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October 25, 1935 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-25

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9 E"'H




State Buys Up
Property For
New Institute
New Site For Children's
Home Is On Washtenaw
Despite Protests
The bitter fight of Washtenaw Ave-
nue property owners to prevent the
establishment of the Michigan Chil-
dren's Institute on the Hoover prop-
erty failed in itsnfirst phase as the
purchase of the property by the State
was concluded yesterday.
Warnings of legal action should the
'State proceed with its plans to locate
the Institute in this residential dis-
tricthave been voiced by thetproperty
owners, who contend that their in-
terests are common with those of the
entire city.
At a meeting last night at the home
of Dr. S. W. Donaldson on Melrose
Ave., 17 residents reiterated their in-
tentions of continuing their opposi-
Propose Zoning Changes
Proposed changes in zoning ordin-
ances being considered by the city
council, intended to permit the estab-
lishment of the Institute on the Hoo-
ver property, will set a dangerous
precedent and destroy the city's entire
zoning system, the property owners
"The representatives of the State
welfare department, when they were
here before," the group's spokesman
declared, "made the statement that
they were reluctant to locate in any
place where they were not wanted. It
seems to be a policy of saying one
thing and doing another."
Many Offers Cited
Offers from the University and the
University Hospital were cited by the
spokesmen as evidence that the Hoo-
ver property was not a necessary site
for the Institute.
The distance from the University
Hospital, the heavy traffic, and the
restrictions were mentioned by Prof.
Walter Sadler of the department of
civil engineering, president of the
city council,, as evidence that the
Hoover site was no better suited for
the Institute than others.
Those who attended the meeting
last night are: Bradley M. Thompson,
Dr. M. D. Mackoy, Dr. Nathan B.
Eddy, O. A. Moe, Otto W. Haisley, su-
perintendent of schools, Prof. W. C.
Hoad, Louis E. Burke, Harry Howkins,
Charles Henderson, Prof. G. E. Dens-
more, Norman Ottmar, William C.
Walz, D. B. Conley, Prof. Peter Field,
Dr. W. S. James, Prof, O. S. Duffen-
dack, and Dr. Donaldson.a

Siggett Critically IIl

Score Results
For Freshman
Aptitude Tests

Show Decline
And Rise In

In English I

-Associated Press Photo.
Lieut. Gen. Hunter K. Liggett
(above), who had nearly a million
men under his command during the
closing days of the World War, was
reported critically ill at San Fran-
Plea In Behalf Of
Indians Is Voicedl
GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 24. -(P) -
A plea for religious freedom for the
American Indian and the observa-
tion that to crush their native faiths
"is only to make them godless human
beings" was made today by John
Collier, United States commissioner
for Indian affairs, in an address at
the morning session of the annual
convention of the joint American
board and midwest regional meeting
of Congregational and Christian
"It is only the member of a re-
ligious cult who himselfrcan judge
whether his religion is a religion,,
Collier told his audience, represent-
ing missionaries from all over the
world. "He is entitled to the fullest
constitutional protection that is
guaranteed to the religious con-
science. There are important Indian
groups who have no religion but
their native one. To crush it is only
to make them godless human beings
** * to tear them apart is to tear
apart the Indian's very protoplasm.

Final results on the scoring of the
freshmen psychological and English
achievement tests showed an averageI
rating of 214 for the psychological
exam and 136 for the English test.
These scores indicated a two point
rise in the psychological test average
and approximately a two point de-
cline in the English test average over
last year's scores.
Results of the English test showed
a considerable deficiency in spelling
ability among this year's freshmen
while slight advances were made over
last year's ratings in word usage and
vocabulary scores. Scores in the
Psychological test ran all the way
from 5a, one extreme, to 367, at the
other. Results in the English test
showed a similar width of range,
stretching from a low of 21 to a high
of 242.
This year, for the first time in the
history of these aptitude tests, two
students made the same high score;
in this case, 367. One of these two
students also made the high score on
the English achievement examina-
A significant change in the aptitude
tests this year has been the division
of the scores into percentiles rather
than quartiles. This was done be-
cause of the fact that under the for-
mer method a student with a percen-
tile rating of 26 would be placed in
the same group as a student with a
percentile rating of 49, thus making it
difficult for the advisers to take ac-
count of each freshman in accurate
relation to the entire group.
University and city requests for
WPA funds total $538,894.40a com-
pilation by the municipal construc-
tion committee of the city council
revealed yesterday. Funds for 27
projects have been requested. Two
requests for funds for minor con-
struction work have been granted.
Downtown, North of Postoffice

Flying Fish Called
Closest Likeness
To Modern Plane
Flying fish, not birds, are nature's
closest likeness to the modern air-
plane, declares Dr. Carl L. Hubbs,
curator of fishes of the zoology mu-
seum of the University, in a publica-
tion of the Smithsonian Institute at
Since all attempts to imitate .the
birds method of flight by means of]
flapping wings have failed, man has7
adopted the rigid wing, comparablet
to the rigidly held gliding fins of thet
flying fish. For power, man dependsi
on a propeller. The flying fish, Dr.1
Hubbs shows, uses a "pusher" propel-
ler, its tail. The chief difference is
that this tail propeller works onlyt
in the water where it is rapidly lashedI
back and forth.]
After getting up sufficient speed,
the flying fish "hops off" to glide
through the air. Viewed from be-j
hind, the fish is observed to keep its]
"wings" rigid except when tipping
them for a turn, much 'as the ailerons
of a plan moves to make a bank. The
flying fish neyer flaps its fins and its1
excursions into the air are brief, never
lasting more than twelve or thirteen
seconds, according to Dr. Hubbs' ob-
Fireman's Manual
Recently Published
"Fire Fighter's Manual," developed
by a group of officers in a series of
conferences held in this state, and ar-
ranged by Prof. Thomas Diamond
and Frank Dalton, of the vocational
education department of the School;
of Education, has recently been pub-
"The book should serve as an aid in
the training of firemen," explained
Prof. George E. Myers, chairman of
the vocational education department.
"Fire department officers may use.it
in training new men. They may re-
fer their men to it in cases where
they are seeking information on the
matters discussed."

Heber States
Gets Fifteen

N.Y.A. To Give
State Students
Monthly Sum


College."Detroit. 42 students, $630;
Mercy College, Detroit, 20 students,
±vichigan College of Mining and
Technology. 59 students, $885; Mich-
igan State College, 398 students, $5,-
970; Michigan State Normal Col-
lege, 153 students, $2,295; Muskegon
iunior College, 28 students, $420;
Nazareth College, 22 students, $330;
Northern State Teachers College, 51
students, $915.
Olivet College, 25 students, $365;
Pontiac Junior College, 7 students.
$105; Port Huron Junior College, 19
students, $285; Sacred Heart Semi-
nary, Detroit, 18 students, $225;
Spring Arbor Seminary, 4 students,
$60; St. Joseph College, Adrian, 15
students, $225; St. Mary's College,
Orchard Lake, 27 students, $405; Su-
omi College, Hancock, 9 students,
$135; University of Detroit, 192 stu-

LANSING, Oct. 24. - () - Dr. Wil-
liam Haber, Michigan director of the
National Youth administration, said
today that educational institutions in
the state will receive $52,955 monthly
in federal aid to students during the
present school year.
The institutions will map their own
work projects and pay students for
their help. The most any one student
may receive is $15 a month. Dr. Ha-
ber said the budget is designed to
aid 3,534 students, but that a greater
number will profit if more students
find that they can supplement their
present income with less than $15 a
The monthly allotment of each in-
stitution and the number of students
to benefit follow:
Adrian College, 21 students, $315;
Albion College, 74 students, $1,110;
Alma College, 30 student, $450; Battle
Creek College, 38 students, $570;
Bay City Junior College, 40 students,
$600; Calvin College, Grand Rapids, 47
students, $705; Catholic Junior Col-
lege, Grand Rapids,.11 students, $155;
Central State Teachers College, 77
students, $1,155; Cleary College, Ypsi-
lanti, 27 students, $405; Detroit Insti-
tute of Technology, 52 students, $780.
Emmanuel Missionary College, Ber-
rien Springs, 35 students, $525; Ferris
Institute, Big Rapids, 42 students,
$600; Flint Junior College, 33 stu-
dents, $495; Grand Rapids Junior Col-
lege, 74 students, $1,100.
Hillsdale College, 38 students, $570;
Hope College, Holland, 56 students,
Ironwood Junior College, 22 students,
$330; Jackson Junior College, 20 stu-
dents, $300; Jordan College, Menom-
inee, 15 students, $225; Kalamazoo
College, 37 student, $555; Lawrence
Institute of Technology, Highland
Park, 59 students, $885; Marygrove

- Ai

Graduate Students
Leave For Outing
Some thirty-five graduate students
will leave tomorrow afternoon for an
outing at the University Boys' Camp
at Patterson Lake. The group plans
to spend Saturday night at the camp
and return to the campus Sunday
The over-night outing will feature a
ball game, boating, and a Hallowe'en
party on Saturday night. The trip is
sponsored by the Graduate Outing
Club, which holds one each fall and
dents, $2,880; University of Michigan,
1,00 students, $15,000; Wayne Uni-
versity, 372 students, $5,580; Western
State Teachers College, 193 students,

Two of our newest Arrow Shirt designs are
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Both are authentic in style-faultless in tailoring,
Made in the shaped-to-fit Mitoga design. Sanfor.
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$2 each
Wilt & Company
State Street on the Campus


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