THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE r THE MICHIGAN DATTIY PAQI~ T~IRU r ยข. TO THE LADIES FLOWERS FREE AN SATURDAY NOUNC :1NG TO THE LADIES FLOWERS FREE SATURDAY A THE MAYFAIR SHOP 116 S. MAIN ":" . ..::1't '.'.':". ". ', f' ' ii .::. r .:: fits 'i'W '""f "" I' ' ' "" {.: 9J:rAYyvi Xr!PJ ' .'x ' ::.v . :: } ,; ' ; :: >. ' 4f ' tNy}..tip t , raw:. :{ : ;:' .. . % {ti.. :.k ti .'ti ti.ti; tii i' ':':tip: ":T '. I .':: 'i "' " " .. 1" _'" }}}} y i i .{k{::! .LTY. " ' V " h ; .,., :' : j 4 ,1 7 :f r / 1 ;:;::: '' .K :::, : . f : " ?. ' 'i )) ti '1 . . Opening Sale ST. .. . 2nd Door North of Woolworth's Saturday the Mayfair Shop has its formal opening. Saturday the Mayfair Shop comes to you - to fill a long felt need in Ann Arbor. The name Mayfair suggests fashion - smartness - and it lives up to its name. Here you will find quality you can depend upon at prices that mean genuine savings! For the formal opening, you will find values unequalled in Ann Arbor or the vicinity. Manufacturers co-operated to make this opening a memorable event. We urge that you shop at the Mayfair this Saturday! SATURDAY FULL FASHIONED CHIFFONS "eYou Can Always Depend On Mayfair Quality" PURE C SILK SLIPS pr. Guaranteed First Quality Beautiful, full fashioned, sheer chiffon hose at just 44c a pair! 2500 pairs of these guaranteed first quality hosiery go on sale for our formal opening at this sensational price reduction. All the newest fall shades are here- in all sizes. Every pair guaranteed perfect. A real value achievement for our formal opening! Pure silk slips, tailored styles and im- ported lace trimmed styles. .< Don't miss this! SIZES 34 TO 44 89c PURE-DYE SATIN Attention WHITE Nurses! SERVICE WEIGHT HOSIERY GOWNS . ALL WOOL FULL FASHIONED 2 PAIRS FOR $1.50 79cpro Tailored and imported lace trimmed. Here's a real chance to save! S ROBES 198 $398 000 SATIN AND SILK BLO USES.... ... he newest fall shades ,artest styles - in all . j PURE-DYE' SATIN DANCETTES and CHEMISES All the very newest color combin'.; tions in this group of all wool roes, -offered at a daring new low ptjco for the formal opening Saturday. All t -st sizes E. Tailored and lace trimmed styles - Dancettes in sizes 32 to 36- chemises in sizes 32 to 44. 98c . c' now IMPORTED AFRICAN CAPE 1i ' , ; , , = i ;. I i , ,,11 , II f r _ ALL-WOOL PULL-OVER Navy, Brown, Rust, Purple, SW EATE RSGold, Green, Black and every other wanted fall shade. IT GIRDLES -- BRASSIERES Foundation Garments GLOVES $169 S (111 169 A marvelous selection of newest styles in these sweaters. Don't miss this opening sale feature value. ALL-WOOL SMART NEW Smart, new styles in black or brown - all sizes. Fine quality imported African Cape. JiI SKIRTS HOOVERS BALBRIGGAN PAJAMAS $ 169 98c Two-piece Balbriggan Pajamas - ski angles. Choice of colors - all sizes. Remarkable value for our opening to- 08c Pure wool skirt, smartly and properly tailored to fit perfectly. Sensationally underpriced. Guaranteed fast colors - all sizes - smartly styled. You'll be amazed when you see them. NEW STYLE PURSES INITIALS FREE - It