular part of the country may produce valuable by-products. For a great many years Joseph C. Lincoln has been writing Cape Cod novels. This was natural, for he was born and "raised" on the Cape. He still lives there summers, and he still retains the ability to catch the vanishing flavor of the Cape people. And he still thinks it one of the most charming spots in Amercia-one of the few which retains its flavor in spite of tourists. His "Cape Cod Yesterdays" is the by-product of his life on the Cape and his search for novel material. It is not a history and it is not a book of personal reminiscences. Mr. Lin- coln is writing the odds and ends which his own memory has retained- about such features as "Sharehold- ers' Day" for example. The Old Colony railroad crawled slowly down the Cape selling shares in each town it reached. And on the day of the stockholders' meeting in Boston, each holder of a share was entitled to a round trip from his home to Boston. People went who hadn't the least business; it was an institution. Mr. Lincoln talks about the "char- acters," too. Particularly about the lonely old fiddler who thought it easy money to rake enough scallops to half fill a 2-gallon can, swell them with fresh water until they filled the can, carry the can six miles to a rail- way station on a wheelbarrow, and then wheel the barrow back home. He got $7 and thought he'd driven a sharp bargain! Ship wrecks and life-saving, cran- berries, Sandwich glass, the old pack- et boat to Boston, shooting on the Cape, fishing and fish weirs, the old stage coaches, the windmills, old and tall cape stories - these fill the book. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1935 N VOL. XLVI No. 25H v Notices Faculty, School of Education: Thec regular luncheon meeting of the Fac- ulty will be held on Monday, Novem-o ber 4, Michigan Union, at 12 o'clock.t 7 Faculty, College of Literature,, Q Science, and the Arts: Instructors are requested to send their "Freshmang Report Cards" to Room 4 Universitya Hall not later than Saturday, Novem-o ber 2. Mid-semester reports will be called for at the end of the eighth week. Voice Recording: The apparatus for making high fidelity phonograph records recently installed in Morrisr Hall is now ready for use by mem-s bers of the faculty and students. Suchc recordings will be of value to students- of speech, linguistics, languages, andC music. For prices and appointmentsb call the University Broadcasting Ser- vice - Extension 393. Bowling: The bowling alleys at ther Women's Athletic Buildings are open9 every afternoon, except Saturday,9 from 4 to 6 (Saturday (3 to 5) andP in the evening from 7 to 9. Men ac-i companied by women may bowl dur- ing these hours.C Reservation of the alleys by groups may be made by calling Barbour Gymnasium (Extension 721) a daye in advance. Modern Dance Club: The meetings of the Modern Dance Club are held on Monday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00 and Thursday evening from 7:30r to 9:00 in Barbour Gymnasium. These meetings are open to both men and women. This is not ballroom danc- ing. For further information, call Julia Wilson 8153. Clarinets and Drummers needed for Varsity Band. Call Mr. Revelli at 5097. Academic Notices Economics 51: Rooms for examina- tion Thursday, October 31, as fol- lows: 25 A.H., Miller's and Hebbard's sections. 321 A.H., Anderson's sec- tions. 1035 A.H., Wier's sections. 103 R.L., Church's sections. N.S. Aud., French's and Danhof's sections. Geology 11: Bluebook this Friday at 9:00. A-L (inclusive) please go to the Science Auditorium, M-Z to the West Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall. Please take alternate seats. Oratorical Association Lecture Course: The opening number of the 1935-36 Lecture Course will be pre- sented tomorrow night in Hill Audi- torium at 8:15 p.m. when the Hon. William R. Castle speaks on the subject "Our Relations with Other Nations." The Hill Auditorium box office will be open today from 10 a.m., 12 a.m. and 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Orientation Lecture: Contrary to previous announcement, Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, of the Division of Fine Arts, will deliver the lecture on "Fine Arts" at 5:00 o'clock today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This lecture will describe the opportuni- ties, both curricular and extra-cur- ricular, in this field. Every adviser is to hand in her crit- icism of the Orientation program to Miss McCormick's office before 5:00. Lectures: Captain Sidney Ransom will talk on "The Great Orderly Plan As Shown by (a) Astronomy; (b) Chemistry, Physics and Animal Life; and (c) Mind" at 4:15 in the Natural Science Auditorium, Friday, Novem- ber 1. At 8 p.m. he will discuss "Theo- sophy, the Science of Life" in the Chapel of the Michigan League build- ing. The public is cordially invited. Events Of Today Junior Mathematical Club meets at 7:30 p.m. Room 3201 A. H. Professor Norman Anning will conduct a Heisel Heretic Hunt. All interested are in- ited to attend. A. S. M. E. Mr. E. T. Vincent, hief engineer of the Diesel division f the Continental Motors Corpora- ion, will speak on Diesel engines at :30 p.m. at the Union. All mechan- cal and aeronautical engineers and thers wishing to attend are invited A dinner for Mr. Vincent will be riven at 6:15 in the Union open to anyone wishing to attend. Sign up n the M. E. Bulletin board before noon today. A.S.C.E. Regular meeting in Room 311 W. Eng. at 7:30 p.m. A.I.Ch.E. First meeting at 7:30 room 1042 E. Engineering. Profes- sor W. L. Badger, Professor of Chemi- cal Engineering will speak on the "History of the Unit Operations or Ch.E. 9a 300 Years Ago." All mem- bers requested to be present. Visitors welcome. Refreshments served. Chemical and Metallurgical Engi- neering Seminar: Professor Upthe- grove will address the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His sub- ject will be: "Ternary Modifications of the Copper-Tin-Alloy System." Pi Tau Pi Sigma: Rushing smoker at the Union, 7:15 p.m., Rooms 321- 23-25. All members are requested to attend in uniform. Refreshments will be served. Alpha Nu - Tryout speeches for membership in Alpha Nu at 7:30 p.m. Any men interested in joining this speech and debating society are in- vited to attend. Speeches are to be from three to five minutes in length. Following this part of the program a debate will be held on the subject -"Resolved, That All Freshmen Be Required to Live in University Owned Dormitories." Kappa Tau Alpha meeting at 3:30 Room 213, Haven Hall. Luncheon for Graduate Students, at twelve o'clock in the Russian Tea Room, Michigan League Building. Cafeteria service. Bring tray across the hall. Professor Preston W. Slos- son, of the History Department, will speak informally on "Modern Dic- tatorships." Athena: Tryouts; also Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:00 in Portia Room 4208 Angell Hall. A three minute prepared reading is necessary. Anyone eligible and in- terested in speech organizations is in- vited to tryout. Mimes members on campus, im- portant meeting at 4:00 p.m. All members are urged to be present for a discussion with Mr. Dan Quirk, of Ypsilanti. Rendezvous Club meets at 8 p.m. Lane Hall. Plans are to be made for the year, including a party in the near future. All members who can- not be present, call Lane Hall. Sophomore men and women in- terested in trying out for the Michi- ganensian report at the Student Pub- lications Building on Maynard Street at 4:00 p.m. Contemporary: Luncheon meeting for staff members at 11:45 a.m. at the Haunted Tavern. Stanley Chorus: Regular rehearsal at 7:15 p.m., at the Union, third floor. Those wishing to try out for the chorus will please come at this time. Varsity and Waiting List Glee Clubs: Important meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the glee club rooms for both the Varsity and Waiting List Clubs. Freshman Mens' Glee Chub : Im- portant rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. in the Music Room on the 3rd floor of the Union. Larger club desired. New- comers are welcome. Members please attend. Coming Events Applied Mechanics Colloquium will be held at 4:00 p.m., Thursday, Oc- tober 31, Room 310 West Engineering Annex. Professor R. H. Sherlock will give a talk on "Recent Studies of Wind-Gust in Relation to Strength of Structures." There will also be a discussion of recent literature. All interested are cordially invited to at- tend. Cercle Francais: Important meet- ing at the League, Thursday, 7:45 p.m. All old members are requested to attend. Weekly Reading Hours: In the pro- gram on Thursday, Oct. 31, at 4 o'clock in Room 205, Mason Hall, Prof. Hollister will read from the verse of Vachel Lindsay. The public is cordially invited to these weekly reading hours. On November 7 Prof. Ten Years Ago From The Daily Files OCT. 30, 1925 Minnie Madden Fiske, later a fam- ous actress, will appear as Mrs. Mala- prop in "The Rivals" by Richard Brinsley Sheridan at the Whitney Theatre tonight. President Little addressed the op- ening meeting of the University Press Club of Michigan convention last night. He urged the journalists to give youth a sense of their moral ob- ligation by their style in writing news stories; to emphasize personality as well as scholarship; and to help in building our civilization for youth in- stead of middle age. Cambridge debaters, upholding the affirmative side of the question "Re- solved: That this house pities its