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October 29, 1935 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-29

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Elliot Chooses
New Staff For
Public Schools
State Supreme Court Only
Recognized New School
Head Last Week
LANSING, Oct. 28. - WP)- A re-
organized staff took over its duties
today under the direction of Eugene
R. Elliott, recognized by the state
supreme court last week as state su-
perintendent of public instruction.
Among the new appointees to take
office under Elliott today are:
Lee M. Thurston, former assistant
superintendent of schools at Ann Ar-
bor, who becomes deputy superin-
tendent of public instruction to suc-
ceed David D. Henry, resigned.
Paul Cressman, who takes charge
of instruction activities of the depart-
ment as an assistant superinten-
dent. Cressman is a former employe
of the department.
Miss Anna Myers, formerly an as-
sistant to Dr. Elliott, who becomes
assistant director of finance.
Howard Prine, former Jackson
county school commissioner, who will
direct school census and member-
Jacob W. Kelder, former superin-
tendent of schools at Big Rapids,
who succeeds D. Orr Stack as as-
sistant director in charge of school
building rograms.
Harry M. Nesman, former super-
intendent of schools at Walled Lake,
and Mrs. F. M. Thrun of East Lan-
sing, who will serve on the legal staffl
of school board counseling.
Celeste Strack
Tells N.S.L. Of
Freedom Need
Celeste Strack, National Studentt
League national executive committee1
member who is touring scores of col-
leges and universities in the country,
told members of the local N.S.L. at
their meeting in the Union last night
"the eyes of all those interested in
academic freedom are focused on the
N University of Michigan.
"The University of Michigan is
being made the spear-head of the
movement to preserve and develop
complete freedom of this type," she
Miss Strack, who is a student at
the University of Southern California
at Los Angeles, added that the task
of students here, as well as else-
where, was to arouse student opinion
to what she termed "the menace to1
academic freedom."
Organizational problems of the
N.S.L. were discussed by Miss Strack,1
who pointed out the N.S.L.'s need fora
"establishing a broad mass baset
among the students."
Italy Secures New
Posts Near Makale
(Continued from Page 1)
of Premier Mussolini and what the
League and Ethiopia could grant are
so wide apart that peace negotiations
have little chance now of succeed-
China, the Dominican Republic,
Ecuador, Luxembourg and Switzer-
land announced tonight an arms em-
bargo against Italy and the comple-
mentary lifting of the embargo from
Ethiopia. This makes 40 countries
backing the arms embargo.
Twenty-three countries have sub-
scribed to financial sanctions. A

weak feature of the sanction barrier,
however, is that only 13 nations have
adhered to the economic boycott.
The recenthacceptors of the eco-
, nomic tool were Belgium, Norway,
Estonia, -Luxemburg, Uruguay and
In a telegram, Mosccow announced
the Soviet would impose an embargo
on the exportation of key products
which can be used for making mu-
nitions and also an embargo on all
importations into Russia from Italy.
DJIBOUTI, French Somaliland,
Oct. 26.-(Delayed)-(AP)-The Ital-
ian southern army was reported here
tonight to have established a front
of more than 400 miles, cutting across
the southeastern section of Ethiopia.
With one column said to have
pushed almost halfway into the des-
ert lying between Italian Somaliland
and the foothills of Ogaden province
of Ethiopia, the thin line of Fascist
troops was said to have extended
from British Somaliland to the junc-
tion of Kenya and the Juba terri-

Indiana Beauty

Celebrate Twelfth Anniversary
Of Turkish Republic Founding

Rome A.P. Head

The twelfth anniversary of the <
founding of the Turkish Republic willt
be celebrated throughout Turkey to- -
day, and here in America, a group of
University students, four of themt
fromthe University ofnMichigan, willI
join in the celebration.
With 20 students from the Uni-
versities of Chicago, Illinois and Pur-i
due, they will hold a tea dance at the
Purdue Union which will be attended1
by a group of their American friends.
The Michigan students are: Neri-
man Allam, Mahmut Gultan, AhmetI
Muntaz and Abdurrahim Servet.
Neriman Allam, in explaining thet
rise of the Republic, said that the.
holiday is similar to the Fourth ofi
July here in that it marks the settingj
up of the Turkish Republic under
Kemel Pasha on Oct. 29, 1923. Kemel{
Pasha had for three years been at
the head of the insurgent republican
party before the final break with the
monarchy and the establishment of,
the new form of government.-
His party bore the brunt of the
struggle against the Greeks, who oc-.

cupied Turkey, and were finally
driven out in the fall of 1923. With
the country free of the menace of
Greek domination Kernel Pasha;
turned his attention to the weak
monarchy which still held forth at
Constantinople, and shortlyrafter-
wards announced that Turkey was a
republic, with its new capital at
Ankara, he explained. Pasha or-
ganized a parliament composed of
representatives from all of the prov-
inces, and was unanimously declared
president of the new republic.
Allam also pointed out that since
that time a number of radical
changes have been made in Turkey,
important among them the transfer
from the Arabic to the Latin alpha-
bet, and the formation of a new code
of civil law, which was drawn up
without any regard for the ancient
religious laws which were formerly
enforced. Within recent years, wom-
en, have been given the right to vote,
and the traditional veil and long
flowing gown have been discarded,
Allam declared.

Church Guilds
Meet In First
Jpoint Session
General Topic, 'War And
Peace' To Be Discussed
Nov. 3 By Prof. Slosson
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department and the Rev. Fred
Cowin, Church of Christ Pastor, will
Speak at 8 p.m., Nov. 3 in the Con-
gregational Church before the first
joint meeting of the religious guilds
of the campus.
The topic for discussion, "Religion
and Politics Look At War," is, a con-
tinuation of the general topic, "War
and Peace," which is being sponsored
by the Inter-Guild Federation.
Professor Slosson will give the po-
litical outlook of the topic, bringing
out the present neutrality policy, the
League of Nations and justifiability of.
war. Mr. Cowin will discuss the re-,
ligious viewpoint of war.
The sponsors of this meeting, the
Inter-Guild Federation, composed of
two representatives of each of the

guilds, meets every five weeks to de-
termine the subject of discussion for
their Sunday night meetings. At the
meeting of Oct. 27 committee heads
for the organization were appointed
including William Jewell, '37, general
chairman; Gordon Stowe, '38A, pro-
gram; William Umbach, Grad., Co-
operative; Herbert Soper, Grad.,
House; and Richard Clark', '37, Pub-
Let Us Make
They need not be Expensive!

-Associated Press Photo.
Miss Jane Whitlock (above) of
Terre Haute, Ind., was chosen as
the most beautiful coed in the
freshman class at Indiana Uni-
versity. She is a pledge of Delta
Gamma sorority.
2,000 Die As
Tropical Storm
Ravages Haiti
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, Oct. 28.
- (P) - At least 2,000 persons are
dead or missing in a storm which
ravaged the southern peninsula of
Most of the casualties were caused
by floods which followed the hurri-
cane a week ago. Thousands were
reported homeless and hungry.
Relief operation could not be in-
stituted until the arrival of the
Standard Fruit Steamer Truxton,
delayed by strong winds north of
Cuba. The boat was expected to-
Jeremie, on the north shore near
the western tip of the peninsula, ap-
parently was hardest hit.
Only piecemeal reports from the
two communities, however,nwere
available to officials here. One said
a bridge was wiped out over the
Grand Anse river near Jeremie. The
Voldrogue and Roseaux rivers roared
over their banks and deluged adja-
cent farmlands.
Sabsowitz Elected
Hillel President
Hy Sabsowitz, '36, was elected
president of the Michigan Hillel In-
dependents Organization at their an-
nual election held Sunday night.
Marian Sanders, '37, who presided
over the meeting as temporary chair-
man, was elected vice president. Sec-
retary is Miriam Newman, '37, and
treasurer, Norman Plavin, '37.
Representatives to the Executvie
Council include Pauline Cohen, Harry
Offendach, Rena Rubenstien and Leo

-Associated Press Photo.
Andrue Berding, shown above
in an (AP) photo, chief of the As-
sociated Press Bureau at Rome,
flew over Ethiopian war territory
with Mussolini's son-in-law.in order
to secure a first hand view of the
Italo-Ethiopian War.



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