Increasing cloudiness today, followed by rain tomorrow; not much change in temperature. L A6an4 jait Editorials Organize A Convention Bureau... VOL. XLVI No. 24 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS Freshmen, Sophomores Stage Wild Black Friday; ;; Games At 2 P. M Today Italian Tanks Push Through Southern Line African Chiefs Captured By Fascist Advance Far Into OgadenTerritory Italians Flying 225 Miles From Capital Tribal Chieftains Reported Joining Invading Ranks After Defeat At Callafo Wolverines Are Favored Over Columbia In First Intersectional Encounmter Report Many Skirmishes As More Than 100 Frosl Scour Town For Sophs All Hands Doused In Fire Hose Fight Original Leaders Of Both Camps Missing Early In Fray; Sophs Lose Pants By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. Ann Arbor, traditionally "the city where commerce and education meet," was not all sweetness and light last night. The occasion for Ann Arbor's trans- fer from the educational and com- mercial column to the modified gang warfare category was the annual Black Friday uprising, and this year's Black Friday proved to be replete with the genuine old-style ducking-in-the- Huron, hosings, forced plunges into the Union pool, de-pantsings, and simple smashes to the jaw, lips, and eyes. Although this edition of The Daily is necessarily not responsible for what happens after 2 a.m. this morning, the orchids up to that time certainly are all to the first-year men -the fairly-well disciplined, numerically- strong Class of 1939. As for the sophomores, it must be said in all candor that they were not evident at all until three or four hours after the first band of howling, blasphemous freshmen hit the cam- pus. The yearlings put in their ar- rival at about 9 p.m., roving the streets in a group of approximately 100, which was to be augmented later in the evening. They searched for sophomores fruitlessly for a period of time during which many weary miles were covered. Do Song And Dance To be sure, during those first mild hours, a few hapless second-year men were caught straggling, and they were duly relieved of their trousers and made to do a song-and-dance for the patrons of the M-Hut, the Superior DairynCo Restaurant, and the Parrot. From about 9 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. - aninterval that might well be called the calm before the storm - the freshmen paraded about with their few captives, marching down Liberty Street to the Pretzel Bell, then on to Main Street, back up to the campus area by way of William Street, and then attended to their roving duties on campus in quest of delinquent sophomores who as yet were not in evidence. All this time there was much spec-' ulation in the freshman camp as to.' what had become of Tim Hurd, their' recently-elected leader. The balance of opinion favored the theory that the sophomores had, after all, gotten the jump on them and spirited Leader Hurd away to Ypsilanti for safe keep- ing until after today's games. In his absence the freshmen were led by Harold Hill and John Jordan." Elliot Chapman, top-dog of the sophomores, is at present reliably re- ported to be in Ypsilanti, keeping close attendance upon Hurd. One or two' sophomores are sporting teeth-marks' inflicted by Hurd. This is, chronologically, the point where nature in the raw began her operations. Battle Far Hose To begin with, freshmen and soph- omores clashed near the Chemistry Building for possession of a hose, fought a spirited battle, and sprayed one another indiscriminately. it was, quite hard to keep track of just who was who.] The two classes had a battle-royal on the lawn in front of Alumni Me- morial Hall. Orchids to the sopho-~ mores here. One young man climbed to the roof of the store at the corner of William and State Streets and bellowed, some- what indecisively, "To Hell With '38" and "To Hell With '39." It may have been that there were two or more men on the roof, of course. Stanley Waltz, manager of the Union, was harassed alternately by freshmen and sophomores wishing to throw their captives into the pool. Mr. Waltz kindly but firmly explained, that impurities were likely to develop in the water if many more under- classmen, dressed in rags and dirt,; Book Due At Eight? Goai?,iLl n A "d .9Wi G A r t fLLL " c ur ZJL rLU kTo Sleep) Traditional Rivalry Will Culminate With Annual Events AtFerry Field Plan Cane Spree And Pillow Fight, Wolverine Hopes Rest On His Arm Today Little Shakes Up Lions In Effort To Add Defensive Strength Viergever May Not Play Entire Game Do y he thought of get- ting up . to return books to the librari oes the fact that the overtime fine will sneak up behind you ruin what could be a good night's rest? Well, you can sleep in peace from now on because one of the most novel ideas in a long time has struck two students on campus. If you will be sure to leave any and all of your returnable books inside or just out- side of your front door, the "8 O'clock Boys," Charles Bleich and Murray Roth, will, if notified through their phone, 6740,.step -on the gas of their Ford roadster and pick up the vol- umes any morning between 7 and 8 a.m. Bleich and Roth already have re- ceived permission from the University to run their wee-hour traffic, so from Monday until something happens to the Ford or their finances they intend to relieve perturbed minds and to foil gloating librarians; and it's all for one nickel per stack-bound tome. If they get their cargo to the library after the hour has struck, not only will they pay the penalty, but they'll be standing at your door the next morning for more. Broader AAA Is Projected By Roosevelt Long - Time Agricultural Adjustment Program Is Advanced By President WASHINGTON, Oct. 25.-(P)- A "long-time and more permanent ad- justment program" for agriculture was projected by President Roosevelt today as the New Deal's farm policy neared two crucial tests. A formal presidential statement said that the AAA "has served the nation's welfare," spoke of "the sim- plified and more flexible adjustment program of the future" and outlined in broad terms a veering of the AAA's course toward regional crop adjust- ment and emphasis on soil conserva- tion. AAA Showdown Near Mr. Roosevelt's views were issued on the eve of a critical AAA show- down - the National Corn-Hog Ref- erendum tomorrow when farmers will vote approval or disapproval of an ad- justment program for 1936. And not far distant was a Supreme Court rul- ing on constitutionality of the vast AAA, machine. The tribunal has agreed to review a processing tax case, and the government has asked for an early hearing. Some informed observers read into the statement a possible move to off- set any Republican adoption of the1 ROME, Oct. 26.- (Saturday) - Freshmen Will Gather At (,P) --The first tank operations along Corner Of Waterman the southern Ethiopian front, in which many prisoners were taken, Gym At 1:30 p.m. were reported by Italian war corre- spondents today to Saturday morn- Freshmen and sophomores who are ing newspapers. aot receiving their mail at the Uni- Previously, the government had of- versity Health Service will meet at 2 ficially announced the capture of two p.m. today at Ferry Field to settle villages in the south, advances by the some important questions concerning Fascist army and the surrender of the relative physical merits of their several chieftains. classes. Correspondents said relief and Representatives have already been scouting expeditions are going for- chosen by the underclassmen to vard on the northern front. handle the heavy duties in the cane The tanks pushed deep into the zpree and the pillow fight, two games Ogaden area, going as far as the which can hardly be described as valley of Burei, dispatches said. gentle. Fascist airplanes have made recon- The third game, the flag rush, is naisance flights as far as Magalo, more of a community affair. It falls j (only 225 miles southeast of Addis to the lot of the sophomores this year Ababa), it was announced. to defend the flag and its pole, which The planes, it was said, "effectively the freshmen will attempt to scatter bombed various military objectives." about the landscape.The villages captured in the drve In the'ycane spree each class will toward Harar were listed as Callafo, have eight men participating. The and Geledi in the Sciavelli (Shi- "canes" are really ax-handles, and beli) region. the gentleman who wrests the axe- (Italy's present plan is for its handle from his opponent two out of northern and southern armies to meet three timisdeclarenthewinnet around Harar, thus linking with oc- three times is declared the winner. cupied territory the Italian colonies Pillows of sawdust-filled sacks are of Eritrea and Somaliland). employed in the pillow fight, with "Nuera S or al iand)nd the objective an attempt to knock "Numerous tribal chiefs hastened the opone nfrom hisseat n histo present themselves at Callafo, wooden saw-horsem make acts of submission, and join the w army," said the communique. 500' Present plans call for the compet- rifles were captured. ing teams to meet at separate points,I Michigan To ( Fast, Tricky White Squad )ut-Weigh Blue And f lp 7 1 1 -Associated Press Photo. Captain Bill Renner, Michigan triple threat back, who will lead the Maize and Blue eleven against Columbia this afternoon at Baker Field. Besides being one of the best passers in the country, Runner has been kicking well consistently in practice the past week. i , , n from which they will proceed to the field of battle as two units. The yearlings will gather at 1:30 p.m. at the southwest corner-of Waterman Gymnasium, and the sophomores will unite at the same time at their tra- ditional spot in front of the Union. The R.O.T.C. Varsity Band will play for the celebrants. A loudspeaker system to enlighten the spectators has been tentatively arranged. NYA Workers Must Hand In HoursTonight Students May Begin Work Monday For November, Anderson Announces The deadline for NYA workers on the campus to get in their October hours is midnight today, Harold S. Anderson, cost accountant of the buildings and grounds department, announced yesterday. Students may begin Monday to work on their November hours, Mr. Anderson said. The deadline under the NYA set-up is the last Saturday of each month. Dr. Anderson announced that under a last-minute change in plans NYA checks will be sent to the University from Lansing and handed out here by local NYA officials. More than 1,- 200 students will receive checks to- talling $10,000 to $13,000, he said. It was at first believed that the state office would mail the checks directly. Although the date on which the checks will be issued is not yet known, officials believe that it will be within two weeks. The National Youth Administra- tion, which replaced the student di- vision of the FERA, is handled in the University by the University Com- mittee on NYA. This is headed by Prof. Lewis M. Gram, head of the civil engineering department, chair- man; Dean Joseph A. Bursley and John C. Christensen, University con- troller. Florida Narrowly Escapes Hurricane JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Oct. 25. - (A) - The unique hurricane which turned around and went back to its nest in the Carribean Sea after rak- ROME, Oct. 25. -(P) - Advances by Italy's southern army in Ethiopia, the capture of two towns and the submission of several chieftaiiswere reported Friday in an official Rome communique. Italian airplanes have made recon- naissance flights as far as Magalo (about 225 miles southeast of Addis Ababa), it was announced. The planes, it was said, "effectively bombed various military objectives." The villages captured in the drive toward Harar were listed as Cal- lafo and Geledi in the Sciaveli (Shib- eli) region. 'Tribal Chiefs Surrender' "Numerous tribal chiefs hastened to present themselves at Callafo, make acts of submission, and join the army," said the communique. Five hundred rifles were captured. (A Reuters Harar dispatch said four Italian planes bombed the un- mapped village of Gabradarre, sev- en soldiers being wounded. "Olol Dinle, sultan of Sciaveli (Shibeli), who has capitulated to us, is continuing a flanking action with his armed followers. "* * * there is nothing new in the Eritrean sector except the movement of our advance guards, which is pro- ceeding with the final occupation of the Tigre territory." From Harar it was reported that Ras Nasibu, the Governor, had dis- patched the main body of Hara regu- lars to the southern front Friday and had predicted that Jijiga, 50 miles east of Harar, would be a bulwark of Ethiopia's defense. Harar Regulars March Preceded by 2,000 heavily-laden camels, the well-equipped infantry, cavalry and anti-aircraft units marched away amid the shrieks and lamentations of fanatical Galla wom- en. Ras Nasibu, who will command the4 12,000 in battle, reviewed them; the Coptic abuna, or bishop, blessed their colors; Catholic priests granted the warriors absolution. The Governor scoffed at reports of heavy Ethiopian casualties from bombs or gas on the Ogaden front. "The total casualties resulting from the Italian air bombing of Gorahei and points along the Webbe Shibeli River were five killed and three wounded at Gorahei and one Somali killed at Katama Tafari," he said. At Addis Ababa, it was announced that Emperor Haile Selassie had finally persuaded Italy's minister to Ethiopia to agree to leave the coun- try - a task that has taken the Em- peror two weeks to accomplish. BAND TO MEET oatIIe ocnows1 To Put Stress On Citizenship Comparative Studying Of Radical Ideas, Democracy Needed, Elliott Believes LANSING, Oct. 25. -(R) - Dr. Eugene B. Elliott, the state's new superintendent of public instruction, said today he will invoke gradual changes in school curricula designed to teach "sane citizenship" to youth- ful students ,and take emphasis off the dollar sign. He said he believes radical forms of government should be studied in the schools to disclose their inherent weaknesses, but that the pupils should be grounded thoroughly in the demo- cratic form of government. He warned that the financial pic- ture for the schools is dark and getting darker. He said something must be done to equalize their finan- cial support. Cities that have adopt- ed 15 mill tax limitations cannot support adequate school systems, El- liott contended. The superiintendent plans to ask the next legislature to consolidate school districts. He termed the pres- ent set-up which has 6,700 school dis- tricts, each operating as a separate unit, is cumbersome and expensive. He would group sparsely settled counties into a school district, and group communities where the pop- ulation is denser. Elliott, just one day on the job, after the Supreme Court ousted Paul F. Voelker, Democratic holdover, started to reorganize the department. He announced Lee M. Thurston, dep- uty superintendent and business manager of the Ann Arbor public schools, has been offered the position of deputy state superintendent. How- ard Prine, former Jackson County school commissioner, will be in charge of child accounting. Paul Crossman will be retained as head of the divi- sion of instruction. Elliott said he will take personal charge of school finances. Malibu Hills Blaze Put Under Control LOS ANGELES, Oct. 25.-(AP)- Fire fighters achieved partial con- trol today over the Malibu Hills con- flagration. Immediate menace to many homes in the Malibu Lake re- City Churches Will Feature Music And Art Dr T emnn Tn T AL fln 'Two Worlds At A Time;' Choir To Give Program Many musical and art programs, coupled with the regular forum and discussion meetings, will be featured by the Ann Arbor churches tomor- row. Dr. William P. Lemon, minister of the First Presbyterian Church, will preach a sermon on "Two Worlds at a Time" at the Masonic Temple to- morrow morning. The student forum tomorrow at the Temple will have for its subject "Religion as a Construc- tive Force." At the regular meeting of students tomorrow night, the Reverend Henry Lewis will speak on "The responsi- bilities and Privileges of the Student in Social Action," at Harris Hall. The Congregational Church will have, in addition to .its program of special music, as guests and speakers, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Blake who have recently returned from a trip to Turkey. Mr. and Mrs. Blake will also 'speak at the Student Fellowship meeting in the evening. A special program by the St. An- drew's men and boys choir is to be given as a part of the Sunday morning services at the St. Andrew's Episcopal church. The Roger Williams Guild will l again hold two meetings tomorrow, the first at noon and the other at 6 p.m. The Rev. Howard R. Chap- man, University pastor, will speak at the noon meeting on "Personal Religion and Social Responsibility." "'The Progress of Peace" is to be the subject of Dr. James A. Woodburn, who will give a talk at the evening gathering. The topic of the sermon by the Rev. Edward Sayles, minister. of the First Baptist Church, will be "Isaiah, the Prophet Majestic." There will be a program of music, poetry and art interpretation tomor- row night at the Church of Christ (Disciples). The Rev. Fred Cowin will preach the sermon at the morn- ing service. At thetwilight service of the Uni- (Continued on Page 2) King George Concerned Over Crisis In Africa LONDON, Oct. 25.- (A')-King (Special to The aily) NEW YORK, N. Y., Oct. 25.- The University of Mira fot:al1 team arrived here thij mo n'u _eay to play its first interoor g me of ile seon ga e Aghig Lions xf Cola - I : xy Thi'i /No:Cy dre Ixal faoies by most of .he N, A'r ;rritrs, will prescnt v _ bhc sm e line- up against the ±3 e d Wiite to- morrow t~at '§ t 1 we'svic- torious Pre e Tin cajdmgiisetri the :vlichigan lin nriy Vier- gever, star Maize and ue ta ie is still suffering fro e e injury suffered against Migc e u Stae but present indications ar tha he will start the game even if he plays for only a few minutes. Little ShifIL L - Lou Little, however, pulled a sur- prise on the Michigan coaching staff when he made five substitutions in his starting line-up. The smart Colum- bia coach cfhanged the entire right side of the Lion line in an effort to throw added defensive strength against the Wolverine running attack. New York fans are pulling for Co- lumbia to stage a comeback from the Lions' disastrous defeat by the heavy Pennsylvania team last Saturday. They remember the 1933 season when Columbia, beaten early in the season, 20-0 by Princeton, won the rest of its games and then went to the Rose Bowl to upset a physically bigger Stanford team. Al Barabas, the back who scored the points against Stanford is the only man from that team back, but he is a great ball-carrier and is ex- pected to give the big Michigan line plenty of trouble in trying to bottle him up on Columbia's trick spinners. Kipke Depends On RWhner Kipke is resting most of his hopes on Captain Bill Renner, whose pass- ing led directly to the three Michigan scores against Wisconsin. An added element of surprise in the Wolverine attack will be added when Renner is in the back position, for the Michi- gan captain is capable of doing the team's punting, also, and Kipke had him working at this all week. The quick kick is expected to be a power- ful factor in the Wolverine attack to- morrow. The tricky Columbia offense is not expected to give the Wolverines much trouble after the first few minutes of play when the Michigan team will have acclimated itself to the con- fusing Lou Little "muddlehuddle." The heavy, hard-hitting Maize and Blue line will out-weigh Columbia but the Lions are faster. Regardless of Columbia's past rec- ord this season, Little is the type of coach who can raise his men to a pitch for a much-wanted game and a hard battle should take place to- morrow on Baker Field. The Lineup: AAA that a promise duce costs Officials courses of verse vote But there would be accompanied by to eliminate red tape, re- and simplify procedure. were studying possible action in event of an ad- in the corn-hog balloting. was a disposition among observers to interpret Mr. Roosevelt's statement as built on the assumption farmers would stick by the adjust- ment program. Cites Farm Buying Power "The time may come when the AAA will prove as important in stimulat- ing certain kinds of production as it has been in removing burdensome surpluses," the President said. He said that "increasing farm buy- ing power is reflected in better bus- iness in towns and industrial centers everywhere." "It was never the idea of the men who framed the act, of those in Con- gress who revised, nor of Henry Wal- lace no: Chester Davis, that the Agricultural Adjustment Administra- tion should be either a mere emer- gency operation or a satis agent," the President said. "It was their intention-as it is mine - to pass from the purely emer- gency phases necessitated by a grave national crisis to a long time, more permanent plan for American agri- culture." { t i 1 t t 1 1 1 c l 1 Patanelli Viergever Bissel Wright Sobsey Eramer Savage Renner Everhardus Smithers Sweet LE LT LG C RT RE' Q L:1 FL E. Furey Saffa Davis h kovich 3. Maroon Kiingensrnith Waldo G. Furey Barabas liudasky McMahoii Ticknor Home I Destroyed By Fire At 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon the home of former country treasurer Frank H. Ticknor, at 2862 Stone School Road was burned to the ground by a fire of unknown origin. The blaze started somewhere in the rear of the building. It caused a loss estimated at $5,000. Since regular fire apparatus was