The Weather Cloudy with occasional rain and somewhat warmer Tues- day; Wednesday fair. 0- " -.Rmm P, ,tr i g an Dailli Editorials Avery Hopwood's Ideal VOL. XLVI. No. 26 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1935_ PRICE FIVE CENTS Italy Wins New Posts t Ma kale Fascists Celebrate Their Thirteenth Birthday With Welcome News Austria Only Leak In Economic Dam Italian Army Establishes 400 Mile Front Across Southeastern Ethiopia Fraternity Association Saves $1,675 By Collective Buying The 11 members of the Fraternity Buyers Association saved $1,675.30 buying collectively during the fiscal period from March 6, 1934, to Sept. 30, 1935, according to the income sheet and statement of distribution of income computed by F. E. Ross and company, accountants for the or- ganization. Included in this saving is $275 col- lected from the members for dues which decreases the actual saving to $1,400.30. The statement disregards the op- eration expenses that must necessari- ly accrue in an organization as this. Wages totalled $665, office supplies and expenses $72.76, and letters and publicity, $11.82, bringing total op- eration expenses to $749.58. Sub- tracting this amount the members saved $925.72 from collective buying. The first distribution of income was Jan. 31, 1935, when the association, distributed $500.19, prorated to its members on the basis of the ratio of the income earned for the associa- tion by each member to the total in- come earned for the period. Checks in this distribution to the members were made for an averagel Union Miners Are Wounded In Coal StrikeY ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 28. - (P) - Fascist Italy celebrated its thirteenth birthday Monday with the news that its marching legions in Northern Ethiopia had won important new po- sitions commanding the vital city of Makale while the southern army ad- vanced on a 400-mile front. "On to Harar! was the Fascist cry, as 13 years ago it had been "On to Rome!" Harar, the metropolis of Eastern Ethiopia, is the objective of both the northern and southern forces. With Harar, they would cut Addis Ababa and Central Ethiopia off from access to the Red Sea; they would give Italy a strip all along the eastern half of Ethiopia, connecting Eritrea and Italian Somaland. In the south, the forces from So-' maliland, according to dispatches re- ceived in Djibouti, have crossed half the Ogaden Desert. The Italians in this sector, the Djibouti report said, hold a strip of Ethiopian territory more than400 miles in length. Pave Way To Makale In the north, the armies command- ed by Gen. Emilio. De Bono literally had paved thetway to Makale, gate- way to the south, and capture of the city apparently was only a matter of the time it would take to extend roads and communications. An Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Addis Ababa said the civilian population of Makale had been or- dered to evacate. Makale, the dis- patch said, will not be defended, as part of the Ethiopian strategy of allowing the Italians to penetrate farther into the mountains before taking a stand. DeBono's regiments Monday solid- ified' a new and stronger line, well beyond the Aduwa-Adigrat front, ac- cording to a copyrighted dispatch from Andrue Berding, Associated Press correspondent with the army. To Move Big Guns DeBono, high commander of co- lonial troops, moved promptly up to the front, took formal possession of the newly occupied territory and is- sued orders for consolidation of the new positions. Over the rugged terrain behind the front line the Engineers' Corps busied itself constructing a road from En- tiscio to the foremost part of the cen- tral column. When this is finished the big guns of the Italian artillery will be rolled up. Moving slowly and carefully, Gen. Alessandro Pirzio-Biroli's central col- umn pushed 12 zmiles through the mountains shielding Makale to oc- cupy the Feres Mai Valley. GENEVA, Oct. 28. -- ({')-_ Austria was regarded in League of Nations circles tonight as the only possible serious leak in an economic dam be- ing built around Italy. This gigantic barrier was rein- forced today by the adherence of Russia to an economic boycott. Japan and Germany have indicat- ed they would do nothing to embar- rass the League's boycott. Switzer- land will apply the arms embargo and restrict her purchases of Italian goods to an amount equaling the value of her exports to Italy. Despite Austria's opposition to sanctions, an Austrian spokesman said his country was not likely to sell much to Italy because of Italy's prob- able inability to pay. Little hope of an early peace is held by diplomats here. The gen- eral impression is that the demands itontnuea on Page 61 Alpha Kappa Psi Will Hold Smoker Alpha Kappa Psi, professional bus- iness administration fraternity, will hold a smoker at 8 p.m. tomorrow when the scholarship medallion for 1934-35 will be presented to Garrett C. Van de Riet, '36BAd. This honor is awarded every yearI amount of about $40, the largest be- ing for $102.43, and the smallest for $10.76. On Sept. 30 of this year the organi- zation was dissolved and the final distribution of income was made. In this distribution the saving made by collective buying since Jan. 1 of this year, $425.53, was prorated as in the first distribution, and $750 was equal- ly apportioned to ten of the eleven fraternities who invested $75 each for an operating fund. Prof. Slosson Will Speak At Hutchins Hall 'America And The Present European Crisis' Topic Of Address Tomorrow Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the history department will speak on "America and the Present European Crisis" at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Hutch- ins Hall. His address will be sponsored by the Ann Arbor League of Nations As- sociation, a division of the Interna- tional League of Nations Association, members of which include nearly 40 local citizens, including faculty men. Professor Slosson, recognized as an expert on foreign affairs; will analyze the present situation created by the Italo-Ethiopian war. He is expected to explain the attitude of the United Statesrtoward the affair, as guided by the recent neutrality legislation, passed by the recent Congress. The University historian will point out the success of this policy so far, he said, and predict its future. He will attempt to answer the question: "Can We Remain Neutral?" The address, which is open to the public, will be given in the Hutchins Hall Auditorium, in the Northwest end of the building. Chase Assails 'Hubub' About N~ew Teaching Strike Sympathizers Fired On; One Killed And Six Injured BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 28. - (R) - Six union miners were wounded as a fusillade of shots were poured into a caravan of strike sympathizers moving onto coal mines operated by non-union labor today. A seventh was found dead near the scene. St. Clair county officers, reinforced by state highway patrolmen, threw a heavy guard about the two mines - the Margaret and the Acmar - to- night to preserve order. An investi- gation of the bloody clash was started from four angles. Governor Bibb Graves from Wash- ington ordered the St. Clair County grand jury to convene next Monday. An inquest was held late today over the body of an unidentified man found in a ditch near the scene of the daybreak clash. Two national guard officers ac- companied Sheriff Ab Crow to the scene of the clash. Robert R. Moore, state commis- sioner of labor, also went to the scene. Chief deputy sheriff Charlie Mc- Combs of Jefferson County said at 1:30 o'clock this morning he en- deavored to dissuade the miners from making a march on the Margaret and Acmar mines. They had congregated at Lewisburg to go to St. Clair Coun- ty to organize the two mines, which operate 'with non-union miners. These two shafts are the only large ones in the state that are not or- ganized. Mack Padgett, 34, who was wound- ed in the left lung and left arm, told; sheriff deputies at a hospital here; that the caravan of striking union; members had been told the men at Margaret wanted to organize. Militia Rule Is Declared In South Carolina Elections Of Senior Class AreDelayed Postponement To Nov. 6 Caused By Wait In The PrintingOf Directories To Use Automatic Voting Machines Literary College Elections Will Begin At 4:15 After Class Meeting Because of a delay in the publica- tion of the 1935-36 Student Directory, senior class elections in all the schools under the supervision of the Men's Council will be postponed from Wed- nesday, Oct. 30, to Wednesday, Nov. 6, William R. Dixon, '36, president of the Council, announced yesterday. Although there is a remote possi- bility of another postponement, the editor of the Directory, stated that the handbook staff was virtually cer- tain of publication prior to the new election date, Nov. 6. An innovation in the election pro- cedure will be the use of a voting machine by students in the literary college. The machine, which is on exhibit in the Union lobby, will be donated for the election by the Auto- matic Voting Machine Corporation of Philadelphia. Tentative plans for the use of similar machines in each of the five other polling centers have been discussed, Dixon stated, but no definite action has been taken. Council To Supervise Actual supervision of the senior elections will be vested in members of the Men's Council and, if the need arises, members of the Union Staff. Practice this year will follow the cus- tom of entrusting the literary col- lege to five men. Three men, two representing the Engineering Council, will directthe election in the engi- neering college., Elections in the architectural college, the Music School, the forestry school, and the business administrat~rtr&ihol will be" supervised .by a one-man board at each polling place. Members of the Men's Council from whom Dixon may select election offi- cials are: John McCarthy, '36, John W. Strayer, '36, Nelson R. Droulard, '36E, Charles Markham, '36, BAd.; Thomas H. Kleene, '36, Wencel Neu- man, '36, Sanford Ladd, '37, Robert J. Buehler, '37E, George R. Williams, '36, William Wilsnack, '37, Francis L. Wallace, '36E, Elwood Morgan, '36E, Frank Fehsenfeld, '36, William Ren- ner, '36, Richard Pollman, '36A, Ros- coe Day, '36F&C, and Marshall Sleet, 36M. Nominations First Election activities in the literary college will begin at 4:15 p.m. with a short class meeting at which time nominations will be made. With the termination of nomination procedure the actual voting will begin and will continue until 5:15 p.m. In other di- visions of the University participat- ing in the elections the general pro cess will follow these principles with the exception that the time of vot- ing will be determined by the ex- pediency of the school's class schedule. Grant Funds For Task Of Prof._Worley Directed by Prof. John S. Worley of the engineering college,' Detroit's drive to secure a permanent reduc- tion of traffic tolls yesterday enlisted the support of influential agencies. The Common Council complied with the request of Mayor Frank Couzens to supply Professor Worley with a $12,000 appropriation to de- fray the cost of the survey. Aid from Washington will be so- licited immediately by the local Works Progress Administration office to support three street widening pro- jects. Thirteen drivers were jailed Mon- day in the Traffic Court's attempt to impress reckless autoists with the gravity of their crimes. Offenders were ordered to the Receiving Hos- pital to view victims of auto acci- dents. An extensive publicity campaign, designed to reveal the motorist's re- sponsibility, was promised by Henry T. Ewald, publicity director of the Claims 'More Heat Light' In Ballyhoo Present Trends Than With Committee O.K.'s Rule Granting Special Favors For Class Dances Hours Unchanged For Other Affairs 2:30 Permission For Frosh Frolic And Soph Prom Is Continued A revised ruling on late permis- sions for women students for special dances, passed by the Senate Com- mittee on Student Affairs, was an- nounced last night by Dean Alice Lloyd. Late permissions will be granted this year only for the four annual class dances, Miss Lloyd said. The lower class affairs, the Frosh Frolic and the Soph Prom, which are-tradi- tionally held on Friday nights, will last until 2 a.m. with 2:30 permission for the women. At the upper class functions, the J-Hop and the Sen- ior Ball, dancing will continue until 3 a.m. with corresponding later per- mission for the women attending, she announced. In previous years the ruling which will be in effect for the Frosh Frolic and Soph Prom has been extended to include various other special func- tions, such as the Panhellenic Ball, the Crease Dance, the Slide Rule Dance, the Architects' May Party, the Interfraternity Ball, and others. This year permissions for these dances will be the regular 1:30 ruling which is in force for all Friday night functions. "However, in view of the new rul- ing of the University making Satur- day classes compulsory for all stu- dents," Miss Lloyd said, "it was felt that the number of dances receiving grant of 2 a.m. permission should be cut down to include only four class dances." The Senate Committee is composed of a representative group of faculty and student members, including Dean Joseph A. Bursley, chairman, Miss Lloyd, Prof. Earl V. Moore of the School of Music, arid Prof. Charles Jamison of the business administra- tion school, as faculty representa- tives, and Jean Seeley, '36, Thomas H. Kleene, '36, William Dixon, '36, and Wencel Neumann, '36. Stern Authority's 'No' Spells Doom For 8 O'Clockers Another boon to society goes the way of. all boons. The "8 O'Clock Boys" are no more, Charles Bleich and Murray Roth conceived the novel idea of running a book-delivery service. They were going to pick up volumes due at the libraries at 8 o'clock, and for the sum of five cents per, they were to de- liver their cargo at the library desks. They had a Ford, a telephone and an alarm clock. The only detail not accounted for was authority, and it was the only cog in their industrial wheel which refused to bear up. For it seems that Samuel W. Mc- Allister, associate librarian, shared enthusiasm with the Bleich-Roth combine, but he couldn't see his charges-- library books-lying all night near doorways where they would have to be left if the new bus- iness men were to find them in the morning. So the bubble of premature success is again burst. Bleich gazes at the Ford each morning at 8, and Roth stands beside him. The alarm clock rings and the Ford runs downhill. But the telephone is not silent for them, for since they made their plan public, the great American student has been besieging them with calls. So they wish the telephone would keep whatever it has to say to itself, because every time they lift the re- ceiver it's a request to call and that's just rubbing it in. Weaver To Speak At Forum Today The second in the series of fresh- Dean Lloyd Criticizes Activities Of Sororities; Revise Late Permission Scores Sororities v 0 DEAN ALICE C. LLOYD Freshman Club To Meet Today For Luncheon First Of Two Groups That Will Convene At Union; Dean Bursley Sponser The first of the two groups of freshmen which make up the lunch- eon club sponsored by Dean Joseph E. Bursley will meet at 12:15 p.m. today °in the Union. Dean Bursley stated that the fresh- men were called together for the first time last week and that plans for the year were discussed. Because of the great number of men selected for the club, it will be necessary to have two groups meeting at different times. One will meet on Tuesday of each week and the other will meet on Wednesday. Each separate group will elect its own officers who will plan the pro- grams for each gathering. In the past it has been the custom to have a short program consisting of an outside speaker, and from time to time other features are sponsored. Started in 1930, the luncheon club is sponsored in order to enable in- coming students to become better ac- quainted with members of their class. Those in the club are selected in order to give a "cross-section" of the freshman class, Dean Bursley stated.f Revenge Killer Murders One, Two Are Hurt Indicts Rushing System And Women's Hour For Friday Night Speaks At Annual. Panhellenic Dinner Suggests That Extra Hour Be Taken In The Middle Of The Week By ELSIE A. PIERCE Sorority women were severely crit- icized last night by Dean Alice C. Lloyd for failure to protect "the real purpose of college life." Miss Lloyd, speaking before 800 sorority women at the annual Pan- hellenic banquet held at the League, indicted them on two counts: first, for opposing any changes in the pres- ent 1:30 a.m. ruling on women's hours for Friday nights; and second, for maintaining a rushing system which she described as "superficial and nerve-wracking." "I might as well admit frankly and in open meeting," she stated, "that I think your nearly unanimous vote to continue the 1:30 a.m. hour for Fri- day in spite of the new University ruling on Saturday classes, is a mis- take." Miss Lloyd expressed the opinion that it would be more sensible to take an extra hour in the middle of the week, granting later permission on Wednesdays, now that college work is spread over another day, than it is to crowd all social activities into Friday, Saturday and Sunday; "more sensible, that is, if we are protecting the real purpose of college instead of protecting the social pleasures of the campus," she explained. Rushing System 'Funny' She characterized the present sys- tem of women's rushing as a "funny, artificial sort of business, and point- ed out that of 426 women who re- ceived preference slips, only 219 pledged houses. "Already, two weeks after pledge day," she continued, "there have been a number of broken pledges. Surely this is a poor re- turn for the effort you put into rush- ing." "In other years," she said, "sor- orities, in voting on changes in rush- ing rules during the second semester have forgotten how hectic and trying it all was, and have agreed to do it all over again in much the same way." She pointed out that this year the women must consider whether or not, "as intelligent uni- versity women, you any longer have the right to put the stamp of ap- proval on a system which diverts 900 women from the main purpose of college for the first two weeks of school." "The wonder is that it all work out as well as it does," she stated. and "alth, .gh I am quite aware of the difficulties of second semester rushing, surely we can work out some plan which will be better for all con- cerned." 'Exclusive Boarding Houses' Sororities can not long exist, she old the women, as exclusive board- ng-houses which sponsor a "partic- ularly hectic and superficial method of meetingand electing new mem- bers. If you have any doubts about ts superficiality," she said, "think back to your 'hash' sessions of this year, and call to mind some of the reasons why you didn't take some girls." In spite of their faults, she ex- pressed the belief that there is a real place for sororities, but they should foster "an intelligent, dignified so- cial life to complement the intellec- tual life of the college." The other main speakers of th evening were Prof. O. J. Campbell of the English department, whose subject was "When We Dead Awak- en." And Registrar Ira M. Smith, who awarded the scholarship cup which is presented annually to the sorority having the best average for the previous year to Delta Zeta, Betty Rich, '36, chairman of the ban- quet, and Jane Arnold, '36, presided, and introduced the speakers, Johnson Supports oosevelt For 1936 NEW YORK, Oct. 28.-(AP)-Chan-' cellor Harry Woodburn Chase of New York University, in an examination of academic thought and freedom today, asserted that the hubbub and b a l1 y h o o surrounding university teaching trends had been "attended by more heat than light." "Pressure groups from the outside are conducting campaigns in so many directions," he observed, "that universities on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays find themselves pilloried as parasites on the capitalistic order, and on Tuesday, Thursdays and Sat- urdays, as outposts of Moscow, while on Sundays the decline of religion with their student bodies is lament- ed." Chancellor Chase embodied his ob- servations in the annual report to the University Council. "That examination of the truth to which universities are committed," he declared, "arouses resistance alike from communist and from super-pa- triot as soon as it in any way tends to disturb fixed patterns of propa- ganda." The Chancellor observed that so- cial sciences would "hardly be taught at all" if the various prohibitionists had their way; if the country pre- vailed, he said, the result would be "not education but bedlam.' "Academic freedom," he declared, "lays a responsibility on the instruc- tor as well as on the university. That responsibility is that he should ap- proach his task not as a propagan- dist, not as a partisan, but as a per- son of open mind, regardful of facts, whether or not they support precon- ceived theories." K. Of C. Directors Suicide After Governor Johnston National Guard 'To 'Insurrection' Calls Quell COLUMBIA, S. C., Oct. 28. - (W) - Militia rule was used by Gov. Olin D. Johnston today to seize control of a hostile State Highway Department which he declared to be in a "state of insurrection." The thirty-eight-year-old execu- tive sent 61 National Guardsmen with four machine guns to enforce his order against the "insurrection," by displacing the antagonistic highway board. He announced his action in a pro- clamation and statement saying that military force was necessary to re- move the 14 commissioners and Chief Commissioner Ben M. Sawyer, since they had "set up a supreme govern- ment" above the Governor, Legisla- ture, and People. Commissioner George Bell Tim- merman, of Lexington, asserted "the Governor is leading the rebellion Mad Foray In Chicago Loop Office Building CHICAGO, Oct. 28. - UP) - A mad burst of shooting on the twelfth floor of a Loop office building - inspired, police said, by a desire to avenge a year's jail sentence -brought death today to former Judge William F. Fetzer and the man who shot him and critical wounds to two other men. The alleged assailant, Raymond Lamming, a laborer, shot and fatally wounded himself in an adjacent of- fice. Fetzer, 62 years old, who long had been active in Chicago politics and once was a power as a lieutenant of former Mayor William Hale Thomp- son, was struck twice by bullets, one piercing his heart, the other hitting his chin. The wounded men are William L. Hawthorne, a court reporter, and Na- than Weintroob, 28, a clerk in Fet- zer's office in the Ashland Block on N. Clark St. Hawthorne was in the office into which the gunman dashed after shooting Judge Fetzer and Wein- Score Roosevelt NEW YORK, Oct. 28. - (R) - President Roosevelt is held respon- sible for "non-action on behalf of bleeding and oppressed Mexico" in a