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October 25, 1935 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1935-10-25

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Publisned every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association
and the Big Ten News Service.
s5otiated w o1tiatt rtss
- 1934 (jj (A 1935
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
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Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: National Advertising Service, Inc., 420
Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. - 400 N. Michigan Ave.,
Chicago, Ill.
Telephone 4F25
SPORTS EDITOR .............. .....WILLIAM R. REED
News Editor ................................Elsie A. Pierce
Editorial Writers: Robert Cummins and Marshall D. Shul-
Night Editors: Robert B. Brown, Clinton B. Conger, Rich-
ard G. Hershey, Ralph W. Hurd, Fred Warner Neal, and
Bernard Weissman.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: George Andros, Fred Buesser, Fred
Delano, Robert J. Friedman, Raymond Goodman.
WOMEN'S ASSISTANTS: Dorothy A. Briscoe, Florence H.
Davies, Olive E. Griffith, Marion T. Holden, Lois M.
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REPORTERS: E. Bryce Alpern, Leonard Bleyer, Jr., Wil-
liam A. Boles, Lester Brauser, Albert Carlisle, Rich-
ard Cohen, Arnold S. Daniels, William John DeLancey,
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Warren Gladders, Robert Goldstine, John Hinckley,
S. Leonard Kasle, Richard LaMarcarHerbert W. Little,
Earle J. Luby, Joseph S. Mattes, Ernest L. McKenzie,
Arthur A. Miller, Stewart Orton, George S. Quick,
+ Robert D. Rogers, William Scholz, William E. Shackle-
ton, Richard Sidder, I. S. Silverman, William C. Spaller,
Tuure Tenander, and Robert Weeks.
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Beatrice Fisher, Mary E. Garvin, Betty J. Groomes,
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orman 3, Steinberg, Donald Wilsher.
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e .Snell.
Sheila Burghr'. Nancy Cassidy, Ruth Clark, Phyllis
Esman Jean Kinath, Dorothy Ray, Alice Stebbins,
Peg Lo White.
Speaking Of
Jefferson, Mr. Hearst...
N THIS AGE of preposterous pan-
aceas there is one which demands
refutation before all others because it is being ad-
vocated by a man who has the most powerful form-
ative influence on public thought in America today.

William Randolph Hearst is snapping the whip
of propaganda to beat the public into accepting
his newest "reform," - Jeffersonian Democracy.
He motions with blunt palm to the name Jefferson
and he would have us believe the childish notion
that whatever the "fathers" did was beyond crit-
First let it be stated that Jeffersonian Democ-
racy as such, has always been and remains today,
a theory. It Was Jefferson's ideal to see an agra-
rian republic and before his election he thought
it possible for the farmer to resist the advances
of an industrial economy. But he found it im-
possible to work out of Hamilton's fiscal system
with its "contacts" among the financiers of the
East. He dreaded the thought of a city prole-
Mr. Hearst probably knows this, however, and his
knowledge indicts him all the more. For taken
point by point, Jefferson's ideas were not much
more radically democratic than were those of the
Federalists. It was he who advocated a Senate
composed of appointed "men of wealth" and it was
he who shied like his contemporary, Hamilton,
from the "tyranny of elected despotism." And
it was Jefferson who declared that "For the public
will to rule it must be reasonable."
But it is obviously not Mr. Hearst's objective
to enlighten. For when we remember his demands
for more armaments and the largest navy in the
world, and we hear him reconciling this view
with Jefferson's, it can only be that Hearst is in-
tent on obscuring his real identity.
For one of the first acts of Jefferson the Presi-
dent was to reduce the armed forces to less than

when he called it Jeffersonian, because Jefferson's
principles are very definite.
He denied the people their right to many demo-
cratic institutions which exist today. It was per-
haps his aversion to the backwoods and a nation
of small farms which lent more than anything
else concrete, the name democratic to his actual
practices after election.
It may very well be that Hearst is ignorant
of historical facts. But with these facts in mind
and with the past performances of the baron of
San Simeon before us there is at least one conclu-
sion to be drawn.
Jefferson's entire econmic philosophy rested
on the conviction that the small landholder would
remain predominant on the American scene. What-
ever democratic ideas he entertained were based
on this hope.
Jeffersonian democracy was impracticable in
1801 because it tried to stop the march of industry
which had made too large a print on America.
Jeffersonian democracy is impracticable today
because industry and finance are infinitely more
entrenched in America than they were in 1801
or 1891.
The name "Jeffersonian" must therefore be a
camouflage through which William Randolph
Hearst desires to hide his aim and his action.
He might very well cry that "what was good enough
for Jefferson is good enough for me," and mean
it. He may mean it because he is displaying the1
title of a political economy which never saw realiza-
tion because of its impracticability and probably
never will because of its present sponsor and the
present stage of America's development.
The Appointment
Of Dr. Elliott ..
THE DECISION of the State Su-
preme Court awarding the office of
superintendent of public instruction to Dr. Eugene
B. Elliot, may properly be hailed as a victory for
popular government in Michigan.
Dr. Elliot, it will be remembered, was appointed
to that office last June after the sad and untimely
death of Maurice Keyworth, Republican superin-
tendent-elect. He was to have replaced the Demo-
cratic incumbent, Dr. Paul V. Voelker, whom he
defeated by a large vote at the polls in the spring
Dr. Voelker and his policies were repudiated
by Michigan people. There can be no doubt of
that, even in the mind of Dr. Voelker.
And again there can be little doubt that under
a democratic system of government, as well as
under the Michigan constituition, the appointment
of a Republican by a popular and popularly elected
executive should have taken Keyworth's place.
The democratic thing, and the sportsmanlike thing,
for Dr. Voelker would have been to pack up and
leave as quietly as possible.
But Dr. Voelker failed to see it that way. He
refused to do so. And after barricading himself
in his office, he protested long and vigorously to
the Supreme Court that the appointment was un-
constitutional; that he was elected by the people
to serve until a successor should be duly elected
by the people.
And so while the public instruction of this state
was left between the devil and the deep sea waiting
for the high tribunal to convene, Dr. Voelker, like
the dog in the manger, refused to budge.
Viewing the state constitution very strictly, it is
conceivable, as shown by the three to four court
vote, that Dr. Voelker had a case. But looking
at that document broadly, as an instrument of
democratic government, designed as the will of the
people, he had no alternative other than to accept
that will, which decreed that he evacuate the
And while we feel that Gov. Fitzgerald chose
wisely in naming Dr. Elliot, a liberal and well-
qualified educator, to the post, we deplore the
fact that such a position is subject to the ravages
of politics.

The Conning Tower 1 A Washington

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President
until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday.

I do not plant potatoes,
I never raise tomatoes,
I haven't any corn or wheat for sale;
The govermnent has neverI
In any way whatever
Assisted me with credit or with kale.
I wear a snow-white collar,
And work for every dollar -
My lean and bony fingers ever touch; 1
I have no union ticket,t
And when I see a picket
My sympathies are not stirred overmuch.Y
I own no mines nor spindles,
And, though my income dwindles,
My taxes keep increasing, curse the luck!
Let those who rule take warping:1
I'm liable, some morning,
To squeal like any pig that has been stuck.
The National Youth Administration has planned
to give jobs to 94,000 pupils in high school and
college, and that makes the observations of Gov-,
ernor Davy about the Ohio State football team
look like the petty cash account.
Last Saturday Mohawk School, Schenectady,
lost to Country Day School, Utica. But Mohawk,!
take it from the Schenectady Gazette, has the sea-
son's best alibi, "The local outfit's lack of experi-
ence . . . was largely responsible for the defeat."
By Grandmother Mary Beam
(As told to Orson Wagon)
Some man was talking from New York just
now about the planetarium. He said people could
go to this planetarium and see the stars as they
move through the sky. I would like to go some
time, but I haye always lived where we could see
the stars. When I was a little girl we were taught
to watch the stars and to learn about them be-
cause they were God's work.
My Grandfather Fleming always wanted to sleep
where he could see the stars. If the shades were
down he would put them away up to the top.
Then he would like to look up at the stars and
"When I look up into the heavens, which Thine
own fingers framed,
Unto the moon and to the stars, which were by
thee ordained,
Then said I, what is mon, that Thou are mindful
of him.
Or the son of mon, that Thou visitst him?"
He always said "mon." Oh, I heard him say
that so many, many times. Of course, there were
other things, but I remember that so well.
Grandfather Fleming knew the psalms and
taught them to us children, but we never knew
what hymns were. I had never heard a hymn
in all my life; never seen a hymn book. Just all
the psalms. The first time I ever heard a hymn
was the time I was away from home. I was teach-
ing school. I went to church with the people I was
staying with and heard them sing the hymns.
Theynwere Methodists.
I learned the hymn and learned to sing it, and
when I went home I was singing it on Sabbath
and Grandfather Fleming heard me. He just came
running. I shall never forget. He said:
"What's that you are lilting around here on
the Sabbath day? I don't want to hear any more
of that today."
I wouldn't want any one to think the Pres-
byterians were always that way. Later we went
into a church where we had to sing the hymns.
Mother said then that the hymns were pretty; that
they would do to read. Later our church, the Pres-
byterian church like it is now, was organized, and
Father was an elder. But Grandfather Fleming
was dead then. He never sang a hymn.
All these wheezes on Haile Selassie are no good,
because, it appears his name isn't pronounced any-
thing like that. Just how to say it we don't know,
but it's something like Cholomondely.
Mussolini's suggestions for peace remind us of
nothing so much as the story that ends "God
knows I asked for fish."
There is a meretricious taint to his work, which
will, in the long run, cut the ground from under

his feet. - J.D.A., in the New York Times Book
You strop a taint, run it a long time, and it'll
be sharp enough to cut any ground.
Throw a disk and, if handy, a skittle
At the man who describes a conversation
as "brittle."
In the New York American Winifred Black is
speaking of Mr. Dooley. "What a shrewd, dry
humor he had, that fellow from Indiana," she
comments. Nonsense! Pete Dunne's shrewd,, dry
humor couldn't have bloomed and flourished if he
hadn't been born in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.
CHOP -At New London, Oct. 18, 1935, a son to
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chop, of Montville.
VEAL - At New London, Oct. 18, 1935, a daughter
to Dr. and Mrs. William T. Veal, of Stonington.
-Norwich, Conn., Sunday Record, Oct. 20.
Referred to Fanny Butcher, literary editor, Chi-
cago Tribune.
(By Rhoda Rubenstein, 9. Her teacher's notation
was "Not a poem.")
Oh don't you hear the shell and shooting?



WASHINGTON, Oct. 24. - If Col.
Frank Knox of Chicago has correctly
observed conditions in the corn belt,
a "revolt" against AAA "regimenta-
tion" is brewing there. The colonel{
told a New York audience it wasj
similar to the wave of anti-NRA sen-
timent among business men which
preceded supreme court overthrow of1
that "new deal" agency.
Anything Colonel Knox has to say
rises to special significance in view of
his supposed hopes of carrying the'
Republican standard next year. You
can find folks around Washington
who credit him with the nearest ap-
proach to a national campaign or-
ganization of any of the Republicans
mentioned for the '36 nomination.
* *
In this instance, however, the col-
onel's gift of observation or prophecy
seems to be due for a quick test. With-
in little more than a week after his
New York speech, AAA was canvass-
ing the corn belt, particularly the
corn-hog producers, generally, in
every state, as to whether they want
another AAA curtailment program or
not. Some 4,500,000 corn and hog
growers, regardless of whether they
are cooperating now with Triple-A,
were being asked this specific ques-
"Do you favor a corn-hog adjust-
ment program to follow the 1935 pro-
gram which expires November 30,
The AAA leaflet presenting the
question to the farmers makes the
flat assertion that the answer "rests
with the farmers themselves," that
policy will be determined by their
votes., If, as Colonel Knox believes,
there is widespread revolt against AAA
in such pivotal corn-hog-and-polit-
ical-states as Iowa, Missouri, Ne-
braska, South Dakota, Michigan, In-
diana, Illinois, Ohio and Kansas, it
ought to be clearly indicated in the
referendum returns.
The AAA leaflet is supposed to be
a dispassionate presentation of the
case for farmer consideration; but it
makes a one-sided argument, all in
favor of a further adjustment pro-
gram. Without it, the corn-hog pro-
ducers can only expect downward
price trends, if the AAA analysts have
it right. Warnings of "another pain-
ful production cycle" mark the gov-
ernment argument.
Yet the leaflet does not touch on
the chief fear among AAA enthusiasts
as to what might move corn-hog
farmers to throw the adjustment pro-
gram and its cash benefits overboard.
Colonel Knox did in a way. He held
that collapse of Italy's economic life
under "a system of regimentation"
had forced Mussolini to "the final
adventure of war.""
It is not the "regimentation" aspect
of Italy's position but the prospect
of war-time markets and prices for
American farm products farmers may
see in the new European crisis which
Secretary Wallace and AAA Adminis-
trator Davis think might play upon
the new corn-hog program referen-

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1935 1
VOL. XLVI No. 211
Oratorical Association Lecture
Course: Season tickets are on sale
at the Hill Auditorium box-office
from 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 today.
Sophomores-men and women in-
terested in trying out for the Michi-
ganensian report to the Student Pub-
lication Building on Maynard Street
at 4 o'clock.
Academic Notices
Political Science 2. Make up exam-
ination Saturday, October 26, 9 a.m.,
Room 2037 A. H. Students absent
from the June examination must be
examined at this time to secure credit
in the course.
History Make-up Examinations.
The make-up examinations in all his-
tory courses will be given on Satur-
day a.m. 9-12, October 26, in Room
C. Haven Hall.
Psychology 42. Make-up examina-
ation on Saturday, October 26, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science
Psychology 34. Make-up examina-
tion on Saturday, October 26, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science
Psychology 108. Make-up examina-
tion on Saturday, October 26, at 9:00
a.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science
Events Of Today
English Journal Club will hold a
short business meeting for the pur-
pose of electing new members at 4:15
in 3231 A.H.
Delta Epsilon Pi meeting at the
Michigan Union at seven-fifteen
sharp. Greek students on the campus
are cordially invited to attend. Re-
ports from appointed committees will
be due. This meeting will be im-
portant and all old members must
be present.
Hillel Foundation: Friday Night
Services will take place in the Hillel
Foundation at 7:45, conducted by Mr.

Harry Offenbach. The services will
be followed by a fireside discourse
led by Dr. Heller and a discussion by
the students and the singing of tra-
ditional and Palestinian songs.
Coming Events
Economics Club: Professor F. H.
Knight, of the University of Chicago,
will discuss "Can Reason Govern So-
ciety?" at a meeting of the club to be
held Monday, October 28, 7:45, Room
302 Union. Members of the staffs
in Economics and Business Adminis-
tration, and graduate students in
these departments are cordially in-
All Graduate Students are invited
to attend the over-night trip spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing Club
on Saturday, October 26. The group
will leave Lane Hall at 3 o'clock for
Patterson Lake where they will stay
at the University Boys Camp, which
is situated 25 miles west of Ann Ar-
bor in some of the most beautiful
country in this section. A return to
Ann Arbor will be made by noon
Sunday. The approximate cost of
the trip, including meals, cabins and
transportation will be 80c. Blankets
will be provided. For additional in-
formation call Wayne Whittaker,
Michigan Dames will have a Hallo-
we'en party for Dames and their hus-
bands Oct. 26, Lane Hall, 8:00 p.m.
Old clothes will be worn and prizes
will be given to the worst dressed
man and woman.
Lutheran Student Club: Dr. War-
ren Forsythe, of the Health Service,
will speak Sunday evening, October
27, in the parish hall of the Zion
Lutheran Church, East Washington
Street, on the subject "Student and
His Health."
Supper will be served at 6 o'clock.
All Lutheran students are invited.
Congregational Student Fellowship
Radio Party 2 p.m. Saturday after-
noon, Pilgrim Hall. All Congrega-
tional students are welcome.
Hillel Foundation: The first Sun-
day School session will be held at the
Hillel Foundation on October 27 at
10 o'clock. All planning to attend be
present for registration and enroll-







Letters published in this column should not be
construedas expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however, be regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors aregasked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of over 300 words and to accept or reject
letters upon the criteria of general editorial importance
and interest to the campus.
Scathing Retort
To the Editor:
And when all the smoke blows away, we find our
worthy Medic contemporary maintaining a pre-
carious fence-top straddle hold with respect to
the essential issue. The challenge is still open.
Can it be that the medics, so skilled in the art
of inflicting punishment on helpless patients, are
going to pass up this opportunity of working on
the "defenseless" Lawyers?
Will it be football on the Home-Coming Week-
end, or are you planning to challenge the winner of
the field hockey game?
-The Lawyers.
Campus Forums
To the Editor:
As one interested in bettering the relations be-
tween all groups on the campus, between students
and faculty and especially between the new stu-
dents and their new conditions, let me state that
it would be a most valuable asset to all concerned
if the Freshman Forum which met for the first
time Tuesday could be made into a worthwhile
permanent thing.
As your editorial of Tuesday expressed it, much
good comes from these meetings but unfortunately
they have only been planned to last for three
weeks. The Daily could do a fine bit of service
by sponsoring a move to found a permanent

A Warner Brothers picture starring
Dolores Del Rio and Everett Marshall,
with Guy Kibbee and Allen Jenkins.
This story is typical of the many
sugary plots that are concocted in
Hollywood every other minute. It is
the story of the unpopular singer, who
is ground under foot by the highly
temperamental actress. The hack-
neyed plot finds the singer, unheard
of until the moment in which he is
discovered by a soap manufacturer
(Guy Kibbee) for his radio program.
There is a very obvious similarity be-
tween this and "Broadway Gondo-
lier," in which the odorless cheese is
the motif as well as the point of
The story opens with Everett Mar-
shall achieving fame on a street
corner, and raising from there to a
position of leading man in a play of
Dolores Del Rio. She has a bad time
before she agrees to let him be in
the play with her, but she eventually
relents'and all is well. In fact it is
another of those happy ending things
in which all sorts of complications
arise before the hero, in this case Ev-
erett Marshall, wins over the beautiful
heroine to his charm and art.
The final scene finds both leaving
the point of all their troubles with
Dolores in a wedding dress and the
intended groom chasing the car down
the street crying "wait for me." Of
course if you've never seen this sort
of thing done on the screen before
when it is high time that you did,
but if you're one of those people who
have been to a movie a couple of
times previously you'll find this a re-
enactment of all that has gone be-
fore. As a matter of fact, the voice
of Marshall is all that the producers
had to offer, and Miss Del Rio's pres-

A comedy by Peter Eggq; presented
by Madame Borgny Hammer in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, with Arvid
Paulson and Irving Mitchell.
(Of the English Department)
Peter Egge, the Norwegian novelist
and playwright whose comedy, Love
and Friendship, was presented last
night by Madame Borgny Hammer
and Company, needs some introduc-
tion - though no justification, as
those who saw last night's perfor-
mance will testify - to American
play-goers. This should not be so,
perhaps; but the fact remains that
English-speaking people are for the
most part devoid of any interest in
Scandinavian literature in general.
We have taken Ibsen to our hearts to
be sure; but our forbears were not
too willing to do so, as the humiliat-
ing experiences of William Archer
(Ibsen's translator and British ad-
vocate) seem to indicate. Bjornson,
Jonas Lie, Sigrid Undset, and Selma
Lagerlof are more than names to us;
but there are at least a score of sig-
nificant Scandinavian men of letters
to whose works we are either entirely
oblivious or unforgivably indifferent.
One of these is the Norwegian lands-
maal writer, Olav Dunn; another is
the Danish lyric poet, Johannes V.
Jensen; and certainly a third is Peter
Andreas Egge. There is no need to
argue that Egge's wcrks should all
be rendered into English; but a few
of them are eminently worthy of
wider recognition than the Scandi-
navian tongues can gain for them.
Samlede Folkelivsskildringer, for ex-
ample, has as much right to be pub-
lished in English as Sketches by Boz
has to be translated into Norwegian.
Egge has not always written so wit-
tily and brightly as those who saw
his Love and Friendship might think.
Indeed, his versatility is rather amaz-
ing; and like Ibsen (who doubtless
influenced the soul-searching trilogy
of Egge's later period: Idyllen, Brist,
Narren, 1910-1917,) he has written of
many emotions, in a multiplicity of
forms. His early Romances, some
of them sombre, a number of them
tremendously heavy, are written in a
style which is quite different from
that of Kjaerlighed ogrVenskab
(1904), - the play of last evening,-
in which style some of Egge's critics
find marks of the heavy hand of
Bjornson. As further evidence of
Egge's versatility, let it be remarked

years. Of the dialogue and situations
which Egge provided, however, the
Company did not take the fullest ad-
vantage. Since last night's perfor-
mance was the American premiere
(outside New York), and since it is
customary in premiere productions
for various persons to "blow up"
their lines, the tempo of what is real-
ly a bright and fast-moving comedy
was slowed down to a point where the
imagination of the audience was often
two speeches ahead of the speak-
er. This was especially true in the
first and third acts. Mme. Hammer
herself was miscast as Eva; Mr. Sing-
er, as her eccentric husband, fre-
quently attempted to out-Herod Her-
od, - which, in the estimation of
this humble reviewer, he quite suc-
ceeded in doing. Mr. Mitchell, as.
Harald, contributed some fine bits of
comedy in the first act; but in the
second, owing to some circumstance
entirely beyond comprehension, he
superimposed Brother Crawford's de-
liberateness upon the reading of lines
which should have been spoken as
rapidly as the tongue can move. An
audience which is accustomed to the
break-neck pace of Private Lives can
be well astounded by the fact that
Egge's play was written over thirty
years before Coward's; but it cannot
be satisfied with a lethargic tempo as
it views a play which depends on
speed to make its repartee sound like
something beside country-store give-
and-take. This, then, -slowness,
-was what chiefly marred the first
non-metropolitan production of Love
and Friendship.
The play was translated by Karen
Dryar, with whose philology and
lexicography the present reviewer
can quarrel on only three points: (1)
her use of the word razzing; (2) her
affection for the term dumb-bell; and
(3) her insistence that goodby in
Norwegian must be so long! in Eng-
The rest of the cast included Arvid
Paulson, Elizabeth Cerf, and Betsy
Marvin. The same Company plays
Ibsen's last play, When We Dead
Awaken, tonight.

Ten Years Ago
From The Daily Files
Of Oct. 25, 1925

Michigan. with a fetish to avenge

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