4 SUNDAY, OCtOBER 27, 1935 THE MICHI-GAN" DAILY PAGE TIME TILE MICIITGAN DATTY I PA~ TNR2E I i Weary Fighters Continue Battle To Check Fire Malibu Resort Threatened Despite Frantic Efforts Of 2,000 Men LOS ANGELES -Two thousan weary fighters continued their des- perate battle today to halt a fores fire raging inland toward the Mal- ibu Lake resort on the crest of Mal- ibu mountain. Outbreak of smaller confiagrations in spotted areas of Los Angeles coun- ty added more worry to forestry for ces as the damage of the major fire neared the $10,000,000 mark. Concern was felt for the safety of four members of a county fire de- partment pumping crew. The quar- tet, together with another crew, was rushed from the Malibu CCC cam to the endangered Saddle Rock ledg near Malibu Lake. The second crew returned, reporting the four mighi have been trapped between Lobo and Sierra Canyons. Standing Home Threatened Lying ahead of the Malibu moun- tain fire, in the lake resort commun- ity, were the $50,000 home of Sir Guy Standing, noted English film actor, several pretentious mountain lodges, and a number of cabins. Unofficial estimates placed the to- tal devasted area, ranging from the Ventura county line to the Malibu along the ocean front, and from three to eight miles inland, at 150,000 acres of brush and timber land. A new fire racing up Triunfo can- yon threatened the Ventura county settlement of Triunfo, and the work- ers were sent into the sectioin. Ten other minor fires were believed under control in Ventura county. One of the fires resulted in the arrest by Fire Warden Jack White of three men, Arthur Winkler, Henry R. Covery and John Petro, all of Santa Monica, who allegedly left a camp fire unattpnded. Another fire near the head of Dume canyon spread toward the old Barrett ranch, one of the pioneer cattle domains of southern Califor- nia. Several score. CCC youths were sent in to back-fire the property. Sheriff's officers, maintained head- quarters at Seminole Hot Springs, ready to spread an alarm to cabin residents in that area if fresh winds whip blazes at the heads of Escon- dido, Dume and Solstice canyons toward the springs. Three times the Malibu fire rolled toward the ocean to threaten destruc- tion of the swank colony at Malibu Beach, and each time it was turned back. The most serious advance was checked yesterday. Damage of $3,000,000 to the Mal- ibu area was estimated by Dirk Van Tol, superintendent of the vast Hills- dale estate of Mrs. May K. Rindge. League Hears Angry Protest From Bolivia GENEVA, Oct. 26. - 0P) - Bolivia protested against Paraguay's treat- ment of war prisoners in such scath- ing terms today that Geneva re- ceived the distinct impression all problems of the Chaco war are not liquidated. Thousands of Bolivian prisoners of war are being held in bondage by Paraguay, Bolivia's note to the League of Nations declared. The communication, which mom- entarily diverted attention from the Italo-Ethiopian war, said the prison- er problem, which the Buenos Aires peace conference was unable to solve, constitutes a "grave detriment to thousands of unfortunate men." Estimating the number of prison- ers in Paraguay at 20,000, Bolivia said their labor reprsents a big, steady source of revenue for Para- guay under "servitude or bondage similar to the constraint formally exercised by a lords or slave owner over human material." The note added the refusal of Paraguay to release the prisoners represents a means of bringing pres- sure to bear on Bolivia to "induce Bo- livia to accept peace terms incom- patible with justice and honor." Now that the Buenos Aires con- ference has declared the Chaco war ended, Bolivia contends, there is no valid reason "for keeping men as serfs or hostages when war has given place to legal and diplomatic con- troversy, the duration of which un- fortunately was not nixed by the Buenos Aires protocol." Bolivia appealed to the world con- science to solve the vital problem of "social and moral salvage." 4-H Clubs Will Hold Annual Banquet Here The 4-H clubs of Washtenaw coun- ty will hold their annual achievement banquet Tuesday, November 5, at the Union. Prizes will be awarded at that Waste Lands Reclaimed By TVA Project Warns Against County Failure To Help E.R.A. Counties Threatened With Refusal Of Federal And State Funds LANSING, Oct. 26. -(P)--A puni- tive threat from the Emergency Re- lief administration rang todayin the ears of recalcitrant counties reluctant to contribute to the federal-state fund for welfare purposes. George Granger, deputy relief ad- ministrator under Dr. William Hab- er, warned that the ERA will with- draw assistance entirely from any county which refuses to contribute. A number of boards of supervisors have insisted that the counties are capable of administering their own relief program and have taken ex- ception to the announcement of Gov. Fitzgerald that the FRA would be given control not only of federal and state expenditures but of money ap- propriated by the local units of gov- ernment. "If any county in the state feels that its employment situation is such that it need not co-operate," Grang- er explained the ERA attitude, "we will grant its wish and withdraw en- tirely. Those counties should real- ize, however, that when we withdraw they lose 60 per cent of the money that couldbe available to care for their welfare burden." The law provides that only the ERA may administer state and federal re- lief moneys. Granger said it would be "sheer waste" to maintain both an ERA and county relief set-up in any one county, when one staff could do the work. The deputy administrator minim- ized the importance of the reputed revolt of the counties. He said more of them are appropriating than last year, and that they are making larg- er appropriations. Emperor Holds Own Chieftain Prisoner ADDIS ABABA, Oct. 26. -()- An Ethiopian chieftain whom Italians are reported to have once planned to kidnap to make him a puppet ruler in part of Ethiopia is a virtual prison- er in a mountain monastery by order of Emperor Haile Selassie. The chieftain, Ras Hailu, former governor of Gojjam Province and once one of the most powerful and richest nobemen in Ethiopia, has been taken to a secluded spot where no woman has ever set foot, atop a mountain. It is at Debra Libanos, the "Jerusalem of Ethiopia," in Se- lale Province. Ethiopians allege that Italians have tried on various occasions to kidnap Ras Hailu, with the object of giving him the position recently given to Haile Selassie Gugsa, Eth- L 7 i r i r i i L Invaluable Training Is"Offered By Radio Classes, Says Abbot By ELSIE R. PIERCE "The classes in radio technique which were inaugurated last year at the University have succeeded very well in combining the theoretical with the practical, and have offered thef students invaluable training," Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, director of the Uni- versity Broadcasting Service, said in an article entitled "Teaching Radio at Michigan," which appeared in the October issue of Broadcasting, na- tional radio magazine. Although broadcasting has been conducted by the University campus since 1923, when they were first sent out over a student-constructed sta- tion, and since 1925, when the facili- ties of WJR were first. used, the pro- grams did not afford the students any experience in broadcasting. The three types of programs which were broad- cast then, were parent education, music instruction, and adult instruc- tion classes. The six courses in broadcasting technique which were begun last year offered the students to take part in actual programs broadcast by the University, over Station WJR. To fulfill the requirements for a mid- semester examination, they presented a full morning's broadcast over the studio's public address system. Every field of broadcasting was cov- ered by these classes, Professor Ab- bot said, including training as station. managers and announcers, continuity writers and artists. These new programs, all presented and prepared by members of advanced speech classes, added to the list morn- ing programs concerning campus events and news, talks about student life, "tours' 'of the campus, and skits of classroom instruction. "Their pur- pose," Professor Abbot said, "was not only to provide practical training for the students, but to give radio lis- teners an opportunity to become fa- miliar with various phases of campus life." Fundamentals Learned During the first semester the stu- dents in these classes learn the fun- damentals of broadcasting, including radio mechanics, acoustics, speech, writing, radio advertising, dramatics, interviewing, and news and sport re- portng. The second semester's work offers a study of school programs and preparation of programs, and studio management. The other courses offer training in public speaking, radio reading, and dramatics, and music instruction by radio. In addition, classes are conducted in the main studios of WJR for stu- dents enrolled in the Extension di- vision of the University. During the first year of their existence, 120 per- sons were enrolled. In concluding his article, Professor Abbot pointed out that not only do the courses benefit the students, but they provide annual educational op- portunities to the school children and adults of the state, the value of which has been estimated at $935,338. 33 Countries Now Accept Sanctions GENEVA, Oct. 26.-(P) -Argen- tina, Sweden and New Zealand in- formed the League of Nations today they were applying an arms embargo against Italy,bringing to 33 the number of countries enforcing this sanction. New Zealand also followed the ex- ample of the Union of South Africa in accepting all the League's proposed sanctions against Italy. Thirteen countries now are apply- ing the financial sanction. Four countries-the Union of South Af- rica, Australia, Liberia and New Zea- land - have accepted the economic boycott. Ii . l WATER SOFTEN ER SALT For All Makes of Water Softeners Dial 2-1713 H ERTLER BROS. 210 SOUTH ASHLEY I -Associated Press Photo. A gullied hillside draining into the Norris dam reservoir in Tennessee had just been worked over by CCC boys when the top picture was taken. Rock and brush check dams were placed to retard erosion. Thei bottom picture shows the same area 18 months later, covered with black locust trees that keep silt from the lake and turn waste land into forest. Notice the identical trees on the horizon. * *' * * *, * TVA Reclaims 100,000 Acres Of Denuded And Eroded Land I- Prof. Wood Leaves For Convention In Georgia Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the so- ciology department left yesterday for Atlanta, Ga., to attend the annual convention of the American Prison Association which will meet from Oc- tober 27 to 31. On Tuesday Professor Wood will speak on "Training for Parole Officers." The American Prison Association is cofnposed of prison officials, war- dens, parole officers, and university criminologists. PROMPT QUICK SERVICE plus Careful, Efficient Work- is the offer we make to you and we ask you to give us a chance to prove it. We call for and deliver COLLEGE Shoe Sho p KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 26. - (A') - Nearly 100,000 acres of forest and farm lands - denuded and eroded by years of rainfall - have been re- claimed in the Tennessee River basin since 1933 through the Tennessee val- ley authority's soil erosion and refor- estation program. It has been accomplished by an army of more than 5,000 CCC boys and scores of farmers banded into soil conservation associations. * Under the program, the TVA plans to return all submarginal lands to the vast Tennessee River watershed to some beneficial use. In the two years CCC boys, working under the direction of the TVA for- estry division and the United States forestry service, have planted 8,300,- 000 trees, mostly in the Noris dam basin in east Tennessee. In addition they have built more than 86,000 check dams across gullies and spread more than 8,000,000 square yards of brush matting. Seedlings, mostly black locust, pine and hybrid poplar, are being pro- duced in TVA nurseries at Muscle Shoals, Ala., and at Clinton, Tenn., in the Norris area. The Muscle Shoals nursery of 20 acres will have an ulti- mate production of 20,000,000 seed- lings annually, while the Clinton nur- sery of 26 acres will have an annual capacity of 30,000,000 trees annually. These quickgrowingntrees are planted on eroded hill and moun- Otto's First State Paper Is Prepared VIENNA, Oct. 26 - (') - A con- fidential adviser to monarchists here has revealed that Dr. Otto von Haps- burg, supremely confident he will be emperor of Austria ere long, has pre- pared an outline of the first state paper he intends to issue as chief of state. Baron Hans Zessner, professor of administrative and constitutional law at Vienna University and one of the Hapsburg's "policy makers," said that some of the paragraphs of such a statement have been framed. It will be a manifesto, Baron Zess- ner said, intended to reassure the Little Entente nations which have been proclaiming that "restoration of a Hapsburg means war." "The new emperor of Austria has neither a desire for conquest, nor a wish to suppress other nations. We shall respect the rights of our neigh- bors and their cultural and national developments. We have no desire tof Germanize the Danube." tain sides after a grass crop has been grown to afford protection. They will be interspersed with more valuable species of black walnut, various oaks and yellow poplar, eventually con- verting the areas to a mixed hard- wood stand. Nursery Near Norris TVA also has a large tree crop nursery near its "model town" of Nor- ris, Tenn. There such trees as mul- berries, persimmons, black walnuts, wild cherries, pawpaws, pecans and hickory nuts are being produced for planting on submarginal lands with the idea that these crops can be turned into money for land owners. A soil conservation program on the, more level lands in Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia also is being carried on by TVA. More than 50,- 000 acres of land already have been terraced. There are 85 county soil conservation associations in the val- ley. Terracing outfits, consisting of tractors and graders, are owned by the associations ,and farmers pay them for terracing work on their lands. Manufacturer Fertilizer In the uplands of Virginia soil ero- sion is being controlled by legume crops, TVA furnishing farmers a super-phosphate fertilizer which it manufacturers at Muscle Shoals. The basic idea of the entire pro- gram has been to keep the best lands in cultivation, keep a permanent sod on areas too steep for cultivation but still required for pasture land, and restore the forest cover on submar- ginal lands and those too steep for cultivation or pasturage. Cave Dwellers Are Found In Hungary MOZOEKOEVESD, Hungary, Oct. 26 -(3) - Modern cave dwellers, forced out of their homes by poverty, can be found near the villages of Ostoros, Kistallya, Noszavaj and Tib- olddaroc, not far from here, where more than 4,000 persons are living in caves. Economic depression, severely hit- ting this wine growing district, is held responsible. The lack of a wine market forces the cave dwellers to drink wine as a substitute for food, as most of these people are employed in vineyards and receive the greater part of their wages in wine. The newspaper Magyarsag printed a report from the Mezoekoevesd dis- trict physician saying that the chil- dren of Tibolddaro have wine for breakfast because their parents are too poor to buy food. I- iopian chieftain who was made ruler of Tigre Province in Northern Eth- iopia, which the Italians control. 426 Thompson 6898 426 Thompson 6898 ~ ( . IT IS SENSIBLE TO ECONOMIZE - It is well known by col- lege students that the cost of eating is their biggest single item. With this in mind, the LUNCHEON NOOK offers you a $4.00 Meal Ticket which includes a week's board of twenty meals. WEBER & STEVE'S QUALITY MEATS ARE USED. Luncheon Nook 722 Monroe, near State PLEASE COME IN and see us about your radio repair before you waste time and money trying to fix it in some haphazard way. -. i; When Someone Asks YOU' "Who's Your Clner?. And You Answer Back V . . . . . , . "GOLDMAN BROS." It took Goldman Bros. 25 years to build up the value they offer you today. So it's easy to figure out why MOST people look to Goldman Bros. for the most for their money uO Brothers ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. A Better Equipped Electrical Shop - a place where you can --.-. . RADIO SERVICE PH I LCO, General Electric, SPARTON S$AN 1 I * ' Ipp h MI RACLEAN ING .makes garments as clean os a breath of Spring ... . RE-TEXTURING . uts life. body and lustre I