The Weather Cloudy, cooler southeast por- tion teday, tomorrow partly cloudy. C, 41V SiAr ijattu Editorials Mayor Kelly's Censorship ... Journalists Still The Fourth Estate . . . VOL. XLVI. No. 21. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1935 PRICE FIVE CENTS 4 Changes) Are Made In Rushing) Student Finds Europe Doesn t See African Waar As A Danger Interfraternity Council To Support Restoration 01 Michigan Traditions New Definition Of Rushee Is Adopted Freshmen To Wear Discs For Identification In Rushing Next Fall Four changes in rushing rules and a mention of assurance to the Men's Council that its program to restore Michigan traditions would be sup- ported were adopted by the Interfra- ternity Council last night in its first meeting of the year. Most important of the changes, all of which were of little significance, is the requirement that each rushee shall wear a disc, to be included in his registration fee and to have his name typewritten upon it, through- out rushing next fall. A desire that fraternities would cooperate in this arrangement by themselves employ- ing the discs was generally held by the council. The second change adopted, de- signed to eliminate unnecessary con- fusion to the rushee during the si- lence period, allows each rushee to obtain and return his preference list to the office of the Dean of Students any time between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the first day of the silence period. This year the rushee was required to obtain his preference list before noon and return it after noon. Definitions Made The other two changes referred to definitions: That a rushee shall be any entering undergraduate male student not affiliated with any col- lege fraternity represented on the campus and who has paid his rush- ing tax; 'and that a student eligible to pledge after the pledging Monday shall be any mnle .undergraduate student who has been on campus dur- ing a regular session previous to that year. An amendment to the effect that rushing should end on a Wednesday, thus giving the rushee another day to make his decision, was suggested but was generally regarded as un- favorable by the council. Discussion on the means of insur- ing better attendance at the council kmeetings was held but no conclusion was arrived at. Punitive measures calling for the loss of a vote by the house whose president was absent for three meetings were suggested but not generally approved. The majority of the members present felt thlat such measures should be taken only if the president or an appointed representa- tive were not present. Open House Suggested A suggestion that fraternities hold open house for a large number of rushees on the first Sunday of rush- ing, as a means of facilitating their elimination of rushees, was made, but no decision was reached. George R. Williams, '36, president of the council, urged fraternities to cooperate with Ann Arbor police in preventing fraternity robberies, of which there have been several this year. The question of continuing the fac- ulty-fraternity dinners of last year was discussed by John C. McCarthy, '36, recording secretary of the Union. Although the council did not discuss the question, each house was expected to notify McCarthy of their attitude within the next month. Five alumni were nominated as suc- cessors to William R. Brown as alum- nus member of the executive commit-I tee of the council. They were Alfred B. Connable, Neil Staebler, Dean W. Titus, Paul F. Icerman, and Thomas Hinshaw, all of Ann Arbor. President Ruthven will select one as a repre- sentative of the executive committee. The presentation of the interfra- ternity ,scholarship cup was deferred as Phi Alpha Kappa, the general fra- ternity with the highest scholastic average, is not a member of the cou:n- cil. David A. Schiffler, '37, was elected to represent the fifth district in the executive committee. Plans Discussed For Drama Group Plans for the organization of a new dramatic group were discussed last night in the Garden Room of the D By FRED WARNER NEAL The people in Geneva, home of the League of Nations, and throughout Europe, do not regard the Italo-Ethi- opian war as the forerunner of a gen- eral European conflict, according to Phillip T. Van Zile, '38L, who this summer attended the Students' Inter- national Union in Geneva on -a fel- lowship. "The great majority of persons I met regarded it as nothing but a localized war," he said. He added, however, that "because of the great wave of nationalism sweeping Europe. I'm afraid a war is inevitable within 20 yearts The impression he received at Ge- nova, Van Zile declared, was this summer that Great Britain would notI go as far as provoking hostilities, butI on the other hand, Italy would de- terminedly pursue its course in Ethi-i opia. He was most impressed, however, hei stated, by the fact that "the mind of European youth is being warped. They are being educated, mobilized andt trained in a philosophy that can re- sult only in war. Even in the writing1 of history textbooks this is evidenced." The 30 students from the United States and Europe who attended the Union school in Geneva were "very critical" of the League, he declared. "None of them accepted it as an ideal. They believed that, as a unit, it lacked authority; and that only when the great powers, such as England and France, were agreed on its action, did it have power and force." Van Zile saw such personages on the international front as Pierre La- val, French premier, and Anthony Eden, England's League representa- tive, at first hand, both at sessions of the Council and informally. "The people of Geneva, being very provin- cial, pay little or no attention to them," he said, "and they go about the streets unnoticed." Sessions of the International Un- ion were held from June 9 to Sept. 1. Most American members were from eastern universities, he said, and the European members came from many of the great continental insti- tutions of higher learning. The Union, under the direction of Dr. Pitman Potter of the University toontinued on Page 21 Students Get Work Relief $27,000,000 In Funds Is Set Aside For Salaries Of 100,000Job-Holders Almost All Colleges nclud ed In Plans Institutions Have Selected Students And Designated Their Work WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-- (P) - The Federal government proposes to give part time pay to 9,500 more col- lege studentsthis semester than last. Aubrey Williams, director of the National Youth Administration, which has $27,000,000 of work relief funds for needy high school and col- lege students, said tonight he had completed arrangements with 1,514 colleges to employ 100,352 students. The cost will be $1,503,795 a month, the institutions selecting students and deciding what they are to do. Last year the relief administration spent $1,414,595 a month doing the same things for 94,331 students in 1,446 institutions. The maximum pay is $20 a month. Williams said reports on Conencti- cut, Minnesota, and Hawaii, hadn't come in but that he expected them to bring the total increase to 9,500. New York will have the largest num- ber of students employed, 11,689 in 90 institutions, Nevada the smallest with 97 in one college. Last year some eastern institutions refused to cooperate in the program, which prompted Harry L. Hopkins, relief administrator, to charge they were 'snobbish." Five Harvard. Men Quit Jobs On Publication To End African Hoare Sees Ray Of Hope War As Britain Renews Efforts Abyssinians Really Hamites, Not Negroes Or Jews, Worrell Says, 'I Tropical Gale Lashes Cuba; Report Death Communication Lines Are Destroyed; Roofs, Walls Piled UpIn Ruins SANTIAGO, Cuba, Oct. 22. - (A) - A tropical hurricane smashed into the eastern end of Cuba today, isolat- ing a huge area, taking an undeter- mined number of lines and dealing tremendous damage to property. A widespread loss of life, officials feared would be disclosed when shat- tered communication lines are re- stored. One person, at least, was killed here and five injured. Roofs were blown from houses and walls crumbled choking streets with debris. 'The force of the storm apparently was much harder to the east, which was isolated tonight. In that section are Guantanamo Bay and Caimanera, where a United States Naval station is situated. Baracoa, an important banana shipping city, and other points were cut off. A telegram to the Associated Press in Havana from Commander Cooke,' commandant of the United States Naval Station atGuantanamo Say, this afternoon said: "No known loss of life or personal1 injuries in this vicinity. No heavy property damage at Naval Station and none reported this vicinity. Maxi- mum wind velocity at naval station 60 miles an hour." Reports from the Belen Observatory at noon said- the center of the dis- turbance still was hovering over the' middle of Oriente Province. So un- certain was the course of the disturb- ance, which blew in early today from the Caribbean, that observatories lost track of it for a while. S.C.A. Will Help In SettingUp - Hi-Y The Student Christian Association voted in its meeting held last night in Lane Hall, to assist the Ann Arbor High School students in establishing a Hi-Y organization. The work will start immediately. Plans for the vocational study group were also discussed. The work' of this study group will go ahead with the help of University officials. Four distinct and separate discussion groups ranging in subject matter from comparative religion to econ- omics were set up. Plans for the an- nual S.C.A. sociology trip to Chicago were reported on by Miriam Hall. No definite date has been set for the trip. Class Games To Be Staged ThisSaturday Freshman And Sophomore Leaders Make Threats For BlackFriday This fall's freshmen-sophomore games will be held Saturday after- noon, it was announced by William R. Dixon, '36, president of the Men's Council, at the Interfraternity Coun- cil meeting last night. Contrary'to a previous announce- ment that the games would be held the week-end of the Pennsylvania game, Saturday afternoon was select- ed as a time which would not inter- fere with Saturday classes. Rumors of evil doings by both freshmen and sophomores on Black Friday, traditionally the night before the games, were being circulated by the respective class leaders. In speaking before the Interfrater- nity Council, Dixon emphasized the necessity of keeping this year's activi- ties free from disgraceful incidents, threatening that any violations of de- cency would be strongly disciplined. Final arrangements for the week- end will be announced in tomorrow's Daily. President Wins Race With Tropical Storm ABOARD THE U.S.S. HOUSTON EN ROUTE TO THE UNITED STATES, Oct. 22. - (/P)--President Roosevelt's ship, having apparently outraced the Caribbean hurricane, prepared today to make a direct run' to Charleston, S. C., for anchorage" late tonight. Clear weather and milder seas were found after a run through gales last night. No concern was felt about the slow-moving hurricane astern. The President will go ashore at Charleston tomorrow afternoon and possibly speak there before boarding a special train for his return to the White House Thursday morning. SPHINX MEETS TODAY Sphinx will hold a luncheon meet- ing in the Union today. Sanford Ladd, '37, president, urges a full at- tendance. By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR,. The beliefs held by many well-edu- cated Americans that the people of war-torn Abyssinia are "Negroes" or have "the Jewish blood dominant" are altogether incorrect, Prof. William H. Worrell of the oriental languages and literatures department points out in the autumn edition of the Michigan Alumnus Quarterly Review. Although the conviction that the Abyssinians are Negroes is sufficiently prevalent in Negro centers in the United States to cause Negro-Italian riots among schoolchildren, Professor Worrell maintains that the inhabi- tants of Abyssinia "would be surprised at being called Negroes." Rather, Professor Worrell writes, the people of Abyssinia are basically Rlamites, although "certain Negro elements may be seen in physical ap- pearance and psychic traits, and Se- mitic elements in appearance, psychic traits, and language." Hamitic Branch Identified Linguists and philologists agree, Professor Worrell states, in identify- ing throughout Africa the Hamitic branch of the Mediterranean white race "which, in varying degrees and kinds of combinations with Negroes and Bushmen, extends from Morocco to the Cape. On the east side (of the African continent and locally in Abyssinia) there is a block of people whom we call Cushitic Hamites . . these people, while definitely touched with a negroid strain of very ancient origin, are fundamentally not negroid in the sense of any recent mixture, and would be surprised at being called Negroes. "As one proceeds still farther south the Negro element increases and ap- pears to be of comparatively recent origin." Newspaper photographs of Em- peror Haile Selasye (or Selassie) have helped to cement in the minds of many persons the myth of the Negroid or Semitic extraction of the Abyssin- ians, Professor Worrell points out. The Emperor's face, the writer says, is of a very definite, familiar Jewish type, in which Hamitic traits are not very apparent. The American press, in its frantic search for words which will "fit" in -- - :t- Pictured above is Degiac Haile Selassie Gugsa (not to be confused with the Emperor), who typifies in a remarkable degree the character- istic features of the Abyssinian. Note the essentially non-negroid visage. The complexion is lighter than that of the southern African Negro, and the nose is long and thin. Gugsa is shown in the uniform of the Italian colonial forces which he donned after deserting his father- land. The picture was sent by telephone from Rome to London and thence by radio to New York. headlines, has popularized "Ethiopia," for what should properly be known as "Abyssinia." The term "Ethiopia," (Continued on Page 2) Two Obscene Articles Are Named In Proceedings Against Officers CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Oct. 22. - (P) - Five officers of the Harvard Advo- cate, undergraduate monthly banned from newsstands here Saturday be- cause of the alleged obscenity of two of its articles, resigned tonight at the request of Assistant District Attorney Frank G. Volpe. The officers of the ordinarily staid literary magazine said they were told by Volpe to resign or appear in court. The student officers were John J. Slocum, '36, of Charleston, S.C., pres- ident; Gerard Piel, '37, of Salisbury, Conn., business manager; J. Leb Boyle, of Somerville, secretary; Rob- ert S. Chafee, '36, of Cambridge, cir- culation manager; and Charles A. Haskins, of Cambridge, treasurer. The magazine was banned by Chief of Police Timothy F. Leahy as the re- sult of an anonymous letter which de- nounced two of its articles for "in- decency" and "the smuttiest of vul- garity." After tonight's two-hour confer- ence, Volpe issued a statement which said: "It is about time that college au- thorities maintained a rigid supervi- sion over the childish literary efforts of these embryonic authors who seem to think it a mark of distinction and cleverness to dish up dirt for the edification of their immature minds." Commons Weighs Problem In A Three-Day Debate Before Dissolution 'No Quarrel With Fascism,' Is Claim 'Breathing Spell' Remains Before Economic Action Starts Against Italy LONDON, Oct. 22. - () - A new British peace call to Premier Mus- solini was sounded in the House of Commons today when Parliament be gan a three-day debate on the in- ternational situation, preliminary to dissolution and the national elec- tions Nov. 14. Striking a definitely conciliatory note, Sir Samuel Hoare, foreign sec- retary, summed up the Italo-Ethio- pian situation with assurances that sanctions to be taken against Italy were economic and not military. He pleaded that there is still time to work out an honorable and acept- able African peace agreement. Hoare's speech caused vigorous op- position attacks on Government pol- icies, led by Maj. Clement Richard Atlee, Laborite, and Sir Herbert Sam- uel, Liberal, which furnished a key- note for the election, expected to be fought out largely on international issues. Reaffirms Amity With Italy Reaffirming British friendship for Italy, Hoare declared that there was no quarrel with Fascism, noted that Italy is still a member of the League and said there was still "a breathing spell left before the application of economic pressure begins." "Cannot this eleventh hour change be so used as to make it unnecessary to proceed further along this unat- tractive road of economic action against a fellow member, an old friend and a former ally?" he asked. Robert W. Bingham, the United States ambassador; Ambassador Dino Grandi, of Italy, and a dozen other diplomats were in the gallery as the session began with Hoare's declara- tion that the League is one of the greatest institutions which mankind ever attempted to build. He expressed belief that Leaguekec- onomic pressure decided upon against Italy would "definitely shorten the duration of war." Denies Military Agreement Of military sanctions, he said that a collective agreement at Geneva, which is a prerequesite for the en- forcement of such sanctions, "has never existed * * * and such measures, therefore, have never formed any part of our policy. Expressing disbelief that anyone in Europe wants war, Sir Samuel said "how unscrupulous, in view of these facts,that propagandists hold us up as war mongers who are determined to plunge the world into a general conflagration." Remarks also were directed toward "alien slanders" and "lies" against British conduct in the dispute. Ethiopians Mowed Down Impatient Ethiopian wai-;n the northern front were reod Tuesday in an Exchange Te1 : h dispatch from Addis Ababa -he defied the orders of Dedjazma h&, eleu and charged into a dea h 'i '. near the Sudan border. Ayeleu himself was reported ser- iously wounded and hundreds of his followers who forced him into battle were said to have been killed. Runners who carried the word to Addis Ababa said the reckless Ethi- opians were shot down by hundreds of machine guns of an Italian moun- tain unit. The messengers said that Ayeleu, following strategy laid down by Em- peror Haile Selassie's advisers-re- treat that would draw invaders into .unfamiliar country far from supply bases-- tried to dissuade his warriors from the attack, but consented to lead them when convinced they were out of hand. On receipt of word of the clash, Haile Selassie sent a physician by air- plane to care for Dejazmatch Aye- . wda. v j Lawyers Challenge Any Or All Corners To Football Tussle The lawyers are not sissies, and they'll lick anyone who thinks they are!! Stung to the. quick by sneers at the manliness of "the Laws" by the Michigan Alumnus after their field hockey game last May with a wom- en's team, a group of law students, many of them veterans of that game, after biding their indignation through the summer vacation, last night is- sued a challenge to any 11 men on the campus to meet them in a foot- ball game sometime during the Home- coming week-end. The challenge, it was emphasized, is directed especially to the medical or engineering schools. In the "Conning the Campus" fea- ture in the May 25 issue of the Al- umnus appeared more than a column of remarks like: "All dressed up in short panties and with padded pro- stectors wrapped solicitously about their shapely ankles, 11 bold bad Laws trotted out on the women's athletic field, went into their 'pep- up' huddle, and then had"one heck of a time holding the girls to a 1-1 tie in two 15-minute periods." So the lawyers, their pride deeply wounded, besides having scheduled another field hockey fray for 3:45 p. m. next Saturday ,have marshalled their huskiest, including a former Colgate All-American guard and sev- eral ex-Varsity men, and will take on all comers. Only members of the present Var- sity squad are ineligible, according to the challenge. The lawyers even offer to provide a band for the occasion. Rendezvous Club Will Two Killed And Nine Wounded Is Strike Toll Longshoremen Engaged In Battles At Houston And Lake Charles,_La. LAKE CHARLES, La., Oct. 22.- (P) - One man was shot and killed and nine others were shot and wounded late today in an outbreak of violence hostilities in the Interna- tional Longshoremens Association strike at the Port of Lake Charles. Some of those wounded were taken to the hospital in critical condition. All of those felled by the gunfire were reported to be members of the special dock guard of 75 veteran of- ficers, -armed with machine guns, rifles and other ammunition. HOUSTON, Tex., Oct. 22. - () - One man was dead and two others were reported missing as police and strike pickets increased their lines today in the international longshore- mens' association strike on the Texas gulf coast. Galveston port officials, expecting a "crisis" in the ten day old strike added 15 men to the special water- front police. Kingston Placed Under Martial Law KINGSTON, St. Vincent, B. W. I., Oct. 22. -(P) -British marines held this island under martial law tonight after two days of rioting, in which three persons were killed. Belligerent negroes, angered by la- bor troubles and aroused because of race feeling as a result of the Italo- Ethiopian war, were restrained by World's Binest 'Best Seller' celebrates 400th Anniversary Identification Cards Asked For Penn Game Student admittance to the Homecoming game with Pennsyl- vania Saturday, Nov. 2, will prob- ably depend on the recently is- sued identification -cards in addi- tion to the regular ticket, it was announced yesterday by the Dean of Students office. Final action towards making the identification cards vital to admittance will be determined by the Athletic Asso- ciatinn in a meetingr Mondav. By MARY CAMPBELL The world's biggest "best seller" has a birthday this month. First translated into English just, 400 years ago, the Bible will be cele- brated this month as a dominant influence on modern civilization by groups of prominent people through- out the English-speaking world. University students will have an opportunity to participate in this cele- bration through a special exhibit of very old and unique Bibles being ar- ranged this week in the library under the direction of Dr. W. W. Bishop, University librarian. Of particular interest to Michigan students on the occasion of this cele- bration is a modern translation of the TTHbrw ible recently isq Pr byPnf this first translation of the Bible, translations are still being made. In this work an attempt was made to give the Bible the best translation into American language possible and to make it an up-to-date, dignified and inexpensive edition. "This is the first time that the work of translating the Bible has been divided into sections, and the portions given to ones who are specialists in those respective divisions of the Bible." The New York Times Magazine, in a recent review of the more important of the translations, outlined the work done by Jews, Catholics and Protes- tants each in their turn since the dawn of the Christian era. Early in